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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

"And if you die he will terrorize your wife just as much if not more..." his father said on a sigh as he sat back down again. "I will allow a duel, but I will not allow it to be to the death. Not on purpose at least. I would rather the losing son to leave. Not only this land but this entire country itself. If it is a duel you want Lund... knowing if you loose Kiana and your child will be prey to your brother... so be it then."
Lund glances towards Angus then back at his father. "How would you have us settle this father? Do you want to let Jak go with this man." He turns his back on his father rubbing his cheek as he approaches Angus thinking slowly. "I don't wish to have my wife terrorized by the thought of the healing hut isn't safe for her."
Angus shook his head a little as he spoke low to Lund, "She has not returned to the healing hut since that day. She has not even left the safety of the manor since the day of the cliffs..."

"I need to think over his," Lund's father said. "I don't want the blood of one brother upon the hands of the other, but how can there truly be any other way of it?" Sighing again, his father slumped back into his seat, "Everyone, leave me be. I must think over this. I will have an answer on the morrow..."
Lund sighs softly as he hears the words coming from Angus. He shakes his head softly as he glances back towards his father bowing respectful. His hand grabs Angus arm leading him to a side corridor wishing to have a word with his friend. "Has she truly not left the manor since that day? I didn't think things were that bad for her? If it comes to a fight do you think I can beat him angus?"
Angus nods, "Your wife puts up a strong face, but she is clearly frightened inside. Especially since Jak revealed himself to be alive and his allies started banging on the door. She is sadly scared by it I fear. As for a fight... I cannot say. Jak is both strong and weak from being locked up for so long. He is a wild man and there is no telling what a wild man is capable of."
Lund nods softly as he runs his fingers through his hair. "I fear if my father lets Jak go he will simply go back to plotting how to get my out of being heir. This isnt at all how I pictured life being when I returned with Kiana." He shakes his head turning away slowly. "Would you and Nessa join us for dinner tonight? I would like some time with both of you."
Angus smiles, "Of course. In your quarter I assume? Some thing private to talk over the troubles that face our little family?" Angus smiled at the word family. It's really what they were like, the four of them. Well, six now if you counted the babes. "You need to meet my son still after all. The women already joke that you children will one day marry one another..."
Lund nods softly a smile forming on his face as he hears the word family. "Of course. It will be good to catch up with everything I seem to have missed." He shakes his head laughing softly. "They will have both of our lives planned out without us ever being the wiser if we arent careful Angus." He laughs softly slapping his hand on to Angus shoulder. "Ill see you in a few hours. I must make sure our quarters are ready."
Angus and he part ways. Meanwhile, back in their chamber, Kiana stands rocking the Sarah in her arms and humming a soft tune to the child. Turning as she hears him enter, she smiles. "She's so easy to please sometimes. Eats and sleeps."
Lund smiles as he enters pausing as he sees Sarah and Kiana. He moves over to Kiana wrapping his arms around her waist gently squeezing her close. "Just wait till she gets older love." He pulls her hair back kissing her neck softly. "I invited Angus and Nessa to join us for dinner." He keeps nibbling on her neck as he starts to pull her towards the bed. "Why dont we have some fun before they get here."
She smiles and shakes her head with a sigh, "As much as I would LOVE that darling for, I will admit..." she blushes a little, "I have missed the more intimate parts of our marriage," she indicated downward to the baby in her arms, "Her birth will prevent us from sharing in suck things for a few more... weeks." She felt guilty denying him yet it was unsafe for her otherwise. Parts of her needed healing. She smiled then. "That.... doesn't mean I can't welcome you home in other ways though," there was a hint of suggestion in her tone.
Lund smiles as he glances down at Sarah. His hand reaches out to lightly touch her head happily. "I see well then I guess I will have to learn to enjoy the process of making our next child so we can both sit back with the fruits of our labor." His eyebrow arches up at her words studying her face slowly. "What do you mean by that love?"
She moves away and lays the napping babe back into her crib before with one of her wicked smirks crosses her lips. The kind that she had on her face the night they had first used the ropes. Making her way back to him, "There are things I can do to you that doesn't require the use of my healing parts you know..."
He watches her set the babe down a smile on his face. His smile transforms upon seeing the look in her eyes. He moves towards her slightly his arm going around her waist. "Oh I think I remember that bath night, but it looks like you have some else planned. What is it your about to surprise me with?" His lips press against hers softly.
((Sorry about the delay. My computer had a nasty virus and I had to get it taken care of.))

"Mmm," she moans softly against his lips as she takes a moment to nuzzle her cheek against his, her lips drawing close to his ear a moment, "You have no idea how I have missed holding my body against yours Lund..." she whispered before pulling back. Her face grows a little hesitant then as she bites her lip. "I want to ask you something and I want you to know that I don't mind if... if you have since you could not remember who you were or that you were married but..." she paused, "Have you slept with anyone since you went missing?" She regretted asking him the moment the words slipped from her lips.
He smiles wrapping his arms around her waist holding her close enjoying having her so close once more. His fingers brush against her cheek listening to her question. "I shared a bed with no other woman while I was gone. I kissed the girl whos family saved me but it didnt feel right. I can only guess some part of me knew I had you." His finger touches her lips looking into her eyes.

((Its ok.))
Her lips curl into a smile under his fingers. "You don't know how good that makes me feel love. I am afraid I may be vain at times for I love to hear you tell me how much I mean to you. I swell with pride when you tell me things like that." Leaning in she kissed him again then pulled back smiling. "I want to welcome you home... properly. Remind you that you do have me so you never forget it again."
He smiles softly as he studies her face enjoying the happiness that his words put on her face. He returns the kiss wrapping his arms around her holding her tightly to him. "I keep hearing you mention welcoming me home properly love. I have to say that Im now quite thoroughly curious about this proper greeting. Would you mind sharing?"
She whispers to him softly as her hands rub over the front of him and slipping there way under his shirt once she tugged the hem free of his pants, "Close your eyes...." Her words were basically like a purr.
He laughs softly as he runs his fingers through her hair. He shivers slightly enjoying the purr that seems to be coming from her. HIs eyes slip shut as he feels her tugging his shirt up. "This is going to get interesting isnt it love."
"Depends on what you consider to be interesting," her voice holding a light hint of amusement in her voice as she started to lightly push at his shoulders, directing him back towards the bed. "I am sure if you have been without satisfaction as long as you say that anything that will give you a much needed... release," her hands reached for his pants and started to tug at them.
He stumbles backwards slightly at her light push. He falls back on the bed keeping his eyes closed as he lifts his hips up helping her tug his pants off. "I havent been with anyone since the night before I fell from the cliff love." He peeks through one eye watching her with a smile still before closing it and laying his head back on the bed.
She smiled a little warmly at the memory of the last night they had been together. It was passionate all their loving had ever been. She hoped it would but just as passionate again once they could enjoy the pleasures of joining their bodies once more. Until then though... "Do you remember that night now with your memories return to you? Do you remember how I made you hot and how you made me whimper with need?" She moved to climb up onto the bed, kneeling beside him.
His eyes stay shut as he listens to her voice smiling softly as he recalls the memories making himself even harder. "I remember it all very well my love. As I recall you were worried about all of the marks I had left on you." He laughs softly as he feels the bed shift cracking an eye open slightly. "I remember you begging me to let you go over the edge."
Glancing up at his face, she sees his eye peek open and she leans down to kiss his lid shut once more, "No peeking. And yes... I do recall that. It's memories like that that kept me warm in all the long nights I did not have you by my side." She started to kiss all over his face. Kissing the other shut eye, his nose, both cheeks, his lips of course... lingering there a moment to plant a few extra kisses before moving her lips to his chin and slowly leading her trail of kisses for his neck.
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