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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

His arms encircle her waist tightly as he holds on to her smiling warmly. "Does that mean you arent going to let me plunder you tonight love." He laughs softly as he runs his fingers down her body smirking. He goes further to prove his point to let his fingers move over her leg almost touching her between the legs.
"Plunder?" she repeats with amusement before laughing lightly. "What do you think you are? A pirate from some far off sea?" She kissed his chest a few times before leading a little trail up to his lips, giving him a nice firm kiss there. "Well? Have I been married to a pirate all this time and I didn't even know about it?"
He laughs softy at her words of him being a pirate. "Well now if I told you that I might have to kidnap you away from these fine things you've grown used to." He smiles returning the kiss as he squeezes her close. His hands hold her back letting his eyes roam her body with a soft playful smirk. "I am a pirate and I see some treasure I want."
That playfully comment truly got a good, hearty laugh from her as she rubbed her hand over his bare chest, "Oh really now? What kind of treasure is it... gold? Jewels? Do not keep me in such suspense my handsome pirate? Ummm, are you a pirate king as well?"
Lund laughs softly as he let's his hands roam her body. "I have mountains of treasure just waiting to be soaked in. Waiting for the right person perhaps." His head dips down moving to kiss her lips passionately. "A king you ask. I rule every pirate that sails these seas."
She laughs again, finding this word game so very amusing really. "These seas?" she frees her hand from his and uses it to start splashing the water just lightly, "THESE seas? Hmmm, it does not seem like there are any other pirates in these seas besides you, oh mighty pirate king. I don't see and treasure here either."
He leans back as she begins splashing laughing softly at her antics. "Of course you don't see any treasure. I have to keep it hidden or anyone wondering along could find it. Though as beautiful as you are my dear I might add you to my collection so that no other could look at you." He smiles leaning in to nip at her.
The playful laughing continued as she rubbed herself against his lips, "Mmmm, will you take me to the treasure? A treasure HUNT perhaps?" She didn't know what a hunt such at that would have them doing but just the idea of a playful game and the things it could bring them tonight amusing her.
He smiles softly as he pulls her closer letting his hands roam her body softly. "If I took you to the treasure then Id have to hide you there. Dont want you telling others where it is." He laughs softly as he gently splashes her with some water.
"Hmmmm," she tapped her chin as if in thought, "It's an appealing offer but I don't know. To have to remain with this treasure forever and ever.... is the treasure worth it? That seems like a high price for a little bit of treasure."
Lund smiles softly as he moves to squeeze her tighter to him. "Id say the treasure is well worth it." His fingers slip across her breast softly. He leans in nibbling on her arm playfully as he lets his hands roam her body once more.
"Says you," she playfully countered before sighing theatrically, "But it's still an offer I cannot pass up." Her lips curl into a great big smirk as she wraps he arms around his neck, "Take me to this... treasure oh great pirate king."
Lund smiles as she wraps her arms around his neck. He laughs as he pushes his hand between her legs rubbing her thigh softly as he leans in pressing his forehead to hers. "You are eager to see my gold arent you darling."
She grasped slightly as his finger rubbed her in just the way she enjoyed, "Mmmm... indeed I am. You make your gold sound so very appealing that it makes me mouth water with want to seeing it in all it's glory. Just where does this treasure hunt begin?"
He smiles softly as he nibbles on her arm moving upwards slowly. "Ill control the treasure hunt my darling." His teeth leave a small mark on her arm. His head comes up to look into her eyes as he moves his hand closer to her soft lips caressing her thigh as he keeps teasing her.
Kiana can't help but giggle slightly, "Oh will you now? And what if I try and go some other way on the trail?" She asks as she tests him by starting to slip out of his arms, towards the other side of the tub. She wasn't actually going anywhere, just playing the game with him of course. She didn't want to leave the hunt. Not for a moment.
He smirks softly as he lets her get a few inches out of his arms before he grabs her jerking her back to press against his chest. "Just where do you think your going beloved treasure?" He smiles lifting her arm to begin nibbling on her skin softly. "I think I might have to partake of your treasures first."
She lets out a fit of soft giggles as he tugs her back to him and has her pressed so firm and naked against him. "OH.... so now I'M the treasure am I?" she asked playfully as she pressed her lips to his neck softly, giving him small, tender kisses all along his neck and collar, "Is that the secret of the pirate king's treasure?"
Lund smiles softly holding her to him tightly. "Youve been the treasure the whole time my darling." He smirks running his fingers down along her spine slowly. His hands cup her rear giving it a squeeze before his fingers start to run down along her legs. "So beautiful and wonderful my darling."
Of course she smiles back against his skin before raising her eyes to his face once more. She knew she was the treasure all along, but the game of it all was just to enjoyable. "Well then... if I am the treasure does that mean that the hunt is already over?"
He smirks softly as he keeps his fingers running along her legs softly. His hands move to pull her legs so she is straddling his lap smirking softly. His eyes lock on to hers with a soft smile. "The hunt isnt nearly over. Its all about the hunt then the capture." He smiles as his fingers slip down to caress her breast.
"Capture?" she questions, raising a brow and the smirk on her lips only growing wider still. "So then, that is REAL hunt? You will need to give me a head start on the hunt. It's only fair you know."
Arches his eyebrow slightly as he leans his kissing her neck running his fingers through her hair softly. "A head start? I dont think I remember that being in the rules for the hunt." He smirks as his hands slowly loosen their hold on her .
"There are rules? You never said anything about rules. You can't just make up rules in the middle of the game." She pouted a little bit at him and pushed slightly out of his hands to sit back and just kept on pouting.
He laughs softly as he leans back letting his eyes roam over her body slowly. "There always have to be rules darling. It cant be my fault if you dont read and understand the rules before the game begins." He leans in placing a soft kiss on her lips.
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