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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Kiana could not help but smile the image before her. Her very much alive husband holding their little girl. The hopes for her future were starting to return to her. The very ones she has locked away when she thought they had been robbed of that happiness. But then the smile on her face faded a bit with talk of the day that had been so very dark for her. She sighed and her shoulders slumped a little bit, "I went into the healing hut with my guards and everything seemed to be fine. But Jak had slipping in I suppose over night. When we had out backs turn he moved quickly and killed them both. He threatened to kill me as well if I screamed and since I was just starting to think I was with Sarah, I didn't want her to be taken before she even even had a chance to form inside me. He didn't say much to me and I could not say much as he had me gagged as soon as we left the village and entered the cover of woods." She shivered a bit, holding her eyes closed tight a moment as she recalled the things he did say. "He told me... he was going to kill you but if he could he would spare me. Spare me so he could bed me. Said it would look like some grand gesture of the man taking in his brother's widow to protect her. No one would believe me that he had killed you. He said though not to think it would be a real marriage between us. Said it would be for appearances but I was going to be his... his slave behind closed doors. He said he'd keep me chained of his bed when I was not allowed out to smile my pretty face." As horrible as the image she was painting was, she did not cry now, her face was just dark and grave. "I was going to run away. I knew that since Sarah was no male heir, your father would let Jak out eventually. I was not going to let him near Sarah and get his vile hands on her or me. I didn't know where I would have gone but I was preparing to leave here as soon as she was big enough and strong enough."
Lund gently rocks Sarah in his arms listening to her story. He reaches over to her touching her cheek softly. "He's not going to harm you or Sarah kiana. That's a promise. I didn't survive a fall off of a cliff to see harm come to you." He leans in kissing her softly slowly deepening it before pulling back. "I'm sorry I pushed you down that hill love. I didn't want you getting hurt during the struggle." He smiled touching her cheek once more.
She smiled again, "Don't be sorry. You saved me. He might have said that I was to become his slave but I still know he would have killed me if he had to just to get to you." Reaching her hand out, she brushed her hand over Sarah's little cheek as the babe yawned and seemed to be settling into gently sleep. "That's amazing... she never goes back to sleep like this after she eats."
Lund smiles as he keeps rocking Sarah softly. "Perhaps she finds me more comforting then we realized." He kiss sarahs forehead smiling as he glances toward Kiana. "You look exhausted love. Perhaps you should get some more rest."
She laughed slightly, "I suppose it is your turn to watch her for awhile..." she commented yet sighed and made no move to rest. As she kept herself rested against his side. "There is so much to say to you and I'm still a little afraid that if I close my eyes to rest, I will awake and you will be gone again."
Lund nods softly as he turns towards Kiana smiling warmly. "You look like your ready to pass out love. I promise I'll still be here when you wake." He leans down kissing her lips softly then kissing her forehead gently. He stands slowly cradling Sarah gently as he lays her in her crib then moves back to tuck Kiana into bed.
Kiana watches at the babe settles so softly and quietly into the cradle before she lays back in the bed, her eyes never really leaving Lund's face. When at last he returned to her side, she realize that sleep was the last thing on her mind. Before he would tuck her in, she swiftly moved to sit up again, throwing her arms around his neck and holding him tight to her. With Sarah back in the crib, there was nothing between them now. She just needed a few minutes of this.
Lund smiles as he suddenly finds her wrapping her arms around him. His own arms snake around her holding her close. "I'm right here for you love." His fingers run down her back slowly kissing her neck tenderly. "If you need to let it out then do so darling."
That was all he needed to tell her. A moment later, her face was pressed against his shoulder and her tears started to flow like water. She had hardly ever let herself cry the entire time he was missing and thought to be dead. All the burdens placed on her little shoulders were just to much now and with his permission now she just let it all out in a flood of her tears. She kept the sound muffled against his shirt to not disturb the baby.
Lund holds her close rubbing her back softly as he continues to nuzzle her neck. ""Its alright darlin. Its alright." He runs his fingers through her hair beginning to hum softly. "Just let it out love. I know youve been holding it in." He sits down pulling her close kissing her cheek softly.
Her crying went on a few minutes longer before she pulled back to stroke his cheek, looking into his eyes and studying ever inch of him before tilted her face forward to rest their foreheads against one another, "Lund.... I love you. Gods how I have missed you so much. I... oh how I love you. Don't leave me, please? Just... when I lay back down, just stay with me. I want you to be here when I wake. Promise me?"
Lund looks into her eyes offering her a gentle smile. "I love you as well Kiana. Ill be right here when you wake I promise. In fact Ill lay down with you so youll know Im here the whole time your sleeping." He kicks off his shoes and shirt before slipping under the cover with her. His arms slip around her waist holding her close.
Her hands could not help but let themselves wander lightly over the bare skin of his fine chest as she laid down with him in the soft bed. It was nice to have his fine body their under her touch rather then the pillow she had used in his place for so long. Snuggling against him, she sighed, content. "It will not be a long rest. Sarah does not sleep long..."
He smiles as he enjoys the touch of her hands on his chest. His hand comes to rest against hers lifting it kiss softly. "Take what rest you can darling." He pulls her close kissing her gently as he curls his body up against hers holding her to him protectively. 'Ill be right here when you wake love. I promise."
"You had better be," she said softly as he eyes started closing, feeling so relaxed bathing in the warmth of him, "For if I wait and find this was all just a cruel dream...." she trailed of on a sigh, "I don't know what I would do. It would not be a good thing, I can say that much."
His arms wrap around her even tighter as he kisses her forehead. "Shhh now darling. Rest till our daughter has need of you." He begins rubbing her back humming to her softly as he takes in her scent enjoying it.
He did not need to say anything more to her for she was out in what seemed like the blink of an eye really. Her breathing slowing to a relaxed almost light purr as she rested in his arms. Nothing but the babe's sleeping could wake her now and that would not arrive for a few hours yet... if they were lucky.

An hour or so later, Lily came popping her head into the room to check on them all.
He smile ssoftly feeling her almost purring in his arms. He keeps rubbing her back gently humming as he lets her sleep. His fingers brush through her hair as he sighs softly closing his eyes for a moment. His eyes jerk open hearing the door. He motions for lily to be quiet letting it be seen both his wife and daughter are sleeping.
Lily just smiles looking at them both. She comes forward, avoiding the babe and being hushed for her but not at all for Kiana. "Your poor wife will not wake from talking. Only the babe's crying seems to be able to wake her like it were a trigger for her." Pulling a seat up next to the bed, she sighs and leans forward onto the bed, "Father will want to talk more with you soon..."
Lund smiles as he adjust slightly and slowly trying to let his wife continue to sleep. "I certainly hope not Lily. She looks exhausted enough already." He kisses Kiana's head softly. "I will speak with father when Kiana wakes again. She still doesnt quite believe Im really back. Shes worried its all a dream."
She sighed a little and rested her head on her folded arms upon the bed, "I think we all worry it might be. Your return is a true blessing Lund. One I don't think you really understand." She paused, "Father was going to let Jak free and rename him the heir... if you have not appeared when you did, well.... I don't want to think of what Jak would have done it he got out of this cell."
He sighs softly as he runs his jaw slowly. " I won't let him hurt kiana or anyone else in this family sister." His eyes glance towards the dagger resting on his sword belt. He swallows as he squeezes kiana close. "We've decided on a name for our daughter as well. "
That news brings a smile to Lily's lips, "Oh! At last. What is it? We did not want to push Kiana into something she was not really prepared to do like name the babe on her own but I was hoping she would get around to it soon." Lily smiled toward the crib with the babe within it, "She's such a sweet looking babe. An angel really."
He smiles watching his sister. "We decided on Sarah for her." He smiles as he lets out alittle laugh shaking his head. "I think she takes after Kiana an awful lot. That's why she's an angel." He kisses Kianas forehead smiling at his sister warmly. "Did you take care of her while I was gone sister?"
Lily nodded, thought her face was a bit sad, "Yes. Of course. Though Angus and Nessa did more then I. Between the three of us, I think at times she might have felt near smothered. I think it was hard for her of late, since Nessa gave birth herself, she has been tending to her own son as has Angus. Then she gave birth and..." she trailed off a bit and sighed, "Mother and father seemed to loose interest in caring about her when it was not a lad. I felt so guilty and embarrassed they would not welcome her or the babe as warmly as grandparents should."
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