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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

A moment later the door is open and Angus smiles at him, "About time you got to see me lad. Come in, we are just packing..." and indeed they were. Lund's son was sitting up on the sofa, watching Nessa walking from one side of the room to the other, packing things in a few bags upon the bed. "You should not be shocked we heard before you could reach us. The walls of your families' manor talks very loudly, especially over something like this."
Lund nods softly as he slips into the room smiling at Angus's son. "I see. Well is there any chance of keeping this as quiet as possible." He smiles to Nessa smiling as he watches her for a moment. "Ill see what I can do about getting you a few more letters of note." He begins pacing softly as he turns towards Angus. "I need to know you think I can beat him?" He runs his fingers through his hair softly.
Angus sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, "Honestly, I think you can. You are a trained warrior now Lund. Have fought battles for years now while your brother was left behind here to drink away and good skill she might have had. A duel may be the best way to end this between you for if you take away his ability to be sneaky and dirty from him, he can only depend on himself. He is not strong on his own."
He nods softly as he moves to lean against the wall. "I just wanted to stop by to make sure you knew of the plan. Also Lily will be going with you and someone she chooses." He sighs softly as he turns to Angus. "The plan is for you to hide at the temple Kiana and I married at. She can lead you there. If I dont show up after the duel you and the others are two ride hard to get out of these lands to somewhere safe."
Angus smiled, "Let me guess? Jas will be coming with us." He glanced towards Nessa with an eyebrow raised. She just shrugged, "He was going to find out one way or another..." Angus just sighed at his gossiping wife and turned his attention back to the matter at hand. "Are you certain the priests of the temple will welcome a bunch of riff raff like us? Especially with the threat of even greater danger coming to chase after us?"
Lund laughs softly nodding slowly. "Ill write a note to the priest. I hope he understands and accepts. Besides all things willing Ill be riding after you the moment the duel is done with." He smiles as he begins pacing slowly rubbing his face slowly. "Once you have everything prepared we will ride out together make it look like a normal outing." He sighs softly as he steps forward slowly. "Im trusting you and Jas to keep them safe my friend."
Angus smiles and pat's Lund on the back, "You don't need to worry. Kiana and Sarah are my family now and I protect my family with my life. No harm will come to them. Nor will any come to Lily. You have my word. Now..." he smiles as he directs Lund towards the door. I think it's a good idea that you spend some time with your wife and daughter. Remind yourself exactly what it is you are fighting for."
Lund laughs softly as he moves towards the door. "Of course. Thank you my friend." He pats Angus on the back before slipping out of the door. He quickly moves through the halls for his rooms smiling as he knocks on the door once more. "Kiana its me Lund. You can open the door now sweetheart." He glances down the hallway frowning for a moment before dismissing his feeling.
A few moments later, the door is opened and Kiana yanks him inside. She is quick to throw the door closed, locking it once more before turning on him and throwing her arms around his neck. Her body shaking the whole while, "Lund! Oh dear lord I was so frightened! Someone tried to get in here! I don't know who it was but they kept pulling and turning the doorknob almost the entire time you were gone! I didn't know what to do!"
Lund lets out a quick gasp of surprise as he is pulled into the room. His arms are quick to encircle her waist as he holds on to her tightly. "Its alright love. Im right here for you." His hand comes up to tilt her head back as he delivers a soft warm kiss on her lips. "See Im here. No reason to be scared anymore." He offers her another soft smile.
If she had not thought there was a need for them to flee until after the duel before, she certainly thought there was now. The whole time she had been alone with the baby, all she could think about was how to defend herself and Sarah long enough to escape or for Lund to return. The other part of her wondered if the whole thing was just to frighten her. Who ever it was did not seem to be aggressively breaking in. More like a tease or a warning. "I don't want you to go to dinner now. I can't bear to be alone again Lund!"
Lund swallows softly as his fingers run up and down her back holding her tight. "One of us has to go to dinner love. It should be me since Im used to my brothers taunting." He brushes a strand of her red hair back over her ear. "Do you still have that dagger I gave you? It is long enough to pierce any mans heart if he should get through that door."
She shook her head, looking terrified, "You can't leave me here alone Lund! It's rather go to dinner where no one can touch me then be here completely vulnerable to one of Jak's dirty tricks! Not just because of myself but for Sarah as well. I don't want her in danger. She's just a baby."
Lund glances over at the crib swallowing softly. "Alright. Ill stay darling. Ill see if I cant get father to let us eat her till the duel is after." He takes her hand kissing it softly as he breaks away from her. He moves towards the crib checking on Sarah.
Sarah was asleep, blissfully unaware of the hell her mother had just gone through over worrying someone was after them. It was sickening really that Jak would lower himself to this level. Scare tactics on his brother's wife and child. He was indeed playing the game just as Angus said he was was good at. He could not fight one on one, but he could manipulate things into his favor.
Lund sighs softly. "Hes doing everything just like Angus said he would. You have to be strong darling. Hes going to try and scare you as much as he can." His hand is placed against Sarahs cheek as he watches her sleep. "We cant let him get to us. If we do then hes already won before we even fight him."
Kiana moves to his side, wrapping her arms around him and sighing. Just having him close eased her mind so very much. "I know love. I just... I hate living in fear like this. I can't wait until it's over and he is out of our lives forever." The question still hung in the air though it Lund would remain in her life after the duel or not. She pressed her face into his shoulder and took in a deep breath of him, letting it out on a sigh as she snuggled against him.
Lund turns to her wrapping his arms around her waist tightly. "Its alright love. You have me here for you ok?" He kisses her cheek softly as he runs his fingers through her hair smiling softly as he lifts her up carrying her to the bed. He lays her on the bed kissing her cheek. "Just try to relax and let Sarah sleep love."
She nods a bit as she wraps her arms around his neck and does not allow him to stray far from here on the bed. She just wanted him to be close to her. That's all she needed. Just for a little while she eased her frazzled nerves. "Relax. Yes. I can do that. As long as you stay with me love."
Lund nods softly as he pulls her close holding on to her. He shifts on the bed slightly to give himself access to her back which he begins to massage softly. "Ill stay right here love. Just like last night." He smiles kissing her cheek softly as he holds on to her tightly.
The soft touch of his hands upon her back really was soothing. So soothing that it was not long before her eyes were shut, her breathing slower... she was passed out. Just as blissful of the world around her as the sleeping baby nearby.
Lund begins to hum softly even as he rubs her back. He smiles softly as he looks at her face seeing her passed out. "A nap will help you love." His fingers keep working her back as he glances towards the crib. His head lays back yawning himself softly as he begins to close his eyes letting himself rest even as his family does.
While the family rests, suddenly, the doorknob starts to be toyed with once more. Someone clearly is there to intimidate them once more. Perhaps they did not realize that Lund was inside for they would never risk his wrath meeting them face to face if the knew he was in there.
Lund turns towards the door as the knob starts to move. He gingerly sets Kiana down on the bed freeing his arm once more. He draws his sword slowly as he moves to the door smirking softly. His hand reaches for the door waiting a moment for the handle to stop, when it does it gingerly unlocks the door and steps back out of sight to see what happens.
The door remains just as he had left it. Whomever was on the other side was seemingly so shocked over the door actually opening that they fled. Whoever it was could be heard fleeing down the hall with great speed.
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