The Monster School

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Zed's arms were fully covered in plasma. He was ready to attack till Zasso released his statement. "What did you say!? Name yourself you monster." Zed said this in a more diplomatic manner than usual. He is still ready for combat, just in case.
Zasso sighed, saying,"You might know me as Mr. Zasso, the school's Botany 101 and Botanical Control teacher." He seemed bored as he said this, having been deprived of his only joy besides teaching to eager learners.
Zed frozed for a moment, collecting his thoughts. He couldn't believe that this monstrosity in front of him is actually a teacher. His plasma fizzled as he faced Zasso. "Oh! I'm terribly Sorry for the misunderstanding sir!" He stood with his chin up. "I am Zed Whitewynd sir! I came here to further my mastery of my powers! Please accept my apologies sir!"
"Apology accepted."said Zasso,"Though for you, I would suggest that you stop by Classroom #3, Mr. Valdemar's class." After transforming the forest back to normal, he turned and walked into the school building to check on the teacher, himself.
"Thank you sir." The enthusiastic newcomer was about to run back towards the school's entrance when the forest transformed. He looked around him with awe. "They can do this? What great power..." he said. The motivated Zed ran back as fast as he could.
Aine lowered her head slyly.
"I apologize Mr. Valdemar, i ment no disrespect." She said her cheeks a light pink, self conciously sh pulled the hem of her crop top. Perhaps she hadnt dressed right afterall.
"I understand that it is neither good nor evil, I just meant that I practice in things such as healing and workig wih nature. So I'd like to further my education in combat." She smiled, a dimple showing on her left cheek as she did so.
Motivated from the display of power that he saw earlier, Zed stood excited in front of the school's entrance.
"Alright, now time to find Mr. Valdemar's class and do some learning!"

He forgot to ask Mr. Zasso where exactly is Mr. Valdemar's class. He shrugged and just went inside the school trying to look for Mr. Valdemar.

"I'll just ask a fellow student once I see one."
(Yup. My last post was just about my character getting inside the school after being directed by Mr. Zasso. I'm not planning to jump in to the ongoing Mr. Valdemar scene without permission. I guess my wording caused the confusion. Slightly edited the post.)
Zed was getting bored walking around looking for Mr. Valdemar's class when all of a sudden, he heard a girl's voice. "It was coming from this door. Maybe I could ask her where Mr. Valdemar's class is." He knocked at the door. "Hello? Miss?"

Zed is oblivious to the fact that the door he just knocked on was actually the door to Mr. Valdemar's class.

(Thanks for the heads up princess. No prob Jugger :))
Valdemar tilts his head to the side, before smiling at her "No offend taken at all my dear." He told her, before tilting his head to the side now. The little black crystal in his hand he juggles around looking at his two student, before closing the door sitting back down on his desk "Well, shall we get started then." He told them, before he hears a knock on the door "Tch, interruption after interruption." He walks up to the door, before opening it up, the wolf demon looks at the boy standing there "Well, well who are you?" He say with a coy smile on his face "And no I'm not a miss, I'm a guy and I am Valdemar." Valdemar moves away from the door and they could all see the room shift again, this time taking the form of underwater as fish swam around them, they could breath and move just fine as well as talk.
Zed got blown away with the visual effects show that he just saw. His lips dropped a bit as he stared in awe. After a few seconds, he got his senses back and politely replied to Mr. Valdemar. "I am Zed Whitewynd sir and I came here to learn from you. Mr. Zasso recommended that I join your class. Please accept me as your student." He bowed his head in respect to his newly met teacher.
She moaned out as Zendi bit into her neck again, feeling the girl's sucking as she drained her. "Mmmmmm, thank you..." She purred out, nuzzling against her hair. She slowly started to go limp, rubbing her self against the other girl. Her hands rubbed down her body, going up to cup her breasts and squeeze them. She pulled Zendi's shirt up, exposing her bra, and slowly took it off, rubbing her bare globes. She giggled and glowed a brighter purple, basically lavender.

Malachi finally had made it to the monster school. He had been held up by some personal business but here was here now. He stood looking up at the school. He wore his usual outfit and had the bottom of his face covered by the cloth of his cloak. This was more of a habit. The village he had been born in was located near the desert and the people there had to cover their mouths. If they did not then the sand would invade their lungs and make it hard to breath but also the wind driven sand was quite painful when contacting bare skin. He finally pulled the cloth down to reveal a scar running from his chin on the right side of his face to just under his right eye. He had gotten this scar after losing a bet when he was only a teenager. The guy who had given him the scar had hated the boy. So he used a knife as payment for Malachi losing the bet.
Zasso casually strode into the class, ducking under the doorframe as he did so. "Morning, Valdemar, mind if I sit in on your class?"he asked.
Valdemar looks at Zasso "Well, well nice to meet you too." He looks at Zasso, before snatching the side of his face slightly "You could at least say hi, before just coming in like that, but since it's you I understand." HE shrugs, before tilting his head to the side, looking back at Zed and smiling a bit. He snaps his finger, in a puff of purple smoke in his left hand appears a paper and pen. He hands it to Zed, before chuckling "Are you sure you can handle my class? It isn't for those that don't have any drive." He smiles to the young man, before walking back inside of his room "Sign the first one for the class, the second for private lesson." He told him, before cracking his neck "And the three line." He told him, before going back and sitting on his desk and cracking his neck "Anyone know what these are?" He shows them four different color Gems in his hand awaiting to see if anyone knows what they are. The fish in the room wish around each one of the student and Zasso in the back "Come now anyone?"

Zendi smiles as she continues to drink her blow slowly, this time a lot slower then last time, she didn't want to take to much blood from her. He breasts runs up against, her skin wasn't as warm as Sylvia skin done to the face she was a vampire. One of her cold fingers slowly runs down her belly, before going inside of her bottoms and flicking against her clitoris a few times, before one of her cold finger pushes inside between both of her pussy lips.
He looked at Mr. Valdemar and said in an excited tone that he is motivated and is willing to take the extra mile. He went inside and sat besides the other students. He realized that it's either Aine or Jean that he heard earlier. He was kind of surprised with the blood drawing pen but he didn't mind. He is proud to be part of this class now. When Mr. Valdemar showed the four gems, all he could say was "I have no idea..."
Zasso looked at the four gems, having no clue as to their purpose. He was, after all, not a magic user in any fashion. He was merely nature's protector.
Zed raised his hand. "Maybe the four gems signify the four elements?" He is thinking deeply. A crease has formed between his brows.
Valdemar shakes his head at Zed, before crossing his leg over one another "Sorry, but that not it, but good try through." HE told Zed, before moving back a bit. He begins to toss the four gems around juggling them all. They could see that the gems where clear and each one of them had an odd shape to them.
Malachi ventured onward and entered the school doors. He found himself in the main room beyond the door. He gazes around and chuckled at how deserted it was at this time of the day. He figured that most of the staff and students must have been in class. He walked further down into the hallway with his sword sheathed at his side but ready to take it out at the first sign of danger. He passes the first couple doors in the hallway but did not know where they led.
Zed looked closely at the gems. "If not elements, what could they be?" He said to himself. He sat straighter and in good form. Thinking harder.
Zasso studies the gems, though he still has not a clue as to what they signify. "The only things that come to mind are: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death." said the teacher, thinking aloud.
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