The Monster School

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"Friends!" He extended his hand to Jean. "Alright! I don't really know how long the classes are so, yeah." He took a deep breath then sat down on his chair. "It's a good thing to see such changes in a person. Feels good." He said to Jean.
"yea the funny thing is i do not know what to do with myself now". she had taken his hand and given him a firm hand shake. she then went and found her chair again and sat down feeling strange .
"Class is almost over so don't worry about it." He told them, before sitting back on the corner of his desk and stretching out lightly "Remember, if you ever need anything from me come to my teacher dorm and I will teach you I'm in D3." He told them all, before pulling out a bigger gem "This is the second level of that gem I gave you." He told them it had the base shape of the gem that he had gave them, but this one had branches of it that came off of it "When I'm done with you all. I want you to be up to this level." He told them, before taking the stance he did earlier "Aine I want you to watch."
Jean took out a notebook from her bag and wrote down dorm 3 then put away her notebook again. she had after all signed up for private lessons might as well get one in or two. she even put the small stone in her backpack. she then watched the teacher with his big gem and thought how strange he was with all of his gems.
Zed was astounded. "So I was correct. That was just the tip of the Ice Berg." He said. His heart rate rised as he anticipates the next demonstration. "So much learning. Awesome." He could feel tiny sparks literally flying out of his fingertips.
Jean watched the teacher but she also watched Zed for he had sparks going out of his fingertips. the teachers in this class room and this boy all were of interest to her.
Zasso had been writing down the gist of what Valdemar actually accomplished, as far as teaching his students. Today's lesson was control. Looking up, he saw the other teacher with a larger gem.
He wondered what the gems meant for Valdemar and himself looked like.
Aine ended her concentration with a pout, apperently she had missed a great scene while deep in concentration. She sat into her seat gracefully, settng the gem on her desk. Her sapphire eyes searched the room landing on Zed as she gave him a shy smile. They then landed on the other girl. Aine had a blank expression at first as she looked her over then she smiled at her as well.
Quietly she remided herself to stop by Mr. Valdemars class for her private lesson. She felt excited at what he would teach her. Leaning back she swept her long white curls over her left shoulder.
Finally, Zed got his chance to return the smile that Aine gave him earlier. He smiled at her and waved. Zed then returned his attention to Mr. Valdemar. He then realized that he was not assigned a dorm number yet. He'll make sure to ask about this to the teachers as soon as class is over.
Valdemar looks at all of them with a very serious look on his face "Before I begin, I must say this, no matter how bad it looks, you must not come near me. This gem requires extreme concentration and will. If you don't have those this one will spit you out. This gem can even bring out hidden abilities, or show skills for you to work on, but you must be willing to risk your life." He told them still in the stance that he was before with the other gem, but his fingers touch each other. A line appears around him "Do not cross that, or you will be killed. As hard as that gem I gave you is. Compare to this one it like walking around on a breeze day." He told them, before closing his eyes "Now, let us begin." He say, before chanting "Day to Night. The dark one calls us, set free the evil within the soul and grant me strength." The gem just like the last one, before to growl, this one was also a dark purple like the last one. A gentle wind begins to blow around him, before he lifts his legs up. He was sitting India style in the air with nothing under him.

An eerie, but peaceful present fills the room. Disturbing, but calm at the same time, nothing like they had ever felt before at the moment. The air went from thick to heavy back to normal. The student could see the vein on there teacher head as he tries his best to keep it in control. Another small cut forms over his right cheek "The thing about this one, if you don't keep good balance, or get it back to good balance quickly, it can do one of many things to you." All of there minds had complete clarity.
Wide eyed and jaw dropped, Zed watch as his teacher unleashed power that he had never witnessed before. "Balance.. Balance.. Balance.." He said, "That's where I have to improve!" He looked around the room and checked his classmates and Mr. Zasso. He wants to see their reaction to this.
her entire body was tense as she saw the spectuacal before her eyes, she was a vry caring person so itkept all her will to sit in her seat and to not run to his side. It had taken many years for her to raise her healing abilities to the levels that they were today
Knuckles white she gripped the edge of her desk, eyebrows furrowed in unhappiness.
Zasso watched, impressed. Though he knew that he could handle the gem, fairly well. He could, after all, regenerate. As he continued watching, he wondered what hidden powers, if any, he possessed.
When Zed looked around, all he want was to take a glance at his classmates because he is still focusing on what Mr. Valdemar is demonstrating. He just can't help but notice Aine struggling. "Are you alright?" Zed said to Aine. "Again, thanks for lending me a hand earlier." He then shifted his sights to Mr. Zasso has been silent for quite some time now. He wonders what he is up to? He realized that he is getting distracted again so he went back to watching Mr. Valdemar.
Valdemar opens his eyes, before the gem breaks his hand. It looks as if a star was being created, before them, as the energy rush innerward, before exploding out filling the room with the intense light which was purple, there was enough to make someone close there eyes for a moment. When they open them again it was as if they where staring into a tiny tiny sun. The ball become smaller and smaller, before they could see Valdemar again. He was was suppressing in his hand, they could see his muscle strain as he pushes it inward as it come outward "Any question?" He looks out at them as a couple purple sparks come off of the mini sun he had in his hand. Behind him form a couple of test dummy which where the opposite direct from the students "Here have it." He brings his hand together as his demonic purple aura comes around him. His eyes also glowing purple "I summon ye, oh god which lives in the realms beyond, Hear my pray and come froth. Take thy enemies to Oblivion." He pauses for a moment, before shouting out "Grand Shadow Oblivion Ball." He fires it at the student it was coming at them fast. It was about to hit Zed when it stops. The wind it creates when it comes to a stop is intense the feeling of extreme gravity befell them all. The sphere takes off in the other direction creating another strong gust of wind, before hitting the dummies behind him creating an explosion which explained outward. Valdemar turns around looking as it came towards him, but stop short of him, before turning into smoke.

Once all was say and done there was nothing left of the 20's dummies that stood there. The room changes against this time to a sunny plain with low grass. They could see Valdemar's clothing was shred, he had many wounds on him, but yet he was standing there like he was perfectly fine. His head turns back to the class, before he looks at them "Well, well like I say any question?" There was no expression on his face at all as the wind blows the remaining bites of his clothing around "This is what I mean. You have to be cool and calm one slip when you are facing someone stronger, or equal to you and it's all over." He say in more a dark demonic like voice, before continuing "Class dismiss." As soon as he say those words the bell rang and the door open.
Zed streched out his arms and cracked his lower back a bit. Class is finally over and he can now continue on with his exploration of the school and meet new people. He went in front of Mr. Valdemar. "Thank you for this wonderful class. I promise to improve my skills." He then became silent as he contemplated on what just happened. "That was amazing. Such control he has. I thought I was gonna get roasted." He said to himself. Even tho he wanted to dodge the attack, it's speed and intensity caught Zed off guard. He was late to react. He just froze there. "I should take care of that, my reaction time too."
Zasso walked over to Valdemar after class and shook his hand. "I thoroughly enjoyed this class, today. Now, if you could give me the gems that are to our level, I guess I'll be on my way. That is, unless you want a sparring partner." he said, with a smile.
Valdemar stood there turning around to Zed, before bowing to him "Well, I am glad you enjoyed it." He told Zed, before patting him on the head "Just make sure to practice." He told him, before bowing to him watching him go on his way, before turning to Zasso "I see, but at this point and time. I've lose a little to much energy to spar with anyone maybe later." He holds up his hand, before giving it a flick and one of those gem appears between his index and middle fighter "Be warn Mr Zasso, unlike the other one, this will fight you at each moment and no one not even me the gem creator can walk away unhurt from this. If you can heal youself. It will take you a little longer then normal to do it. You can slip, but not for long, or you will die. Make sure you do it in a safe place."

Nasuna brushed strands of her raven black hair from her smooth mocha skin and let out a soft sigh, today had proved ever more boring than she'd expected and she was quite disappointed with the turn out. She'd been accepted to the school as the school nurse and while that wasn't what she truly wanted, she knew this was a once in a life time opportunity to study the ones who stayed and trained here. She had felt almost giddy with anticipation when she'd stepped onto the reclusive island and had to try her damnedest to keep from grabbing the nearest specimen and running off with them and starting her little experiments. Since the people who hired her knew of her rather sketchy background had, had her make a standing agreement to not do any experiments on any students unless said student agreed to it. Fat chance of that happening.

Blinking she lowered her crimson lilac gaze to the notepad in front of her and skimmed the contents of the page and frowned in even more disappointment. She had been the standing school nurse for roughly a week, however to her great bitterness there had not been as many "accidents" as she'd have liked. So her information of the students was sorely lacking. True enough she had the basic information on all students, Names, Ages, Races and basic innate abilities but it just wasn't enough for her she needed to know more. She needed to know what made them what they were, what gave them their abilites wanted to know if their insides worked the same as a regular beings [though in all honesty she herself couldn't be counted as "normal" and she'd done enough experiments on herself to know not every being was the same.]

Setting the notepad down on her desk she swiveled around in her chair and stood up stretching. She let out a satisfied moan as a series of cracks and pops trailed down her neck and spine. Standing at five foot nine [in heels] she was quite a figure to behold with her mocha colored skin and black glossy hair that hinted of shades of blue and her oddly colored eyes of crimson laced with lilac colors. Licking her dry lips she placed her hands on her hips and glanced around the nurses station in a sort of disdain "Tsk.." she said. "My poor office..." she said regretfully as she looked at the pathetic display of vials, tubes and strangely colored [and smelling] liquids a few of them still bubbling in their containers.

She didn't have anything to do and had gone through her files and drawers at least a hundred different times. Chewing on her bottom lip she strode over to her cabinet and kneeled down pulling open a drawer and rummaging through the files. Frowning slightly she sifted through the papers and files for a moment before standing up and re-placing her hands on hips. "It's gone..." she whispered staring down into the drawer. Kicking the drawer closed she spun around and walked over to her counter and began messing with her "chemical experiments."
Still wounded after the experience with Zasso, Nathan begins to walk around with a limp and his hand on his side. He looks for wherever the hell the nurse's office would be, but he isn't sure. His body is in so much pain as he trudges along for an hour until he finds what he hoped to be the infirmary. Knocking on the door, he leans against it, panting hard as he hears someone talking inside about talking about something being gone. He hoped this was the nurse...or someone who could help him. "Open up!" He called out as he knocked again while he leaned on the door. "Fucking beat up student out here...Need help...!" He called out before he slid down and sat against the door frame, holding his side in pain. "Damn...bones are broken I bet..."

Nasuna turned her head in the direction of the door as someone banged on it, she could hear the distinct sounds of someone sliding down the door. They were obviously pressed against the door pretty heavily for her to be able to hear it so well. Whoever it was hit the floor without so much as a "Thud".The injured student called out once more and a slow smile worked it's way on her full mouth, raising her brow she could have sworn she left the door open though. With a small shrrug she replaced the vial of her latest experiment into a metal stand carefully before turning to the door.

Walking over to it she could hear him muttering to himself and she practically did a little skip in excitement of the prospect of studying the wounded boy. Wrapping her fingers around the door handle she gave it a little squeeze trying to suppress her all to apparent excitement. Turning the handle she opened the door and her gaze slid down at the boy who was leaning heavily against the frame of the door clutching his side in obvious pain. Searching the databank that was her memory she blinked and raised her brow at him "Nathan Stone, Male 19 years of age and apparently a shape-shifter." the information ran through her mind along with quite a few possibilities. shaking her head slightly she leaned down and scooped the boy up in her arms and strode into her office with surprising ease before setting him down on an empty cot with surprising gentleness."What happened to you?" she asked her gaze drifting over the broken and battered body with far too much interest.

Raising her eyes she looked him in the eyes, searching for anything she could find and store in her mental information vault. Titling her head slightly she crossed her arms under her chest as she watched him "Also...I'd like to know...who did this too you?" she said. She'd have to pay this being a visit later on for certain. Her gaze lingered on him a moment longer before she turned on her heel and walked towards a cabinet her hips swaying ever so slightly with each step. Opening the doors she glanced at her arsenal of medical tools "Hmmm" she purred softly. Looking over her shoulder she smiled softly "I'll need to know the places that hurt the most, what kind of pain it is and how long you've been in this condition." she said turning her head back to the cabinet readying to grab whatever was needed for this particular situation.
When she opened the door, Nathan looked up and saw the nurse but remained silent. He wanted to mutter 'help me...' but he assumed she already knew because of his condition that he needed help. When she scooped him into his arms, he cringed in pain until he was set down on the bed. He looked to her, biting his lip to help suppress the pain. "Fight with a teacher...ended horribly...He doesn't pull punches...Doesn't pull punches..." He murmured as he looked at her with a frown. "Some...freak...Dunno who or what he is...just know he's a teacher...Smashed me and I'm sure I've got a few broken bones...Been like this for a few hours..." When she went over to her cabinet, he sighed and waited until she asked him where it hurt. "My back...I think he broke something in my back...It hurts so much and I heard a crunching noise when the mother fucker hit me..." He said with a cough and then a scowl of pain. "Damn...just do anything to make the pain go away and I'll do the rest..."

EDIT: (Crap. My internet is screwing up. If I suddenly disappear, its because I've given up with trying to fix it and I'll be gone for a while.)
Standing stiffly Aine smiled at the teacher.
"Sorry for getting so worked up, I hated just sitting there." She explained grabbing her silver staff with the three blue positioned crystals at the top.
"Thank you for such an exhilerating class Mr. Valdemar." She smiled charmingly before walking out of the room. Once outside she took a deep breath not sure of what to do next, she gazed at the beautiful arcutecture in the hallway and began walking in no certain direction. Her blue crop top and black skirt swayed with her graceful steps. Aine was silently pleased with how the top showed off her smooth muscular stomach, and the skirt showed every curve of her long legs.

About to head to the library when she came across the infermery and a thought came into her head. 'Perhaps I could lend my healing powers to the nurse!' She thought excitedly. Aine was just about to raise her hand to knock when her shyness overcame her and she began walking away.

Standing stiffly Aine smiled at the teacher.
"Sorry for getting so worked up, I hated just sitting there." She explained grabbing her silver staff with the three blue positioned crystals at the top.
"Thank you for such an exhilerating class Mr. Valdemar." She smiled charmingly before walking out of the room. Once outside she took a deep breath not sure of what to do next, she gazed at the beautiful arcutecture in the hallway and began walking in no certain direction. Her blue crop top and black skirt swayed with her graceful steps. Aine was silently pleased with how the top showed off her smooth muscular stomach, and the skirt showed every curve of her long legs.

About to head to the library when she came across the infermery and a thought came into her head. 'Perhaps I could lend my healing powers to the nurse!' She thought excitedly. Aine was just about to raise her hand to knock when her shyness overcame her and she began walking away.
After the inspirational advice from Mr. Valdemar, Zed walked away with a smile on his face. He was happy for having such a productive first day. He was wandering around when he realized something. "Damn, where am I supposed to go next?" He said. "Oh! I better head back to Mr. Valdemar. I forgot to ask my dorm number! I'm pretty sure I was given one when I arrived but I probably dropped it or burned it during the training."

On his way back to Mr. Valdemar's classroom, he then saw Aine. With a smile, he called her attention. "Aine! It's nice to see you here!"
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