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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Upon arriving at Nessa and Angus's room, Nessa takes Sarah from him and starts to fuss over her, talking about Angus Jr. having a play mate for the evening. Angus smiled at him and pat him on the back, "Leaving her here with us for any... particular reason lad?" Angus smiles that knowing smile. "Keep in mind lad that your wife is a new mother still. You'll need to be nice and gentle with her. Don't wanna break her." Of course his voice was very light and joking the whole while.
He smiles bowing slightly to Nessa as she takes the baby. "Thank you for taking her for the evening." He smiles at Angus returning the same kind of smile. "Dont worry. I dont plan on being to rough with her tonight." He pats Angus on the back as he thanks him again for taking Sarah for the night. He quickly makes his way through the halls back to his room slipping inside. "Kiana?"
Kiana had been sitting up on the sofa waiting for him. The sound of water running was coming from their bath chamber as she rose up to walk to him. Taking a moment to make sure that the door was locked behind him, she then wrapped her arms around his neck and slowly descended upon his lips with her own.
He smiles as he catches sight of her. His head turns glancing towards the bath chamber hearing the water running from inside. "Planning on a bath love?" He turns to her wrapping his arms around her waist as he returns the kiss. His hands descend to her rear squeezing softly as he deepens the kiss.
Nodding, she smiled and took him by the hand, leading him towards the bath, "Planning on a bath for the both of us actually. Something to help us to relax. You would like that, wouldn't you?"
He nods as he squeezes her hand softly following her towards the bath chambers. "Well a bath certainly sounds like a fun way to get things started." He smiles as he reaches up patting her rear as they enter the bath chamber.
She jumps a little bit as his hands go for her rear once more, "You seem to want to keep on touching that spot," she said with a smile as they entered the bath together. Going to the tub, she pulled away from him and started to pour sweet oils into the water once more, just like the last time they had bathed together. "You're going to smell like flowers once more...."
He smiles as she jumps nodding slightly. "Well you do have a very nice rear my love." He let's her get a few steps away before he slides behind her his hands coming up to cup her breast giving them a heavy squeeze. "I'm just alittle excited is all my love. And I promise to be gentle." He gives her breast another squeeze as he starts to kiss her neck softly.
Kiana had to laugh lightly. Her hands came up to rest upon his, just gently pressing them into her own breasts so he could get a better feel for them. They were usually big on their own. Being swollen up for the baby, they could hardly fit into his hands now. "Excited darling? Excited for what?" A little smile crossed her lips. She wondered exactly how far he was hoping to get tonight. Their were still some limitations on what could happen. Gods above how she wished there wasn't.
He smiles softly as he gives her breast another gentle squeeze. His lips start to move across her neck nibbling softly. "Well I intend to go as far as you'll let me." He keeps one hand on her breast squeezing as the other travels down her stomach pausing before it delves between he legs beginning to rub her softly through her clothes. His lips move to nipple on her ear as he presses into her whispering her name.
His name is whispered back in replay as she leans back against him, a moan escaping her lips. It was husky and deep as she rubbed herself back against him. It was her body's reply to the call his own was sending her. "Oh lord if you are not careful you'll have me letting you go to far just because I miss you so very much. Miss you and your skilled touch." Seeing that the water was getting high in the tub, she reluctantly pulled herself away to turn the flow off. Smiling at him, she stood before him and started to peel her clothing off before him. She didn't seem to be shy about how she looked tonight. "You can't take a bath with those clothes on."
He steps back slightly as he watches her with a smirk. "I just want to enjoy the sight of you getting undressed first love." He arches an eyebrow watching her still. Once she is naked before him he smiles softly nodding slowly. His hands come up to tug his own shirt off tossing it to the side. He then begins to tug his pants off letting her watch him as he watched her.
She does watch, smirk on her lips as she rested her rear upon the rim of the tub, letting her fingers dip down into the water, just skimming the surface as she watched him undress. "Mmm and now it is my turn I assume?" she joked a little before bringing her feet up and over the edge of the tub, slipping them into the hot bath till the rest of her slipped down into the water, waiting for him to join her.
Lund moves over to the edge of the tub kneeling down beside her. His head comes in kissing her neck as his fingers trail down over her stomach. "Your turn for what my dear?" He laughs softly as his fingers deep between her legs beginning to rub her softly. "Just tell me if I get to rough darling." He presses his lips to hers even as his fingers rub along the outside of her pussy lips.
There was a sharp intact of breath as his fingers started to move against her skin, heading to delicious places that had long been denied and kind of pleasurable attention. "It's my turn to watch you undress..." she continued as she leaned back against the rim of the tub and sighed softly, "Aren't you coming in here love?"
Lund nods as he lets his fingers tease her for a moment longer. He then stands stripping out his clothes as he does it abit quicker then she did. Once his clothes are tossed to the side he slips into the water with her. His arms come up opening to ask her to sit in his lap wanting to hold her close.
Kiana made sure to open her eyes once more and watch with great interest as her husband got fully naked before her. "Mmmmm," she hummed a little bit, playfully raising an eyebrow in this direction. Her gaze followed him until he was all the way into the water. As his arms opened for her, she of course slide across the tub to enter into them, sitting in his lap sort of sideways and resting her head upon his chest.
He wraps his arms around her tightly running his fingers down her back slowly. "Ive missed holding you in my arms so much." His fingers dont stay on her back for long. One hand descends to her breast cupping it as he squeezes it. The other hand wonders across her stomach as he watches her face ready to move his hand down even further. "I love you Kiana."
Her own hand comes down to take hold of his that was trailing downward towards the location if had been not to long before. Instead, she laced her fingers with his hand and held it gently, "Mmmm, your hands have the whole night to go exploring down there my love. Just hold me for now, please? I've missed it just as much as you. Maybe more. While you spent all this time not realizing I existed to really be missing me, I had to live knowing you were out of my reach the whole while."
Lund squeezes her hand softly as he lifts her hand kissing it. He leans back in the tub holding on to her tightly as he relaxes in the water. "Believe me love if I could change the last few months then I would." He leans over kissing her cheek softly. His hand on her breast continues to play softly teasing as he leans back in the water. "I promise you I would change it if I could."
"I know you would," she said on a sigh as she snuggled closer against his body. "I would to. It grieves me that you could not be here to experience what it was like having Sarah growing. Feeling her kick and such." A smirk crossed her lips, "The next one you'll be here for it all. You promise me that you won't miss a single moment of it."
He smiles as he runs his fingers through her hair softly. His lips kiss against her cheek as he nods quickly. "Of course. I dont care if I have to leave an important meeting. I want to feel our child kicking inside you." He laughs softly as he squeezes her close. "Perhaps we could get a start on the next one soon."
She laughs rather joyfully. "I just am getting over one baby. You can't let me have a little bit of a break first before the next one?" She tilted her head up to look into his eyes, her chin resting upon his chest, "You don't plan to keep my constantly with child through our marriage, do you?"
He lets out a laugh of his own as he watches her carefully. His fingers brush against her cheek softly. "Mmm well I hadnt consider that. I figured the sooner we got started the sooner I would get to see you through the whole pregnancy." He leans in kissing her lips softly as he hugs her close brushing his hand over her breast.
She snuggles her whole body against his. "Well let's go a little out of order and enjoy all the little joys of watching Sarah grow for a year or so so before we go back to the whole joys of a new life growing once again. Is that a deal?"
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