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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

He shakes his head reaching out for her hand. He kisses it softly as he looks into her eyes. "It's not your fault love. I will do what I can but as it stands now father still makes the decisions." He leans in kissing her cheek softly. "For now let us enjoy our bath and get ready for dinner."
She tried to give him a smile but it's more sad then smile as she stands up and at last climbs into the tub with him. Sitting across from him, she faced him in the tub as she sunk below the water, the bubbles hiding most of her, "Very well... just be careful of what you say around Angus on the matter..."
He nods as he leans forward starting to clean himself slowly. His eye move to study her face swallowing slowly. "Do regret our marriage love? You mentioned something about if we hadn't. " He sighs softly taking her hand gently. "Love I don't regret this decision." He sighs again rubbing at his face.
Grasping his hand back with hers, she shook her head, "I will never regret loving you. Never. I just... I wish I could have brought something to this marriage to make your family happy. I brought nothing but myself and then I could not even do the proper thing for the wife of an heir and provide him with his own heir. I have been nothing but a burden on your family and now it's effecting Lily who has every right to her own happiness, no matter what it may be."
He quickly shakes his head as he kisses her hand squeezing it tightly. "Love I can't tell you how happy you've made me with Sarah." he laughs softly as he pulls her close looking into her eyes softly his emotions reflecting in them. "Besides mother gave birth to a girl before Jak or I came along. And I give you my word I'll do what I can to help Lily."
Her lips curled a little, "I suppose I am still thinking like a widowed woman. If you have been dead, Sarah would have been the only promise of an heir to your title..." she shook her head a little bit. "This is all happening so fast, but I suppose that is just the way our life together has always been, hasn't it?"
He smiles softly as he strokes her cheek gently. "I'm not leaving you love. Just try to relax darling." He laughs as he leans in kissing her lips tenderly. "Turn around and I'll wash your back for you." He sits back moptioning her to turn around for him. His fingers begin to massage her back even as he washes her softly.
She sighs softly as she maneuvers herself to turn her back to him in the tub sitting in front of him. The back washing was so soothing it was like getting a back massage from him really. Her body slowly loosened up and the tension left her body. "Mmmm..." she almost groaned softly as her eyes closed and she let him keep on doing what he was without a single protest.
He smiles feeling her muscles relax under his touch. His fingers keep working on her enjoying this simple pleasure of getting to touch her. He leans in kissing her neck as he drips water over her back slowly. "It sounds like Sarah is resting alot better now." He glances towards the door smiling softly.
"Mmm... don't jinx it. The moment you say that-" with perfect timing, Sarah's light whimpering started to loft through the air across the distance between her crib and her relaxing parents. A moment later, the whimpering was full on crying and fussing. Kiana only sighed and shook her head, smiling, "I told you so..." she said as she pulled away from him and started to rise up from the water to go to her child.
He shakes his head watching her start to stand. His hands come up wringing them out slightly. "I'm sorry love. I didn't think a simple word would wake her so easily." He quickly washes himself off before standing up grabbing a towel to wrap around himself. "Would you like me to help you with her. It will give you a chance to rest."
"Sometime I think she had a sixth sense that she knows when people around her are just getting comfortable or talking about her. Only then does she start to get fussy..." she commented as she reached for a robe and threw it over herself, tying it at the waist as she walked from the room and when to Sarah's side. She didn't really get the time to wash herself off before she was there holding her, rocking the babe and cooing to her lightly. Kiana went to sit upon the sofa as she opened the robe and presented dinner to her daughter who greedily feasted. "No, it's already. This is one thing I don't think you can do for the babe. Once she is done you can tend to her while I finish washing up."
Lund nods as he follows her into the main room drying himself off. He moves to dress slowly tugging on a fresh pair of pants. "You know it was funny. When I first got back Angus couldn't recognize me because I had let my bears grow out so far." He smiles as he tugs his shirt on tucking it on. "Id love to watch over her. She seems to feel ok with me."
She smiled, "That's a very good thing. She seems to just know you are her daddy. It's a nice, easy feeling to know she is not fussy over you being near, only accepts you." While Sarah kept on eating, Kiana looked up at him and studied his face, "I don't know how I would feel about to hiding your handsome face behind a layer of hair on your chin... perhaps you will need to grow it back again so I can judge for myself if I like it better one way or the other."
He laughs softly as he scribbles down a note to have dinner brought to their rooms for four people. He slips to the door handing it to a passing servant. His eyebrow arches watching her. "You want me to grow that monstrosity back out. It itched like hades my love." He moves to her kissing her softly.
Kissing him back, "And yet you kept it for so long that it grew to be a burden? Why? If it bothered you why not trim it or cut it all off?" Sarah's feasting was starting to slow and Kiana knew it would not be long before she was finished and her care could be turned over to her father. Until then though, a bit more talking could be had. She still have many questions about all these months they had been apart.
He smiles touching Sarahs head softly as he kneels down beside them. "It just seemed to fit me is all. It's hard to explain, but the farmers daughter who nursed me back to health called me Bear because of it." He touches her leg caressing it softy. "I guess I kept it because it was something familiar to me."
She grew a bit tense again, "You liked the farmer's daughter... you speak very warmly of her when you mention her..." she stated it more as a fact then asking him a question. Just as she said that, Sarah let go and was done. "Here we are," Kiana said as she raised the babe to her shoulder and pat her softly on the back until she burped. Then it was his turn as she handed the babe to him.
He quickly shakes her head. "She was more like a sister to me then anything else. And I spent the few months with all of them. If I could pick a family to raise me if I had none they would be it." He laughs as Sarah burps taking her gently. "You take after your daddy with a burp like that." he smiles making faces at her.
Sarah looked up at him with an almost puzzled look on her face. She was still to little to be able to laugh or smile at him when he made faces like that. So she just looked... confused at the odd man looked down at her. Kiana smiles however as she leans over to kiss him on the cheek before she rises, "I will quick finish my bath before dinner arrives." Crossing the room she re-entered the bath chamber and shrugged off her robe as she re-entered the tub, starting to wash right away.
He nods softly as he stops making the faces slowly beginning to rock the babe. "Take as much time as you want love vibe got Sarah." He smiles cradling the baby closer. "I've got you little one. Daddy's going to keep you safe from everthing I can." He brushes her cheek smiling at her warmly as he rocks her.
The warm look upon his face seems to warm the babe as well as she looked up at him, her eyes just open slightly as she enjoyed her father's gentle rocking. From time to time, her little hands would reach out for nothing at all and her little fingers would open or close then her little mouth would do the same. She didn't seem to be very sleepy after first but the longer he rocked her, the more heavy her eyes seemed to get.

It was not long after that Kiana came from the bath chamber. Pausing in the doorway, she looked across the room at the image before her. It was the most glorious thing she had ever seen. Her love, her husband, holding their babe like she was the most delicate, precious thing in the world. It brought a smile to her face and a little tear to her eye as she crossed the room to get a dress for herself to wear during dinner.
He smiles down at the babe watching her tiny hand open and close slowly. He brings a finger up to place in her tiny hand as it opens and closes. His head turns hearing Kiana come in not realizing she had paused watching him. "love I think our daughter is going to be a handful when she gets older." He looks into sarahs eyes smiling happily as he slows his rocking, not wanting her to sleep just yet. His body turns slightly as he watches her dress letting out a soft whistle.

A single guard moves through the halls glancing around nervously. He swallows heavily as he reaches Lily's door. His hand comes up knocking lightly on the door even as he glances up and down the corridor quickly. His knock is quick and rushed as he worries about her not being here and getting caught here but he had to see her.
Kiana stops and turns, a smirk on her face as he gives that little telling whistle. She puts her hand on her hip and her eyes glare a bit at him, but not for the reasons one might think. A moment later she pointed to the babe, "You made her wide awake with that whistle. Look how open her eyes are now."

And it was true. Sarah still held her father's finger in her hand but her little eyes with had been closing moments before were now open wide and looking up at his face with some newborn wonder to where that noise had come from.


There is some movement within the room, a rustling of skirts moving across the floor, the turn of a key in the lock, then the door creaked open slowly as Lily popped her head out. Her eyes went wide when she saw him there. Swiftly she reached out, grabbed him and pulled him into the room, "Are you mad?! You should not be here this is the family wing of the manor! You can't be caught here!"
Lund laughs softly as he looks back down at Sarah. He purses his lips together making another soft whistle as he watches his daughters face. He glances back over at Kiana as he keeps his finger in Sarahs. "She may be awake love but I think shes fascinated by the sound." He lets out a soft laugh as he whistles softly once more enjoying the look that comes over his daughters face when he does so.

He smiles softly as he is dragged into her room. HIs smile dampens slightly at hearing her chastizing tone. "I know I shouldnt be here m'lady. I couldnt wait to see you later." His hand comes up touching her cheek softly as he looks into her eyes. His head comes forward pressing his lips to hers softly.
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