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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Jas groans softly as he parts his lips letting his tongue push against hers. Instinct takes over slightly as he fits himself between her legs thrusting forward slightly. With each thrust his arousal is pushed against her stomach and inner thighs. He moves slightly letting his chest rub against her hardened nipples teasing her body even further.
Her instincts sort of kick in as well, as does her caution. The way he moved against her, resting himself between her legs... even with her skirt and his pants between them, the promise of what would one day happen between them sent tingles to her womanhood. It yearned for him but she dare not give it all it wanted. Not yet. But the way he rubbed against her... dear lord, "Harder," she found herself whispering to him in a quite husky voice she didn't know she had. "Rub harder."
Jas's hips keep moving letting out a soft moan enjoying his position between her legs. His chest presses even harder into her nipples. "Lily pull your skirt up please love." His hips move to rub his arousal even harder between her legs breathing heavily. "Please love." He presses his lips to hers heavily his lips parting to push his tongue against her lips again.
She feels very hesitant then with what he asked. The only think keeping them apart were the clothing between them and that was not something she wanted to happen. Not like this. She had girlish fantasies of how she wanted it to be and half dressed on a sofa rushing to beat the clock was not exactly part of them. Even so, nipping her lip in uncertainty, she reached down and started to pull up her skirts, "You promise me... you won't...." she trailed off hoping he knew what she meant.
He swallows softly as he kisses her neck slowly. "Ill only free myself if you ask me to love, even though I want you so badly." He leans back his hand brushing over her breast softly as he looks down towards her body where the skirt has been pulled back. His hand comes down laying his hand against her bare skin his fingers running along her pussy lips as he looks into her eyes lovingly.
She gasped, her mouth starting to open but her hand was quickly thrown over it and the muffled sounds of her cry dulled considerable against it. Her hand remained there even as her hips moved up to rub against his fingers tentatively, testing if it would feel as good the second time as it did the first time. Dear lord she cried into her hand again because it did.
Jas smiles as he sees her reaction to such a light touch of his hand. His hand moves to press harder against her pussy lips as he brings his lips to hers letting out a soft moan. "Love perhaps we should move to the bed where you can be more comfortable." As he continues to push his fingers against her nibbling on her neck as a single finger slips into her up to his first knuckle.
The sound into her hand then is more a whimper and she shakes her head a bit before cautiously removing her hand to speak to him. Her voice is husky and almost frantic at the same time, "If we move to that bed, I won't be able to hold myself back from going all the way. This isn't how our first time should be... is it?" She was so confused and quite vulnerable at the moment. She was quickly falling into his hands. Touching her much more and she would do anything he asked of her, even the things she didn't want to.
Jas swallows heavily as he works his single finger into her slowly. He leans in kissing her breast biting on her nipple slowly. "Love I need you badly." He takes her hand pressing it into his penis as it throbs in his pants. He groans feeling her hand on him as he holds her wrist guiding it up and down shivering softly. "I love you Lily." He closes his eyes as his fingers moves in and out of her slowly his thumb grazing her clit.
Dear lord she knew she was going to regret the words about to come out of her mouth. They were going to haunt for a long time to come that she could be so very weak but still she said them, while nodding her head, "Very well..." she tells him as her hand rubs against the hard bulge in his pants that poked at her, begging her to give for it. She could only say no so many times before it turned into yes and this was apparently it.
Jas hesitantly tugs his finger out of her. He scoops her up into his arms carrying her to the bed laying her on it softly. His fingers move to work her dress off fully. "I love you Lily. I.." He is unsure of what more to say as he climbs on to the bed with her. His hand is quickly back on her pussy rubbing slowly as he pushes the finger into her once more. His head comes down kissing her softly as he leaves her hands to roam.
Now that they were on the bed, she felt even more unsure of her choice then before and yet she still did nothing to stop it. Laying back, at least she was more comfortable as she spread her legs wide for him, her hips softly and slowly bucking against his hand. His finger becoming covered with her hot juices showing just how ready her womanhood was to be claimed by him.
His fingers continue to work against her womanhood swallowing softly. He looks into her eyes as he brings up a single hand to his belt waiting as he keeps rubbing her. His body moves positioning himself between her legs once more as he comes down kissing her breast his eyes still on her head not going any further till she gives the word.
Her eyes were closed as she indulged further in the feeling of his lips upon her, his finger against her, and the rest of their bodies rubbing against one another in all other kinds of places. She did not realize he waited for her word. He may not get it again. It was hard enough for her to give him the okay the first time. She might not be able to say the words once more.
His fingers continue to move along her womanhood spreading her juices out as he begins loosing his pants slowly. Once he has them free his hand tugs his pants down freeing himself. He takes her hand placing it on his manhood, holding her wrist to guide it slowly as he lets her stroke it slowly. His lips part whispering her name as he enjoys her soft touch.
She lets him guide her name as she blushes with her nervousness. Running her hand over it, she realizes it's much bigger then she has anticipated he would be from feeling it rubbing from within his pants. And she was, well... she was so little compared to that. "Are you... are you sure this will work?" she asked in her naive innocence.
Jas keeps her hand moving slowly along his man hood swallowing softly. "Im sure it will Lily." He moves further between her legs pressing the head of his manhood against her lips spreading the juices from her. "This is the last chance to stop darling." He lets his fingers caress her inner thighs as he keeps his hips still swallowing.
"I know..." she said, her hesitation clear as she let her hand fall away from his manhood. As much as she wanted to say stop, as much as she knew she would regret giving him his way when it was over, she truly loved Jas. She wanted him to be her first time and her only ever. What did it matter if it happened differently then she had hoped and dreamed it would be? And the bottom line was she could not tell him no when it was something he wanted. Knowing she could cause a good enough of noise, she took the precaution to put her hand over her lips to stop the sound before it started and nodded her head to him, her eyes closing tight to brace herself.
Jas swallows hesitating as he gives her a moment to prepare herself for him. He looks at her face smiling softly. "I love you Lily." He begins pushing himself into her slowly gasping at her tightness and warmth that surrounds him suddenly. His hands pull her legs up slightly as he pushes himself into her until he comes to her maidenhead swallowing softly as he pulls back just alittle then thrust forward to break through.
The pain of giving into him suddenly only filled her with more doubt and regret then she had only moments before. This did not feel as good as she had thought it would. Fear flooded her and she was panicked as she moved without thinking, her hands pushing against his chest, pushing him away, "Stop! Oh stop Jas!!" she told him as she tried to pull away.
He grabs her hands kissing them as he lets himself come to rest deep inside her. "Lily please. I know it hurts, but give it a few moments love." He nibbles on her fingers not moving his hips as he keeps himself still. His eyes look down on to her face swallowing heavily as he tries not to pull out of her hoping the pain would end.
She is shivering as she shakes her head, though she does still her body under him. "We shouldn't have done this...." she whispers but no longer fights to move away. It's more resigned to face the circumstances of this choice she had made. She closed her eyes and a tear fell out of the corner of each of them. All of her was stiff and tense under him as she braced herself again.
Jas touches her cheek swallowing heavily. "Lily...Lily Im sorry. I wasnt trying to hurt you I swear." He twitches inside her softly as he cups her breast squeezing tenderly. "I..I dont know what else to do." He starts to pull himself out of her moving slowly as he tries to keep from harming her even further guilt buried in his eyes. "Please forgive love?"
Lily can't help but shiver, the shivers growing more. Since he gives her the room to retreat, her innocence and fear takes the open and she swiftly moves up the bed, further from him. She didn't understand that this was something natural. She just looked away, shaking her head lightly, "Go Jas..."

((Hope you don't hate that I caused drama))
Jas swallows softly as he watches her backing away. He quickly grabs his pants and shirt tugging them on as he flees from the room. "I love you Lily." He makes his way through the hallways quickly as he heads for his own room collapsing against the wall remembering the way she retreated from him unable to drive it out of his mind.

((Its fine. Makes things fun>))
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