It's Magic (Candira and Raziel)

His eyes looked into hers for a long minute, his breathing heavy, before he sealed his lips with hers, a low groan escaping as his hips finally stopped the slow thrusts that came after their orgasm. He slowly slid out of her, letting her back onto the ground, holding her close as the water washed over them. “You’re going to make me insane.” He groaned lightly, pulling her tighter to him before slowly moving back, to get into the water better.
She was a little shaky when he set her down again. Their kiss had also taken her breath away, so she was panting and having a hard time standing by herself. She leaned against him a bit more and let him hold her. She smiled at his comment and let the water cover them both. "Mmm, good. You're too sensible."
He was more than willing to help her stay on her feet, letting the hot water wash off the sweat that came off their bodies. He kept the kiss hot and passionate, always. “Oh? Well, then I suppose that’s a good thing.” He said with a chuckle, nipping her lip playfully, before grabbing his body wash, quickly setting to washing himself.
She grinned and kissed him back, enjoying his embrace a moment longer before she let him go to do a bit cleaning up of her own. She slicked her hair back and wrung it out before shampooing it. She rinsed it out of her lovely crimson locks before moving on to her body, the suds coating her skin in the most appealing way.
It didn’t take him that long to wash his body, and he delayed washing his hair for a few minutes, moving behind her and helping to wash her back before his hands simply slid over her body, fingers going lightly over her skin. He would say that it was to help rinse off her body… before admitting that he enjoyed going over her curves, if she asked. He leaned down, kissing her neck lightly before grabbing his shampoo, washing his hair thoroughly.
She smiled as he helped her with her back grinning as he ran his hands over her. She did ask why, and was amused. He really was sweet. She turned to him once he was done, the kiss to her neck still tickling her skin. Smiling, Cora tilted her head. "Want me to wash your back for you?"
He was rinsing out the soap from his hair as he heard that from her, smiling although he took a minute so he didn’t eat suds as he answered her. “I wasn’t going to bother, but yes, please do.” He handed her his soap, turning from her to open his back up for her.
Happily she turned to a task which required her to touch his naked body. Cora soaped up his back and gently scrubbed it with her hands, her lips kissing his neck softly. She took her time and washed it all for him, kissing his shoulder before she turned him around to get him rinsed and rinse her hands as well.
He let out a soft sigh as he shifted himself slightly, letting her get to his back well, her hands on his skin a blessing. He tilted his head for her to kiss it more, less hindered. “Mmm…” He turned as she finished, letting the water wash over his back to wash the suds off. “Thank you.”
The redhead grinned and gave him a little kiss on the lips before pulling away and wringing out her hair. "Any time," she said with a grin. With that, she stepped out of the water and wrapped up her hair with a small terrycloth turban. She dried herself off and started to apply her after-shower products.
He had washed up rather carefully and quickly that day, and as he turned off the water, he grabbed his towel, drying his hair off. “So, what are your plans for today?” He asked, with a soft smile as he wrapped the towel around his hips, grabbing his bag of bath stuff.
"Lucky for you, I don't have plans. It's my day off from everything. What about you?" She asked, slipping back into her robe when she was finished her after-shower routine. She walked out of the little shower booth with him and headed back toward the room they shared together.
“Oh? No plans? Then we should change that.” He chuckled as they left to the hallway, heading to their room. “I don’t have any plans either. Although I was going to take a look at my deck and fix it up. I’m sure we can think of a few things we can do to entertain us today.” He said with a soft chuckle, opening the door to their room for her, letting her in first.
"Thank you," she said coming back into the room, and putting her bath stuff away. She opened up her closet and smiled at him. "We could play more cards? Or you could teach me to play," she joked since it was pretty obvious she had no idea what she was doing. "Or we could go out on a date or something...Or stay in on a date..." She smiled and walked to her dresser to get out some underwear.
“Oh, you know that I’m always up for cards.” He said with a chuckle. He didn’t bother getting dressed, not yet. Instead, he headed to the table where his deck and extras were, rifling through them and switching cards out. Now that he saw they had an actual effect, he wanted to see… “I would love to have a date… but probably will stay in for it tonight. I rather head out when I actually know the area.” He let out a small chuckle. “I like knowing the area that I’m trying to look smart in.” He turned his head, smiling as he watched her dress. “I always thought you were beautiful.”
"Sounds fair," she said, noticing that he wasn't getting dressed. The redhead wondered why that might be as she pulled on her clothes while still wearing the robe, a habit of hers. She blushed as she finished putting on her under clothes, tossing her robe on her bed. "Really? Like always?" she asked, walking back to her closet to find something to wear. She ended up with a comfy button up plaid shirt with a pair of shorts, since they'd be inside. Leaving a few top buttons undone, she took her hair down and combed it out. She'd dry it next, but she wanted to talk a little longer.
“Like always.” He said, a smile on his face as he watched her remove the robe, that delicious body hardly covered before she went to her closet. He turned to his deck once more, and he was shuffling it by the time she came out dressed. He looked her over, grinning slightly. “Oh, how you tease me so.” He said, putting his deck down and moving over to her, holding the towel where it was and leaning forward, kissing her neck slightly before shifting to sit at her side.
She smiled softly at his response and came closer to him now. She kissed him back as he leaned into her and told her she was a tease. "I might be a tease, but at least I'm dressed," she pointed out, stealing a kiss from him just before he got her neck and then sat by her. Cora stretched and smiled. "Well, I think I'm gonna dry my hair. I won't be too long, so do what you want."
She seemed to take every kiss that she could from him… and he loved it, returning each and every one when he could. “And you act like you don’t like it.” He retorted, sticking his tongue out at her playfully before she got up. “Alright. Take your time.” He watched as she went to go dry her hair, and he got up, going to his closet, getting on a pair of short and a button up t-shirt. He went back to his deck, looking through to see if he had it ready.
She smiled and laughed. "I never said I didn't like it. Just pointing out the irony," she said. With that, she got her stuff together and went to the bathroom to dry her hair. About 15 minutes later, Cora returned with shiny, light, silky hair. It was something she prided herself on, so she tended to take very good care of it. "There. That's better." After she stashed her stuff, she came to his side and smiled at him. "Ready?"
He was messing with his deck after he dressed until she came back in. He turned to her with a smile, putting his cards down and moving to her. His arms wrapped warmly around her, and a soft kiss was placed on her lips. His fingers went up, sliding through her hair for a moment before he moved to the table. “Do you even have to ask?” His voice was teasing, and he stuck his tongue out playfully at her. “Of course I am.”
Cora happily returned his affection, loving that he wanted to play in her hair. She let him do it for a moment before she joined him at the table, smiling at him. "Alright so maybe I take awhile. But you must admit it's worth it," she said, shaking her pretty hair out a bit. She took up her deck and looked through it, shuffling it once more.
He shuffled a few more moments, looking over her and smiling. “If I said no I would be a damn liar.” He said, a smirk on his face as he put his deck back down, drawing seven. “Normally I would let you go first since you lost last, but you’re taking too long.” He stuck his tongue out playfully. “I’ll play a forest, tap it and play Llanowar Elf.” His next turn was another mana turn, playing a forest, tapping both lands and the elf to play harrow, removing a forest from the field and searching for two swamps. He played both, then played…

“Devil Chains.” 0/2 artifact creature. If it attacks and is unblocked, instead of doing damage, May choose to have the opponent skip untap step, skip draw step, cannot cast spells, or cannot play lands as long as it is tapped. After activating, search your library for a Devil Chains and put it onto the battlefield. You do not have to untap Devil Chains during the untap step.
Cora chuckled as he went first. She mirrored her actions when it was her turn and played mostly lands and a few smaller monsters. She was defeated, but it wasn't much of a big deal--she'd been expecting something like it. She frowned as he played Devil Chains.

"I've never seen that one before...I'm not sure what to do," she said with a frown. Despite her willingness to learn, she was still a novice player, and she wasn't a very good one at that. "Any hints?" she asked, tilting her pretty head.
“You haven’t seen it before, because it’s from the new set.” He said with a smirk. She would know what that meant, at the very least. “Hints for it? Don’t let it hit you.” He waited for her turn to come around, before drawing…

“And now I pay a mana and two life, to play Abyssal vows. Devil Chains has protection from creatures until end of turn. It attacks, you skip your untap step, and I search for another Devil Chains and put it onto the battlefield.” As the creature attacked, a chain shot out, grabbing at Cora’s ankle.
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