The Monster School

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"First, I need to develop them Mr Zasso, make sure they can handle that." He told Zasso coming over to him and looking at him "No need to show off Mr Zasso, the student don't need to feel the blast from that. That's why I made them to there level, but I will give you one that for our level later if you want." He told him, the feeling around him made Zasso's body feel like it was on fire in a good way melting his cares away. It was almost organismic. He comes over to Zed "Now, listen to me, I need to evaluated your abilities, give me your best shot." He told him just standing there.
"Excuse me? What do you actually mean by that?" He pretty much know what Mr. Valdemar said, he just wants a more specific way of asking for that thing. Nonetheless, plasma started to surround Zed's arms again. "Do you actually mean a full blast attack from me teacher?"
(just to let you all know my girl name is Jean not Jetan )
Jean felt the Gem and what it could do and soon the anger slowly let itself go out. she was sweating pretty bad right now and still in her mix form. she soon tossed the gem out of her hand and it flew across the room. she felt the tears and ran out of class and down the hall and into her room. For she felt the anger raise again and with out the stone in her hand to keep her under control her she thought it best to stay in her dorm right now before she hurt someone.
Zasso cut off his power at once, though cracking the stone from the drastic change in energy. "Alright, then."he said, tossing the cracked gem to Valdemar.
(Sorry about that Wild)
"Yes, I do Mr Zed." He looks at Jean as she ran, before smiling to himself "I wouldn't do that class hasn't ended yet." He say to her, before turning back to Zed "Oh my." He looks at Zed "Come now, you hear me." He told him, before cracking his neck lightly. When Jean was in her room it begins to slowly faded away and she was back in Valdemar class room, if she would go for the door again she just end up walking back into the class room "I told you before I wouldn't allow you to hurt out, there are two teaches here. Do you really believe that you are so strong to overpower use body." Valdemar had room wouldn't allow anyone to leave this place before it was time. I was an illusion spell.
This angered her so she turned to Valdermar and said "if you wont let me leave i will make you let me leave" she hissed at him. she let out anther howl and got ready to attack him. she did not care about the others in the room all she wanted was to get out and be alone and now this teacher was making her stay were she could go out of control she was trying to control herself but she losing it .
Zed smiled at Mr. Valdemar. "I know I am not as powerful as my teachers yet but here it goes!" He focused his power into his hands. A bright yellow sparkling glow formed between his palms and a long plasma sword suddenly erupted in his hands. "Here I go, Slash!!!!!" Zed sprung up into the air then went down with twice the speed. With the plasma sword in a slashing position, It grew even wider. From the looks of it, he was attempting to slice Mr. Valdemar in half.
Valdemar tilts his head to the side when he see Zed attacks him, before moving his forearm up and over his head not moving an inch from here he stood. When the bladed comes come on his forearm it stood as if it hit something hard, before Valdemar throws him back back with a great deal of force "Not bad, but one second Mr. Zed." He turns his attention to Jean, before his right hand begins to glow with a bright purple sphere "Oh, you think I can't handle a young upstart like you that can't even control themselves?" He said as he coming closer to her "Who do you think I am pup? I know puppies with more control then you."
She hissed even louder she could not understand this why was he taunting her into attacking her clan when she got like this did not taunt instead they tried calming her down or let her run off. she then leaped at the teacher her fangs out and her claws out ready to tear him apart and taste his sweet smelling blood. When she was done with him she would attack her next target.
Zed got flung back with such a force but he was smiling. "I knew it." He respected his teacher's ability. He knows that he's gonna taste pain but this is how you get stronger. You fall down but you get up and learn. He landed with a loud thud. He slowly sat up and saw that Mr. Valdemar's attention has shifter to Jean. "This I want to see." He said.
Valdemar was ready for this as he steps back out of the way of her first claw, before stopping her bite with his chain using his forearms, before he steps back. The next strike hits him in the cheek drawing some of his blood "I will teach you that this anger limits you, you are so much more then what you are now." He says to her, in the midst of her next attack he disappears in a puff of purple smoke. She would go throw the smoke, before pointed at the back of her head was that very sphere Valdemar had in his hand. He was now standing behind her and without a second thought or giving her a moment to reacted to him he send that powerful blasted into her back more then enough force behind it to send her flying a good few feet, if it hits "You need to understand that your anger limits you and it weaken you when not used right."
Tina felt the blast and let out an angry howl of pain and was shoot across the room and landed with a thud. she laid there on the floor looking like she got knocked clean out. after a few minutes she was back up on her feet blood dripping out of her mouth. she had bitten her tongue when she landed. she swallowed the blood that was in her mouth and got ready to attack again not even heading to what he was saying. All that seemed to go thou her mind was to attack and destroy the rage now fully taken over her.
Zed ran towards the fallen schoolmate, stopping her. "Stop it, Jean! Listen to our teacher! They know what's the best for us! Please!" He held on her shoulders and shaked her, trying to snap some sense back to her.

(wildkat, i think you have a name typo there)
Jean felt his hands on her and she pushed him off after he had shaken her and she turned her attestation to him instead of the teacher with an angry look on her face saying "why would you care about me my clan and everyone i have ever known has abandon me to this dump of a school".
(Tina? Thought it was Jean? Does your name change when in rage mood?)

Valdemar comes up behind her, before attempting pulling her into his grip so she couldn't move her arms "My dear? Do you really think you have it the worst of us all?" He asked herself "Is it that they abandon you, or you push them away with this rage." He told her trying to calm her down now "Listen to me well, I know how you feel, but as I say to you this rage limits you. You could be so much greater then this. Don't let this destroy you." He told her, before sighing "I killed my parents by accident in a rage and done other things to almost get me killed because of it."
(hehe oops sorry do not mean to do that got my rps mixed up for a minute there )
Jean felt him pin her arms behind her and she tried to get away . when she heard him talk to her telling her she could become stronger and that caused fear to go into her would cause more damage if she become stronger . she then heard him say he had killed someone because of the rage so had she but she did not kill her parents instead she had killed her lover for cheating on her then from there to half of her clan . she started to clam down and her hair went from black to its normal color her snout disappeared and her nails went back to her normal and fur disappeared and she had her normal skin back. she then broke down and let the tears fall from her face.
Zed couldn't believe his eyes. It was his first day here and all of this happened. He ran towards Jean and sat beside her, patting her back. "It's ok, just relax." He stood back and looked at his two teachers. "Like what I said, this shouldn't be taken lightly. Thank you for teaching us how to control our powers."
Valdemar looks at her, before smiling "There there." He told her, before rubbing his hand on her head "Will you allow me and the other hear to be around you? Or will you push use away. We have to find a way to control that anger of yours young lady." He taps his finger against her noise lightly "Now have pride in yourself. I told you when we first meet I was going to help you." He told her, before looking at Zed "Nothing is to be taken lightly young man, that's why when you come in here you are risking your very life. I need to know what pushes you and faults are, before I can begin to teach you." Valdemar smiles "I've haven't taught you nothing yet, this is only control. I'm going to need you to practice on your own time too." Valdemar takes the gem that she throw away and places it in Jen hand "Will you trust me?" He say with a smile on his face.
Zasso had observed the entire spectacle with a mild sense of amusement. He was slightly intruiged, however, at Valdemar's fighting style, seeing as he found magic to be, in a sense, lazy. Though as he continued watching, he was beginning to think otherwise.
She took a few breaths and said "why are you still here and sitting beside me i almost attacked you so you should hate me". she could not get zed or her teacher for that matter and after all that had happened she decided to stay at the school for sure now . she would never go back to her clan her again. She took the stone and said "yes this school is all i have ". she held it close to her and she felt the anger go into it again and it gave off a faint hew of light purple before going back to normal. she looked at the teacher and nodded "i will".
"Because we are schoolmates. Who else would help each other here? No one but us right?" He said that to Jean with a calming tone. He then looked at Mr. Valdemar. "I will take note of that sir." He was amused and motivated. He listens. He will practice on his own indeed.
Valdemar begins to smile a bit more now, before helping her up to her feet "Well, that's all settle." Valdemar looks her, as he begins chuckle lightly "My dear, you are not along and this isn't all you have." He points to Jean heart "You still have what's inside you. Nobody can take that away from you. We are who we are, if they can't accept that then that's there lost." He told Jean, before leaning in and smiling to her "So, you feeling better?"
She looked at Zedd and gave the boy a smile saying "alright then friends then if that is okay with you"? she looked back at the teacher and said "from now on i will use the stone to help me get my anger under control". She looks at the teacher and says "yes thank you i feel much better and i will keep that in mind". she gives the teacher one of her pretty smiles something she has not done in years.
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