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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Despite his eyes being mostly on observing the more Pleasant parts he notes the twitch and the balling of her fist. He smiles at her question laughing softly. "I wouldn't ask for to much from you. Just a simple gift." With a quick flick of his wrist he has the first tie of her bodice undone. The same smile stays on his face. "If you want to discuss it further I know of a private room near here. After all this is your husband we are speaking of."
"Make your offer here Jak," she whispers to him, trying to seem strong and calm even though she was screaming inside, wanting to die. "I want to know what I should expect in this private room of yours before I go there with you." Though it was clear what he wanted.
Jak smiles as he presses closer to her almost letting their bodies touch. "A few moments to enjoy that which my brother has so clearly tasted of. It's made him a different man. In exchange when I win tomorrow I will spare his life." He takes her hand lifting it to his lips to kiss as he gives another flock of his wrist undoing the next lacing. "I want to hear my name from between your lips instead of his."
Kiana had a choice to make. It was the hardest choice she ever had to make. Things rushed through her mind, especially of the mountains where a chunk of her very soul was ripped from her. She did nothing then and in the end she was left cold, empty, and wishing she were dead. The pain of that still lingered within her. She thought over the offer but she knew Jak to well now. She was no the same person she was in the mountains. She was wiser and knew that Jak would not be true to his word and would only use sleeping with her to hang it over Lund's head. No, she'd not allow that to happen to her as she had let her rape happen in the mountains.

Moving quickly, she made a dash back for the hall, screaming at the top of he lungs, "SOMEONE HELP ME!!" as she moved to try and escape his grasp.
Jak is still smiling until she makes her move the words coming screaming out of her. He is quick to utter a curse as he makes another grab for her trying to cover her mouth. He glances up and down the halls quickly knowing he only has a few moments to try and get her into a side room before someone appears. "That was very stupid of you to do Kiana." He releases his grip on her, but before running off he quickly backhands her across the face. He then turns running off ducking into a side corridor to hide.

Lund is sitting on the bed rocking Sarah softly when the scream comes down the halls. Lund is quickly on his feet waking Sarah in the process as he lays her in the crib quickly. On his way out the door he grabs his sword and a maid who is peeking out at the sound of the scream. "Watch my daughter till I return." He draws his sword as he races down the hall towards the now faded sound of Kiana's voice. "KIANA!!!"
Kiana was like an animal, her arms flaring about madly to hold him back from grabbing a hold of her. It seemed to work and as she heard Lund's voice called back to her, she felt relieved. He'd come. He'd save her. She was just opening her mouth once more to scream for him when she heard Jak's threat to her. Everything then happened in a flash.

Her head turned, his hand came down hard across her cheek, her whole body seemed to be jolted as she went falling in what felt like slow motion to the hard ground, hitting her head and her shoulder as she tumbled down hard, laying were she feel even after Jak made his retreat.
Lund keeps running down the hall. "KIANA!!" He pushes past a few maids who seem to be caught up in whatever is causing the yelling. He turns the corner hearing the sound of her being hit putting on a burst of speed to reach her. His sword clatters to the ground as he drops down beside her touching her head breathing heavily. He glances towards Nessas door yelling for her desperately. His head comes up looking at a few of the maids standing there. "Who did this? Who attack my wife?"
The maids were frozen. No one seemed willing to speak.

Nessa had hear the commotion but still waited until she heard Lund's call for her. She jumped into action and came to kneel at the other side of Kiana who seemed to still be conscious but dazed. Perhaps confused even as she looked around. Her eyed locked onto Lund. She didn't know why she did it then, but her hand raised up to point in the direction that Jak had running. She could not seem to muster up words, but could at least point out her attacker at the moment.
Lund glances at Nessa grateful as she kneels beside his wife. "Kiana...." He pauses seeing her begin to lift her hand pointing towards. His hand darts back to his sword picking it up. "Stay with her Nessa. Get her back to our room if you can a maid is with Sarah." He jumps up pushing past the maids as he darts down the hallway catching a brief sight of his brother as he cuts down a corridor. Anger tightens his fist as he chases after him. "Jak get back here right now."
Kiana meekly tries to stop Lund as she sees him running away from her. She had one of her sinking feelings once again that she was once again going to be the cause of some disastrous event. She just hoped as she watched Lund turn the corner, the maid's all fussing over her as they together lifted her up to take her back toward the room that this was not going to be the last time she saw her husband.


Jak had just started to slow when he heard his brother's voice booming behind him. Damn it! He couldn't just leave it alone. Jak picked up his pace again, trying to loose his brother through constantly twisting and turning down the halls of the manor.
Lund growls under his throat as he keeps chasing after his brother. "Jak stop running from me and face me." He skids to a stop at a turn listening back and forth before heading down after the fading sounds of his brothers steps. He comes to an abrupt stop seeing two of his brothers allies come out of a side hallway facing him. "Thats far enough lord Lund. It wouldnt be right for anything to happen to your brother before the duel tomorrow. In fact a few of us have bets laid down on the fight."

Lund takes a couple steps backs breathing heavily as he studies the two. He doesnt sense the third behind him step up and pushing a dagger deep into his back. The noblemans dagger doenst hit anything vital,but will be hindrance in any fight. Lund cries out following to his knees as they all run off laughing softly together. The nondescript dagger left behind buried into his back. Gasping with pain he stands slowly starting to stumble back towards the hallway he left Kiana in.
Kiana lay back in bad in her room and even as the maids tend over her, she is feeling better. Until a chill overcomes her and she just knows. Something was wrong. Something with her husband. Against the orders of all the maids and even Nessa, Kiana got out of the bed and started to stumble down the hall back to the spot that she had last seen Lund as, Nessa and most the maids following her.
Lund sags against the wall as he takes a few deep breathes trying to keep himself standing on his feet. With his eyes closed he whispers Kiana's name lovingly. He swallows once more as he begins stumbling towards Nessa's rooms. He manages to get to the spot where Kiana fell before collapsing to the floor. His sword has fallen from his hand as he hits the floor. Curling up his fist as he tries to reach back towards the knife wanting to pull it out. He coughs softly as he tries to sit up once more.
"Don't touch it!" Kiana's voice came yelling as she reached his side, her eyes filling up with tears at once as she pushed his hands away from the dagger still sticking out of his back. "Oh dear Gods!" she turned to the maids and yelled orders for all the things she was going to need to tend his wound to be rushed her to her. "This can't be happening..." she whispered to herself as she knelt down close to his face, tenderly stroking his cheek, "Stay with me Lund. You have to stay with me. Who did this? Was it Jak?"
He smiles softly as he feels her fingers stroking along his cheek. "Didnt see who stabbed me. They came from behind and I never sensed him. Some of Jaks allies don't want me winning tomorrow." He takes her hand kissing it softly. "Who attacked you Kiana? Tell me please." He coughs softly shivering as he lays back whispering her name. "I'm sorry I let you go Alone. "
"That doesn't matter right now," she told him, knowing news that it was indeed Jak would only aggravate him in a time when he needed to conserve his strength for the removal of the dagger about to come. Glancing at his back, she looked at the dagger, noticing it's ornate handle. She looked to a maid, "Go! Get Lund's father and some guards. Tell them what has happened and that they are needed here." While that maid went off, the others were arriving with the items she had requested. She leaned back down to whisper to him again, "I have to remove the dagger now love. It's going to hurt. Don't try and force yourself to remain conscious. If it wants to take you, let it. Only hold onto life still for me and for Sarah."
Lund sighs softly qt her words nodding slowly to himself. "I shouldn't have let you go alone love. I'm sorry." He glances up at her as she mentions pulling the dagger out. His breathing gets alittle heavier as he nods to her barely having heard the rest of her words. "Just make it quick love please." He places his hand on her leg as he closes his eyes to let her work.
She hoped to make this as quick and painless as she could, though she knew that was likely impossible. She had to force her hand steady as she wrapped her hand about the hilt of it and after preparing herself with a few breath's, yanked it out in one fast move, moving to quickly place her free hand over the wound to keep pressure on it. She handed the dagger to the maid that put it on a towel. "Keep this hear. Don't take your eyes off it for a second."
He cries out in the sudden pain caused by the dagger being ripped out. His head sags against the floor as he fades into the blackness of unconsciousness. He is only unconscious a few brief moments before lifting his head whispering her name fiercely. "Gods that hurts more coming out love then it does going in." With the dagger out he tries to sit up groaning.
"No, no you stay down!" She scolded him, pushing him down to the floor again lightly. "You are not to move until I clean and stitch this up." She set to work to quickly cleanse and start to literally lose him up. The whole while she was trying to talk to him, keep his mind working and awake.

Towards the end of her work to stitch him closed, Lund's father came storming for the hall, surrounded by guards and a few men of court. "What has happened?! What has happened to my son!?"

Kiana looked to the maid with the dagger and indicated her to hand it over to the lord. "Someone has stabbed him with this dagger. The decoration on the handle is intricate and details. You will likely be able to find who it belongs to from it's markings and with of Jak's allies is suddenly without his dagger for it was one of them that did this."
Lund smiles as she forces him down. "I hope work the stitches well darling. I'll need to be free to move tomorrow during the fight." He reaches out to touch her arm patting it softly as he keeps his breathing even so as not to shake the area where she's working. He smiles fighting back a few laughs as they talk while she stitches him up.

His eyes glance up at his father studying him for a moment. "Jak harassed my wife and when I came to investigate she had been hit. Naturally I gave chase only to be stopped by two of Jaks allies while a third stabbed me in the back. They want to make sure he wins father."
Kiana could not look up face his father but she could feel his rage without needing to look. Could feel his gaze glaring at her a moment before he looked to the guards, "Have all of Jak's allies rounded up and taken to the main hall. Jak as well. This is one more injustice that will not be stood for in my house." The guards went off to complete their orders while he turned back to them, "Take care of him," his father ordered her before kneeling down to pat Lund's shoulder and in a flash he was gone again.
Lund swallows softly as his father pats him on the shoulder. He shakes his head slowly. "He acted like you were just my nurse to be commanded Kiana. I'm going to speak to him about that." He groans softly his side already aching. "Help me up. I want to get back to our rooms and our daughter. He leans on the wall groaning as he tries to push himself up.
She noticed the way his father treated her as well, but did not commend in return upon it. Instead she fussed over him. She wanted to tell him to let her get someone to carry him back to their room, but she knew that nothing would stop him from doing it himself. All she could do was be there to support him as they walked. "You can't possibly think you can fight still tomorrow Lund..." she commented to him just as they reached their rooms and she helped him towards the bed.
Lund leans on her lightly as he keeps walking towards their bed. "I have to fight. My brother will take my not Showing up as a sign of surrendered. I can't do that." He sighs softly as he gingerly moves to sit on the bed. With trembling hands he sits there watching the door for a moment. "It's why his ally stabbed me. They must be worried about his chances tomorrow." He let's out Nsoct painful laugh.
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