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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

He smiles softly nodding. "Of course. Ill leave you here with Sarah." He touches her cheek softly smiling. "Ill return shortly I promise." He turns sheathing his sword and buckling the belt back on. As he goes through the door he turns blowing a kiss to her. "Make sure to lock the door love." He winks at her as he rushes off to Lily's room knocking on the door.

((How am I reading your mind?))
The moment he left their room, the door was promply locked behind him, shutting Kiana and the baby inside.

When he at last reached Lily's room, knocking on the door, it took her a moment to respond to the knock. Eventually her voice came from inside, as if she was right on the other side of the door. "Who is it?" her voice sounded a bit tense.

((I was totally gonna lead to them going and waiting for word on the duels result at the temple they were married at, but you got to the point before I could. Hehe. In other news, I'm heading to sleep. See you again tomorrow.))
Lund pauses hearing his sisters voice. "Lily it's me Lund. I need to come in and talk to you." He glances up and down the hallway. "There are a few things we need to discuss sister." He waits patently smiling at his sister as she opens the door. "May I come in? What I have to say is better said behind closed doors."
Lily was suddenly paranoid. Had he found out about what had happened the night before? She had not seen Jas since then. Had he told Lund? Or was Lund just able to figure it out himself? Even through she was paranoid over the matter, still she opened the door for him and moved aside to let him him. The door was closed behind him and she stood against it, "What do we need to talk about?"
Lund enters the room glancing around slowly. He smiles turning towards her. "The duel has been announced. It's in two days but as a precaution I want you to leave with Kiana. There going to hide at a temple till the duel is over. If I win I'll come for you. If I lose then your to ride hard till you get out of these lands." He swallows soft beginning to pace. "You and I know if Jak wins these lands will suffer."
As disturbing as the news was, she found herself actually sighing with a bit of relief that he was not there to talk about the shameful things that she had done the night before with Jas that now left her ruined. "I know. I fear what will happen to his place and the people if Jak is victorious. Are you sure leaving in necessary? What does father have to think about it?"
He sighs softly as he runs his fingers through his hair. "I'm not telling father. If Jak wins father will not be in control much longer. I want to know that you will be safe. If you wish to bring someone with you then you can." He steps towards her taking her hand squeezing it softly. "And don't worry sister everything will be ok."
Her tensed a little with the mention of bringing someone with her and could not longer look him in the eyes, "Who would I want to bring with me? I already would have Kiana, Nessa, Angus, and the babies with me. At least, I assume you would not send Kiana and I off without Angus and Nessa close by. Who else would I take?"
Lund smiles softly as his sister. "Lily I know about the your love youve found. You can bring him with you if you want. I wont stop you." He smiles warmly as he hugs his sister tighter. "I wont push you either way but you can bring him or leave him whichever makes you happie
Lily's eyes go wide as he mentions her "love" and hugs her. Her entire body is tense and stiff at he hugs her. What could she say? If she said that she had no lover to take, he would ask her what had happened. She didn't know if she had the strength to lie to him about it. If she said yes she had a lover, then Jas would be going with her. Part of her wanted that still, but she didn't know how Jas felt about it after what had happened the night before. Lily was very torn and confused what path to take.
Lund smiles as he pats her hand softly. "I'll leave you alone to pack and talk things over with your friend." He gives her another hug before turning to open the door. "I must speak with Angus to make further arrangements. Just send me a letter or send for me when you've made up your mind." He slips out the door heading for Angus's room.

Jas slips through halls pausing to duck down a side corridor hearing Lily's door open. He stays hidden watching Lund walk by before moving to knock on Lilys door. "L..lily are you in there?" He glances down the hall worried at getting caught.
Lily has already gone about getting some clothing together, avoiding packing things fancy. If they are forced to live a simple life out there beyond Jak's reach, ballgowns would not be needed. At first hearing the knock, she thought it was Lund again and spoke before hearing the voice from the other side, "Come in. Did you forget something?" But when she heard the voice and the door closing, she turned to face Jas. Her whole face going pale. Words escaped her.
Jas slips in shutting the door. His face starts to light up enjoying the sound of her voice. The smile fades seeing her face. His head drops slightly. "I wanted to see you again lily. I was afraid you wouldn't see me." He swallows staying by the door with his head down. "I...I never ment to hurt you the other night."
Lily calmly laid the dress in her hands down upon her bed and moved just slightly to cling to one of the posts of her bed. "I... I'm sorry as well. I should not have pushed you away. Well, I never should have let things go as far as they did. I was not ready nor did I ever want it to be like... well that... for our first time. It was my fault."
Jas shakes his head softly not moving away from the door. "I didn't mean to push you away Lily. I still love you." He glances up watching her frozen to his spot on the floor. "I still wish to be with you darling, but if you want me to go away then I will." He swallows softly as he rubs his chin softly watching her.
Lily was frozen herself, unsure what to tell him. With a sigh, she is able to put the power back into her legs and tell them to start moving across the floor closer to him, "I still... I still love you to Jas. I just... it just didn't turn out how I wanted it to. It did happen how I had pictured it and then when... when the pain hit me." She cringed and shivered thinking about it, "I panicked. I don't see how my brother and Kiana could enjoy that enough to go at it so very much."
Jas swallows softly his head coming up to face her. "I've heard the pain disappears if you give it long enough." He glances towards the bed at her clothing. " It looks like your planning on leaving. Is it because of the other night?" He swallows heavily running his fingers through his hair slowly. "I'll do whatever I have to to make it up to you Lily."
Lily looks to the clothing on the bed then back to him, shaking her head lightly. "No, not because of you. Lund has asked me to go with his wife. He is sending her away until after the duel with his brother. Wants her out of harms way in case Jak is the victor in the end."
Jas swallows softy nodding. "That means if Lund loses I won't see you again doesn't it." He swallows softly as drops his head again staring at her feet. "Should I go so you can pack?" His hand drops to his sword hilt his head refusing to come up and look at her. "I feel as though I've ruined things for us."
"You could come along," she spoke the words quickly and without restraint. They just came spilling from her lips without thinking. She quickly tried to cover for her sudden burst that came with no warning, "Lund said that, if I wanted to bring... someone... with me, I could. And it might be better with you along. Angus can't defend all three of us women and two babies all on his own if the need rises for it."
Jas blinks softly raising his head slowly. "You would let me come with you?" He takes a step towards her reaching for her hand. His fingers lift her hand kissing the knuckles softly as he looks into her eyes softly. "I love you Lily." He smiles softly as he steps towards her scooping her up into a tight hug twirling her around.
Lily was a bit shocked at his rather joyous reaction to the news that she had wanted him to come along with them. She almost cried out but quickly recalled that it was the middle of the day and the risk of him being in her room with her now was much greater then when he had snuck in during the evening. She tapped him on the shouders and urged him to put her back on the ground, "Jas you can't be here. Talk with Angus later about the arrangements to leave but you just can't be here at this time of day love."
Jas smiles softly as he sets her back down on the ground. "Im sorry love. I just was worried you wouldnt want me to go with you." He touches her cheek softly brushing a strand of her hair back behind her ear. His eyes lock on to hers as he stares into her eyes smiling happily. He leans in kissing her briefly. "I must go attend to my duties but I will talk with Angus after Ive finished." He gives her one last kiss before rushing out of the rooms.
Lily was left alone again and for the first time could actually look back on the last few moments between the two of them. A smile had to creep over her lips. Somehow, she had the man she loved actually had a chance now to be together and make things right between one another. She didn't know how this glorious gift had come about, but she was very thankful for it as she went back to preparing of the trip ahead of her.
Lund has made his way through the manors halls going over the list of things needed for their trip. He steps to the door knocking softly on it. "Angus its me Lund. I need to talk to you about a few things." His head turns glancing up and down the hallway as he waits for the door to be opened for him.
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