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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Smiling, she moves to crawl her way up the bed once more and moving to rest her head upon the pillow beside him yet draping her arm over his body. Tilting her face up to look upon his face, she seems to sigh a little, "You mean you didn't expect it to be good? I thought I have given you pleasure in the past? You doubted my skills to love you were still any good?" She was teasing of course.
He smiles as he turns his head to look at her arching his eyebrow slightly. "If you were much more tempting love, Id be pushing you down on to the mattress right now." He does pull her close pressing his lips to hers softly as he draws her body against his. "I love you Kiana." His fingers brush against her cheek as he looks into her eyes.
Kissing him back she sighed, "Sadly... as much as I want you to go and pin me down, your return brought Nessa reminding me that I must re-frame from such things thank to the babe." Looking down at herself she groaned a little bit, "Not like you would want to deal with your wife looking so frumpy and gross..." she referred to the changes in her appearance from the pregnancy.
His fingers continues to brush her cheek as he pulls his head back his eyes slowly roaming over her body and face as he studies her trying to notice the changes she is mentioning. "You know we could becareful love. Its been a long time for us." He leans in kissing her passionately once more.
She laughs slightly, "Don't even try to give me that 'Oh you look fine darling.' It's impossible to talk to a new mother like that. Nessa punched Angus for giving her to many flatteries she didn't feel like accepting after she gave birth. As for being careful, the best way to be careful is to just let me do what I did to you earlier for awhile until I feel better. I doubt you would mind much."
He smiles softly joining in with her laughter. "Well you can punch me if you wish but I still think you look beautiful." His lips come down to kiss her lips softly smiling warmly. "I dont mind at all darling. It just seems to be alittle messy with the end result. Perhaps I should bath before Angus and Nessa show up for dinner."
Pulling away from him, she slid off the bed and headed for the bath chamber connected to their rooms, "I will ready a bath for you. I hope you will be quick about it though for I should like to wash before dinner as well. It might only be Nessa and Angus but it's te first sit down meal I will have with anyone in a long while."
Lund nods softly as he stands up beginning to remove his clothes watching her walk away. Once he has stripped he moves to follow her into the bath chamber. "Why dont you join me in the bath love? You can sit on my lap and I can wash you slowly."
She smirks a little as she starts the water running into the large tub that would indeed be big enough for them both. Walking to the other side of the room, "Are you sure about that? I like to bath with flowery smelling bath oils. If you bath with me, you'll be smelling like a flower in front of Angus..."
He smirks softly as he moves up behind her kissing her neck slowly. "It means I would smell like my wife. And I happen to enjoy how my wife smells." He buries his nose against her neck taking in a deep smell of her laughing softly. He pulls back slightly as he begins to unbutton her dress wanting to remove it.
She lets me as she reached her hand out with the container of oils in her hand, letting it pour out slowly into the water filling the tub. The water got a bit bubbly the more she put into it, "You are going to regret wanting to smell like me...." she told him, emptying the entire bottle into the warm water.
He turns his head to watch her pour the entire bottle into the tub. "I have not seen you in months love. Indulge me in a few of these little things." He turns back to the dress buttons gently opening them. His head comes in kissing her back directly over the spine slowly. He steps back pushing the dress off of her shoulders.
The dress comes sliding off her shoulders and down her arms. When it slipped away, her arms wrapped a bit about her body to shield her from his eyes a bit. He might call her beautiful but she still felt very unappealing at the moment. Eventually the dress slipped all the way down to puddle around her feet on the floor of the bath chamber.
Lund smiles as the dress slips from her body. His fingers come up slowly drifting down her spine till her reaches the top of her rear. His hands then move to her hips slowly turning her towards him. "I wish to see you darling. You are stunning to me." Once he has her turned he kisses her lips softly.
Her hands were still wrapped around her as he turned her to face him and kissed her. She suddenly seemed a bit meek and mild to stand before him naked, something she had done many times before. "You'll pardon me if I thank you but do not believe you..." she quickly raised her fingers to his lips, "And don't even bother trying to convince me otherwise."
He smiles softly as he kisses her fingers against his lip. "Alright I wont try to convince you but I know what I believe." His hand slowly trails along her shoulder brushing against her breast giving it a light squeeze. He moves to kiss her lips softly before stepping back his eyes roaming over her body once more.
She sighs a little as she moves around him, "Why do you look at me like that. You've seen it all before..." Stepping back into the bed chamber once again, she wanted to make sure one more time that Sarah was till resting in her crib before stepping into the bath only to find herself needing to climb from the water once more. Looking over the bed, Sarah still appeared to be deep in her sleep so Kiana slipped back into the bathroom. Going around the tub to keep it between her and him while hiding a bit of her body, she tested the temperature of the water as the tub filled.
"I look at you like this because I never grow tired of watching you Kiana." He offers her a soft smile as he moves to the tub as she checks on Sarah. His own fingers dip into the water testing it slowly as he turns his head watching her slip around the tub. "Do you plan on hiding yourself from me the rest of our lives love." He slips a foot into the tub his eyebrow arching slightly.
She shakes her head a little, "Well.... not forever, just for a little while." She looked down at the water, thankful that what she had used made the water bubble a bit to provide her a bit more cover when they would soon be in the tub together. "You must forgive me love, I'm not use to this. It's my first baby and I could very well act like this after every one of them. You best get use to it."
He offers her a gentle smile nodding his head. "I'm guessing I'll get used to it but Ive been gone so long." He sighs softly as he runs his fingers through his hair glancing down at the bath water smiling as he watches the bubbles. "And I'm hoping you aren't like this after every child especially since we decided to have at least one for everyroom in the manor." he glances up his face marked by a large smile.
She started blushing brightly, "I... I had forgotten about that. Well, it won't be as many any more. We will need to make room for Angus and Nessa's children to. I want them to stay here. And if Lily stays here, she'll need some space as well." She got a little shy when the topic of Lily came up. It was clear she had more to say about it and was not sure if she should open her lips as she reached out to stop the water from flowing into the tub, "You first..." she told him.
He smiles letting out a soft laugh as the blush spreads across her cheeks. "I see. Well we can at least fill up a few of the rooms." He stands noticing how shy she becomes at the mention of lily. "Is there something going on with Lily?" He steps fully into the tub moving to touch her cheek softly. "Did you two have a fight? When she was here earlier she didn't mention anything. In fact sh looked quite happy."
"She is happy.... but... I'm afraid for that happiness..." Kiana told him, not yet climbing into the tub with him. Sighing she looked down, "You can't tell anyone this. Lily is in love. But-" the but was added so quickly that he would not have the time to react to the news that should be joyful. "He is one of the guards. And your parents are trying to arrange her a prosperous marriage to make up for the one that you did now have. She doesn't know about it yet. I only know because well, it reached me through the grapevine of the servants here. They seem to have taken a liking to Nessa and I since we are more of their station in the world. One of them read a message on your father's desk while cleaning his solar. Lily is going to be heart broken when she finds out..."
He opens his mouth to say something his eyes lighting up with joy at the news. With her quick but he is unable to say anything dropping his head slightly. "I see." He sits on the edge of the tub rubbing his chin as he looks away processing the information. "I don't know if I can do anything about this Kiana. I can try to speak with father but he's liable to throw me out of the room." His fingers brush through his hair. "Do Angus or Nessa know anything of this?"
Kiana nodded, "Angus only knows about the guard she loves. Nessa knows about both. I guess you could say that Nessa and I have turned a bit into the gossip queens of the manor. Everything gets back to us eventually, but we don't want to ruin Lily's happiness with the news that it's going to be taken away from her...." she sighed and leaned on the edge of the tub. "It's my fault... if we had not gotten married, she would not be forced into a marriage..."
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