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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Jas sighs softly as he turns around to face her once more. "We both got carried away Lily I think we can both agree to that." His hands rub together as he moves to kneel in front of her placing his hand on her knee. "You haven't ruined anything Lily. If anyone has ruined this then it's me. I. If you want me to go and never bother you again then I will. Just say the word,but know that Ioce you."
She shook her head and took his hands in hers, "I don't want you to go again. I want you to bother me. But... I need time as well. Time to think over what we have done. It's to soon after that hurt to go back to the way we were. It's just," she smiled a little bit, "It's a girl thing Jas. We need to let our feelings take us over for a while and heal from the inside out and junk like that."
He smiles softly as he lifts her hand kissing it softly. "Of course. I am patient and will give you all the time you need." He looks up into her eyes kissing her hand softly once more. "I don't want to risk losing you like that." He leans up kissing her softly and briefly before pulling away. "I love you Lily." He smiles gently rubbing her hand as he stays kneeled before her.
She smiled and allowed the kiss, this time not really leaving the moment be tense as it had been earlier when they kissed. As she came back to kneel before her again she smiled, "You are still going to come with us tomorrow, aren't you? I don't want to leave here without you. I still need you by my side Jas."
He smiles warmly as he holds her hand beginning to nod quickly. "Of course my lady. Where you go I will follow always." This time when be says my lady it's a slip for sure but his tone makes it sound like hes saying "I love you" when he says it. He lifts her hand kissing it again. "I've already packed what I will need and just await the word to go." His eyes look into her eyes smiling.
She smiled down at him and even though this rough patch they were going through, she looked at him and knew that this was the man she wanted by her side. Through this time and the next time trouble overcame them. The man she wanted beside her always. "Could you... do something else for me as well?" she asked him before slipping off the chair to kneel with him on the ground, her hands still in his, "Would you marry me? When we reached the temple, would you?"
Jas smiles as he keeps holding her hand his eyes on her face. "I'll do anything you ask of me Lily darling." He lifts her hand kissing it softly squeezing her hand lightly. He blinks softly as he swallows hearing her request. "I will gladly marry you Lily. Im afraid I don't have a ring for you though." He leans in kissing her lovingly.
"I don't care," she whispers against his lips before resting her head on his shoulder, hugging herself close to him. "I don't need a ring or anything like that. I just need you. That's all." She knew that her father would be furious with her over this, but this was love, wasn't it? It had worked for Kiana and Lund. Maybe it could work for her as well.
He smiles as he let's his arm wrap around her waist holding her close. "If you don't care then I won't worry about it. What will you tell your family?" His free hand comes up to caress her cheek brushing a lose strand if her hair back over her ear. His head leans on hers softly as he gives her waist a soft squeeze.
She laughed slightly and shook her head, "I don't know what I will tell them. I suppose I will have to cross that bridge when I get to it. I suppose if we are not returning here after tomorrow that I will not need to tell my parents. And Kiana would understand. She knows love can't be helped because of class differences."
He nods softly as he takes her hand kissing it slowly. "You mean we will face it. We will face whatever comes together." He presses his lips to hers softly before leaning back slowly. "And any life I have with you couldn't be anything less then perfect." He shifts to lean against the chair pulling her into his lap cradling her close.
Sighing a little bit she snuggled a moment against him, letting her eyes close. This was quite comfortable really and she could get use to it. Just... not tonight. Getting use to it tonight could be a problem for them if he was caught in her rooms before they departed. It could mess up more then just them but Kiana and Lund as well. "We can't stay like this for much longer."
Jas smiles softly as he caresses her cheek slowly. "I want to stay like this for the rest of the night darling." He let's his eyes slip shut as he continues to hold her. His arms squeeze her close trying to keep her warm as they sit there. "I love you lily." He smiles as he says it his hand moving to hold hers softly.
Lily's eyes in turn go wide, "Oh but.... what will happen come the morning? My maid arrives to wake me in the morning and she'll find us and.... it's so risky Jas." She had a bad feeling about allowing him to stay yet part of her still could not deny him whatever he wanted, even after the disaster that happened the other night.
Jas nuzzles into her neck softly as he gives her waist another squeeze. "You have a good point darling. I should be going soon. A maid finding me here would be a disaster." His hand comes up under her chin lifting her head as he presses his lips to hers softly slowly deepening the kiss. He breaks the kiss after a few moments taking a few deep breathes to take in her scent.
She of course let him go on kissing her, not making any kind of move to let him leave. Her whole body was quite tired now, shutting down really to the night. Her mind was telling her to sleep while her mind was telling her to move. All she could seem to do was yawn and rest her head against his shoulder, "A disaster of epic proportions indeed..."
He smiles his own body ready to sleep after the long day. His fingers run down her back slowly as his head rest against her head whispering her name softly. He stirs just enough to grab a cloak wrapping it around both of them. Once the cloak is around them he wraps an arm around her waist starting to drift off slowly.
"You... can't stay..." she is able to get out before a yawn overtook herself again, her head cuddling against his shoulder more firmly. "We're gonna... get in... trouble..." but that was all she had to say before she was passed out.
"Just going to stay a few more minutes darling." He yawns softly as he gives her waist another squeeze. His head rest against hers firmly even as he begins to drift off once more. His own body seeming to be alot more tired then he realized as he nuzzles against her slowly beginning to snore lightly.
The night passed and as always, the morning light eventually started to come shining in through the windows of the room. Her maid would be along any moment at all. Lily was still sleeping in Jas's lap thought, no idea of the danger they were both sleeping their way into.
His arms stay around her through the whole night. He had only Kent to close his eyes for a few moments which in turn had spanned through the night. He stirs slightly as the room starts to brighten as the sun hits the window overlooking her rooms. He whispers her name softly as the light spreads across the room slowly.
She sleepily nuzzles her cheek against his shoulder with a yawn. A moment later, her eyes slip open and she starts to look around. Noticing the sun in the room first, then noticing she was on the floor, and only last noticing he was there. Well, STILL there. She was suddenly wide awake with a start, "OH NO!" she exclaimed as she started to shake him, "Jas! What are you going! I told you to LEAVE last night! YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!"
He jerks awake at the first sound of her voice. His eyes are wide as he glances around sitting up quickly as he rubs his face. "I didn't realize I fell asleep lily. I'm sorry about this darling." He leans in planting a soft kiss on her lips as he let's his cloak fall to the ground forgetting to pick it up im his rush to leave. "I'll see you later I promise."
"Oh no! Wait! JAS!" she tries to warn him as the door of the room opens and her maid comes walking in. Well, with the way Jas is going, for the door, the poor maid is right in his path of exit...
Jas half turns hearing her cry out a warning. His heard turns back just in time for him to practically tackle the maid. He let's out a cry as they both tumble to the ground tangled up together. He begins apologizing as he tries to get up keeping his head down. As he gets up his mind races trying to think of an excuse to mumble to the maid.
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