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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Lund swallows as he takes a slow drink of his wine refilling his glass. "Kiana please don't be upset. Everything will be fine I promise." He turns her head kissing her lips softly. "No harm will come to us. Angus and I will keep you and the children safe." He glances at Angus smiling warmly. His fingers brush across her cheek softly.
Angus smiles and nods in agreement, "That's right Kiana. I might be the head of the guard here but my try job in my head and my heart is to keep you and Nessa safe here. That now extends to the children as well. I will not let any harm come to you all. You are my family. Not in blood, but in heart."

Nessa hugged her husband's arm and kissed his cheek, "Exactly right dear."

Kiana tried to smile along with them, but it was still a poor attempt. He had been right about her. She was stubborn and her stubbornness would not let her be this time.
Lund keeps working on his plate nodding in approval as he keeps eating. "Well then it's all settled. Let us enjoy this food and wine." He stands offering a refill to everyone pouring those who want it a full cup. "I'm just glad to be home and back with all of you." He smiles drinking from his cup as he settles back in his chair.

Jas quickly moves through the halls once more checking over his shoulder as he goes. He gently tries the handle to Lily rooms room sneaking in with the flowers he picked outside the gates while waiting for dinner to be over.
Kiana found herself accepting the refill on her glass and quickly it seemed to be empty again. She didn't realize how quickly she was drinking the wine down to dull that far to familiar feeling of approaching doom. The wine certainly helped to make her rapidly forget her troubles and worries in a very tingly way.


Lily ended up excusing herself from dinner early. Their guests at the table were being quite rude and not to subtle dropping hints about how the lord should judge the duel to be to the death. It was very disturbing and her mother gave her blessing to send her off to her room early.

As she slipped back into her room, she sighed, locking the door, but not yet realizing that Jas had returned early as well.
Lund smiles as he sips his own glass while making sure all the others are kept full. He glances at Kiana worriedly. His slips his hand into hers squeezing it warmly. "So Angus have you found any potential blade masters among the guard yet? I over heard father discussing it with another lord. I think he wants to hold some celebration try to bring alittle joy to the lands."

Jas smiles as he watches her enter hiding the flowers behind his back. He stands waiting a moment before approaching her. "Good evening M'lady. I hope you enjoyed your dinner." He keeps his voice low so as not to be heard by anyone passing by the door. As he finishes speaking he brings the flowers out.
"A few," Angus commented, noticing how Kiana reached for her glass again watching Nessa reach out and stop her hand, muttering something about wine and milk to Kiana. Whatever it was, Kiana pushed the cup aside. Meanwhile, Angus was continuing, "I have three very promising men. I've been focusing on their training more and more. Robert, Grego, and Jas..."

The look on Kiana's face at the mention of the last name was telling. She glanced to Nessa who glances back. Neither speak aloud whatever they are thinking.


Lily smiles in greeting as she steps forward and takes the flowers from his hands, smelling them before she takes his chin in her hand, "What did I say about using the M word with me in this room?"
Lund nods his head turning as he watches Kiana and Nessa. "Well I'm sure they will live up to your expectations." He smiles as he finishes his plate pushing it away. "I think in time they might surpass you Angus. Although if your son is just like his father he might be better then those three." He takes another sip glancing over to check on the babes.

Jas smiled softly at her words. "It's just a force of habit Lily. I'll try to break myself of it while here in your rooms." He leans in kissing her lips softly as his arms encircle her waist pulling her closer. "Dinner must have gone badly for you if your here this early. Is everything alright?"
The babes are still exploring one another, though they both looked much closer to sleeping. Baby Angus especially. Sarah looked a bit more aware of things around her. Nessa rose from her seat and crossed to the crib, picking up Angus, watching as Sarah reached for him as he was taken from her side. "I think that if Sarah takes after her father at all... she will be better then all three lads and Angus." She crossed the room and kissed her husband on the cheek, "I need to get this one his meal and to bed. Stay as long as you like. Night Lund, Kiana..." with that Nessa left, her departure bringing in the servants to clear the table. It was not long after that Angus left as well, leaving the small family alone again. Kiana was kneeling beside the crib, rocking it softly to try and urge Sarah to fall asleep.


Lily sighed, "I don't know. It might be. It might not be as well." She wrapped her arms back around his waist, "Jak's allies wish for the duel between my brother's to be to the death. They are pushing it and pushing it. It's terrible."
Lund stands as he runs his finger through his hair. He bids goodnight to both Angus and Nessa smiling as they go. He sighs watching the servants as he grabs a glass and a bottle of wine filling his glass. Once the servants are gone he turns to Kiana slouching in his chair. "Kiana what would you have me do? Tell me what is right. Do you want me to pack our bags and flee this night. I would give this all up for you."

Jas swallows softly as he runs his finger across her cheek. "I'm sorry to hear that. I've seen lord Lund fight. I think he would be fine in a fight." his fingers run through her hair smiling warmly as he moves his hand up her back caressing through the dress. "I've heard Angus talk about how good Lord Lunds blade is."
Kiana could not look him in the face as she kept on rocking Sarah in her crib, keeping her voice calm and low. "I know what you have to do..." she said, the sound of her voice a bit ominous. "I never wanted to admit it but now that I know your home, I know the people here and this place... and I know the man your brother is..." she closed her eyes and could not believe what she was about to say, "You must face your brother, and you must kill him. If we run from him it only saves ourselves but leaves this land and these people under his terrible fist."


"Oh he is, he is very good indeed," Lily told him with a smile. "I hope you will be able to see him something but... enough of my brother. I feel awful talking about him so much with you. I must be boring you out of your mind Jas."
Lund swallows softly as he raises his glass drinking from it slowly. He sets the glass down on the ground staring at her for a few moments unable to speak. "Kiana are you sure about this? I know you hate when I do something rash but I need to know you are standing with me love." He reaches over touching her arm softly.

Jas laughs softly shaking his head. "No it's find Lily. Im happy to be here with you." He leans in kissing her softly as his fingers massage her neck lovingly. He deepens the kiss slowly as he pulls her body even closer squeezing her.
Kiana looks to the spot where he is touching her arm then raises her gaze you his face. "I don't like it. Know that I don't like having to say this... but I know now it's really the only way. I don't want to loose you Lund but Jak will never give us a moment of peace be we here or anywhere in the world. He will never let you live while he does." She looks away again, "I'm so afraid to loose you again..."


Lily gently kissed him back, her arms tightening around him, hugging him oh so close to her, "I'm happy you are here too." Her lips moved to nip lightly at his chin before going back to his lips. "You know... you are a wonderful kisser. I assume so at least." She blushed a bit.
Lund sighs softly as he leans back rubbing his face quickly. "I dont want to kill my own brother Kiana. It would be like someone asking me to kill Angus. I dont go into this lightly my love." He reaches down refilling his glass once more. He drinks from the glass slowly as if trying to drink away everything if not at least for this one night.

Jas smiles as his hand move to touch her hip squeezing it softly. "You are a great kisser as well Lily. Not to mention you are beautiful." He kisses her softly once more as his fingers move along her back accidently opening a fastening there.
"I don't want you to have your blood on his hands either, but what other way is there?" Her voice was starting to grow louder and Sarah fidgeted in her crib. Kiana quickly lowered her voice again, "While Jak lives, he will not rest until you are. And if we have sons Lund... he will not allow them to be either. Sarah is only save for she has no right to claim your title. I don't know what else to do. This is your home, your family, your people. I can't even think of asking you to abandon them to a madman like your brother."


Lily gasped as she felt him brush aside one of the fastenings of her dress. She did not pull from his arms, but moved back enough to look at him with a bright blush upon her face. They had never done anything but kiss and touch a little. Was he trying to urge her into going further with their secret affair? "Jas..."
Lund nods as he moves to kneel beside her touching Kiana's cheek. "I understand love. If there was any other way I would take it gladly. I didnt even think about what would happen to the people here if Jak was left in charge." He lifts her chin kissing her lips softly. "I wont ask you to watch love, but I may need patching up." His lips curl up in a gentle smile as he looks into her eyes.

Jas swallows softly feeling the fastening come undone. His eyes look into hers as he blushes slightly as well. "Yes Lily?" His roughened fingers move to the spot where the dress is open caressing her bare skin as his eyes search hers tenderly.
"I don't watch either..." she said, whispering against his lips as it started to really sink in that her husband was going to have to go into this fight and may not come back to her from it. "I don't know what I will do if..." she didn't dare speak her fears aloud to him. She just shut her eyes and kissed him again.


She shivers a bit feeling his skin tenderly rubbing against her own. "I... what are you.... I mean..." she blushes more and has to lick her lips as they feel so very dry suddenly. "Do you want to... did you want to go... further tonight? Then you know, we have before?"
Lund returns the kiss nodding softly. His fingers caress her cheek as he holds her close hugging her. "I know love. Angus will keep watch over you darling. As will Nessa. They are our family now as well." He smiles kissing her softly once more. His fingers brush through her hair softly as he continues to hold her close. "I have to make it through this. I want to see our daughter grow up."

Jas blushes smiling as she stutters over her words. "I will only go as far as you wish Lily. You know I love you and I wont push you into anything." His lips come down to kiss hers once more as his fingers tease her bare skin.
Hearing him speak of needing to see Sarah grow, Kiana lost if for all she could think of now was the fate she has resigned herself to before he returned. She didn't want to live that terrible live without him. Her eyes filled with tears as she threw her arms around him and gentle cried into his shirt.


Lily bit her lip a little, and she smiled shyly, "Well... maybe we can go just a... a little further then we have before." Considering they had only ever kissed a few long deep kisses, there was a lot of room to move on from there as she leaned her lips into his once again, kissing him once more.
Lund is surprised having to take a step back as he hugs Kiana tightly letting her cry. "I have something to live for even if he doesn't love. I have you and Sarah. Not to mention in other future children we might have." He drops his head kissing her forehead softly. "Just let it darling. Just let it all out of you love."

Jas blushes softly as he touches her cheek slowly looking into her eyes. "H..How much further did you want to go Lily?" His fingers hesitate as he purposely unfasten the next button on her dress. As he does this he looks into her eyes swallowing softly.
Kiana's arms hugged their bodies close. With each breath that she took, taking in the very smell and feeling of him. Her head was spinning from the glasses of wine that she had drown down with dinner. The crying was not helping her feel very well at the moment. "Mmm, Lund..." she whimpered through her tears, shutting her eyes and pressing her face against his chest. "I love you. I don't... I don't want you to die..."


Lily blush only spread as she felt another fastening of her dress opening. "Well... little steps of course," she said as she did nothing to stop him from working further on her buttons. "We could just, keep going and see where it ends up?"
Lund tightens his arms around her letting her get it all out. "I love you Kiana. Im not going to die out there ok. Thats a promise to you. I have something better to look forward to then Jak. Hes doing this for himself. Im doing this for us and our people." He lifts her chin kissing her lips softly as he holds her tightly not wanting to let her go.

Jas swallows as he undoes the next button. His lips move to press against her lips as the fourth button is undone next. He moves his hand to her hip squeezing it softly. "Of course little steps. Should I stop then?"
Kiana kisses him gently back, feeling so much like him. She didn't want to let go for she feared within her that letting go now... she may never be able to hold him again. "I want to fall asleep in your arms love. I don't want to be apart from you for a moment until the duel comes. I want as much time with you as I can get..."


She honestly was not sure how far was a good place to go to. Nipping her lip she shook her head, "You can... go a bit further... I think. Do you, want to?"
Lund nods softly as he holds her moving towards the bed. "I'll hold you as long as you want my dear priestess." He brings up a hand to caress her cheek looking into her eyes. "Just promise me after the duel you will patch me up. I have a feeling I'll need your healing hands love." He gentlyays back on the bed letting her lay atop of him.

Jas nods softly as he notices the dress sagging in the front. He lifts a hand gingerly placing it over her breast and squeezing. His eyes move to her face as he squeezes repeating it a couple of times. "How does this feel my love?"
Lay on top of him her turned her face to rest her cheek on his chest. Her wild red hair sprawled about all over the place almost like a wildfire upon his body and her own as she lay there. "I have not done much healing since you went missing love. I can't go back to the cottage I was using. It haunts me far to much. But I will heal you with ever ounce of skill I have and every trick of the trade that I know. I will not let you leave me."


Lily gasps softly from the sudden new and exciting feeling his tender touch fills her body with. Her blood instantly heats up and goes to places she didn't know could tingle like this before. "It feels.... it feels right Jas..." she whispers softly as she starts to tug him towards the small sofa, moving to sit upon it with him.
His fingers brush against her hair smoothing it out slowly. "Then Ill rebuild you a new hut. One without the bad memories attached to them." His head comes down kissing her head softly. His fingers continue to stroke through her hair as he holds her close smiling softly. "I know you will love. Its why I asked for your healing hands and not anothers." He takes her hand kissing the palm of it slowly. "I love you Kiana."


Jas swallows softly as he follows her to the couch smiling at her whispered words. He takes a seat on the sofa leaning in to kiss her softly his hand pressing into her breast as he tenderly squeezes it his thumb brushing against her nipple.
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