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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Lund steps out into the hallway quickly glancing up both ways. He doesnt chase after the intruder just watches hoping to catch sight of them for a confration later. He growls as he turns both ways before stepping back into the room locking the door once more.
Kiana groans and rolls on the bed. Yawning in her sleep. Amazingly enough, at the same time she does that, the baby yawns in almost perfect sync in her crib on the floor near the bed. It was one of those moments that just happened by chance and could warm even a cold heart.
He glances at Kiana then Sarah smiling softly as he moves to the bed. His body comes down on to the bed slowly trying not to fully wake Kiana. His sword gets propped up on the wall against his side of the bed trying to keep it close at hand in case the intruder returns again.
It seemed that whoever it was, they have been intimidated right back and seemed to be staying away. Not long after, Sarah started to make it know that she was waking up in the way she whimpered and squirmed in her crib. She had not yell let out any kind of cry to let it be known she was awake and for once it seemed that Kiana was not waking with the same sudden knowledge that the babe needed her as she usually did.
Lund gives Kiana's forehead a soft kiss as he slides out of the bed. He smiles as he moves to the crib gingerly picking up Sarah. "There there Sarah. Are you done with your nap little one." He kisses Sarah's forehead softly as he moves to the couch holding the baby. He whistles softly as he watches her seeing if she is in the mood to play.
It takes her a moment but Sarah is quick to want to play back with her father this time. It's deep into their whole whistle and kick game that Kiana finds them when at last she rolls to her side and opens her eyes. She remains laying on the bed as she smiles and speaks from across the room, "That's the first time I have slept through her waking up. What I out for long?"
Lund laughs softly as he enjoys there little game. He glances towards Kiana smiling at her. "No you werent out very long. I figured you must be tired so I let you sleep." He reaches down for Sarah's hand pretending to eat it as he watches her face laughing softly. "She loves our games love." He noms on the hand some more.
Kiana smiles as she sits up, "She is still to young to realize it's a game. I think she is more amused by how foolish you look then she is amused by interacting with you darling." Streching her arms up over her head, she noticed his sword now resting near the bed. It was another reminder for her of what was to come. She sighed and looked toward him across the space, "When are we to be leaving for the temple?"
He notices her eyes falling on his sword as he sits up alittle more with Sarah. "I figured tomorrow morning. Well ride out making it look like a family outing, but Ill be the only one returning. Then after the fight you can return." He makes a face at the baby laughing softly.
"Are you sure that will work?" she asked as she rose from off the bed and moved to sit beside him on the sofa, resting her head on his shoulder, "If it is just suppose to be a family outting, we should really travel light, right? Would not want to tip them off that it is more then just a little day trip."
"Everyone will be travelling light. Most of what will be packed into the wagon will be for a picnic darling." He smiles as he kisses her forehead softly. "Although from my talk with Angus people around the castle are already starting to talk." He sighs softly as he watches the door. "I dont think well have any more trouble from your visitor."
She looks to the door, then back to him, "Why do you say that?" Looking once more to the door, she can't help but wonder and she asks him, "They.... they didn't come back, did they? Oh Lund did they?"
He reaches out for her hand taking her hand kissing it softly. "Its alright darling. I ran them off because they werent expecting me to be here." He leans over pressing his lips to hers softly for a moment. "Im sure they are to terriffed to come back here."
"I hope so..." she whispers against his lips before going in for another kiss from his lips. And then another, "I hope you are right. I wish for no more disturbances for us this night. I want it to be just for us and for the baby." She had to admit, she wished they it could be more for them then for the baby. It pained her a little to think that she may never know what it was like to have her lover within her again should he not come riding to the temple to bring her home. Her arms wrapped around him and she sighed. At least she would have this time. Him in her arms, the baby in his arms. A family.
Lund smiles softly as he returns the kisses from her. He smirks softly as he rocks Sarah softly in his arms. "Would you like me to see if Nessa would watch our daughter for a few hours love?" He smirks softly at her his meaning obvious as he leans over to kiss her lips trailing his lips down to her neck. "Im sure they wouldnt mind darling as Im sure they wouldnt."
Kiana smiles a moment, nuzzling against his shoulder a bit more as she reached out to brush her fingers over the baby's cheek. "If you would like. It may be nice to have just a few hours to hold one another and not worry if the babe will be crying. A nice... relaxing evening. Maybe... maybe dinner and a bath?" She laughed slightly, "That does sound nice... doesn't it love?"
Lund laughs softly as he enjoys the feel of her body pressing against him. "Well would you like to go with me to drop Sarah off or do you need some time to prepare while I do it." He smirks as he leans over to kiss her lips softly. He teasingly bites her bottom lip as he breaks away. His head turns back to Sarah making silly noises at her.
She gasps a little as she pulled back from him. Reaching for the babe, she takes her, "You can take her in a moment but for now she needs her meal. She'll grow hungry if she is going to be separated from us for the entire night." Tugging open her dress once more to give her daughter a full belly for the night.
Lund nods softly as he readily gives her the babe. He smiles as he stands pacing slowly across the room. "I had forgotten about feeding her love." He smiles again as he moves to sit on the bed lounging out slightly on it. "I think once all of this business is done, Im going to take you to bed and not let either of us leave for a week."
She rocked Sarah a bit in her arms as she smiled at his proposition. "Perhaps two weeks would be better? Or a whole month even? We do have a lot to catch up. It's been a long while after all. Months of missed chances." Kiana could not believe that this soon after having the baby, she was already feeling herself growing charged with passion and desire for him.
Lund lays back on the bed laughing softly. "A month darling? Are you sure either of us could handle such a long time. I mean we barely survived the night we spent with you tied to our bed." He lets out another laugh as he sits up on the bed. His fingers move though his hair as stretches himself out. "Although it would be a challenge I'd like to take you up on."
She smiles, "Well it wouldn't JUST be us having sex every moment of every day for that month. Just a month of us, together. Walks in the afternoon, rides, picnics, watching Sarah growing. Seeing her first smile, hearing her first laugh. All sorts of things like that. Together." She leaned down to kiss the baby on the head, "Wouldn't that be nice Sarah? To have day all to yours and mom's selves for a whole month?"
Lund laughs softly nodding as he stretches out once more. "That would be delightful to see her first laugh. I want to see her walk." He smiles as he stands slowly moving towards them. He leans in placing a kiss on Sarah's forehead then on Kiana's smiling happily. "Im just glad to see that shes starting to sleep through the night better."
"You and me both." It was not long before Sarah let go, signaling that her meal was finished. A little pat on the back and a kiss on the cheek and Kiana handed the baby back to Lund. "There. She should be fine now. I hope that she will not fuss to much for Angus and Nessa. Tell them that if she is to much for them, they can bring her back." This was going to the first full night that Kiana had not slept only a few feet away from her baby. It was common for a young mother to be nervous on the first night like this.
Lund gently takes Sarah from her smiling as he cradles the baby. "Is there anything I need to take with me for them?" He smiles rocking Sarah gently as he lets out a whistle smirking. "Im sure they will understand why we want them to watch her. Ill return in a few minutes. While Im gone you can prepare for anything you want to do." He leans in kissing her cheek before slipping out of the room heading for Angus.
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