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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Lily in turn could not drive out the pain inside her. Things started to clear up in her head and she wondered why she had let it go so far. He had pushed her. She had told him she didn't want to go to that place yet he kept touching her, pressing it, pushing. And look how it all ended. When she finally gotten enough strength in herself to move, she realized her virgin's blood was upon the bed. In frantic panic, she grabbed water and a cloth and scrubbed and scrubbed at it until it came out. What had she done? Eventually she collapsed on the side of the bed, resting against it as she cried over the whole evening. This wasn't how it was suppose to be. What had she done?
He quickly gathers up a few things getting himself a warm bath hanging his head with shame. He wasnt sure how he would be able to even face lily after this. Once done with his bath he burns his clothes in case he had gotten blood on them. He sinks on to his bed staring at the floor quietly for a few moments.


Lund shifts slightly his eyes blinking open as he tries to focus. His mind searches his senses tryingto figure out what woke him as he hears Sarah startin to fuss quietly in her crib. He smiles glancing down at Kiana as he starts trying to ease her to the bed without waking her so he can go to their baby.
All his best intentions don't really work as Kiana's motherly senses kicked in the moment that Sarah just started to grow louder then a slight whimpering. His wife stirred then her eyes were open and she was looking about. Eventually her eyes settled on him, "She's awake... isn't she?" Kiana started to pull away to leave the bed.
Lund smiles seeing Kianas eyes open. His arms tighten giving her waist a squeeze. "I'm afraid she is love." He quickly moves to pin her to the bed stroking her cheek as their daughter fussed behind them. "Stay in bed love. I'll bring her Over for us." He places a quick kiss on her lips before sliding out of the bed. He returns with Sarah cradled close sliding across the bed to gently hand her tO Kiana. "Here we are."
The funny part of it all was the moment that he handed Sarah to Kiana, the fussing stopped. In the darkness, the room only lit by a few candles, the baby looked up from Kiana then to Lund, then seemed to make herself comfortable settled into her mother's arms. Kiana smiled as she bent down to kiss the babe on the head, "Something tells me that was just her way to get attention from the both of us. Usually when she wants to eat she continues with the fussing until she gets her meal."
Lund smiles as she ceases her fussing. He moves to lay on the bed next to both of them. "Well she certainly got her wish my dear." He leans over kissing her cheek then leans in kissing Sarahs cheek touching her back. "She's such a beautiful child my darling. She's so much like you." He lays back on the bed watching them.
Sighing as Kiana rested her back against the head board, just gently rocking Sarah in her arms as she looked towards Lund, then the babe. "Like me? Darling she looked more like you then like me. She has your hair and your nose." She sighs again and shakes her head, "Though perhaps she will have my personality and stubbornness..."
Lund smiles once more as he scoots to get a better look at Sarah. "I agree she does have my hair but I'm not sure about the nose. I didn't think mine was that big." He laughs softly as he let's out a slow whistle to see Sarahs reaction. "We can only pray she isnt as stubborn as you love. It will take us forever to convince her of anything otherwise."
The whistling once more captured the little girls attention as she sought out the source. Her little eyes didn't seem to be able to focus as well in the dark but eventually she settled upon his face, watching him. Kiana gave him a cross look, "My nose is not big and neither is hers. I'm not THAT stubborn... am I?" she asked, pouting her lip a little bit. "I mean, I am, a little bit. Maybe."
He smiles watching the little girl search for the source of the noise. He smiles touching her cheek as she focus on him. His head turns smiling at kiana. "Your stubborn love, but I'm glad you are. It keeps me from rushing out into the darkness without a torch." he leans in kissing her pouting lips softly.
She is smiling again by the time that he pulls back from her face, "You would be very stupid to go out into the dark love. You are must wiser then that, I know." Sarah grunted a little in her little baby voice and waved her arm, her own little face in what looked to be a pout. Kiana could not help but laugh. "I think she wants more whistling..."
He smiles at her softly as he leans back against the headboard watching her. "Well I would hope my wonderful would make sure to remind me of that fact." He smiles as he turns back to Sarah laughing as he sees her pout. "I see what she wants." He begins whistling softly as he touches her cheek softly.
Sarah relaxed at once, her little eyes just watching him as he made the noise. It seemed to sooth her and Kiana could only giggle lightly and smile. "Something tells me there is going to be much whistling going on around here with her. It's a shame I don't know how to do it. I won't be able to appease her when you are not within reach of her."
He smiles softly as he keeps whistling every so often. He slips his hand down to take Kianas squeezing it lightly. "Well I'll have to see what I can do about appeasing her." He laughs as he lays his hand on the babes back giving off another whistle. He leans his head on Kianas shoulder watching Sarah.
After awhile, the babe's fussing started again and Kiana knew that she was finally ready for a meal. "I think you can stop the whistling for a little bit until she's done here." She then moved herself to sit up a bit more against the headboard, pulling her dress down, only then realizing they had fallen asleep in their clothes. Sarah found her mother's breast and latched on quickly to start drinking. "I think you can take this chance to get back to sleep. She'll want to pass out again once she is finished. No need for us both to be awake."
Lund slips out of the bed as Kiana starts to feed the babe. He slips out of his shirt tossing it on to the edge of the bed. "Are you sure about that darling? I dont mind staying away with the two of you." He slides on to the bed yawning softly. "In fact I think our daughter might get upset about it if I dont whistle for her once shes finished eating."
She smiled, "You are likely right you know. Then you'll just have to wake back up to make her happy." She adjusted her hold on the babe a moment but did not disturb her meal as she got a bit more comfortable holding her. "Just remember, I offered to let you sleep. I don't think I'll be offering you that often with the way Sarah has been sleeping."
He laughs softly as he adjusts himself slowly to lay his head in her lap. "Its alright darling. I will learn to sleep when I can as long as I can keep you and her happy." He reaches up with his hand to toy with Sarah's foot gently smiling softly.
The baby, feeling him toying with her foot started to kick a little at his hand. She quickly seemed to find it an entertaining game and kicked more. Kiana groaned a little, "Don't get her too worked up or neither of us will ever get to sleep. She needs to learn to sleep at night and play during the day."
He smiles laughing softly as Sarah kicks her foot back at his hand. He brings his fingers back quickly dragging them over her foot. "Shes just trying to have alittle fun is all love." He looks up Kiana winking at her softly as he grabs at Sarah's foot once more laughing at her reaction to his hand.
The babe lets go of Kiana and started to focus entirely upon kicking her foot back against Lund's hand, little grunts coming from her as Kiana notes how Sarah's eyes are wide open. Kiana groaned as well. "Her having fun is us not sleeping the rest of this night." Kiana let her dress open while Sarah played with her father, knowing eventually she would tire of playing kicking and come back for more.
He laughs softly as Sarah focus on his hand grabbing at her foot. "Look at this way love. She will tire herself out faster and want to sleep for longer." He moves slightly to put himself into position to make a grab at both feet alternating which one he goes for. "I don't know of any child who could expend this much energy and not sleep through the night."
Kiana can't help but let her heart be warmed and a smile slip it's way across her face as she watches him playing with their daughter. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. They were a family. A happy family. Kiana sat there watching father and daughter playing until eventually Sarah started to ignore his game and went back to latch onto Kiana for more to eat. When she let go this time, Kiana knew she was finished. Sarah turned her little face, a little sleepy look in her eyes, to Lund. "I think she is looking for some more of the sound her daddy makes for her."
He smiles laying his head back in Kiana's lap as the babe goes back to feeding. His eyes slip shut as he lays there quietly. "She seems to be quiet the feeder love." His head comes back up as he watches Sarah finish her feeding. He let's out a soft laugh as he whistles softly once more watching his daughters reaction to his noise.
"She's a baby. Pretty much all she does is eat, sleep, and poop. Not always in that order." Sarah looks up at Lund, the look in her eyes more sleepy then interested in what kind of noise he was making. She yawned a little and Kiana went about rocking her the rest of the way to sleep. "There... she should sleep until dawn now..." Kiana whispered softly to not disturb her. Carefully, she climbed from the bed and went to lay Sarah back in her crib once more.
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