The Monster School

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Nasuna smiled in pure joy "Anything....?" she thought glancing over at her vials. That statement could be counted as him agreeing to any of her methods. Drumming her fingers on the door she contemplated the idea for a moment before grabbing a syringe and gauze pad as well as some medical grade tape from the cabinet. Closing the doors she walked over to the vials on her counter and set the gauze and tape down near the edge of the counter closest to the injured boy. "Hmm mmhmm" she purred out eying each of the containers and vials closely. Pausing in her inspection for a moment she looked at the student a moment "Know this teachers name...." she asked trailing off as her gaze slid back to her funny liquids.

Nodding slowly to herself she picked up the syringe and dipped the needle into a vial near the end of the counter and began pulling on it, a strange violet and blue liquid filled the syringe and it seemed almost metallic in it's appearance. Holding the syringe up with one hand she turned to him and smiled. "Now I'm going to assume that by you saying "Do Anything" means you're agreeing to my methods and experimental concoctions." she said striding over to him. Wrapping her fingers around his right upper arm she placed the needle against the skin and looked back at him with a sneaky sort of smile.

"This liquid will enter your body and kill the pain and work with your bodies natural ability to heal speeding up the process greatly....However there are a few...side-affects." she said. However before explaining said side-affects she squeezed his arm and inserted the needle and slowly pressed down injecting him with the experimental "drug". Straightening up she purred still smiling and threw the needle into the trash-can. Reaching over she grabbed her notepad and a pen and looked at him. "The side affects will cause you to be perpetually horny, you'll have a higher body temperature than you are used to and you'll gain an adrenaline rush that should wear off in about twelve or so hours." she said looking down at her notepad.

"Nathan Stone, Age 19 male student and a shape shifter. Injected him with the experimental drug Darpannen into his system at approximately--"

She stopped writing a moment and looked at the clock before turning her gaze back to the notepad.

"--2:32pm. Specimen seems fine am hopeful for a successful test."

She jotted down before closing the notepad and replacing it on her desk. Looking at him she smiled and crossed her arms under her chest. "It should be circulated through your system by now and the pain should be gone. I would like you to re-visit me tomorrow at the same time so I can do some more testing." she said striding over to the door and opening it. "I expect you'll be feeling healed within a few hours but I must warn against anything to fighting for a few days." she said as the door slid open silently.

Blinking she noticed another of the students walking away from the door and smiled slightly her gaze sliding back to her patient. A moment later another student male this time walked up and called to the girl who was named Aine. Looking at Nathan she smiled "A moment please." she said walking out of the door. Approaching the students she put on her sweetest smile "Hello, might I ask for your help zed ?" she asked stopping a few paces from the students. She knew that having a male help her would keep him from going berserk and fucking anyone since he hadn't seemed to be the gay sort.
"WHAT!?" Nathan called out when he heard her speak of the side effects of the drug. "What the fuck!?" He said as he tried to get up, but the pain had not subsided and he fell back to the bed in pain, writhing. His body began to heat up. He began to sweat somewhat. Everything around him seemed to move in circles. His cock began to harden and erect. "D-Damn it..whats wrong with you..." He said as he looked at the teacher. When she got up to leave, Nathan called out to her, though he stayed on the bed. "Get your ass back here and fix me!" He called out. He gripped the sides of the bed and bit his lip as he tried to fight the urge to get up and just start fucking something. "Dammit...What the hell...did she inject into me..." The pain was slowly going away though the drug's effects were strong.
Zasso had went far into the forest, about a half mile from the school, when he stopped. Holding the gem in his hand, he said,"Alright, let's see what you're made of." Assuming a strong stance, he concentrated, the gem glowing a swampy green color, just as the other one did.
Shortly after, a small tornado of wind formed around him he expertly channeled his energy. As he continued to battle the stone, lighting, the same color as the gem, crackled around him as deep gashes formed in his body, only to be healed immediately.
The small storm had now pushed a few trees back as Zasso could feel his body being ripped apart, cell by cell. In a roar of pain, he slammed his fist into the ground, the energy literally exploding out around him.
The shockwave from the blast had leveled everything for about half of a mile and he was standing in a small crater, torn to pieces, though, slowly regenerating as small rocks and dirt flew in circles around him.
Suddenly, he collapsed his body taking a very long time to heal his energy, thus allowing the damage to take its toll on his body.
Zed's conversation with Aine got interrupted. "Oh.. wait, how did she know my name?" He walked closer to Aine and told her that he'll be back in a jiffy. "How can she possibly know my name?" An intrigued Zed thought to himself. He looked at the stranger and gave her a smile. He extended his hand towards her. "May I know who am I speaking to? Yes, I am Zed Whitewynd. New comer and a student of Mr. Valdemar. How may be of service miss? Also, how did you know my name?" All of a sudden, the group heard a big explosion. "What in the world!? What was that just now?" A startled Zed exclaimed.
Aine had just turned around to speak to zed whenever they were interrupted by a tall exotic looking woman.
Her raven black hair swung as she walked towards zed, she had come from the infermiry. Excitedly she went t zed side, this was exactly wht she had wanted!
Aine waited patiently for a chance to speak to the older woman. Nervously she stood awaiting to offer her services. Her sapphire eyes glittered in anticipation.
Valdemar tilts his head to the side, before cracking his neck, before the explosion came. He could sense the disturbance in the mana around them, before cracking his neck again "Well, well it seems he let out a big bang." He walks out into the hall, before still bleed slightly, his blood drips upon the floor as he comes across the nurse and others in the hallway "It seems that Mr Zasso has not listen to my warning. Would you be as so king as to help me retrieve him." He looks at her with an unchanging expression on his face, before licking some of the blood from his lips "I will get us there fast." He looks at Aine, before pointing at her "Would you mind healing me a bit, I know you have light healing magic." He told her, before stepping closer to her "I can tell where he at."

Nasuna just smiled and shook his hand "Zed Whitewynd, Age 20 male student and a mutant." she counted off as she gazed at him a moment. "My name is Nasuna Meioh, I am the nurse of the school." she said with a small smile. Tilting her head slightly a small smile remained on her lips as she turned her back to the nurses office. "Being the nurse I have the files to all the students." she said in simple explanation of her knowledge. Blinking she glanced out of a near-by window at the sound of a sudden explosion and felt the building shake with it. She could see dust particles and a few other things flying from the top of the tree's and raised her brow in curiosity of what had happened.

Blinking several times she turned her gaze back to the student and nodded her head in the direction of the nurses station. "I've an injured student who I'm going to need help with....he's in a rather...bad predicament." she said smiling a little bit. "So if you would...follow me?" she said turning on her heel and walking back into her office her hips swaying with each and every one of her graceful steps. Re-entering the office she stopped beside the bed and looked down at him "I see it's kicking in..." she said with a bit of a smile. Placing her hand on his forehead she nodded at the increased temperature and slid her hand down to rest above his heart also noting the increased heart rate. "It's working fine." she said also noting the increased bulge in his pants.

"I need to leave you here so behave...." she told him before leaving the infirmary and closed the door behind her locking it just to be safe. Blinking she looked at the girl and back to the teacher and placed her hands on her hips "It seems...this has turned out to be more eventful than I initially thought." she said glancing between the teacher with blood on him and the girl who was practically beaming in excitement. With a small shrug she smiled "I'll help in anyway I can. I would like you and you to come with me as well..." she said pointing to Aine and Zed. "My patient will have to wait it seems..." said trailing off. Her eyes came back to rest on the girl known as Aine and she smiled "I would particularly like you to stick around and help me out in the infirmary...if you wouldn't mind." she said before blinking slowly and turned back to the teacher. "We should be off then." she said brushing some of her hair from her face.
When Nathan saw Zed enter the room, he became into an uproar. "YOU!" He said as he seemed to be seething in rage. His eyes were like they were on fire. "This asshole is another person as to why I'm in here!" He said before he felt her hand rest on his chest, causing him to moan out some and have his cock throb. "You little brat...! What did you inject into me...!" HE said with a glare to the nurse as well. "What kind of sick staff does this school have...!"
Aine felt extatic being able to show the nurse her healing abilities, with a curt nod she set her staff ont the ground and stepped up to Mr. Valdemar. He toered above her as she pressed her small hands onto his bare chest. A small white light eminated from bemeath her hands, then throught his body it would feel like beng covered in a relaxing warm balm. From his finger tips tohis tos this feeling spread, mending all the cuts and bruises quickly.
It took maybe five seconds to heal him and a large smile spread across her face showing her dimple.
"Good work Aine!" Zed exclaimed and gave her a high-five. He gave her a smile and a nod. He then turned his attention to Mr. Valdemar. "Mr. Valdemar, are you ok? These gems, they are very dangerous and powerful indeed." When the nurse told them that they need to head out, Zed wasted no time and gestured to the entire party that they should head out and fast.

While on their way to the forest, he looked at the nurse and recalled the first few seconds of their encounter. Her smile, the look on her eyes, the way she talks, and the way she carries herself. There is just something in her that smells like trouble. Zed is not known for his perception of a person but he's pretty sure that there is some certainty to what he feels from this nurse. He turned his face away before the mysterious nurse catches him glancing.
(crap i had to get off cause it was late and my internet on my phone quit working for me and you all jump way ahead and i have no idea what to do with Jean)
"Thanks!" Aine smiled returning the high five. "I'd love to help around your infermiry." She said picking up her staff. She traced an almost invisible line on her staff civating the flying spell put on it. It began floating horizontially, she sat on it sideays careful to not flash her panties. She flew behind them as they went into the woods to find Mr. Zasso.

(maybe she fell asleep in class? lol)
Jean had been asleep in her dorm the entire time worn out from her class room experience. She woke up and took a quick shower and got dressed and decided to take a walk around the school before finding a place to train by herself again.
(Kat, we aren't that much farther then the end of my class.)

Valdemar looked at all of them, before shaking head slightly "Young these days have to much energy." He told them, before follow behind them and smiling slightly. The grin on his face was wide, as his feet hit against floor "Don't worry about me, I've been so close to death so many times I lost counted, my body knows all kinds of pain." For some reason he couldn't sense the present of the gem for a matter of fact, he couldn't sense much of anything, this made him a little worried. When they made it into the forest they could all tell that something wasn't right at all, not at this moment in time. The feeling that was giving off around them was much more eerie then the one before in Valdemar demonstration. Something was wrong very wrong indeed. He stops in front of Aine, Zed, and Nasuas before giving them all a hand sign to stop. His eyes searches around the forces like he was looking for something. His ears where twitching to and for, before suddenly his eyes went wide open "Shit!" Was the first words out of his mouth at the moment, before he spring boarded back grabbing both Zed, Aine, and the nurse and shadow stepping back a couple of times. All of them disappeared and reappeared through the shadow realm. In a moments they got a sneak peak of the shadow realm. It look to be a cooled and dark place nothing but hollow out trees. Before they reenter the the real realm. At that exacted moment the explosion happen behind them.

"My, oh my looks like I've come to a place with a bunch of flies." Someone say outloud, before they could hear moment all around them. Valdemar looks around sniffing the air for a moment thinking to himself as he tries to figure out something "Hm, his scent is coming from all around us."
While on their way towards their destination, Zed couldn't help but think about his suspisions. He looked at Aine while she's riding and tried to catch up with her. When he was near enough, he looked at the mysterious nurse and made sure that she is not looking. "Aine, be careful with her. I'm not saying anything or why, just do. Please, listen to me. Don't act that you're suspicious tho." He smiled at her and they continued their journey.

When they arrived at the destination, all of a sudden, Mr. Valdemor alerted them, as if something was terribly wrong. Before he could ask why, a huge explosion took place. Thanks to Mr. Valdemar, they were safe. He suddenly remembered his class earlier. What he just saw for a split second was the same as the one on Mr. Valdemar's class. "What was that all about!? And who is it Mr. Valdemar?" He said.
Jean had made it to the forest and had not seen the explosion or even the others. she just saw a forest and she was all alone. she took the stone out and climbed up a tree and sat down in its branches. she then started working on her anger again using the stone like she had done in class and in her dorm room.
Aine appreciated the mutant Zed and knew in her heart that they were going to be great friends.
"Yes of course, you have nothing to worry about." She smiled lightly. From her angle slightly above Zed the boy could see conviniently up her crop top, spying her flat stomache and hr white lace bra holding her suprisingly large size 24d breasts. She noticed this and blushed, keeping one hand on her staff the other went undereath her breasts to hold down her top.
It was then that Mr. Valdemar cursed and pulled them into the shadow relm. The sudden precense of darkness all around them made goosebumps rise on her arms.
(alright then i will be watching and still be up a tree in the forest somewere lol was going to have her get hurt someone but i need time to think of how that will happen anyways got to see this scene)

Nasuna watched curiously as Aine began her healing process and made a few mental notes on the girl before her gaze was drawn back to the now healed teacher. She blinked and looked around the group her lips up-turned in a sort of half-smile. This would be great opportunity to make some notes on a few students and bonus: on the teachers. She felt like she had just won the mini-jackpot and she wanted to cash in her ticket and claim her reward. Her gaze slid to the infirmary door and she half-frowned but shook her head and returned her attention back to the group at hand. She would deal with Nathan later once she returned from getting the teacher that had supposedly caused the explosion.

She nodded slowly and set off with the group all the while taking more mental notes of names, surroundings and abilities. When she had signed up to be a nurse practitioner she hadn't been fully honest with the job application. She had more lied on the part when they asked for her age, race and if she had any "ethereal" abilities. She had skirted around the real truth since had they known the truth she'd be under close scrutiny and observation which are two things she detested. So she just pulled back on some of the finer details and "exaggerated" on a few things here and there. It wasn't like it was anything dangerous or important but was definitely something that would cause a few brows to raise in uncertainty and maybe even apprehension to spread among the staff.

She had decided to remain slightly behind the group and followed at a slight distance. The color in her eyes shifting from a light crimson lilac to a light reddish purple color in the sunlight. The small party traveled for awhile the teacher named Valdemar leading them then the two students Aine and Zed in the middle talking in hushed tones and herself bringing up the rear. She had noticed zed casting a few furtive glances behind her and she smiled in amusement--He didn't trust her. You could see it in his eyes and the way he tried to hush his tones into a furtive whisper. It was cute.

She came to a halt with the rest of the group and watched the teacher closely. He seemed to be trying to focus in on something in particular but before she could catch on he was letting out a quick curse and a second later felt his arm wrap around her. She was aware that the other two students were there as well and then the light of day sank away. Shadows wrapped around them and cool air snaked it's way over her skin, the darkness seemed infinite and all consuming; it seemed like a place death itself would inhabit. Then the shadows were retreating and she blinked as sunlight streamed across her eyes. She smiled as she glanced at Valdemar, he was definitely someone she was going to have to spend some time with. He was indeed someone quite interesting.

Taking a small step back she brushed herself off then straightened up and ran her fingers through her hair brushing it from her face before placing her hands on her hips. "While that was infinitely fascinating...might I inquire as to why you felt the need to do that Mr. Valdemar?" she asked with a small tilt of her head. Undertones of curiosity lacing her words.
(( Holy balls people...I was gone for ONE DAY..........YOU POST !!!!FIVE!!!! PAGES!!!!!!!!! I don't want to read that much T.T.....anyone give me a summary? ))
Valdemar quickly looks left to right as he says to them "Are you alright?" He asked as they where back in the physical plan. He looks back at Miss Nasuna, before clicking his teeth together scrowling at the moment. His finger points to the four little creators where they where standing "Arc king flame. Flame from the fire realm that so hot it can melt you without you feeling it." What was odd about this flame was that it was green, didn't give at heat, or a smell to. The smoke had finally cleared from the four holes left by the attack against them, before they could all hear a mysterious and uncaring voice call out to them "Oh, I wanted to make this quick and painless, now I'm going to have to work for this." Valdemar ear twitches again, before he turns around pushing Nasuna out of the way just as another green fire ball zooms pass her catching Valdemar jacket on fire, before he quickly rips it from his body tossing it into the air where it instantly disappears into nothingness. Valdemar was wearing a tank top underneath his jacket "Nice moves teach." The voice rang out again, before they could all hear laughing "Feel for the disturbances in the wind."

Valdemar quickly turns his head from side to side, he was hoping that the kids around him would pick up on what he was doing at the moment "Left, right, up, behind, forward." A shadow ball appears in his right hand, before he looks at them all "Move, you guys." He says, before taking the shadow ball and slamming it into the ground and blowing it apart at the moment "Arr, you bastard." A voice shouts out, before jumping out of the hole and landing a few feet away from them "I'm impressed, so this island has more then just worms on this place." Valdemar had a sweet breeds coming down the side of his face, the look on his face was different then before.

The man before them wore a metal gas mask with exhausted pikes on both side. Each time he breathed blue flame came out of them ad he looks at them. His hair was short and spiky with blue waves throughout it. His body was overly muscular, as the armor on him covers over his chest, but his pants he had on where normal green pants which match the green armor top. His eyes where where a dark yellow color. over one of his hand was a red cannon thing just big enough to cover his hand "Hello there, my name is Kartin of the Green flame." Valdemar looks at him "Why would we care about your name." Kartin just laughs "All people should know there killers name."


Jean after a bit of training could feel an eerie feeling around her, one that he mind couldn't ignore. For some reason all the animals around her had stop. It was quiet enough to here a pin drop "My oh my, seems I get the weakling." A female voice say to her. If she looks down a few feet from her stood a woman in a red genies dress carrying a giant hula hop sword. He hair was tied back into a pony tail. The color of her outfit was blue, she had no pupils in her eyes, or so it would seem.
Jean looked at the woman and hissed at her saying "i will show you iam no weakling ". She then transformed into her high breed form and got ready for battle.
Waking up after her little vacation, she yawned and sat up sleepily, rubbing her eyes. She was naked with blood splatters over her body, her own blood from all the little bite marks all over her flesh. She giggled softly and pulled the covers up over her, smiling down at her roommate. She leaned back down to kiss her blood streaked lips. Getting back up, she dropped the sheets and went over to their little bathroom, and started to wash some of the blood off of her. She left after a few minutes, the pink water slowly going down the drain. A few band-aids were over where there was more then just puncture marks. She smiled at Zendi, and dug through her dresser, looking for something to wear.
Taken off guard Aine summoned forth some of her strongest magic, her eyes flickered excitedly. Oh how she loved a good fight. With the surge of magic around her she floated a few feet off the ground, staff in hand she chanted a spell.
"Trickling water of ancestors gone, listen to the natures song. Protection from the ancient five we shall see, surround us all so mote it be!" She called as a purple haze formed around each person besides Kartin. The purple haze was a barrier spell, it wouldn't protect them from attacks forever. But they could take a few blows without being hurt.
Aines long snow white curls, along with her clothes, blew around her furiously. Usually she'd be holding her clothing down so no one could see her undergarments but she was so fired up that she didnt care.
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