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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

She squeezes his hand back before rising and bowing her head to his father and mother at the head of the table. She held his hand as she walked away until their hands fell from one another. No sooner had she left, his father cleared his throat and as if on cue, Lund's mother and Lily both rose as well, departing the table. It left the men all alone with one another. Lund would know business was about to be had among them. "Lund..." his father started, "I have made my choice on the matter of the duel. Have you or your brother anything to say before I make my announcement and decree?"

Kiana went right back to Angus and Nessa's room, finding Nessa still trying to ease Sarah's crying. Kiana took the child into her arms at once and rocked the baby. Sarah calmed herself down to a whimper, but she was still not to pleased.
Lund finishes his glass swallowing softly as he turns to his father. "I dont have anything that needs to be said father. Im waiting your decision." He stands slowly as he moves around to the edge of the table sitting on it as he thinks of Kiana and Sarah. His jaw is still clenched shut tightly the muscle working as he waits to hear his father.
Jak remains silent, waiting like Lund for the judgment from his father. With no further input from the brothers, his father sighs and stands, speaking for all to hear, "My sons shall indeed duel for the right to be my heir. I do not declare it to be to the death, but I do not declare it to be without casualty as well. It is the right of the winning brother to choose what will become of the other. I hope that they are both wise enough to know what the proper fate for his brother would be in the end. I will not accept there recommendations for when this duel will take place..."

"Why wait on the inevitable father?" Jak said, still sipping from his drink, looking rather smug. "I have been preparing for this moment in that cell you had me stuck in for months now. And after a nice sleep in a proper bed last night, I am well rested. Let us finish this now..."
Lun rubs his chin slowly as he watches his brother. He tenses hearing his brothers words swallowing again as he lays his hand on his sword hilt. "I think Father will decree when our duel is to take place. He is still the lord of these lands." He leans over take a drink from his cup. Somehow he feels like he got lucky the last duel and he is unsure of how he would do now that the time is at hand.
"I am still the lord here. To have this duel now is unfair and would be ill prepared. Two days time. You will both have 48 hours to prepare yourselves for it." He looked to Lund, "Is that fair enough for you?" It would certainly give him the time to be with his family before the inevitable and perhaps even get them far out of harms way as well.
Lund nods softly. "48 hours is more then enough time father." He bows respectfully as he turns leaving the dining hall. He brings his hand up to wipe at his forehead trembling softly as he heads for Nessa and Angus's room. His hand knocks on the door before entering slowly. He glance to Kiana smiling softly. "Father has given us two days to prepare then the duel will take place."
He is smiling, but she is certainly now. Sarah expresses the feelings for both of them quite well as she bursts into heavy tears once more. Kiana does not have the time to focus on her problems with Lund and this duel looming over their lives. She turns her attention to Sarah, trying to rock the babe as gently as possible and cooing to her "Shhhh, Sarah it's alright. Don't cry my sweet. You'll tire yourself out to quickly like that. Shhhh mommy is here."
Lund swallows as he moves over to them. He makes a soft whistle as he makes his face easy for her to find. "Dont cry like that little one. Daddy's right here for you." He reaches out for her small foot giving it a playful shake as he lets out another whistle. "Right here for you darling." His arms open to Kiana offering to take Sarah from her to help quiet her.
Kiana tried to give up the babe to him, but it seemed to be doing only a little good. Sarah still fussed and cried in her father's arms. The whistling captures her attention, but she continues to cry even as she looked up at his face, watching him. "I don't know what could be wrong with her," Nessa commented as she came up to try and help ease her. Her son was quite content across the room so it was just everyone trying to calm little Sarah.

Kiana wondered it Sarah was feeding off of the feelings inside her mother? The overwhelming worry and sadness within her...
Lund sighs softly as he gentle grabs at sarahs foot trying to find something that will distract her. "Ohh please don't cry. Everythings alright Sarah." He let's out another whistle as he tugs on her foot playfully. "Nothing seems to be working Kiana. Do you think she might be sick." He glances down at the babe worriedly swallowing.
Kiana shakes her head a little and steps up to gently start stroking as Sarah's cheek. Being very soft and gentle with her, "It's not sick Lund. She's a baby. Baby's cry until they get what they want, but they can't tell us what it is they want." She nodded to Nessa in parting and looked to Lund, "Let's take her back to our room. Maybe she'll feel more comfortable there."
"It's the only thing I could thing of love." He smiles at Sarah caressing her small cheek. "Alright lets take her home. Thank you for watching her Nessa." He wraps an arm around Kiana's waist as they walk back go their room. He whistles softly hoping to help calm the baby and kiana. "Did you notice lily at breakfast. She looked bothered."
Kiana nodded lightly. "I'm sure she is just as nervous about the approaching duel as I am," she brushed her hand over Sarah's cheek. "I think part of the reason Sarah is so upset right now it she is just feeding off the rest of us around her. She doesn't know why mommy is so upset but she just is upset like her." Sighing as they reached their room once more, she reached out to take Sarah from his arms, "I don't mean her to be feeding off how I feel, it just seems to be happening. Look though, she's already calmed down a bit." And the baby had, the crying turning more for more of a whimpering by the time they reached their rooms.
Lund smiles as he gives Sarah back to Kiana. "I hope that she will be alright." He smiles softy letting out another whistle to see if Sarah is willing to play with him yet. He moves to open the door for her holding it wide. "I'll see what I can do about dinner being brought here so you don't have to deal with my brothers loudness." He smiles starting to unbuckle his belt.
She sighed a little as she sat upon the sofa with Sarah, the baby finally starting to ease her crying with her father's whistle distracting her from whatever reason she was so very upset. "Are you sure that you should spend another night away from the main table. Appearances and such. I can remain here with the baby, maybe invite Lily to help her escape the tension as well."
Lund sighs softly as he sits down on the bed rubbing his chin. "I think you have a good point there. Alright I'll go by and talk to lily in a few moments." He slides his sword from it's sheath lifting the blade up beginning to check every inch of it as he talks. "I don't want you to worry about me darling. Father has decreed the winner will decided the losers fate."
Kiana sighed softly as she watches him, rocking the babe who had finally stopped her weeping. "You think that changes much? Your brother is the one that holds your fate in you hands love. If he wins, you think he will spare you? Be honest with me..."
Lund listens to her question waiting a few moments to answer. In those moments he takes a rag starting to polish his sword lightly. "I..I dont think so love. Even if I swore to leave and never come back he would worry about me coming back to claim the throne." He glances up at Kiana swallowing. "Would you want us to leave love? Just pack up our thinks and go."
Sighing, she shook her head, "We have been over this Lund. And yet..." she paused and looked down at Sarah in her arms, thinking of her growing up without her father in her life. "I don't know anymore. Making you run away with me seems selfish. The people here need you just as much as Sarah and I do."
He swallows softly as he lays the sword across his lap. "I. I know its selfish love, but I believe the people of this land would be worse off. I i could still send you away with Angus and Nessa." He glances towards her his eyes taking her in as he makes the suggestion. "I wouldnt like it but two days would give you enough time to get out of these lands."
She had had the same idea as he now suggested, but she had held back from saying it the same reason she suspected he had. The idea that they might not have much time left together and then shortening it even more so... it was heart breaking. Perhaps though there was a way to meet in the middle. "Nessa, Angus, and I don't need to run unless it's truly Jak who wins. And yet... it would be wise never the less to be out of his reach at the time of the duel..." she thought it over a minute, then... "Perhaps we can just travel to some place where we can sit in wait. If news comes of Jak's triumph, we will continue on our way, not returning. When new reaches us of your victory however, we shall return. I know it seems like it could be just a waste of time, but... it might be safest?"
Lund stands setting his sword across the bed lightly. "Alright...that sounds the safest love. Perhaps you can journey to the temple where we married. The priest will shelter you there." He begins to pace slowly across the floor. "I think it would be best if you took Lily with you as well. She might not be safe here either." He sighs softly turning towards Kiana. "When I win the duel Ill come riding for you myself."
((You are reading my miiiiiind tonight))

Kiana nods in agreement about Lily, "Do you think your father will agree to this arrangement? I mean, we seem to be making plans without his involvement and he is the most important say in this land after all." Sarah had finally calmed herself by then and had taken to sucking on her fingers a bit while her parents spoke. "The temple would be a fine hiding place for us. I think it would be best to tell no one else where it is we go to. JUST in case thought I know this is all likely just silly precautions..." At least she hoped it was.
Lund laughs softly watching Sarah suck on Kiana's fingers. He quickly shakes his head. "If everything goes as planned then we can make it look like a small planned outing. If it doesnt then I fear father will not have a say much longer." He leans in kissing her lips softly. "I should go speak to Lily now and make sure she is ready to depart tomorrow."
Kiana leans a bit into his kiss, wishing it would last a little longer, but all good things come to an end. Left nodding in agreement, "Yes, and then of course to Nessa and Angus as well. They are key players in this little planned outing to after all. If we cannot return, we will need to take enough supplies with us to... well... start again somewhere else. NOT that... you know that will happen. Precautions..."
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