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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Kiana looks up into his eyes after his little kiss upon her head. There is a few moments of silence. Of her just gazing up at his face before her eyes start to water up with tears wanting to be shed. Now that they were not focused on the sex, her mind was reminding her his could be the last night with her husband. He could be dead 48 hours from now. The last time he had left her, she did not see it coming. Now knowing that the end could be near... she buried her face into his side, trying not to cry but the water just feel silent from her eyes.
Lund shifts slightly as he stretches his arm holding on to Kiana tightly. His head drops watching her face as he sees the tears starting to well up in her eyes. "Darling whats wrong?" He pulls her close shivering as he feels her tears starting to drop from her eyes. His hand moves to lift her head slowly wanting to look into her eyes. "Please dont cry Kiana. Nothings going to happen to me love. After everything is done we will be right back here holding each other and kissing darling."
She could not help it. When she looked into his eyes, the flood gates opened wide and the tears rushed out. "Forgive for being a silly, emotional woman. I just... I can't help it. I've been through all these horrible 'what if' thoughts before and now here they all come again. 'What if' Jax wins? 'What if' Sarah has to grow up without a father? 'What if' I never get to lay like this with my soul mate again? I can't help it."
His fingers lift up her chin slowly as he kisses her lips slowly. "Kiana listen to me about this. There will be no Jax winning when we meet. I will walk out of there because of who is waiting on me. Jax is only in this so he can continue his boozing and womanizing. He never cared about anything else." He presses his lips to hers once more as he holds on to her tight.
She hoped that he was right. Dear gods above how she hoped he was right about this. "I am just over reacting. Again, I'm just emotional. Ignore me love." She sighed and wiped the tears from her eyes before resting her head back down against his chest, "You see? It's already passed. Just being a silly. That's all."
Lund smiles softly as he holds her close kissing her forehead softly. "Its alright darling. I still love you despite everything you worry about. Besides one of us has to worry about such things." He yawns softly as he squeezes her close hugging her tightly as his fingers run through her hair then down her spine slowly.
"We are falling asleep... aren't we?" she asked a little sleepily. "I don't want to fall asleep. If I fall asleep, then it will be morning. Then we will have to ride off to the temple. What on earth am I going to do with myself at the temple while I wait for you to return for me and the baby?"
Smiles softly as he caresses her cheek as he watches her pulling a blanket over them. "Yes I believe we are. As for what your going to do at the temple. Well you could offer a prayer to your goddess to watch over your loving husband." He smiles as he kisses her forehead laying back slowly on the bed running his fingers along her spine slowly.
She smiled a little with that comment for him. For a long time she had thought her goddess had forgotten her, turned from her. She had prayed for months for Lund's return to her and thought that when he never returned that the goddess was angered by Kiana's choice to leave the service of her and sin with a man. But now... maybe the goddess did still smile upon her and her family now. "Perhaps I will..." she commented as she yawned.
Lund nods softly as he kisses her cheek laying back slowly stretching out. "I hope you will darling." He kept it well hidden his nervousness at the upcoming duel, but he couldnt let her see it. Not until after everything was done with would he ever show her his nervousness at the coming events. "So I talked with Lily. She seems to be eager to be away as well darling. Although she seemed nervous about things when I mentioned she could bring someone with her.
"Mmm hmmm," Kiana sort of moans softly. Her eyes were already shut tight and sleep was coming over her quickly. She was in that place now between sleep and awake where sh really could still hold a conversation, but she certainly would not remember it come the morning. Her fingers on his chest had gone from tracing little patterns to just little circles with one finger to now just laying limp against his skin.
Lund smiles softly as he caresses her cheek watching her drift away. "Kiana how many more children would you like to have darling?" He brushes a loose strand of hair over her ear. Leaning in to kiss her softly on the cheek as he continues to hold her wanting to keep her close even as she begins to drift off.
"Mmmm.... lots..." she moans a little as she snuggles more into a little ball against his side. "Lots of babies..." she whispered softly before rambling on more in her sleepy state, "A little boy of course, to be your heir. And a little girl for Sarah to play with. Then another boy since our boy will not want to play dress up with his sisters..."
Lund smirks softly as he hold sher close letting her curl up into the ball against his side. His fingers slowly massage her back as he kisses her nose softly. "Another girl and two boys darling. You are very ambitious love." He smiles lifting her chin to kiss her softly as he studies her face nodding slightly. "And how exactly do you plan on getting all of these children my dearest." His hand slides down to cup her breast squeezing it softly.


Jas slips through the halls a small pack hidden beneath his shirt as he heads for Lily's door. He knocks lightly on the door glancing over his shoulder swallowing nervously. "Lily...Its me. I need to speak with you for a few moments." He knocks on the door again very quickly swallowing once more as he leans back glancing back up and down the hallways once more.
She seemed to laugh slightly before hugging herself to him tighter still, "That's a silly question. We have sex. Duh..." she was now in that state of slumber where she said things she was thinking without filtering her words first. "Lots and lots of sex will make lots and lots of babies. How do you think Sarah got here?"


Lily had just snuffed out the light and slipped into bed when the knocking came. Confused as to why Jas was coming to her so late this night when they had a big morning and day ahead of them, still she got up and went to the door as she wrapped her robe around herself. Unlocking is she opened it just enough for him to slip in and close the door behind him, "Jas what are you doing here?!"
He laughs softly enjoying the way she speaks now his eyebrow arching as he quickly thinks of a few new questions to ask her. "I figured she came from a stork darling. But if its just takes lots and lots of sex why dont we do it alot more then." He smiles as he kisses her cheek gently his fingers still massaging into her back.

Jas smiles as he slips into the room. "I wanted to drop off my bag to hide in your room. I have no place to hide it for the night." He steps back towards her moving to touch her cheek gently. "Plus I wanted to give you something before you went to sleep." He presses his lips to hers softly before his arm wraps around her waist.
"Stork? Honestly?" she laughs against his skin, nuzzling her cheek against his chest. "Once I'm better, we will have so much sex. Sooooo much sex your head will spin." She was going to be very embarrassed in the morning if he repeated this to her or the off chance she remembered it all.


"Oh..." she said as she took the bag from him, holding against her body, between them. Her body was a bit tense as he came in for the kiss. She did not know exactly where he meant for this kiss to lead them. After the other night, she was unsure she was ready to go to that place once more with him. "I'll keep it with my bags..." she told him, still keeping the bag between them.
He smirks softly as he watches her. "So much sex huh darling? Just how much sex do you plan on putting us through my darling." He was certainly enjoying this little game he was playing with her. His fingers continue stroking her cheek as he keeps her talking enjoying the way she nuzzles against his chest. "I think your going to make us both sore with all of this sex."


Jas blinks as he looks at Lily in the moonlight swallowing. "Lily whats wrong? Your acting like your afraid I'm going to hurt you. I won't do that." He places his hand against her cheek stroking her soft skin as he looks into her eyes tenderly. "Please tell me whats wrong so we can get over whatever is going on."
"Mmmm enough sex to make up for all the time we both went without it and some," she yawned again as her voice seemed to be lowering more and more into whispers, "We've got catching up to do and so many things to try still."


Lily's face was up towards him, but her eyes looked away as she tried to find the words she wanted. Words she knew could hurt and so she wanted to find just the right ones. "Why..... why did you push me the other night? I told you more then once I was not ready. So then... why did you keep pushing me?" Pushed her right into a painful place to boot.
He nods softly as he closes his own eyes laying back to hold her close. He stifles a yawn as he closes his own eyes his fingers still moving over her back softly. "What sort of things do you plan on us trying my beloved?"


Jas swallows softly as he crosses his arms over his chest. A soft sigh escapes him as he takes a couple steps back from her. "I got over excited Lily. I didnt think it would hurt you that badly. You didnt even give yourself a chance to see how it would feel after the pain." His fingers move through his hair slowly as he steps to the window looking out it.
She seemed to shrug a little bit, "Don't know. Caught Nessa and Angus in a chair once..." she commented. It seemed that Nessa and Angus were quite active all the time if Kiana caught them doing so many things. "They are not exactly discrete..."


She didn't quite know what to say to him after what he had explained himself. She could only sigh as well, "I don't know what to say now. What to do. I... I still love you Jas but I feel awful about this. I shouldn't have let it happen. Not like that. Now I just, I don't know what to do. I still love you but you've hurt me and I don't just mean through what we did. Excited or not..." she didn't want to confess her true fears inside herself. Not to him. She knew it would hurt him and possible ruin what they had even more.
Lund shakes his head softly as he begins to drift barely hearing her words. He is soon asleep holding her close his body moving to hold her close wanting to protect her even as he sleeps. He sleeps lightly next to her waking up any time something makes a noise in his hearing range. Each time he wakes he lifts his head glancing around quickly scanning the room.

Jas rubs his chin as he leans against the wall staring out the window as he watches her faint reflection. "Something else is bothering other then what we did isnt it? I figure youve had to talked to your brothers wife or Angus wife about what happened. The hurt goes away Lily we just didnt wait long enough." He turns back towards her gritting his teeth slightly. "Does this happen to do with me just being a simple guard to your father?"
With no questions left coming from her, her mind had no need to keep working and so it finally allowed itself to go to sleep. All the little sounds were nothing really. Passing people in the hall of sounds of the manor settling.


"NO!" She answered quickly taking a few steps closer to him. "I could care less about who you are. You could be a pig farmer for all I care it's that... that..." she sighed and nipped her lower lip nervously, "Please don't be made but I just, for a little while I could not help but wonder if you were, if you were really interested in me for me or if you just wanted... you know... the sex." She wondered if she was going to regret those words no sooner did they pass her lips.
Lund tightens his arm around Kiana during one of his waking moments smiling as he kisses her forehead. His eyes sip shut slipping back into the light sleep mode hes currently in.


Jas blinks softly as he hears her words concerning sex. He takes another few steps back from her shaking his head. 'I dont understand how you could think that Lily. I just assumed from your actions you wanted what I wanted." He turns away from her slightly rubbing his hands together shaking his head again. "I...I dont even know what to say to you about this Lily." He leans against the wall trying to gather his thoughts together.
Lily feared his reaction would be like this, thought it could have been worse as well. But then again, how could he not have thought that when... "I TOLD you Jas. I said it time and time again. I said I was not ready. I said I didn't want to go further but I was... I was afraid to tell you no. That you might get mad at me for saying no to you." With a sigh she sat herself down onto the armchair. "I should have... I should have made it clearer. I should not have bent so easily. I ruined everything now."
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