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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Lund smiles softly as she curses him and his ways of tempting her. "Its certainly my fault for loving you so much." He presses his lips to hers passionately kissing her. His lips break away nibbling on her neck as he slowly works his way downwards. He reaches for the wine smiling as he drips some across the front of her breast leaning in to kiss and suck at it. He doesnt catch all of it even as he rips the front of her dress slightly wanting to pour the wine on her breast. He does just that smiling as he latches on to one of her wine covered nipples.
Her lips curl into a smirks as she reaches up to tear as her ripped shirt, freeing her breasts from amid the now ruined dress. Once against she gives him a soft tsk, tsk, tsk sound, "What has we spoken about when it comes to my dresses? I had liked this one you know. Now I won't be able top wear it ever again." Even as she spoke the scolding words towards him she was slipping the ruined clothing down her form. Over her hip and down her legs.
He smiles softly as he places another soft kiss on her breast. His hands start travelling down her body slowly as her dress falls down. His hands grab her hips as he kisses down from her breast to kiss her stomach lightly. "It was going to be stained with wine juice love." He smiles as he lifts her hips up to place her on the table moving up between her legs. "I do apologize though."
She places her hands on his shoulders as she feels him lifting her. It's a slightly unbalanced feeling at first but when the surface of the table comes against her rear, she lets go and leans back upon the table top, her knees remaining together however as she smiled at him. "You had best promise me a new dress exactly like that one if you don't want me being cross."
Lund smiles as he leans down to kiss her legs softly. He looks up into her eyes warmly. "I'll promise you a hundred new dresses if you want love." He moves to pour some wine on her stomach kissing and licking it up slowly. "One new dress just like it. I promise my love." His lips move to press against hers warmly with a smile.
She can't help but smile against his lips and laugh a little at the mess he was making. Their was wine all over the place now. More of it seemed to have gotten on the table and the floor then on her by now and now that she sat on the table, they risked the food still on the table with her going all over the place as well. She still sat there, legs together though one arms was swung around his neck, "One more thing.... YOU will be cleaning up this mess you are making. I'm not about to get stuck doing it and I'll be far to embarrassed to have a maid do it."
Lund laughs softly as he nods glancing over the mess he had made. "Of course love. It will be worth it darling." He begins kissing down her neck nipping softly as he nuzzles her neck. His fingers trail along her still closed legs hoping to entice her into opening them for him. His eyes lock on to hers as he presses his lips to hers.
Kiana sighs into this kiss a little bit as her legs seem to give a little for him. The part just enough to him to slip his hands in to pry them the rest of the way open. "Why do I find I can not ever say no to you? It's like you have bewitched me with some kind of magical spell that makes me do things I know I should not."
He smiles feeling her legs part for his hand. His fingers push her legs open alittle more as his fingers touch her soft pussy lips. He smiles as he first touches them quickly beginning to slide his fingers along them. "I could say the something about you darling. Your beauty and kindness has bewitched me."
The moment his fingers rub there was over his seemingly always eager lips, she could not help but quiver against his touch. "Perhaps one of us is a witch," she commented playful, just wanting to continue with the light mood of this moment with him. Light and playful and able to forget their troubles for now. That was how she was liking it and want it to be.
He smiles as he uses his free hand to begin opening her legs fully and slowly. As he does this his fingers continue to press against her lips enjoying the way she quivers. "How do we find out which one is the witch." He smiles dipping his head to claim a nipple between his lips as two fingers push into her.
He's actions pull a whimper and a moan from her lips as she lets her legs slip open more and more for him till she was wide and spread for him, her breathing rising up to a quickened pace, pulse beating at a faster beat. "Oh.... I think it's you. For the things you do to me are so very wicked."
Let's out a soft laugh as be eases himself between her legs slowly. "Exactly what I would expect a witch to say." He playfully bites at her stomach and breast. His lips lightly caresses her skin as his fingers begin to move faster. He waits for just the right moment which comes after his fingers hit her sweet spot before abruptly pulling them out. Without hesitation he plunges into her tenderly with his manhood.
Kiana quickly had grown lost in this touch and the movements of his fingers that she forgot all about the little game they had been playing. Her mind went to just one place. Well, two when his lips would make contact with her body here or there. There was a moment in the few seconds between his fingers leaving her and his return to her that she whimpered and looked to him as if to ask why he had done that. But before words could escape her lips, he filled her and stopped and kind of response, getting instead a deep moan of approval from him as she fell back on the table, laying then among the plates still filled with their lunch. "Dear gods Lund!"
He smiles seeing the look of disapproval as his fingers leave her. He groans whispering her name as he plunges into her stopping slowly. His lips move to capture hers as he begins thrusing softly into her. "Oh goddess Kiana I love you.". He keeps thrusting slowly whispering her name lovingly.
To head him express his love to her, it just warmed her to her very heart and soul. Her raised her to brush against his cheek, stroking his face as they kissed, eventually pulling her lips back to instead rest her forehead against his as the made love. "I'm happy to hear that because I love you to. It's good to always hear you confess it to me my love." She kissed the tip of his nose as she nudged her hips against his gently.
He keeps his hips movingly slowly still being gently as he looks into her eyes. "I'll run to the top of the manor screaming it out if it would please you my love." His fingers caress along her skin as he breathes slowly whispering her name ever so often. "Would you like to try going alittle faster my love? Can you handle it?"
She knew it was a bad idea but then again they were already doing something that was a bad idea for her healing so what was one more no no in a situation that felt so right deep inside her own heart? She nodded her head light. "Maybe just a little bit faster? No to fast but... it would be nice. And yelling it is not necessary. I actually like when you say it for only me to hear."
He nods to her words smiling softly for her. His bios begin thrusting jus alittle faster, but ready to slow Down if needed. His head drops to her neck tenderly kissing before he whispers just for her hearing. "I love you Kiana." His lips move closer to her ear placing another kiss and softly whispered just for her once more. "I love you Kiana."
She can't help but smile, for his sweet whispers were warming her heart more then she could ever say. Once upon a time, she didn't think she ever would need sweet words of love. Never thought she would need a husband or a family. But now that she had them, she could not live without them. It was like the words powered her very being. Her hips moved softly against his while her lips moved to his ear, letting him hear her soft moans before she whispered, "Say it again..."
He smiles kissing her neck as he moved to whisper once more. "I love you kiana. I love you so much." He kisses neck thrusting alittle faster as her hips buck up against his. He bites her earlobe softly as he begins to whisper once more. "I love you Kiana."
His words of love were intoxicating. They filled her head and made her body's arousal only heighten to levels beyond anything she knew before. Well, maybe not ever before but at the moment it sure seemed like it. Sure felt like the best sex ever. Then again, every time felt like the best time when it came to sex with him. "Again..." she whispered before getting breathy and her back arched up into his body, one leg wrapping around him. "Again!" If she was asking for the words or the thrusting was unclear.
He smiles his hands roaming her body letting his fingers trace patterns into her skin. "I love you Kiana." he whispers each word and with each word he thrust alittle deeper into her body nuzzling her neck. "I love you Kiana." again each word accompianed by a deep thrust for each word of love he whispered to her.
"Yes," she whispered between heated panting. "Oh gods, gods yes Lund..." she was starting to loose it, that feeling of great pressure building inside her as she wrapped her other leg around him for the end of the ride. Arms flung around his neck, holding herself tight to him as she nipped lightly as his chin. "Yeah... yeeeeees."
His thrus pick up more speed as he continues to whisper the words accenting them with three deeper thrust. His hands dip to hold on to her hips as he groans softly. "I want you to carry another child for us love. I want to see your belly swell with our combined love." He presses his lips to hers hungrily as he thrust.
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