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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Lund smiles turning back towards Sarah as she sucks on his finger. "Well Ill do what I can for Lily, but Im afraid shes gotten herself into a deep hole on this one." He sighs softly as he presses his forehead to hers smiling happily. "Have you feed our daughter yet this morning love? I think she might be just alittle hungry."
Kiana sighed and reached over to take Sarah from his arms, "I have but someone has been a bit of a little piggy lately so I'm sure she wants more." Sarah held onto her father's finger even as it slipped from her mouth, refusing to let him go. Even when Kiana pulled her dress down to let Sarah feed, still the baby kept a firm hold on his finger, making Kiana giggle, "She's got you held prisoner."
Lund laughs softly as Sarah refuses to let his finger go. He leans over to kiss Sarahs head smirking as he turns his head to kiss Kiana's breast before pulling back. "It seems I am at her mercy my beloved." He smiles as he wraps an arm around Kiana holding on to her tightly. "What do you think she plans on doing with her prisoner?"
The moment that he kisses Kiana's breast, Sarah yanks at his fingers and makes a very possessive little "UGH!" kind of baby sound at him. Kiana can't help but laugh so hard it almost seems to hurt her sides, "I don't know but I think she doesn't want you touching what she seems to think belongs to her."
Laughs softly as he smiles touching Sarah's head nodding slowly. "I see. Well I certainly think she might be wrong on that darling. I do believe I was in possession of them before she was." He sticks his tongue out at Sarah as he kisses her head softly nodding to Kiana softly.
Kiana could not help but smile at this amusing moment they were having. It was one of those moments that would become a story for when Sarah was much older. "You might have been but she seems to disagree with you over it now. I would also think she would agree that your finger now belongs to her as well." Kiana motioned to how Sarah was still holding to his hand tight, even as she fed.
Lund nods softly as he begins gently pulling on Sarah's hand as she holds tight to his finger. "Well I dont think Im in a position to really argue with her over this." He leans down to kiss Sarah's hand softly as he lets her feed quietly. He lays his head on Kiana's shoulder smiling. "So how did you sleep darling? Did you enjoy our talk."
"Talk?" she asks clearly a little bit confused. Suddenly she was blushing, "Darling from what I remember of last night, there was not exactly a lot of talking we were doing if you... know what I mean." And she knew he did.
"Well I was referring more to your boast of giving us a son then perhaps another daughter and as on after that. Do you truly not remember any of that darling?" He lets out a soft laugh as he kisses her cheek tenderly. "It was quite amusing actually."
"I spoke of giving you more children last night? Well... I have often thought about it but..." she was almost afraid to ask as she saw how amused her husband was over whatever was said between them last night, "Exactly... how did the conversation go?"
"Well you said we would need a boy to be my heir and then we could always use another girl to play with Sarah. I think the second boy came from you not wanting to put the first boy through having to play dress up with his sisters." He laughs softly as he leans back against the couch slowly as he winks at Kiana. "You really are quite amusing when your mind is drifting to sleep and someone talks with you."
She sighed a little bit, almost seeming relieved. "That's all I said? Well I suppose it is the truth." She almost seemed to think back on last night and feel like there was more to what they had spoken about then just that, but she just could not put her finger on what this feeling was that was in her head. "Did we.... talk about anything else?"
He smiles as he rubs Sarahs head winking at the girl. "Well the discussion did go to how we were going to get all of these children. Give me a moment to see if I can recall your exact answer." There is laughter in his words as he draws it out taping on his chin slowly. "Ahh yes. You said with lots and lots of sex in as many places as you could think of."
The blush on her cheeks grow to a bright, vivid RED with complete and utter embarrassment. She looked down at the baby and was thankful she'd be to young to ever recall this conversation between her parents taking place. And then... as she thought about it, Kiana meekly said, "I mentioned a.... chair......... didn't I?"
Lund leans over kissing her cheek softly his lips moving up to her ear nibbling gently. "Ohh yes you definitely mentioned a chair my darling beloved." he laughs softly letting his warm breath brush over her neck as he nuzzle nibbling on her neck tenderly. "What is it you planned on using the chair for? I'm very curious to know."
She keeps on blushing and seems to shy away a moment from his playful teasing before she sighs a little and leans back into him to allow him to keep on going at teasing her like that. "Well.... a chair is for sitting love. Don't you know that? We are sitting in a chair at this very moment. I don't know what else it would be for."
He smiles nuzzling her neck even further. He playfully nips at her neck. "I think you had another idea for a chair. I think you ment it to be used for something other then sitting." He let's his hand drop to her knee squeezing before he straightens up smiling happily.
She shakes her head a little bit, giving him a tsk, tsk, tsk sound as she adjusts Sarah, who had loosened her grip upon her mother's tit, to place the baby against her shoulder, patting her back gently and then rubbing at her little back to sooth her into an after lunch nap so that her mother and father could have their lunch. "Your mind is still as wicked as every Lund. Why not put your wicked self to some good use and get us something to eat?"
He laughs softly as he watches her sooth Sarah after her meal. "My wicked mind darling? I believe you were the one who mentioned using the chair last night before you fell asleep." He smirks as he leans over to kiss her cheek lovingly. "And if your hungry Ill send for food for us. Hopefully father will let the maids bring us something." He moves to the door passing the order on to a maid passing by.
The little maid bobs a curtsy and goes off to fetch them a meal for two. Meanwhile, Kiana had gotten to her feet and was slowly walking about the room, still gently rubbing her hand over the babies back, humming lightly to her, "I'm sure your father is too busy to actually stop food from coming to us. Though I'm sure you'll need to at least show your face at dinner tonight with tomorrow looming over us."
Lund thanks the maid as she goes off. He shuts the door turning back to his wife and daughter. "Unless my father comes down here and drags me to the dinner table I wont go." He moves towards them gently holding out his arms wanting to hold Sarah for alittle. "Let me have her for awhile darling."
Kiana had never had to give up the baby to anyone before. But she was happy to be giving her over to her father's strong hands this time. She walked across the room to him, carefully handing Sarah into his grasp and of course acting like the fussy mother the whole time, "Now don't get here to worked up. She needs her nap soon."
Laughs softly as he begins to tease Sarah sticking out his tongue. "I wouldnt dream of it darling." He nibbles on Sarah's hand as he moves to sit with her teasing her. His fingers move to tickle her belly laughing softly as he whistles softly. "Besides if she plays alittle it will help her sleep during her nap." He keeps nibbling on her hand.
Kiana put her hands on her hip and shook her head as she watched him teasing the baby, her eyes instantly perking open again as she flinches and squirms around, her way of playing back with her father for the time. That doesn't look like not getting her worked up to me..." The baby almost seems to punch her father in the face while he was nibbling on her little hand.
Lund turns his head to wink at her. He leans down playfully recoiling from the punch from his daughter. "Do you see that? She punched me." He playfully growls as she descends on her stomach pretending to nibble and blow on it producing a loud sound. "Hahaha. I got you now my precious little daughter."
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