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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

HE lets out a soft warm laugh as she scolds him for peeking at her. "Im sorry love. I just couldnt resist taking a peek at you." His body lays there enjoying the kisses that she plants on his face returning the kiss that she plants on his lips. "I love you darling." His hand comes up to touch her leg softly caressing it as he keeps his eyes shut tightly.
Lingering at his neck a bit, her hands moved to grasp his shirt and start tugging it upward, pulling her head back to let it rise up over his neck and once off, she tossed it aside. "There were go, that gives me much more room for my lips to wander and get reacquainted with..." she whispered against his neck before they started to just as she said. Her lips wandered to leisurely paint trails of kissed all over his bare chest, lingering there for a long while.
Lund laughs softly as he sits up just enough to aid her in removing the shirt. "Ive missed the feel of your kisses love." He props his head up slightly with his hands keeping his eyes shut tightly. "I almost believe you enjoy teasing me more then you enjoy pleasuring me love." He lets out another softly as he shivers feeling her kiss his chest.
She smiled against his skin as at last her lips seem to start trailing downward again, however very slowly, "You have waited months to be with me again love. Will a few more moments of letting your wife enjoy her games with you kill you?" She paused a moment to lift her head and look directly at his hardened manhood in all it's glory. She laughed ever so slightly, "Then again... from the look of you, I dare say that it just might make you burst if I keep you waiting."
He tries to relax even as his manhood strains against his pants. He shifts slightly trying to relieve alittle of the pressure. "I guess it wont kill me love,but it will make things sweeter." He laughs hearing her words. "I think Ive just about passed the point of being ready to burst. I was close enough before your kisses beloved."
Her hands reach down and tug his pants a bit, pushing until they were just enough down his hips to really give her the proper access she needed to all of him. "I love how we have been apart for so long love and yet..." She lowered her head to kill the tip of him. Just a soft sweet loving kiss upon him there, "And yet it is like we only did this last night..."
He lifts his hips so she can easily push his pants down. He lets out a grown feeling her give the tip a sweet kiss. "I know months has passed but I think your right. Its like none has passed." He smiles his eyes still closed. "I feel like your kisses never stopped love."
She felt a hint of sadness as she recalled all the lonely and horrible days where there had been no kisses. When they're had been no laughter but only tears. As quickly though as those memories crossed her mind, she let them pass once again and she reminded herself to focus now on the joy of them returning once again. Happiness had finally come home to her heart once more. With no more teasing words, Kiana gently wrapped her lips around his cock. She let the first few inches slip into her mouth, just gently suckling at it.
He seems to sense her mind wondering as his head comes up ready to ask if everything is alright before he feels her lips wrap around his cock. He drops back to the bed gasping softly at the feel. "Gods Kiana what are you doing?" His eyes are kept shut the whole time not realizing what she is doing with her mouth.
She pulled back and laughed slightly, "While you were away, I walked in on Angus and Nessa doing this and of course... I asked Nessa about it. My face was so red having to ask about it let me tell you. She told me about other ways men and women can give and share pleasure with one another. I have had many haunting dreams of getting to grant you with this kind of pleasure. I never knew I would really be able to gift you with it. What, you don't like it?"
He swallows hearing her laughter as he tilts his head slowly. "I see. Im going to have to talk to Nessa bout being a bad influence on you love." He shakes his head quickly as he keeps his hand under his head swallowing softly. "Im not complaining love. It feels absolutely wonderful. Please do continue darling." He smiles softly as he reaches down to touch her arm lovingly.
She laughed once again, "We shall see if you are scolding her in the end of thanking her. Angus... seemed to be enjoying himself when I had walked in upon them." The time for talking was not this moment though. Talking later. Finishing her task at hand was more important then talk. Reminding him the pleasure she could give him was now. Wrapping her lips around him once more, she sucked at him once more, this time a little harder.
He laughs softly at her words nodding slowly. "We shall see then love. I may have to thank her after this is done." His body is tense aching for release as they walk making his cock quiver slightly. He lets out a soft gasp shivering as her lips once more wrap around him sucking even harder. He fights the urge to buck his hips up.
Feeling him shiver and quiver under her, she could not help but smirk even with him in her mouth. Pulling in a bit more of him, she could not take all of him into her lips with her inexperience. She would learn in time but for now she slipped him from her lips once more, letting her tongue rub over him as she worked. Soon, he was out of her mouth once more but only for a moment before she slipped him back in once more.
He shivers feeling her work his cock his eyes squeezing shut even further. "Ohh gods Kiana dont stop." His hips do buck slightly when she takes him back in groaning as he does so. His fingers clench even tighter as he feels his cock jump as she lavishes it with attention. He whispers her name lovingly as he tries to control his excitement.
She had to blush a little bit as she kept on slipping him softly yet with increased quickness in and out of her wet, luscious lips. There was no stopping, no pausing. His soft words, a plea for her to not stop only urged her onward to keep pushing him and herself further and further into this intimate act. She did not know exactly how long he could go or even to know what kind of signs to look for that he might indeed release himself. Not like that mattered. She would not stop until she hear him call her name once again.
His hips buck once more as her lips continue to work on him. He squeezes his eyes tightly shut shivering softly. He whispers her name again filling it with love. He isnt even tempted to try and open his eyes not wanting to have her stop. He feels himself starting to get close to release, his first in several months.
His apparent enjoyment was rather clear and only urged her onward with more force and vigor. Her stokes of him became faster and she sucked upon him harder still in the moments he was deepest into her mouth. Her tongue pressed almost roughly against him and stroked him through it all. Her hands which had been mainly empty this whole time moved to stroke his hips under her touch.
His hips buck again under her force and vigor as he moans deeply. He whispers her name again reaching down with a hand to touch hers on his hip. "Kiana..." Is all he gets out as a moan before his cock begins spurting his hips coming off the bed slightly. He gasp for breath as the spurts are harder then normal from his build up the last few months.
But instinct, the moment she realizes something had changed and the slightly taste of his hot sticky juice in her mouth, she pulls back. Her eyes go wide as she watches his cock, cumming before her eyes. It was the first time she had ever actually, well, looked. Watched it happen. It made her blush like she was watching some kind of hot and scandalous sight before her. She could not seem to look away though as it spilled out of her husband.
He gasp feeling his cum spill out a few strands arcing up to hit his stomach. After a moment it comes to a stop his cock softening only slightly as he catches his breath. "I hope thats what you were going for love. That was alot of pent up energy." He lifts his head motioning her up with a finger as he draws her head down kissing her lips softly.
She smiles as she moves up to kiss him twice. Once of his leading and a second of her own before she sighed and settled herself snuggled against his side on the bed, "Yes. It was. At least I think it was. Nessa didn't share EVERYTHING about it with me. I think she felt bad having to tell me about those kinds of things she got to do with her husband when she thought my own was dead. She thought she was sharing some kind of secret among ladies I would never actually get to use for myself because I had no husband to share such things with." She lifted her head to look up at him, "I'm glad I still have you though. More then I think you'll ever really know. I love you Lund and gods how I have missed you."
Lund smiles as he wraps his arms around her holding her closer smiling softly. "Well you will have to convince Nessa into sharing everything with you then." His fingers brush along her cheek softly as he looks into her eyes. "Ive missed you as well beloved." He leans in kissing her softly once more letting the kiss deepen alittle before pulling back. "I love you Kiana. I will let nothing keep us from being together and happy." He kisses her once more smiling softly.
After the kiss, smiling at him before she pulled away. Crawling her way to the foot of the bed, she looked over the edge to check on the babe, only smiling more as sees that Sarah is comfortable sleeping still. Sitting up, she looked back at him, "It's good to see that she can sleep through rather loud events in the same room as her..." she commented as she leaned back against one of the bed posts.
He smiles softly as she crawls down the bed checking on the baby. He shifts himself to lean against the headboard smiling as he nods. "I didnt mean to be so loud. Just wasnt expecting it to feel quite so good is all." He winks at her playfully before motioning her to come to him wanting to hold her close one more.
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