It's Magic (Candira and Raziel)

Cora frowned and tried to play something to block the card, but failed. She gasped and felt the cold chain wrap around her ankle. She looked down, not sure of what would happen next. Biting her lip, She looked at her cards and wondered if there was anything there to help her out of this mess.
The next turn was the same thing, the second copy of Devil Chains getting the flashback of Abyssal Vows, and he called out that she skipped her draw step as he searched for a third. A second chain and shackle shot out of nowhere, grabbing her other leg, and both pulled lightly, making her legs go spread. She was halfway locked down.

His next turn was almost as mean. “I play Eldrazi Monument. As long as I sacrifice a creature each turn, my creatures have flying, indestructible, first strike, and +1/+1. Then I play Awakening zone, giving me a 0/1 every turn. Third Devil Chains attacks, you cannot play non-creature spells now.” He searched for the fourth, putting it out almost triumphantly. A third chain shot out, grabbing her cardless hand, and pulling it up and to the side.

The fourth one soon attacked as well, and a chain grabbed her last hand, pulling it as well, so she was spread eagle in the chair. “Seems you’re completely locked down now.”
She frowned entirely unable to do anything to protect herself, much less play a card. She was stuck tied and spread eagle. She frowned and stared at him. "Well this is unfortunate," she said, struggling a bit. It was surreal to have the cards come to life, but this was far less unnerving than the night before. She watched him from across the table, wondering what to do now.

"So, what should I do? I can't really play."
“So, what should you do? Well, you can’t really do anything, can you. The only thing you can do is pass turn whenever it comes to you.” He couldn’t help but grin. “And, hope that I am merciful.” Something about that grin said that he wouldn’t be. He flicked his hand up, then pushed forward, and the chains lifted her up from her seat, holding her mid air, spread out.

He thought about what to play, taking his time, drawing cards to get what he wanted. “Hmm… First I’ll play sinful desires… Oh, I’ll play two. On you. You gain 5 life, twice.” She would feel warmth building up within her, quickly and high, as though she took a strong aphrodisiac. Twice. “And now I play Irena, Lady of the Succubi. You remember our little friend.” He chuckled slightly. He waited the necessary turn before attacking her with the creature… who was soon behind her, hands playing with her breasts as she chuckled into her prey’s ear.
Somehow she got the feeling that he was enjoying this far more than he ought to be. She closed her eyes and sighed. "Alright. I pass," she said wincing a bit as he played the two sinful desires on her. Her heart rate increased, body heating at the thought of him in complete control of her fate, her body lifted off the chair and up in the air. Her womanhood grew slick and hot with desire and the feelings intensified to the point where she was practically ready to burst with desire.

And then that blasted succubi appeared. And then her breasts were fair game to the card creature. She moaned softly and looked up to him, rather frustrated. "Pass," she muttered again, watching Justin from her place in the air, wearing her little plaid blouse and short shorts.
He looked at Cora, as the succubus was playing with her breasts, hearing the frustration in her voice as she passed her turn, almost squirming in mid air. A smile that bordered on a smirk was on his face as he put his hand face-down on the table, and slowly walked over to her, his fingers slowly running along her inner arms.

“You are truly beautiful.” Justin said, in a soft voice, his eyes on hers as the succubus was now kissing her neck. His own finger found the buttons to her blouse, and was slowly unbuttoning them. “How does it feel, having me in full control, having to let me do whatever I wish to you?” He slowly pushed her blouse open, the succubus moving her hands just enough to let the offending cloth move out of the way, before she returned to her play.
Cora watched as he flashed that smile at her, just like that cat who ate the canary. Her body practically trembled with desire, her face flushed with the effort of keeping her breathing under control. As he came toward her, his eyes running over her like that, things became far more difficult. She shivered as he ran his fingers over her arms as the succubus kiss her neck.

She blushed and bit back a groan, panting as he teased her, asking her how it felt. She watched as he unbuttoned her blouse. Her lace-covered breasts were shortly revealed before the succubus went back to teasing her. "Mmm, well part of it is fun...and part is less enjoyable," she said looking down at him.
There was a small intake of breath behind her, and the succubus gently pinched and pulled her nipples. “Less enjoyable?” Her voice was practically cooing as she played with Cora. “My dear, I know you want him to yourself, but I do deserve my own play every so often, even after giving my power for your pleasures.” Her hands shifted, cupping her breasts but letting her peaks free as Justin leaned down, flicking his tongue against them.

“Oh, I’m sure you would love to do your own things, Cora.” He said in a husky voice. “But right now, I have you all chained up. I wish to play and see your reactions. Maybe when you win, you can do the same.”
Cora gasped as the succubus pinched at her nipples and pulled a bit. She groaned softly and shivered as the succubus continued to play with her. The card creature only stopped to offer Cora's chest up to Justin to enjoy. "Mmm, I just meant I wanted to move," she murmured, forced to do nothing but watch as the two of them toyed with her body. She closed her eyes and wished desperately that she could do some winning of her own, but she doubted she'd be able to do it considering the extreme difference in skill. She'd just have to wait until they weren't playing cards.
“Mmm.. but isn’t that the point of the chains?” Justin mussed, a chuckle in his voice as he moved his head to her other breast, as his hands slid down, slowly pushing her shorts down. Her legs were pushed together by the chains until the shorts fell through them, onto the ground, and then pulled her legs apart once more. “Having you at my mercy, able to do whatever I want to do. Unable to stop me. Doesn’t that turn you on?” He took a step back, and moved his hands, and she was moved back, legs going up to have her laying on air. The Succubus started playing more heartedly with her breasts while Justin stroked her through her panties.
She closed her eyes and groaned softly as the two of them played with her breasts. She shivered and moaned softly getting wetter as they went on. It did not escape her attention that he took her shorts off, the shirt still hanging off her arms. She panted softly, her body ready for him no matter what he decided to do. She gasped as the chains moved so that she was now horizontal. She gasped as he and the succubus kept playing with her.

"Mmmm, it does...but I like to be able to move now and then..."
“Well, you moved then, and you’re not moving now.” He said, chuckling, as his fingers worked deftly. Still, her panties were too much in the way, even soaked as they were. It wasn’t long before he pulled her panties off, her legs being moved to let them off before being spread once more. He knelt down, arms wrapping around her legs, before his tongue started working, slowly, against her clit, letting out a soft groan as he enjoyed her taste. “So good.” He mumbled, as his tongue slid along her whole womanhood, teasing her clit, then sliding to her entrance, swirling before returning up.
She might have laughed at the joke if she hadn't been moaning. Her eyes closed and she arched her back just a bit as they continued to play with her body. His fingers against her hot wet sex felt amazing, but before long he had her panties off and the only thing left on her was her bra. She panted softly as he Spread her legs a bit more and wrapped his arms around them. Instantly she was aware of what he wanted, and when his tongue met her slit it was all she could take. She moaned softly, squirming in reaction, her body trembling in the chains.
The succubus frowned as she looked at Cora. Her hands moved on their own, removing the shirt, then her bra, before going back to her breasts. “A lady like you doesn’t need clothes.” She said, teasing her nipples before cupping both mounds with warm hands, working her skin slowly. “I would love to take you to my realm sometime, give you a real workout.” She winked at Cora as she played. But Justin was working more thoroughly, tongue hitting all the spots he knew she liked, feeling her shuddering against his tongue, holding her still. He stood not too long after, unable to hold himself back as he removed his clothes and slid into her without much wait.
Cora moaned as Justin gave her pleasure with his perfect mouth. The Succubus only added to the sensations, the removal of all her clothes proving to intensify every feeling. The creature told her she'd want to give her a real work out. "T-thank you," she said tentatively, and as her mind began to picture what that might be like, Justin stole her breath away. Whimpering with need, she did her best to hold back. Just as she was about to break, he let her go and started to strip.

"Justin..." And then he was back with her, inside her in an instant. "God, yes!" So long as Justin was around, though the succubus' attention was appreciated, she would go somewhat under-appreciated.
A groan escaped his lips as he slid into her, her call for him invigorating him. His hips bucked, his hands firmly on her hips as each movement pushed him deep into her. The succubus, though, couldn’t help but notice how much of Cora’s attention was spread, and she redoubled her efforts, playing with her breasts a little rougher, bending down and using her mouth to better, higher trained effect than Justin had.

“Ohh… Cora…” Justin moaned out, his fingers lightly pressing into her hips as he moved faster, moving her legs to loosen and open a little more, pushing deeper.
She moaned loudly, lust igniting her body. Oh she loved when Justin was inside her, and the way he thrust into her at this angle felt so good. She writhed in pleasure, moving against the chains, surprised that they didn't hurt at all. Her eyes closed just as the succubus started to play with her breasts a bit more aggressively. Cora gasped at the way her body responded, her nipples tightening deliciously, her the pleasure going straight to the core of her, adding to the heat and the way her pussy squeezed Justin. It felt so good... she wasn't sure how much longer she would last.
It was about time that she was getting her dues. The succubus continued her sweet play on her breasts, her own just above Cora’s head from how she was leaning over the woman. Her tail came up, the tip stinging slightly into her back, but the feeling would have been quickly, almost instantly, washed away in renewed vigor and lust, much more potent than those two cards Justin played earlier. And when her tail moved away from her back, it snaked up to wrap around one of her breasts, wrapping and gently squeezing.

The grip was exhilarating for Justin, and he groaned out, leaning forward slightly as he pumped more, shifting her legs to wrap around his hips, the chains moving to hold her like that.
Cora gasped and moaned, arching her back and writhing in pleasure as Justin pumped into her, sending pleasure coursing through her body. And the succubus' attentions sent pleasure straight to her core, her body unable to handle anymore. When the tail hit her back, there was a brief sting, but then came a strong wave a of desire. Instantly her hunger for more became apparent and as Justin moved her legs around his waist, she squeezed him tight, pulling him into her. She gasped and moaned hotly, her body taking only a moment to give in. She came hard, her pussy squeezing him tightly.
It was shortly after that Justin felt her orgasm, her tight grip milking him, and he only lasted a few more moments before he came, hot seed pumping and filling her up on the inside. The succubus cooed as she heard the reactions, smiling as she slowly released Cora’s breasts. “Aww, look at all the pleasure! But next time, I want my own, ok?” She winked before she disappeared, and Justin was quick, arms wrapping around Cora’s back before the chains released her. He took a few steps to the bed before falling on it, pulling Cora onto him. “Mmm…”
Cora rode out her orgasm, panting and moaning as she came down, every touch sending shock waves through her body. The succubus made Cora wonder just what the deal was with these cards, and as the chains disappeared, she pulled herself up around Justin. He carried her to the bed before the two of them plopped down on it, pushing him in deeper. "God..." She closed her eyes, panting.
He laid there, his arms wrapped around her, holding her on top of him, feeling her body pressed firmly against his own. He was pushed deeper, and a soft groan left his lips. But he wouldn’t pull out of her, not right now. He enjoyed the feeling of union between the two of them. “Those cards are otherworldly.” He muttered, as he leaned forward and kissed her neck lightly. “Mmm… but they got us together, so I think getting rid of them would be rather… rude.”
She groaned and closed her eyes, resting on top of him as he stayed inside her. Cora smiled softly and chuckled as he kissed her neck and told her getting rid of them would be rude. "It's not that I don't agree, it's just funny to think about. Oddly enough, I don't think I've gotten to any special cards in my deck. I'll have to look for some," she said, drowsily. "Mmm, but maybe someday we could pass them on to someone who needs them more than we do."
omeday.” He agreed, chuckling. “Someday in a decent future, perhaps. But someday.” His hands slowly moved, fingers lightly brushing over her back, tracing her spine. “You’ll hit your special cards soon enough. I’m sure once you do you’ll have a significant advantage over me. As it is, I win because I have massive mana ramp.” He chuckled again, before turning his head, kissing her lightly. “I love you, Cora.”
She closed her eyes and sighed happily. She let him rub in how much better his deck was than hers, but she was the real winner here--utterly sated for the time being. "Mmm, I love you too, Justin." She smiled and kissed him again, warming up. "Mmm, tell me again that you love me," she said, wanting to enjoy that statement again.
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