Kiana stops and turns, a smirk on her face as he gives that little telling whistle. She puts her hand on her hip and her eyes glare a bit at him, but not for the reasons one might think. A moment later she pointed to the babe, "You made her wide awake with that whistle. Look how open her eyes are now."
And it was true. Sarah still held her father's finger in her hand but her little eyes with had been closing moments before were now open wide and looking up at his face with some newborn wonder to where that noise had come from.
There is some movement within the room, a rustling of skirts moving across the floor, the turn of a key in the lock, then the door creaked open slowly as Lily popped her head out. Her eyes went wide when she saw him there. Swiftly she reached out, grabbed him and pulled him into the room, "Are you mad?! You should not be here this is the family wing of the manor! You can't be caught here!"