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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Lund let's out a soft sigh as he runs his fingers through his hair. "That's something I'll be sure to discuss with father when I see him later. Kiana was still my wife and should have been taken care of." He shakes his head softly as he glances toward the crib smiling. "She's such a darling. They should at least see her."
"Mother has," Lily mentioned, "I think she has a bit more of the grandparent bug though she doesn't show it in front of many others. Father hasn't seen her yet thought he has been rather busy since the birth trying to find some way to keep Jak locked up where he is and not back at his dinner table. Perhaps you should take her visiting when she wakes next time? You need to see Nessa and Angus's lad as well." She smiled, "Maybe these two are destined for one another. It would be a match made at birth and it's not like they are actually related." She winked, "I know the truth. Nessa and Kiana confided it in me."
He smiles softly as he stretched out slowly smiling. "Perhaps holding her would change fathers mind on things." He blinks as he turns towards her his smile brightening slowly. "They might not be sisters by blood but it's close enough for them." He glances down at Kiana smiling as he watches her face as she sleeps.
"I hope it helps him. At least having you here again helped a great deal already." Rising she leaned over and kissed her brother on the cheek, "I will leave you to enjoy having your wife in your arms once more. I hope that Sarah will sleep a little while longer for your wife's sake at least."

But Lily's wishes for Sarah's slumber to continue was short lived as the babe started to fidget and whimper in her crib not long after. The babe was not even crying yet but it still caused Kiana to stir and wake. Usually she would rush right to Sarah's side, but when her eyes fluttered open to find him still there, she could not help but take a few short moments to savor the joy of waking in his arms again.
Lund nods softly as he strokes Kianas cheek smiling at his sister. "Well we can only hope that it will change his mind." He stifles a soft yawn as squeezes Kiana smiling still. "I'll see you later sister take care of yourself."

He turns towards the crib then back to Kiana as she wakes. His head tilts offering her a warm smile as she wakes. "I promised you I'd still be here." He leans down kissing her softly on the lips as he gives her waist a gently squeeze. "Would you like me to get her for you love?"
Smiling softly, Kiana nods as she wiggles her way to be sitting up, "Yes... please. It's nice to have some help with her now." Stretching her arms up over her head, she goes on, "Your mother suggested I keep her in the nurse and just let the nursemaid take care of her, but I could never do that. She's my babe and I will be the one to take care of her. How can I truly call her mine otherwise?"
He smiles as he slides out of the bed moving to pick up Sarah. "Alright little one. It's safe now I've got you." He carried her over to Kiana cooing to her softly. "My mother is used to raising children the noble way. When you have diplomats to impress carrying children in your arms isnt the way to do it." He sits down on the edge of the bed smiling warmly as he watches them.
Kiana tugs over her dress and moves Sarah to start her meal, but the babe does not attach herself, only keeps on cry and fidgeting. Sighing, Kiana moved to climb out of the bed, still holding the babe in her arms, "I don't think this fussyness is over a meal this time..." she said as she worked on changing the babe. "I hope you learn to do this so that I can perhaps catch some extra sleep every now and again when it's not food our little one wants."
He stands as she gets Out of the bed following her to the changing table. "That might be hard to do love when you seem to wake at every small noise she makes. But I sill learn so you can try to sleep." He steps up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist as he kisses her neck teasingly.
Of course it was not a pretty job changing the babe but it was a part of their life now as parents. Sarah looked up at them after she was all fresh and new again, her lip lip curling a bit into what might be a smile as she looked up at her mother and father holding one another. "I think she approves of us..." Kiana said as she wiggled from his hold around her and picked up Sarah once more, carrying her to the sofa, sitting as she rocked her gently in her arms.
Lund smirks softly as he leans against the wall watching her move away. "Well she certainly seems happy enough with both of us. Although I think that she takes after you." he stands moving to pull his shirt on. "We need to go see my father and I want us to take Sarah with us." He sits on the bed tugging his boots on.
Kiana looks a little skeptical, "I don't think your father cares to see two of the three of us much. I truly do not want to seem rude Lund, but...." she looked at Sarah and kissed the babe's forehead, "The moment he found out she was a girl he has not looked at me the same way if at all. He looked at me only once and it was as if I had done something wrong."
He sighs softly as he rubs his eyes for a moment. Lund stands slowly as he picks up his sword belt buckling it on. "If you wish to stay here then I wont force you to come but I will ask if you will accompany me once more love." He looks into her eyes studying her face softly for a few moments.
"Don't be mad at me..." she said as she shook her head a bit, "but I can't. Not yet at least. Maybe with a little time but... some emotional wounds need time to heal. That look and the coldness I have had to endure in the last week has left a few scars within me."
Lund nods softly as he tucks his shirt in slowly. "Well no matter your decision I must still go see him. Lily came to see me while you slept." He moves to them kissing her then moving to kiss Sarah's forehead. "I will return shortly and Ill have dinner brought for us."
Kiana smiles as she watches him go. Things were perfect again. The thought of Jak and the threat he brought with him banished to the back of her mind, thought it was still on the forefront of Lund's father's mind. Jak might not be able to claim being the heir once again, but he would have to be let go eventually.
Lund makes his way through the castle corridors expecting to find his father in the main audience hall. His face is light up with a smile as he glances back at the halls leading to his rooms. He pushes himself into the hall without waiting to be announced the news of how his father reacted to his grand daughter a burning anger in his mind.
His father was there, in an audience already with one of the few yet rather pushy allies Jak had made. The conversation was heated already. "You have no right to keep Jak in your dungeons now! The only reason you had to keep him was if he had killed his brother but with his return, no murder had clearly been committed now, has it? You have to let him go!"
Lund begins pushing his way through the crowd knowing his presence will only cause murmers to ripple through them. He growls under his breath hearing the conversation already being spoken of. As he gathers himself to speak he spots Angus nodding to him before speaking. "My brother may not have killed me but he did murder the two guards assigned to protect my wife."
The man turned and his face paled a little bit seeing Lund there then. "There is no proof of that. Only hearsay from your wife that holds a grudge against Jak. Anyone could have killed those men and your wife can be using it as an excuse to send your brother to the hang man's noose. And even so, the lives of two guards to not equal the life of a nobleman." This man was clearly as stuck up and blue blooded as they came.
Lund crosses his arms over his chest as he moves further into the circle shaking his head. "My wife has no reason to lie in this matter. I dont know what misplaced loyalty is keeping you by my brother but he still killed those two men. And he tried to kill me when I tried to save my wife. Are you going to tell me that attempting to kill my wife and kidnapping her is a worthless claim?"
The noble was clearly grabbing at straw now as he sought some way to get Jak out of his cell. "Kidnapping does not mean a hanging and there is again no proof he ever intended to kill your wife. Everything is hearsay from a woman and those with reasons to want Jak dead. Give me hard proof of his crimes and I will stop this protesting."
Lund glances towards his father before looking back to the noble. "What did my brother promise you to get you to ally with him? It must have been something great for you to be risking your neck like this." He drops his hand to the hilt of his sword. "Would you rather we settled this another way? Perhaps between my brother and I."
The man stuck his chin higher then and cleared his throat. Jak had clearly offered him something but they would never get him to admit to it. "A duel perhaps... yes. I think that would be far. Settle things once and for all as to who is the truly worthy heir. It will, of course... need to be to the death..."

"No," Lund's father cut in then, standing firmly from his seat, "Blood will not be shed over this if it is not needed to be. People have suffered enough and I did not just get my son back to watch him die again. He has a wife and a child to look over..."
Lund smirks as he watched the nobleman lift his chin. He crosses his arms over his chest as he begins pacing slightly within the circle of watchers. "A duel to the d..." He whirls facing his father as he forbids the duel. "Father I can beat him in a duel. What else will you do? Will you free him to terroize my wife once more." Bait of anger flares in his eyes as he turns walking towards his father slowly.
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