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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

The very edges of Kiana's lips curl into a hint of a smile but she holds back from letting a full smile spread across her face as she jiggles Sarah's hand with her finger. "We will see. Who knows how long that healing will take and who knows what could come up between now and then. A vacation might be impossible. And besides, where on earth would we go do?"
He smiles softly seeing the hint of the smile on her lips. "I can tell you want to smile darling." He reaches up with his hand stroking her cheek tenderly. "As for what we would do. Well we would relax get away from all of this political goings on." He sighs softly as he places another kiss on her cheek as he turns towards Sarah once more. He leans in his face inches from hers as he lets out another whistle watching her react to it waving her hands happily.
This time it was Kiana's finger going for a little ride as Sarah pulled mommy's finger this way and that. The one side of Sarah's mouth seemed to twitch slightly as if she wanted to smile but was still to young to know how. Kiana still kept herself from smiling. She didn't think she'd be able to smile until after the fight. She didn't like allowing herself to be happy when this time tomorrow she could be alone once more.
Lund glances at Kiana watching her closely. He turns towards Sarah seeing her mouth twitch as if she tries to smile. "Look at that darling. She is trying to smile." He laughs softly as he leans in kissing Sarah's feet nibbling on it playfully as he watches her face. "I cant wait to hear her laughter echeoing through the manor halls. Shes going to be quite a handful." He laughs softly as he lets out another whistle watching as Sarah continues to seem to enjoy everything.
The more he talked about what was going to happen in the future the more she seemed to hurt inside her own heart. "Lund.... please just.... can we not talk about anything beyond right now? I know you're about to say I am being silly. Perhaps I am but will you just humor me until tomorrow?"
He blinks softly as he glances at her swallowing slowly. "Alright darling. I didnt mean to hurt you. Wh..what would you rather discuss tonight?" He reaches towards her stroking her cheek lightly as he leans in kissing her lips softly. "I love you Kiana. And I love our daughter." He tilts her head towards him pressing his lips to hers softly.
His lips felt so good against her own. So nice, so good. "Let's talk about.... yesterday. And the day before. And before that too. Talk about where we have been. I want to know more about the place you were while we were apart. I wanna know more about you before we met. You never talk about it."
Lund smiles at her words as he kisses her lips once more. "I was at a farm. They rescued me from the riverbank looking like a drowned rat." He begins caressing her cheek slowly as he leans in closer to her. He lifts his hand looking at it for a moment. "I helped them chop wood take care of the farm while I was healing. I couldnt remember anything about what had happened." He sighs softly as he runs his fingers through her hair slowly. "Tell me how things were for you here love?"
She was hoping he would not ask then. Then again she supposed she opened the way for it. "Sadly I did remember everything. I felt like without you there was nothing worth living for in this place now. Thank god for Sarah because I felt like there was a reason still and I pushed on for her. But... there was some pressure of course over Sarah being well, not Sarah. I felt like if I didn't give your father a son that I would be driven out sometimes."
"No matter how mean he acts a part of father still cares about his grand daughter. I'm afraid that he thinks showing it will make her a weakness for his enemies to exploit. It's why he was so angry when he discovered us earlier." He smiles nuzzling her cheek kissing it softly. "Lily wouldn't have let father kick you out. Even with Sarah being Sarah she is still blood related to him."
Kiana sighed as she moved to sit up, still letting Sarah hold onto her finger as she moved to sit over the baby then, "I hope you are right. It was not that I ever really felt though like he has anything against Sarah. It's.... the whole time I felt as if I was a burden upon your father's shoulders. What wife he didn't want for his son with a child that could not be the heir. I was more burden then advantage for him."
"I'm afraid father is better at this game then I am. He had his hopes on a son. With a son he could keep Jak locked away." He sighs softly as he reaches under her chin tilting her head to look into her eyes. "Love I don't care if we never have a son. I see how beautiful our daughter is and how happy she makes you. It's the best thing I could ask for."
Kiana smiled a little for the first time since she had woken to find he had gone off to face his father on his own. "I really think you mean that..." she told him softly as she leaned down to kiss his lips softly. "What if we really had daughter after daughter? Your hair would go white much earlier then it should..."
He laughs softly at the idea of daughter after daughter. "Well I think the white hair might make me look distinguished." He returns the kiss reaching his hand up to stroke her cheek tenderly. "I can just imagine how stubborn your daughters will be if they take after you." He plants another soft kiss on her lips smiling as he looks into her eyes.
She pouts then and pulls her lips back, "I don't like how you keep calling me stubborn like that. Maybe some of our daughters will end up taking after you and run blindly into trouble all the time." Though she wondered if that was really one of his traits of if that was one of her traits as well.
He blinks as he arches his eyebrow. "Running blindly unto trouble huh? Is that what you think one of my traits is." He reaches over to pull her closer pressing a quick kiss against her lips. "And I call you stubborn out of love not anger or meanness." He quickly presses his lips to hers again. "Your stubbornness has saved me quite a few times if I remember properly."
She lays herself down once more, making sure to mind the baby still holding onto her finger tight. "Who knows if you are remembering things properly or not. You certainly were not for a long while. You could be all mixed up in the head still and thinking I did things I didn't do."
He smiles nuzzling her neck softly as he nibbles playfully. "Perhaps you should examine my head to make sure everything is working correctly then. Don't want you dear husband going around not remembering anything do you." He glances down at Sarah smiling at the baby as he caresses Kiana's face. "She has your calm demeanor love."
Kiana laughs slightly, "Me? Calm? No that's certainly not something she gets from me. I worry and I pace and I chew on my fingernails and I'm a nervous wreak all the time over worrying. So no, she does not get what you call a clam demeanor from me. Then again I don't know if she got it from you either..."
Lund laughs shaking his head as he reaches his hand down to tickle her briefly. "You not calm darling. Your hands never shake when your sewing up a cut of mine. Your as steady as a rock." Be lifts her hand kissing the fingers then the palm. "Believe me I've seen healers whose hands trembled so badly it would never sew straight." He kisses her palm again lifting his head to smile.
She shook her head, "There is a difference having a steady hand and being calm. My hands need to be steady for the sake of the person I am working on... who often seems to be you I should add. But inside? I'm panicking and crying, even though my hands stay steady."
"I didn't realize you could be so composed darling." He smiled as he caresses her cheek leaning in to press his cheek against hers. "I promise I'll try to be more careful so it won't be me your stitching up so much." He smiles tenderly as he whispers her name tenderly. "I wouldn't want to see your hair with any white in it just yet."
She smiled, but felt her pain inside her knowing she was likely going to have to use her steady hands and her panicked inner self tomorrow after the duel. She just hoped she was stitching him up to heal and not stitching him up for burial. She shut her eyes suddenly as if she could block out the thoughts by doing such. Looking down at the baby, she realized that Sarah was sucking her finger. "Time for her dinner..." Kiana said as she sat up and took the baby into her arms, taking Sarah to sit on the sofa as she fed her.
Lund smiles softly as he stretched himself out slowly. He tilts his head watching her as they move to the couch. "Motherhood comes very natural to you love. Even more then being a priestess I think." he stays on the bed knowing the sharp words he will get if he tries to stand up. "Love I am curious about something. On the auction block how come you still resisted. Most of the others were already crying."
She had not thought back to the moment their eyes had first looked upon one another over the loud, brutal crowd of solders. Looking down at the baby in her arms, at herself, and then glancing around the room she sat in... she did not ever think then that her life would find it's way to a place and moment like this. After reflecting on what she had now, she thought back to then. She had never shared with him the horrors of what she had seen before he saved her from a cruel fate. Perhaps now was as good a time as any. Finally speak of it out loud to let the memories finally leave her and fade into the past. "I suppose it was just part of that same steady exterior you call my calm. I did not want to seem weak even though I was crying like the rest on the inside. They had shown us before the auction what kind of life was ahead of us. They took the girl that was crying and weeping the most and made an example of her. They raped her, beat her, then slowly killed her before the rest of us. Told us that if we acted like her we'd end up just like her. Most of the girls only became more frightened but I took the warning to heart and stopped myself from shedding a single tear."
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