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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

The maid hits the ground, at first not seeming to know what has happened, but then of course she looked up, seeing Jas there, fleeing the room and she of course acts like any young maid would when she sees a man fleeing her ladies' rooms in the morning. "AHHH!!" she screamed out.
He glances back towards Lily swallowing quickly before he turns rushing out of the rooms. He whispers a silent prayer hoping Lily can calm the maid. He ducks down a few different corridors slowing down after the first few turns trying to calm his breathing as he keeps glancing over his shoulder.
Try as she could, Lily could not calm the maid. Well, she did at least enough to stop her screaming but by then, attention had already been brought to the situation and words indeed spread like wildfire through the manor. Within the hour, everyone was whispering about how Lily had a man in her room all night long... but no one knew who it had been. The maid had not seen Jas's face. All she knew was it was a man and Lily was refusing to answer exactly who it was. Not even to her father, who was raging mad. The morning was not going to be very quiet it seemed.
Had manages to get back to his own small rooms swallowing heavily expecting the doors to come bursting open at any time. He flops on to his bed wiping his brow. He quietly makes a few inquiries to some of the other maids finding out whats going on. An hour later he receives a letter to report to angus. He buckles on his sword rushing to report nervously knocking. "You sent for me captain?"
Angus was alone in the room, bidding Jas to enter and to close the door behind him. Once that was done... "What did you think you were doing.... and do you realize what you have done?" was all Angus said, his arms crossed as she glared at Jas. Allowing him to answer before telling him exactly what he had done.
Jas swallows slowly his hands held firmly behind his back as he watches Angus. "I'm not sure what you mean sir." He half smiles as he stands firm not ready to admit anything until it's been presented to him. "I have heard of some ruckus this morning, but wasn't sure what to make of it though." He keeps his smile swallowing heavily.
Angus is not smiling, "Nice try. I know Jas. I'm not that much older then you that I am blind. I have my wits about me and I know that the only man that would have been in Lily's room would be you. I'm not going to turn you in lad. The consequences of your actions last night and this morning are punishment enough." Angus sighed. "The lord is so upset that he has decided.... Lily is to remain locked in her room until he has decided what to do with her. He has postponed his judgment upon her until AFTER the duel.... and I am to personal make sure she is well guarded until such time. Which means the plans to leave here today are now ruined. I can't leave which means you best pray to the gods and goddesses that Lund never finds out you were the cause for his wife not being able to flee this place. Your foolishness has left Lady Kiana, her baby, MY wife, MY son, and your Lily in danger of Jak's wrath should he win tomorrow's duel."
He swallows softly as his smile slowly vanishes. Sweat slowly appears on his forehead as his body tenses up at each word. "Captain there must be something you can do. Lily and I were going to ask the priest to marry us while we waited at the temple." He steps forward his eyes wide. "I went to see her Ill admit and while talking I dozed off without meaning to." He glances down his hands coming together as he rubs them. "I never ment to spend the night my captain."
Angus rose up, shaking his head, "There is nothing that can be done. The lord's choice on this matter is final. Nothing will change it, so don't think to go talking to him about it. All that will do is get you literally split into two." Angus went to the door, "All you can do now is pray for Lund to win his battle. All our futures and our possible happiness depends on it now. All because you had poor control over yourself. I have to go to my post now. And you best not even try to make another foolish choice to come for Lily. I'm her guard now and I'll not let any man pass with his life. Even you."
Jas swallows his head dropping slightly. "I didn't mean for this to happen my captain." He runs his fingers through his hair as he turns to follow Angus to the door. "Are you sure there is nothing else we can do? If it would help I will give myself up for lily's sake.
He stops and turns to face him, shaking his head, "You've done enough Jas. All you can do now is stand ready to defend Lily and Lady Kiana should Lund fall." Angus thought to send at least Kiana, Nessa, and the children off with Jas, but decided against it. JAs had proven to be a poor judge with Lily, and Angus did not trust the rash youth that still had much self control to learn with the women and babes.


Kiana sat on the sofa in her rooms, cradling Sarah in her arms, and feeling terrible conflicted with herself. Part of her was terribly distressed that they would be unable to flee as planned to the safety of the temple and yet part of her was glad. She had more time with Lund and could stand by him through this terrible disaster. Well, stand by him up until the duel. She could never bring herself to watch her husband possibly fall.
He nods softly as he turns away swallowing again. "I'm sorry I messed things up for your plans my captain. I just wanted to hold Lily as she fell asleep." He turns to step to the door his head still hung down. "I'll pack my things and be gone be gone by nightfall."


Lund steps into the room smiling as he sees Kiana with Sarah. "I don't think I've ever seen father this angry. He's ordered Lily to be locked into her room until the duel is finished then her punishment will be announced." He begins pacing uttering a few words of anger as he moves. He shakes his head moving to sit next to Kiana after making a few rounds in the floor.
Kiana tries to give him a smile as she leans a bit against his shoulder. "I'm sort of glad. We get one more night with you. This time the both of us. I think Sarah would like an evening with her father and his whistling." She looks down at the baby who in turn looked up with her usual curious look on her face to Kiana then to Lund.

After a sigh though, "But that is this evening. You should spend the day preparing shouldn't you? You'll want to be warmed up for... tomorrow."
Lund smiles softly as he wraps an arm around her softly. "I'm sort of glad as well darling. I was worried about what would happen to you two out there." He places a soft kiss on Kiana's lips smiling warmly. "My whistling mmm. Well now who am I to disappoint our lovely daughter." He smiles taking Sarahs hand whistling lightly. He pauses for a moment. "There's nothing more left for me to prepare. I've already discussed it with Angus."
The baby looks quite content as she grasps hold of her fathers finger tightly, watching his lips and still seeming to wonder where the sound was coming from. All she knew was it only happened when he was around and that's all she seemed to care about.

Her mother on the other hand was not as content, "You're sure? When was the last time you actually picked up a sword Lund? You're sure you have the skills still for it?"
Lund smiles enjoying the look of fascination on his daughters face. He gives another small whistle before turning to look at Kiana. "Ive picked up my sword a few times since I returned. Angus and I have been doing a few practices here and there." He leans down kissing his daughters hand softly. "Besides he told me there wasnt anything more for me to learn or do that wouldnt make me overthink the fight."
"Then... we have you for this day?" Kiana last, unable to hide the bit of hopefulness in her voice. "It would be nice, don't you agree Sarah?" Kiana bent down to kiss the babe on the forehead. For a moment, Sarah looked up to her mother before her attention when right back to her father.

Shaking her head, Kiana knew then that Sarah was destined to be a daddy's girl. As long as her daddy was going to be around.

"I wonder what Lily was thinking..." Kiana said suddenly with a light shake of her head.
Lund laughs softly as he as he whistles again for his daughter. "I think she so enjoys this whistling. Im almost sorry for the day she learns to whistle herself. Then she wont enjoy my whistling so much." He cradles Sarah close continuing to hold her and whistling every few minutes for her. "Of course you get me for the day." He sighs hearing Lily's name. "I dont know what she was thinking. Maybe she wasnt love, but we have to worry about that later."

(im assuming you ment lily not Sarah)
((Yeah, I did. Edited it))

Kiana puts her head on his shoulder as she gently runs her fingers over Sarah's few little hairs on her head softly. "I knew she loved that boy. I just didn't ever think she'd act on it. I sometimes wonder if it's real love between them or just young puppy love."
Lund shrugs softly as he smiles at Kiana. "Im not sure. We may never be able to tell really." He moves to kiss Kiana's forehead lightly. "Well in the mean time we have our beautiful daughter to tease and enjoy her laughter." He leans in nibbling on little Sarah's hand laughing softly. "Perhaps they really do love each other."
"Laugh?" Kiana says with a skeptical look on her face, "Lund darling she's still too young for laughing. Oh sure, when she is old enough I'm sure you'll have her giggling up a storm with that whistling of yours, but you still have a bit of a wait for that." She hoped he'd be able to see it happen too. "Well I do hope it's love. I need to talk with her over it after this trouble has passed. If I'm even allowed in to see her. Who knows what kind of judgment your father will pass on her."
He nods softly as he smirks. "Well I cant wait till she laughs. Im sure it will be a joyous sound." He whistles again as he nibbles on Sarah's hand teasing the small girl. "Well I wish one of you would talk to her darling. Im afraid she might have over stepped her bounds by a few leaps." He sighs shaking his head softly. "It was all I could do to keep father from walling up Lily in a tower to keep her away from this boy who fled her rooms."
Kiana could believe that. "Well isn't that would you would have done if it was your teenage daughter and a boy?" She laughed lightly looking down the baby who was trying to pull her father's finger into her mouth, "One day that MAY very well be you if Sarah grows up to be like the rest of us in this family."
He laughs softly watching Sarah. He teases her as he slowly lets her finger get pulled into her mouth. "I would wall the tower up. Dont you think I wouldnt darling." He smiles as he leans over to nip at Kiana's lips playfully.
Kiana could not help but nibble back at his lips while Sarah had successfully gotten Lund's finger into her little mouth, sucking at it as she looked up at her parents kissing with her curious eyes. "I just hope that your father shows her some kind of mercy once he has the time and attention to deal with her. I'm sure she has more brains to let anything happen between her and that boy."
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