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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

After finishing putting on her dress, Kiana comes back across the room, standing behind where Lund sat with Sarah on the sofa. She smiled down with him in amusement, seeing the look on the baby's face as she looked up still in wonder with her father. The way her lips started to move a little, Kiana had to laugh, "She's mimicking you."


Lily wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed, when they pulled back from the kiss, she smiled at him warmly and happily, "You are in my room now. I don't think you need to call me m'lady here."
Lund smiles glancing back at Kiana as she joins them on the sofa. He leans his head in closer to Sarah whistling softly once more. "I didnt realize she was trying to mimic me love. Its fascinating to watch." He whistles softly again as he gently wiggles his finger that is in her grasp his face bright with enjoyment.


He smiles once the kiss is broken looking into Lily's eyes. "Of course m..of course Lily. Its just a hard habit to break." He tugs his gloves off tossing them on to her bed as he touches her cheek softly. "I hope you arent to mad at me for coming."
As he wiggles his finger, Sarah does not give it up at all. For being only a week old, she has a strong grip as she holds onto it and does not let him go. Kiana's heart is suddenly just filled with warmth, love, and joy looking at Lund play with the baby. "Fatherhood suits you well darling. As I had always figured it would." Leaning down she kissed his cheek, "I'm happy you get the chance to be." A knock came at the door and Kiana went for it, "You keep on playing with her. You deserve some more bonding time with her."

Crossing to the door, she opens in and smiles as there stands Angus and Nessa, their son wrapped up and in Angus's arms. "I hope you don't mind we brought another guest with us to the dinner party."

Kiana only smiled and pointed to Lund sitting on the sofa, "If you don't mind that we have a third guest as well."

Angus crossed to sit beside Lund on the sofa. This son was a few months old already so he was larger then Sarah and a bit more active. When he heard Lund whistling to Sarah, he looked up, figgiting in his father's arms until he had a good look at Lund. When he whisled again, the boy started to smile and laugh. Then Sarah's eyes moved to him and her wonder became over the sound of the boy's laughter.


"I could never be mad at you but you come at a terrible time. I am to dine with my family soon," she directed his attention to the more formal dress she wore. "Mother and father are a bit cross tonight over the fact that it's Lund's first night back with us but he is choosing to dine in private then at the table with guests so I must hold up appearances."
Lund smiles softly as he continues to play with Sarah. He glances up at the knock on the door smiling softly. His smile brightens further as he sees Angus and Nessa. "Come in you three. Have a seat with us." He turns his head back to Sarah watching her as she seems fascinated by the young boys laughter. "She was trying to mimic my whistle just before you showed up." He lets out another whistle softly watching both infants. "What did you name your son my friend?"

He smiles softly as he nods looking down at the dress she is wearing and how formal it seems. "You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress love." His teeth grit together for a moment before nodding. "Your brother seems to be alittle selfish darling. I was hoping to spend some time with you tonight." His fingers brush over her lips softly as he steps closer to her.
"We gave him a strong name... a name fit for a true warrior and a great wise name that just tells of good looks..." Angus started as he puffed up his chest with pride but before he could finish, Nessa's voice came from where the women still stood across the room, "We named him after his father," she said as she rolled her eyes a little. Angus smirk, "Told you it was a strong name, good name."


"Don't you dare call him selfish," Lily scolded with hands on her hips. "If you can home to find your wife had given you a child you did not even know was on the way, I would hope you would want some alone time with her just like he wants."
Lund smiles softly as the name comes out. He glances over at Nessa laughing softly. "Well this one here finally has a name." He lifts Sarah up where she can see most of the room while holding her. "This is Sarah. And she is going to be just as stubborn as her mother." He gives Kiana a playful wink as he bounces Sarah softly. "He certainly takes after you Angus."

Jas raises his hands quickly trying to fore stall her scolding. "I didnt mean it badly darling." He steps forward pressing his lips to hers softly. "I just wish to have more time with you is all." His fingers brush a loose strand of hair back from her cheek.
Kiana looks a little worried at the way he holds up the babe. A mother's instincts kicking in as she gasped a little bit, but thankfully, he had a good solid hold on her and Kiana was able to breath easy. But as he declared the babe would be stubborn as her, she put her hands on her hips and glared at him once more, "You are digging yourself into a hole husband..." she warned him.


Lily sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist, "I know. Darling I know. I hate running around like this. I want to shout how I feel about your from this highest point of this manor for all to hear, but we must be careful. My parents are not going to be happy when they find out about us..."
Lund laughs softly as he leans in to kiss Sarah's cheek. "A hole you say darling. I was merely speaking the truth." He gives her another wink smiling softly as he cradles the babe close. "Ive sent for dinner to be brought in for us." His eyes light up enjoying the way Kiana puts her hands on her hips forcing himself not to laugh.

Jas wraps his arms around her waist hugging her close as his lips brush across hers once more. "I know we must becareful. I dont have guard duty tonight. May I return after your dinner with your parents?" He swallows nervously knowing he is asking for alot tonight of her.
As if on perfect cue, their is a knock at the door and Kiana goes to open it. A string of servants brought in everything they all needed for a fine, private dinner for four before they bowed and left them to the meal. Kiana shook her head gently, "You are very good at doing that. The whole, making things happen by saying it..." she joked with Lund.


Lily blushed a little and nodded, "Yes, you may, but only for a little while. Getting caught in my room it the worst place you can get caught with me." Looking at the clock, she sighed and kissed him once more softly on the lips, "I must go but I cannot wait to see you once more my love."
Lund laughs softly as he stands up cradling Sarah close. "It takes alot of practice my love." He moves over to Kiana kissing her softly. "Would you like me to lay her in her cradle darling?" He begins rocking Sarah once more whistling softly for her. He uses one hand to pull a chair out for Kiana kissing her cheek softly once more.

Jas smiles softly as he returns the kiss squeezing her close. His head dips to her neck inhaling her perfume as his lips touch her neck for a brief moment. "I cant wait to see you either darling. Ill return once the dinner is done with." He moves to pick up his gloves smiling happily.
Kiana takes the seat he offers her as she nods, "Yes, she should rest in the cradle while we eat. Angus there is room to place your son along side her if you like." Angus nodded and moved with Lund to place both babies nice and snug in the crib. The two children looked over one another, Sarah reaching out and grabbing Angus's fingers, tugging them to her mouth and sucking on them. Be just laughed as she did it. "Joyfully, aren't they?" Angus said to Lund.

She turns to leave only to turn back and kiss him once more. She wanted to keep on kissing him forever. "I can't wait either love..." she whispered before finally being able to pull herself away and leave the room, heading swiftly to dinner.
Lund nods softly as he joins Angus at the crib setting Sarah down. He touches her back softly smiling as the babes seem to get along well enough. "They seem to getting along just fine. And I cant believe how much fun she is to have around Angus." He smiles leaning down to kiss Sarah's head before moving to sit at the table. "So I seem to have missed out on a few things. Anyone want to fill me in?"

Jas smiles as she returns for another kiss. He gives her a few moments to get a head start before slipping out of the room once more. His smiles stay on his face as he returns to his quarters to wait for the time to return to see Lily once more.
Kiana sighed, realizing that the conversation was about to turn very serious. It was expected she supposed, but for this conversation, she looked to Angus and Nessa. The look was understood by them both. The past was still a bit to heavy on her, so they would tell it. "Your brother Jak reappeared a few months after the incident, claiming his rights to be heir. Your father knew that Kiana was pregnant then and knew very well that if the child was a boy that Jak would likely kill your heir so he made sure Jak was kept out of reach of Kiana or the baby. When a week ago, Sarah was born, suddenly Jak's allies came banging on the door supporting his right to be the heir and for his freedom to be granted."
Lund nods softly as he rubs his chin listening quietly as he begins filling glasses with wine. "I see. I should have expected that I guess. He wont be happy till he has back what he thinks I took from him." He sighs softly beginning to serve Nessa and Kiana their food first. "Well no matter. I wish to speak of happier things such as our families." He smiles softly laughing as he hands Angus a plate of food.
Kiana nodded in agreement to the change of topic as she took the plate he offered. "Well, let's talk about how our kids are pretty much destined to be together. Look at them..." Angus said as he gestured to the crib with the two babes still toyed with one another. "And after all we have been though, it's a match made here at birth if you ask me."
Lund takes a sip from his cup as he listens. His head turns around glancing at the two children. "They still have to make it through childhood my friend. But I do see your point and they do get along great." His face lights up with laughter as he raises his glass. "A toast then, two families brought together by friendship and children but closer then blood."
Kiana and Nessa raised their glasses, but Nessa could not help but comment with a smirk on her face, "Look at these two. Planning our children's futures and Sarah is only 9 days old. Perhaps you men should just let them grow up and make their own choices in life."

"That I can drink to," Kiana agreed as she took a drink from her glass along with Nessa.
Lund laughs softly as he glances over at Angus. "I think there trying to put us out to pasture old man." He takes another drink from his glass as he starts eating. "Guess I'll have to get my cane out so I don't trip over anything." He looks at Kiana with a gentle smile. "You know I am curious about how angry my father is that I'm not dining with them tonight."
Kiana was smiling until mention of his father then her face sort of slipped into a look of sadness before she looked away from his gaze and picked at her food.

Angus came in to answer where she didn't want to, "I would say quite, but he at least somewhat understands I think. He knows you want to be with your wife but he also likely thinks you need to make some kind of appearance with the pending results of his decision."

"What decision?" asked Kiana, whom had not heard yet about what had happened between Lund, his father, and Jak's ally earlier.
Lund reaches over taking Kianas hand squeezing it softly. "It's alright darling. Just forget about him for awhile." He glances at Angus swallowing softly. "Well no matter how it goes I can hear the news later. Tonight is for us and us alone." He swallows glancing towards the door slowly as he sips his wine slowly.
Kiana lets him hold onto her hand but she looks him right in the eyes, "Lund... what are you not telling me?" She looked to Nessa and Angus, seeing if one of them would answer her is Lund was reluctant to do so himself. "I want to know."
Lund swallows softly taking a deep drink of his wine. His eyes meet Angus before turning to Kiana to answer. "My brothers ally doesn't care that two guards were killed. And he all but called you a lair on the point of Jak kidnapping you. So I challenged Jak to a duel which father insisted not be to the death." He pauses taking another sip. "The winner is the heir and the loser must leave these lands forever."
Kiana went pale. Her appetite suddenly gone. "It doesn't matter what your father has declared... your brother won't obey that rule. He will not let you live if he lives..." Suddenly, she was wishing that she had not actually gone and asked him about it. It was a stupid move. She had a feeling it would only upset her and low and behold it had.
Lund reaches out for her hand lifting it to his lips to kiss. "Love don't worry. When I beat my brother at the duel in front of his allies he will have no backing to try and claim the heir." He rubs her hand trying to warm her up. "Let's eat and speak of happier things please." He leans over missing her cheek softly.
She doesn't look very convinced by that as she nods and turns her attention back to the meal before her. But she is no longer fully focused on it. No. She is far to distracted inside her own mind playing out the scene that would happen between the brothers when the duel was had as well as the aftermath. A life always wondering who was coming up behind her husband and herself, wondering if their was a knife in their hand meant to stab one of them in the back. She tried to hide her worry from her face as the dinner went on, but she could not help but wear her emotions on her sleeve.
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