The Monster School

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"Oh yeah, The Four Horsemen! Mr. Zasso could be right on this one." Said Zed to himself. He taps on his desk with his fingers as he waits for Mr. Valdemar's reply.
Aine realized she had been spacing out, quietly she concentratd on the lesson unsire of what the gems were even though she was in fact a witch.
She looked around lightly at the other people in the room, her sapphire blue eyes landed on Zed, she gave a friendly smile bfore turning around. Her snow white hair ran down her back in gentle curls.
Zed is still trying to figure out what those gems are. As focused as he was with the brainstorming, Aine got his attention when she smiled at him. Tried to return this with a smile of his own but he is a quarter of a second too late. All he saw was her beautiful white locks. He stared at her for a few seconds, as if willing Aine to turn around again.
Valdemar smiles to them all, before stopping the juggling of all of them "Well, well, nope, they are not." He told them, before grabbing them in his hand "I guess it's better to show you." He told them, before the room begins to shift again. This time into a beach with black sand and dark looking water. The moon was present above them, as old hollow out trees stood all around them "I'm giving you these each time you come to my class bring this." He told them, before his eyes shinning in darkness as he places on in Zed hand, follow by putting one into Aine hand looking at the two of them "Stand up." He places one of the desk of his last student, gave one to Zasso, if he wanted to try before standing before Zed and Aine "Now take this stand." He told them, before cross his leg over one another and placing his hand together near the middle of his chest in a heart shape, his pinkies touch each other. His middle and ring fingers folded up against one another as the tips of those two fingers move away from each other between then the gem rested "Now concentrate feel your energy flow from you to the gem and back through you." Valdemar closes his eyes, before the gem begins to rise in the center of how his hand where form and begins to glow a bright purple "When done right you can feel your whole body at peace, but when done wrong it feels like you are tearing yourself apart. All beings have this kind of energy. The gem not only makes it harder for you to concentration, but you have to maintain the same level of power in the gem and your body not more, not less or the gem won't glow. The gem glows the color of your soul now I want you to try it." Valdemar says as the gem falls back into his hand and takes a regular stands.
He was waiting for Aine when Mr. Valdemar suddenly spoke up. His attention is now back at the lesson at hand. When the room started to change it's appearance, he was convinced of Mr. Valdemar's power. He wants to reach that same level. That is his main purpose for joining this school.

Zed opened his palm and accepted the gem and followed what the teacher has instructed. The crease between his brow has re-appeared as he tried to concentrate. Taking note of his teacher's instruction, he tried to keep the power levels balanced. He finally reached a happy medium and the gem rised with a sun like, bright yellow glow to it.
Aine had a pleasent smile on her face she she stood in one liquid movement, she mimicked the teachers stance without much trouble at all.
She was familiar with this kid of concentration becauseit was similar whenever casting a circle. Concentrating just enouph the gem she held began to glow an even blue. Not too dark not too light, her crop top and skirt swished lightly with the increase of power in the room.
Zed's power levels slowly increased but he kept it controlled. He never knew that he could do something so spectacular and thus got excited and kicked it up a notch. Before long, he felt something strange within him and pain crashed through his body. What Mr. Valdemar said was true and Zed's fell backwards. He did catched the gem before it touched the floor. He looked towards Aine and was impressed with her display of power and control. He stood up and tried again.
She let her mind waver momentarilly as she heard Zeds struggle, worry almost got her to lose it again but in an istant she was once again in control.
This time though there was barely noticeable pinch between her eyebrows to maintain concentration.
"If she could do it, so could I!" Said the now slightly frustrated Zed. He did the finger position and concentrated. Once again, the gem in his hand started to glow and it rised up slowly. "There we go! Steady now." He said as he took a glance at Aine. This sudden shift of concentration made his power levels suddenly rise. A brighter glow erupted then slowly, sparks of electricity came out of his skin, as if affecting the atmosphere around him.

"I won't fail!" Said Zed who is now in pain due to the imbalance. He concentrated harder, trying his best to perfect this. With a sudden surge of power, he falls to the ground for the second time.
With a frustrated sigh Aine gently lowered her magic in a way that let the gem go dormant without harming her. She then went to Zedsside, placing a soft hand onto his forehead. After a few mumbled words all the pain in his body left.
"You must create the perfct balance." She sad in a soft voice helping him up. "Drive out all outside distractions, close your eyes. Then with a deep breath use energy within the air to focus it int te gem. This is not a contest." She scolded gently.
Once again getting into the position she demonstrated, sure enouph the gem began glowing a soft pastel blue.
"Thanks Aine.." He feel refreshed because the pain has been soothed by Aine. Taking in Aine's advice, Zed tried the technique once more. This time he looked more stable. With his eyes closed, he envisioned what needs to be done in order to perfect the technique and slowly applied it. Aine's words echoed through his mind.
"Aine, I know this is not a contest but if I'm gonna do something, I want to be sure that I give it my all."
This time he didn't lose control. Suprisingly, he has already suprassed both the power level and the duration of his first two attempts.
"No distractions.. No Distractions.. Use the energy.. Focus.." With his eyes closed, he whispered that to himself.
Valdemar just watches as the two of them continued to go on, he looks over to Aine, before looking at Zed smiling a bit "Go, my students. One of the things I will teach you is to keep concentration no matter what. Spell casting power and speed depend on it. It's the differences between life and death. But that crystal will not let you keep balance it has a mind of it own. Focus have you mind become a fortress." He told them, before snapping his fingers again. Up until now both after Zed first two attempts where feeling like a couple ocean where coming over them like every muscle in there body was relax, but that didn't last for long. Soon they both could feel the gem trying to go while as it pushes energy outside of it trying to disrupted the flow magic and put them off of balance. Another feeling came over them that of gravity getting more intense around them.
Zed felt more power coming from the gem. "What is this feeling!? It's as if I'm being dragged down." He said. Zed continued to stay still and concentrate despite of the huge amount of energy that flows into him. "I must keep the balance." He said. He looked at Mr. Valdemar and then to Aine. "I will keep the balance!"
Aine had buried herself deep into her mind with the concentration, she felt the gravity so harnessing some of he magical power she began the process of building wall in her mind. Layr after layer they built up.
A thin bead of sweat trickled down the side of her face as the gravity attempted to crush her. Planting her feet firmer she kept her stance strong on the ground. Some of the energy given off by her attempt raised her hair in an invisble wind.
Valdemar chuckles looking at the two of them "Good, but this gem is going to really start testing you." The lesson became more intense for the two of them now. Now the gem was fighting the flow of energy that came within the gem. At that moment a sharp pain like a knife stabbing them in the leg came until they could normalize the level again "The gravity feeling is your own power, the more you left leak out of the gem, the more force will come down on you." He told them, before the gravity over Zed almost doubles "To stop that you have to reclaim that energy to lighten the load around you, but maintain balance as you do." The gravity of Aine power also increases but not as bad as around Zed.
Zed tried his best to keep up. He signed up for this and he won't fail. He will learn and he'll improve. He followed the instructions of Mr. Valdemar. Veins started to show up on Zed's skin as his muscles tensed up. With his eyes closed, he evened out the flow of power to maintain the offset balance caused by the sudden shift. He knows that he is strong and in front of Aine, Mr. Valdemar, and Mr. Zasso, he will prove this.
Jetan took the papera and asigned up for the class as well as for private lessons. She then took a look around the room and said "this looks nice ". She found herself a seat near the teachers desk. She watched the others do their stuff. She then stood up and her hair become black and her nails longer. She got blue fur all over and her snout came in. She let out a howl.
Valdemar places his hand over Zed gem, before it stop all together at the moment. He looks at Zed "I'm not going to break you on the first day." He told him, before the gem falls into his hand. Around his body, he could feel a force that knock him over like a ton of bricks to his butt. Valdemar turns to Jetan, before placing the gem in her hand "This is a lesson in contraction." He told her, before showing her the stance he wanted her to take "Make sure you flow you energy in and out of the gem balances." The gem in his hand begins to flow glowing a dark purple color, he only show her for a moment "Now you try the gem glows the color of your soul."
she looked at the gem before looking at the teacher and the other students. she was trying to fight the angry will that was starting to release itself and attack. Bad memory's flowed thru her mind about the indecent that landed her here. She then looked at the gem and it slowly began to glow a dark purple almost black color. She let out anther angry howl and her gaze fell on the class and teacher and she felt herself starting to lose it.
Valdemar shakes his head looking at Jetan "My dear, I wouldn't do that, if I where you." He told Jetan in a calm voice, before stepping away from her. The gem in her hand begins to growl brighter and stronger at the moment "Let yourself be consume by anger and that gem will destroy you." He told her, if she didn't calm down in a few moment, then it be bad for her. If, she didn't calm down then the violet and intense shock would come throughout her body. It was the emotion feeding back to hear "This is why I stop you Zed, if you feel to much with one emotion then it will come back at you."
"I understand teacher. Thank you." Zed looked at Aine then at Jean. He could sense that Jean's power seems to be of the dark. He then looked at Mr. Valdemar. "What is going on? Is Jetan planning to attack us!?? If Jean gets violent here, I'll be ready." He adopted a defensive stance.
Zasso flipped the gem on his hand, focusing on it and, with little effort, caused it to glow a swampy green color. Astoundingly, his balance did not waver at all when put to the test. Speaking up finally, still easily conquering the stone, he asked,"When do we begin the physical portion of training?"
He looks at Zed, before tilting his head to the side "I don't think she will be in much shape to attack anyone, if she keeps letting her emotions go wild like that." He told Zed, before standing there before them "These are call Hava, there gems of my own design that I market out for training. Put to much into them without keeping balance you will destroy yourself. Put to little into them they won't work at all." He pauses for a moment, before sighing "Same thing goes for emotion while training with them. Just like in battle these are always changing. You can't expected the same resulted out of each battle you come by and the same condition. Just one slip could mean the differences, before life and death." Looking back at Zasso, he could sense him going at it "Feels nice doesn't it." His whole body felt relax, everything at ease including his mind "Mr Zed, what do you think of my class so far?"
Zed looked at Mr. Valdemar. "Your class shouldn't be taken lightly." He then looked at Mr. Zasso and his effortless way of using the gem. "I am very pleased with myself. Enrolling here was the best decision I've ever made in my whole life." If his teachers were these good, then surely, they know what they are doing.
Zasso nodded in agreement. "It is quite soothing." he said in a monotone voice. This feeling reminded him of when he would speak with the 'Tree of Enlightenment', having it bond with him, temporarily. He could feel the gem slowly reaching its limit, even though he was only getting started.
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