She had not thought back to the moment their eyes had first looked upon one another over the loud, brutal crowd of solders. Looking down at the baby in her arms, at herself, and then glancing around the room she sat in... she did not ever think then that her life would find it's way to a place and moment like this. After reflecting on what she had now, she thought back to then. She had never shared with him the horrors of what she had seen before he saved her from a cruel fate. Perhaps now was as good a time as any. Finally speak of it out loud to let the memories finally leave her and fade into the past. "I suppose it was just part of that same steady exterior you call my calm. I did not want to seem weak even though I was crying like the rest on the inside. They had shown us before the auction what kind of life was ahead of us. They took the girl that was crying and weeping the most and made an example of her. They raped her, beat her, then slowly killed her before the rest of us. Told us that if we acted like her we'd end up just like her. Most of the girls only became more frightened but I took the warning to heart and stopped myself from shedding a single tear."