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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Lund slides to the side watching Kiana with the baby as he keeps himself out of the way. "Well she certainly drank her fill love." He waits for her to return to the bed wrapping his arms around her waist hugging her close pressing his lips to hers. "I love you Kiana." His hand presses against her cheek smiling as he looks into her eyes slowly.
He only catches her eyes for a moment before they are shut once again, Kiana quickly and skillfully slipping back to sleep with amazing ease. Mixing her words with a yawn, she muttered her own love for him in return then snuggled herself closer to his side. Sleep was quick to overtake her.
He lays back on the bed next to her smiling as he holds her close. He lets his own eyes slip shut quickly as he begins to drift off as well. His body rolls to the side slightly as he squeezes her waist softly. He coughs softly in his sleep as he continues to hold on to her protectively.
There is not more fussing from the baby until the morning light beings to shine in through the windows. Then, like a little roaster welcoming the dawn, Sarah started at it again. Kiana woke with a smile, not sure if Lund was up or not but whispered anyway, "She ate. She sleep. This will be the poop. Then the cycle starts all over again." Opening her eyes, Kiana rolls from the bed, heading for Sarah.
Lund smiles softly as he stretches out hearing the baby starting to fuss. He lets out a soft laugh as he opens his eyes watching her. "I see. Well if you give me a moment love Ill send for some breakfast." He rubs at his face trying to wake himself as he sits up on the edge of the bed. "And it looks like she slept through most of the night."
She laughed slightly, "That is a miracle really. It's the first night she has sleep at least somewhat soundly." As she reached the crib, she smiled and make little baby noises to Sarah as she picked her up, heading towards the bath chamber with her, "Good morning my little sweetie. Mom is so happy you let her and daddy sleep at least half the night. Such a good girl you are..."
He smiles softly laughing as he watches her. He slips to the door opening it enough to whisper orders for food to be brought for the two of them. He closes the door once more moving to sit on the edge of the bed. "How is she doing in there love?" He smiles as he picks up his sword pulling it out alittle to check the edge of it.
Kiana comes out a few moments later with the babe in her arms, smile on her face and Sarah's little eyes wise open. "All keep and apparently quite awake once more." She could not help but notice how he checked his sword and recalled then how he would have to use it again soon. Her happiness started to fade. "When will you talk with your father about the duel?" She asked as she crossed to sit upon the sofa with Sarah.
Lund pushes the sword down with a slight clank. "Ill speak to him after Ive had breakfast with my wife and daughter." He stands up moving to sit next to them on the sofa. He purses his lips slightly as he begins whistling softly watching Sarah's reaction. "Well I know I certainly enjoyed laying next to you last night. How did you sleep love?"
Just like always little Sarah seems instantly fascinated by her father and the noises he could make. Her little foot wiggled free to start kicking to show she wanted to play both their little games at the same time now. Kiana tried to smile, but the though of him and the sword now fresh in her mind. "It was the best I have slept in a long while. Both having you near and having Sarah sleep through most of the night."
He smiles as he plants a kiss on Kianas cheek. "Well I'm glad I could help you sleep love." He laughs softly as he reaches out for Sarah's foot tugging on it playfully as he let's out another whistle. His eyes come to rest on sarahs face watching her as he whistles and plays with her foot. "When the food gets here love you should eat first and I'll watch her for you."
She smiled and already started to shift the baby from her arms into his, "You can start watching her now. I feel a mess having slept in my clothing and I would love to freshen myself a bit before the morning meal." Before he could even think to possibly protest, the baby was in his arms, looking up at him with infant wonder. Kiana was up off the sofa, bending a moment to give him a kiss before she headed to get a new dress to change into.
He laughs softly as he takes Sarah from Kiana. His head turns focusing on the babe letting out a soft whistle. "Good morning daughter. Im glad you slept through the night." He smiles at the kiss his head turning to watch her move around the room for a moment. HIs focus then turns back to the babe whistling softly enjoying the joy on her face.
Sarah looked up at him, completely captivated by her father. It was clear even at this young age she was destined to be a daddy's girl. Amazing since she had only really known him for 24 hours now. The connection was just so honest and true between him. It was like... she knew he was the reason she was on this earth, enjoying the soft noise her made for her.

Kiana came back out into the main room, smiling as she watched him amuse their daughter. A knock came at the door and she headed for it, "Stay. I will get it." Expecting it to be breakfast, Kiana hurried to make sure that the servants would not be made to hold the trays. But as she opened the door, only one rather timid looking maid was there. "Pardon my my lady but... the master has requested you join the family and guests for the morning meal." Which was code more for Lund being told to be there and that breakfast would not be delivered to them even if they asked again for it. Kiana turned her face to look toward Lund for his response to this "request."
Lund smiles as he holds Sarah continuing to play their little games. He tries to keep Sarah from tiring herself out even as he keeps her happy. His body shakes with laughter as he pretends to eat her tiny hands laughing softly at her reaction.

He glances up hearing the door. "Alright love. Just have them set the trays down on the table." His head drops to glance at Sarah pausing in the middle of a whistle hearing the maids words. He sighs softly as he stands cradling the babe close. "If I know my father Kiana its either join the family or starve. He wont be ignored in this." He walks to Kiana handing Sarah to her. "Tell my father we will join them shortly." His steps are hurried as he changes shirts before moving to his sword belting it on. He kneels to pull out another dagger checking the sharpness before turning to Kiana. "I want you to carry this love."
Holding the baby, she was reluctant to take the dagger as well. Just the need to have a dagger on her person stressed her out. But she would take it in the end, but first... "I want to take Sarah to Nessa. I don't want her in the main hall with all those people around and the air so very tense. It will be better if she is far out of harms way." She didn't know what it was, but she just had a feeling this breakfast was not about to be some pleasant family meal. "After she is with Nessa... I'll take that, thing... from you. Not before." Kiana was already more stressed then she wanted to be. This happiness had been so wonderful. She didn't want it to end.
Lund nods softly turning to his desk. He writes out a quick note sealing it his personal signet. "Ill go with you. Then well head to break fast." He buckles his sword belt on as he holds the knife with a small belt of its own. "I need to give this note to Angus and make sure a few things are in place." He smiles warmly kissing Kiana's cheek. "Dont worry love. Everything will be fine I promise."
She can't help but glance at the note, wondering exactly what it held upon it. What kind of things needed to be put into place? Nervously, she nodded and while cooing a little to Sarah as they made their way together. Oh course, Nessa was happy to see to the baby, taking her into her arms. Sarah was use to Nessa yet as she was separated from her parents, she started to fuss and whimper. It would not be long before she would start to cry as well.
Lund smiles to Nessa stepping past her to Angus. He keeps his voice low pressing the sealed letter into his hand. "I..If something happens to me Angus this letter will get you some gold and safe passage out of my fathers lands. Use it wisely." HE clasp Angus's hand smiling as he turns to Sarah kissing her cheek. "Alright love are you ready?" He smiles as he takes her arm leading her outside.

He glances around the halls before ducking down a side hall. He kneels smiling as he straps the knife on to her leg. Once he straightens her dress the knife cant be seen. "That way you can be safe but it wont show your hiding a weapon." His lips press to hers softly before he offers his arm to her escorting her to the dining hall.
Kiana held onto his arm as they walked, getting use to the feeling of the dagger against her leg. It should make her feel save, right? But it only made her feel far from safe. The need for it alone meant she was not safe. As they drew closer and closer to the main hall, she could just sense something was not right. Something behind those doors just... was not right. She held his arm tighter the closer they came to it all they way until they entered the room.

One look at the table, and she knew exactly what her fears had been warning her of...

At the table, sat Jak. He smiled a wicked smile and raised his glass to the pair at they entered, "Good to see you again dear brother. And my sweet sister-in-law as well. What, no baby girl with you? I was hoping to get to meet my niece this morning." Kiana almost passed out right there on the spot. No one else in the room looked to pleased with Jak's presence at the table expect for his ally that sat at his side.
Lund tries to squeeze her waist holding her close. He places on last kiss on her cheek before they enter the room. His feet freeze for a moment seeing Jak seated at the table. His hand drops to the hilt of his sword trying to make it look casual as his brother mentions their daughter. "She wasnt feeling well. We left her with a friend." He touches Kiana's back leading her to their spot at the table. His eyes manage to catch his fathers making sure plenty of his anger is reflected in them.

His head stays turned away from Jak as he tugs out Kiana's chair. His voice is low ment for her only. "Eat what you want love then go to Angus's rooms. I will stay and deal with his taunting." He touches her hand as he sits motioning plates over for them as he forces a smile on to his face.
Kiana looked sick to her stomach and pale. She wasn't the only one. Lily, who sat across from them, looked just as sick and pale. Kiana did not realize it was for a different reason then Jak sitting there at the table as if he belonged there among the family. He did not address Kiana and Lund again, but laughed loudly from down the way. There was never a moment they were not reminded of his presence in their lives. She reached for his hand, squeezing it tightly, "I don't want to leave you..." she whispered to him.
Lund swallows as he takes her hand kissing it softly. He glances at Lily swallowing again as he begins to eat slowly. "I think Lily needs to leave just as much love." He glances down the table towards Jak his knuckles going white as he watches his brother. "I think she is feeling just as bad as you." He keeps eating forcing himself to keep his food down used to the nerves he is feeling suddenly. "Besides I wont be here alone long. Ill give you a few minutes head start and Ill follow."
She looked at him, then to his father, down towards Jak, and back to him again... "You PROMISE me you are going to follow after me?" she asked him, putting much emphasis on the word promise. Something told her that if she took her eyes off him for even a moment, the brothers would be racing off to duel one another. She knew it had to happen, but part of her thought that maybe there was a way to hold it off from happening. But to take her eyes off him for even a moment...
Lund turns towards her smiling softly. "Of course darling. I promise that I will follow after you." He leans in kissing her lips softly smiling. After the quick kiss he begins eating again sipping at his cup. He glances down at his brother once more his jaw tightening the muscle working underneath the skin as he tenses once more. His hand move to Kiana's giving it a soft squeeze.
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