The Monster School

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@ Jean

The woman in the blue genies dress smiles at her, before moving back. As she moves back it was like she faded from spot to spot, before moving to the side. Was this an illusion or just speed? "Are you sure you want to challenge me little girl?" She told her Hula hop weapon off of her "You might be biting off more then you can chew with me." She took a defensive stance.


After a few moment Zendi sat up also naked at the moment, before yawning deeply "Mm, that was some good alone time." She gets up from the bed, before coming over to her room mate and kissing her neck lightly, before nuzzling her, but there time was cut off by a loud explosion that shock throughout there whole room "What the hell was that?!" Zendi shouted, before walking over to her drawer and pulling out her clothing and getting dressed.
"I don't know..." She said back, wide awake now. She pulled on some red panties and a red bra, then pulled up a black skirt. She fumbled around and eventually pulled on a white elbow-length shirt, then a brown leather vest. She grabbed her staff and pulled her hat over head head, throwing open the door and grabbing Zendi's hand after she was done dressing, hurrying along towards the explosion.
Jean looked at the woman and said "your the one calling me names and attacking me ". Jean then leaped back to distence herself a bit by going higher in the tree. Her teeth showing and claws ready for the woman to attack.
Zasso's eyes flashed opened and as he attempted to sit up, he wailed in pain. His body was slowly healing itself, but he would need medical attention soon or he would die. He continued lying in the crater, praying for rescue.
Zed's alertness level went up a notch. The way Mr. Valdemar moves and the sight of those four holes gave him a hunch that something big is coming their way. He was alert, he was prepared. When a shot came out again, he instinctively jumped away even tho it was aimed at Nasuna. When he saw Mr. Valdemar's jacket disintegrate, he knows that whoever this attacker is, he wants them all dead.

"This guy packs a punch! Be careful everyone!" He said. "Where did those shots came from?" He asked but before he can have his answer, Mr. Valdemar told them to move away. Zed followed his orders and a huge explosion just went up. It is at this point that he saw their menacing foe. "What the hell is this... Uhhh... Pest exterminator looking freak doing here!??"

As Aine's barrier covered them, he knows that there is no turning back, they'll take him head on. He looked at Aine and without saying a word, he gave her a thumbs up and a nod, as if saying "Let's go and do our best!"

Nasuna tilted her head back slightly at the demeanor of the teacher and filed a mental checklist to be sure she had the correct information of each of the current beings around her. The people called Valdemar, Aine and Zed, A mutant a witch and a wolf Demon. Truly a unique band of beings, and to think there was an entire school filled with beings like them. She had truly picked a most suitable job for her line of interests. She couldn't wait to get back and log this information in the suspense was almost too much for her to bear. Calming her excitement she shivered softly, coincidentally the moment she shivered she felt The teachers arm connect with her body and the smell of sulfur and various other ingredients burn it's way through the air right at them. In that split second she didn't get so much pushed back by him but swiftly jumped back without so much as a squeak or sound of astonishment as the teachers garment disappeared into nothing more than tiny particles of ash carried away on the winds.

Now any onlookers would think that the teacher had in fact pushed her away and the only ones to know the truth were herself and maybe the teacher if he had taken notice of the lack of pressure or force needed to actually push her. If not then she was the only one to really know. She watched speculatively but with a lack of emotion on her face at the ensuing scene, even when the witch used her magic to envelope each of them into a sort of "force-field." She placed her hand against the field and furrowed her brows in concentration, for a moment she looked as if she might aid in the battle but a moment later she just lowered her hand and blinked returning her gaze back to the enemy. For now she had gathered enough data of the woman's certain brand of powers and would be sure to log in the new information when she got the chance.

She stared at the enemy whose name was Kartin and apparently he and Valdemar had a history together. Her eyes scanned the area around them and if she was correct they were near the impact site where there was said to be a wounded teacher. She could also sense that there was another student and another enemy fighting a one on one battle and purred softly. "This seems a tid-bit unfair since it is four against one...and it seems that one of the other students is handling an enemy on her own. So I'm going to assume you all are capable of taking care of him?" she said looking to each of them in turn. "Duty calls for me and I must go help the fallen teacher. I shant be gone long, be careful." she said as she turned on her heal and walked away from the group like they had, had a pleasant conversation that had come to end.

Her long smooth strides made quick work of the distance from the group to the teacher and before long she was standing on the edge of the crater and her eyes fell onto the rather wounded teacher and her eyes flashed and she smiled quite excitedly her mind racing. "Zasso, Teacher said to be male also said to be in his twenties though unsure of the exact age. Race Ent..." she thought the information streamed through her mind like before but at a much more excited pace. She had carefully grabbed a special drug experimental of course that she thought would help the teacher. With the grin still on her face she skidded down the slope of the crater and walked over to the fallen teacher. Stopping she blinked and looked down at him "Since you are so deeply wounded...I'll have to use this..." she said removing a syringe from seemingly nowhere. The syringe was filled with a clear liquid that had bits of deep blood red swirling around in it. Kneeling down she placed the needle on his upper arm and slid it in slowly before injecting him with the liquid. "This should help with the regeneration process it will work with your bodies natural healing process but will sort of put it on over-drive double maybe even tripling the healing process, However you may be prone to black outs and time lapses for roughly...the next twenty four to forty eight hours." she said removing the needle from the teachers arm.

Straightening up she brushed herself off and glanced back to where the group was. "Now...I must go for a bit to make sure the two students and Mr.Valdemar arn't dead fighting that Kartin fellow." she said almost unconcernedly. Cracking her neck you could make out the faintest smile touching her lips as she turned from the teacher and headed back to the group. It wasn't long before she re-appeared before the group, stopping by a tree she leaned against it and folded her arms underneath her chest and stared at them "Other than a few minor side-affect your teacher will be on the road to recovery shortly." she said with a smile somewhere between sweet and excited. Leaning down she removed a dagger from the side of one of her healed boots. She left the daggers twin tucked away into it's sheath in her other boot and straightened up. She gave no explanation as to what she was doing all she did was examine the weapon carefully. Nodding she smiled softly and it seemed the temperature in the area dropped by several degree's. She knew the enemies attacks were fire based which was sad for him since she used cryomancy. Blinking she pushed herself away from the tree and just stood there in a most un-threatening pose. Her dagger resting lightly in her hand draped at her side and her un-weaponed hand resting on her hip. A small breath of ice escaped her lips and swirled around into the air. "I don't think...I'll be of much use with just a simple dagger." she said with falsely sweet and innocent smile.
Valdemar Group

Valdemar looks at Nasuna, before tilting his head to the side, before sighing slightly to himself at the moment "Well, this is just going to be bothersome." He nods to Nasuna "Yes, we need to make sure he is alright, that our top concern." He told her, before Kartin turns to her as she begins to walk away on her hills from him "I didn't say you can go anywhere did I?" He say as he points that cannon on his right hand at her. Within moments the heat that comes from the gather of energy of that makes it a few degrees warmer then it was. Kartin was about to fire upon her, before a shadow ball nails him in the back, it only moves him a couple of inches, he turns to look at Valdemar "I guess you want to die first then." He told him, before placing his cannon arm against the ground "Time to die." He told them, before sparks begin to form in the air around him. His exhausted pikes on his mask begins to spraying out fire from them all at once as they twist together in a tornado like fashion "Zed, Aine move back!" Valdemar yells at them, before jumping back a few few. At that exact moment Kartin yells out "Incinerator ball." The flames from his weapon pour out all at once, before surrounding him in a ball like in inferno. The heat was so intense that it felt like the hottest summer day.

The ball of fire expands outward towards them in a fast flash of heat. There was smoke around Kartin and as the air rapidly cool it begins to rain, but just in there area. Once the smoke had settle down Kartin stood there vapor rising off his body but unharmed by his own flames looking at them "So, you want an invitation, or you going to attack me." With each of his breath, they could see blue flame pouring out of his mask exhausted pikes "Aine, Zed think you can keep him busy for a moment while I get something ready." Kartin turns to the two students, before smiling at them "So, he thinks you can hold me off." He told them, before rushing at them with a full sprint. He comes after Zed first, before bring his fist down, but this attack was a decoy as he brings up his arms that was with the cannon on it aiming it at his chin. In the mist of his attack his cannon was powering up again. After his attack on Zed, if he hit or not. He takes a step back, before firing several fire balls at Aine, this flame was blue, but it touches her skin then it would do nothing but if it landed on a piece of clothing then it would pretty much burn it within seconds.

When Valdemar hears her say that, he nods to her "Well then, I guess all is well then." He say to her, before chanting to himself at the moment. His fingers where across his face "God of illusion and of mirrors. I call you forth." His demonic aura came around him as he looks at the battle "Zed, Aine, nurse lady you have to get his mask off him." KArtin seems to scrowl a bit when Valdemar says that, before he begins to concentrating.

@ Jean

The woman laughs at her, before taking her stance before her "Well, let us get this over with then." She told her, before charging start at her. Her moment where weird each time she moves there was an after image that came along as she came closer to her. She strikes at her when the image gets close enough, but what happen was nothing no hit, or anything from the first strike, it was as if she didn't existed. When the three after image strikes at her, if she didn't move a cut would form at the spot she strikes at. The woman was behind her now, she looks at her "So, you going to play, or stand there all day?"


Zendi had just finish getting dressed when Sylvia grabbed her hand and begins to drag her off "What a second, I'm almost fucking done." She said to her, as she pulls her tank top over her head, before her glaze comes to her eyes "I know you are worried, but slow the hell down. We have no idea whats out their, or what we are walking into and I rather not die today." She told her, before taking her hand back from her. There was something wrong they could tell when they got outside. It was not only colder, but for some reason darker too. All the animals of the forest for some reason couldn't be hear by them it was if all them had disappeared at once not even a bird flying around. Zendi spots out into the distances there was smoke a little ways . Zendi looks around, before sighing "What in the hell happen? Don't push yourself, I did just drank your blood." She told her the wind around them as they approach the force was cold and getting colder "I don't like this." It was as if someone was watching them. Suddenly, before the girls begins to float a scarf. Zendi looks at it, before the scarf lands on the ground before then. The scarf turns into spikes, before heading straight at them. To which Zendi jumped away, but she had a deep gash across her arm, she looks to be in a bit of pain.
Aine follows all this closely and follows Mr. Valdemars directions. She was caught off guard whenever Kartn shot out balls offlame, they singed her clothing until her shirt was tattered and skirt amost falling off. They could feel the heat of his attacks but thanks to her forcefield their skin was unharmed.
"We must not only remove his mask but break his concentration." She muttered to Zed. Using a spell of levitation she made far circles around Kartin, every once in awhile shooting a ball of water in his direction.
Aine was quickly running out of spells to cast since she only knew about seven, so far she'd casted four.
With her room mate just hurt in front of her, Sylvia growled deep in her throat, summoning her magic and lashing her staff out at the scarf, immediately immobilizing it with think roots and vines. "What the hell is that thing? Clothing should not be doing that." She said, kneeling down next to it to inspect it. It lashed out at her repeatedly, but the vines held firm, keeping it from hurting her. "Do you need some more to heal...?" She said, offering up her wrist to the vampire. She smiled shyly, a purple glow entering her eyes while purple sparks twirled around her head.
(You do realize that she probably already taken alot of blood from ya it's only been a like maybe a day? So unless you recover blood fast that going to start effecting you.)

Zendi looks at Sylvia, before shaking her hand as she pushes her hand out of the way "I'll be fine." She told her, before standing up. The wound was already starting to regenerate now "If, I drain more blood from you it will put you at risk, for lack of blood." She told her, before grabbing her with one of her hands and pulling her towards her right as the scarf turns into many little pieces cutting through her roots. A couple more silk scarfs begin to fall from the sky, before all of them circle around themselves, before a woman with golden blond hair and milky white skin stood before them. Her eyes where baby blue and she was about 5'9' in her standing "Hello children." She was wearing nothing at all, but the scarfs form around her body so that it cover her up. She had almost like a ghost like appearances to her. She begins to laugh at the both of them with a creepy, but innocent smile "What the hello up with her?" Zendi looks angry at her "Who the hell are you?" The woman just smiles looking at the two of them "A nameless figure of the pass."
Jean took one look at the woman and watched her come at her with three of her that is what it looked like to her. She took a step back avoiding the first woman and missing one more but the last one cut her arm good. She let out a howl of pain and anger formed in her eyes. she then got down on all fours like wolf and then sprang at the woman teeth barred to take a bit out of her and her claws ready to stink into her. she was going to take this woman down or die trying. She then said while in mid air "oh yes i will play ".
( *Shrugs* Just trying to be helpful...she is kinda your thrall now considering you just had sex...her first )

She knelt down and pressed her palms into the grass, chanting slowly, the glow turning purple to a bright green immediately. The grass slowly grew more vibrant, straighter, and sharper. She grinned, light glowing out of her open mouth, and she looked up at the woman. Her ethereal glare was mocking. "Try to survive this! Blade storm!!!" She yelled out, the grass in a ten-foot radius around her all shot up in unison in a wave. The wave was centered straight on the new woman, hoping to rip her apart in a single shot. However she had to stay rooted to the spot, directing the grass, dead center in the middle of a patch of earth.
Zasso stood up, his wounds healing quickly as he regained his strength. He clenched and unclenched his fists, feeling power course through him. Seeing the situation the others were in, he took it upon himself to help.
He moved up behind Kartin and said in his ear,"Are you the one causing all of this trouble?" Before he could respond, Zasso lifted him up and issued an earth shattering blow to the offender's mask. Letting no time go by, he slammed the man into the ground and attempted to stomp on his rib cage.

The woman tries to move out of the way, before her attack hits him, but was to late, she had to use her forearm placing it into her arms "My, oh my seems you have some skills." She told her, before taking her weapon with her other hand and putting it through her arm in her mouth, but it didn't cut her. It was like it faded through her arms. Using that to defended against her hands so they where deadlock. Even through she was bleeding, it didn't seems like she was able to push her teeth in much farther "Here it comes my dear." She told her, before the eyeless woman has four afterimages around her, before the one in front of her disappears, before the reappearing behind her "Hydro burst." She say as the hula blast out an intense gush of water at her.


(I know you are silly, but this may be fiction, but there are still somethings that can't go beyond like lost of blood. You can still die from that in an rp, or fainted.)

The woman stood there looking at them as they came at her. In a blink of an the silk scarf came around her, before her attacks hits her. The blades of grass goes through the scarfs shredding them into nothing, but the woman wasn't there anymore. Zendi stood up "Well, that's a neat trick." Zendi eyes turn to Sylvia, before rushing towards her "Watch out!" The woman was behind her now, she raises her hand to Sylvia, before attempting to punch her in the face hard enough to sent her a few feet back. Zendi slashes out at the woman, but she is side step, before Zendi lands on the ground spin kicking and knocking the woman off of her feet attempting to send her claws through her next, but just as her hand was about to make contract with her. The woman disappears, before both of them could hear her voice above them "My, such spunky children." There was small bit of wind coming off of her at the moment.
She grunted and stood up after being knocked away. "Thanks..." She silently called more power into her staff, focusing it on the tip and pointed it straight at the woman, shooting a fireball at her. The woman easily dodged and Sylvia retreated back towards her room mate. "Any ideas...?" She said, eyeing the woman and summoning more power, getting ready for a quick defense. She marshaled a little energy and sent sharp splinters of wood through a few scarfs that remained on the ground, cutting them in two.
Jean was clawing at the woman when all of a sudden a blast of water hit her full force. she fell back wards and nearly out of the tree. She manged to catch a branch and swing herself right back into the tree couching from all the water. Her blue fur is now drenched and she said "now you have done it no more leap attacks at you seeing that wont work now its time for me to use my other skills". She licked her blood off her own arm then she jumped high into the air to kick the woman in the face.
The wind blew hard against his back making him go a little farther than he'd like. Darius's large black raven colored wings swept foreward pushing loghty so that he could land safely on the roof. The wind blew his hair and shirt showing little glimpses of the tattoo between his hip bones.
Tilting his head to the side he heard at least three different struggle going on in the forest, a slow smile pread across his handsome face.
Oh and what an expression it was.
It was calculating and devious, making his ebony eyes squint making him appear more dark and more handsome than before.
With an unearthly grace he sat on the roof of the greenhouse.
Valdemar Group

Kartin growls outloud looking up to the woman throwing water balls at him, with each hit he was getting angrier. The steam was coming off of his body "Just try it bitch." He yells up to her, before growling lightly. Appearing in his right hand was a fire ball which turns into four more, before he tosses them at Aine "Cut it out." Due to him being distracted like this Mr. Zasso two attacks hits made there mades, he could feel some damage the damage he cause to him. When he came up behind him "What the heck." He growls a bit having his masked smashed "Grr." He cries out as he is step on. Valdemar looks at him, before growling hard, not at Kartin, but at Zasso "You idiot!" He shouts out at Zasso, before Kartin's body which was on the ground made a huge explosion of fire right underneath his feet. The hear from the fire bomb was enough to leave series 3rd degree burns.

Kartin's mask which lays in the hole after the fire and smoke clears from it begins to glow as a spell seal comes around it. Kartin who was a few feet away from Zasso, was looking at him. His breathing was stiff and rough at the moment. The flames came out of his mouth, before he begins to yell out in pain. You can see the veins coming out from his body as his muscle all strain "Unforgivable!" He shouts over and over again yelling as flames come from his body. His bones crack as Valdemar looks on thinking to himself, a worried look on his face "I'm almost at my limited here, why they have to attack right now, I don't have much reserves left. At least not enough to deal with this. What part of remove his mask not break it didn't they understand? Now were all in trouble." Valdemar gaining his strength a bit more as he continues to watch.

The magic circle that came from the mask grows bigger and bigger at the moment tilt it was big enough to encircle Valdemar, Zed, Zasso, and Aine." A magical chain black in color appears around there arms, before disappearing in a flash like it was never there like it did nothing "Going to have to worry about what the side effects of that was this time, but later." Valdemar say to himself. When the light show was done they all could see Kartin, but he was much different then before. He was now 10 feet tail, the flames no longer came from his mouth as he breathes "Shall we play?" Kartin asked, before charging at Zasso with a full force. Lucky for him this had slow him down. Kartin takes his hand, before attempting to bash Zasso in the face with it. To which he would attempted to knee him. He points his cannon arm at Aine, before fire a giant fire ball her way.


Jean kick connected to the woman face, before she falls out of the tree, if Jean was looking closely enough she could tell there was a smile on the woman face as she fell to the ground "Grand water blast." A circle of blue light comes underneath her, before another intense blast of water comes up from it. If the first attack was successful another one would appear over her head, before blasting her back down the to ground. She would see the woman picking herself off of the ground, before dusting herself off lightly "So, shall we continue?" She smiles to Jean again.


"Not really." Zendi told her room mate, before taking her stance looking at the woman in the air as that woman speaks "Well, well is that all the two of you together can do?" She asked, before Zendi grabs Sylvia arm, before taking off into the air with her as they both flew towards her "Freeze bitch." She took a deep breath, before blowing ice shards at the woman before them. The woman raises her hand, before swinging it around making them blow away from her "I got an Idea Sylvia, but you are going to have to trust me."
" I already do." She said before throwing corrosive soil at the woman, eating through a layer of scarves. "Damnit...need to eat through the remaining scarves to get to her." She fired a volley of bark sharps at her, keeping up a steady volley.
Aine screamed out loud as the fire balls slammed her again the nearest tree and her staff flew out of reach. The monstrosity hat was Karin exploded showering in fire again, now she was baely clothed as she idly tried to stamp out the fire.
The force field was extremely weak now one more blast and it was gone, yet it hadnt protected her skin completey. She had almost what looked like intense sunburn all over her body. She reached out her hnd and as if it held a magnet her staff flew back into her hand.
"Summonus Flightus." She called standing up weakly. Two wings sprouted from her back, shimmering white and big enouph to lift her off the ground.
The canon fireball nearly grazed her as she shot into the air flying far above them all, too far for kartin to reach.
"Mermaids fury!" She screamed. A torrent of water began engulfing kartin, finding its way into any of his open orifices.
Darius was still lounging on the green house where one of the fights began patcularily violent. So much fire began scarring that part of the forest just as a figure grew to enormous proportions. He watched as n all white figure shot out of the trees and attacked the figure. Squinting he saw the girl with white hair, white lingerie, and brilliant white wings. She was like his polar opposite, she was innocent where he was sinful. She radiated with softness, while he radiated danger.
Darius was just about to jump up and demand why she was not by the lords side whenever a gentle wind blew.
Since he had once been of the divine his senses were ten times better than that of most creatures. The wind carried her scent and he smelt it carefully. His chuckle was deep in his chest, it rumbled like thunder.
"Witch." He said dismissivly, leaning back lazily.

(If anyone wants darius to help just make it obvious.)
Zasso grunted, the punch barely missing him, though burning him badly in the process. He quickly evaded to the side whenever Aine casted her spell, his guard up as he healed himself. "At least now, it'll be fair."said Zasso to himself, bracing himself for an attack of some kind.
Jean felt the water blast hit her in the tree knocking her out of it. She got up after having the wind knocked out of her. She let out a howl of pain and anger then said "oh yes we shall and your done for ". She then aimed a low kick to konk the woman to the ground.

Kartin begins to yell out in agony when he felt the water around him "You bitch!" He yells out again as the water before to fill him up. Aine could see him gasp for breath as the air left his lounges. The bubbles rise to the surface of the water. It seems to be working, as he falls down to one knee looking to be down of the count "Maybe I won't have to use it then." Valdemar say to himself. Kartin muscle begins to bulge again, before the water around him begins to bubble which soon turns to steam. Soon all the water around him was gone as he continues to steam around him "Unforgivable." He begins to repeated over and over again. He yells out again as the veins from his body "Begone." He stomps the ground within moments the ground beneath Zasso, before to bend outward, before exploding.

When the dust and explosion and settle down Zasso would relies that Kartin was right up on him ready to punch him in the face, but Valdemar comes down at the last moment, before placing his feet on Zasso pushing him back some "You're in the way." He shouts to Zasso, before ducking below his fist. Kartin brings up his other fist up attempting to smash Valdemar into the ground "To late." A ball or energy appears in Valdemar hand " Shadow Incinerator ball." The attack that Kartin had used when he first show up Valdemar was using the same technique at the moment. The Balls of shadow flames eclipses them both "Give it all you have let gotta break it." Kartin howls out in pain and anger as the attack hurts him a bit. When the attack ended Valdemar was panting heavily at the moment. That was the last of his energy, he had used up most of it during his lecture. After all everyone had there limits and he was no exception to the rule. Kartin stood there for and it looks like it had worked, but soon he smiles to Valdemar "Was that suppose to kill me?" To which Valdemar just smiles back "I know that didn't have the power to kill you." He told him.

Kartin's eyes shot open as his chest armor begins to crack a few times, before shattering into nothingness. There where three small flames underneath that look like crystal to the eyes "Destroy them." He yells to Zasso and Aine, before attempting to move out of the way, but he couldn't move fast enough "To slow!" Kartin shouts out at him 'Man, what a time to be at my limit, so uncool.' Valdemar body was feeling the effects of using up so much energy and wouldn't move. A strong blast of fire energy comes from his cannon blowing him away. You could see Valdemar's blood fly as he goes soreing through the air 'What an uncool way to go out.' He told to himself before smashing into a tree breaking it.


Again when the attack came around her the woman that they where fighting smiles at them "I think you are misunderstanding me." She told her, before more scarfs appear and her another powerful gust of wind bounces the attack away. She reaches one of her hands up into the air "Gail of needles." A strong gust of wind comes at them "Oh shit." Zendi said, before tossing Sylvia up into the air above her, before cross her arms over her face. When the gust passed her it took a few moment, before she screams out cuts form on her body as blood squirts out from them. Zendi catches Sylvia on her back and before she can say a thing, she could hear her say "Santa of Chills." Zendi begins to sing in a very beautiful voice as the air around them begins to chill. The woman laughs as she smiles waiting for the attack. The air around her begins to freeze you can see the ice form around her.


When the kick came at the woman simply smile, before her body turn to water before her and disappears. She reappears behind her, before tapping her back "So, that all you go?" If she attack her again the same thing would happen like with the last attack. A voice rang out above her, before she saw a giant water ball coming towards her "Come on little girl, fight me seriously or this place will be your grave." The giant ball of water was slow, there was more then enough time for her to move, but it would seem that this was false. When the hit the ground a bunch of little high pressure stream shot out at her.
"What's your plan!?!" She whispered fiercely, holding onto Zendi's body tightly and shivering slightly in the unnatural chill. She yelped when one of the remaining scarves had jumped up and wrapped itself around her leg. The spines bit into her flesh and made her scream in pain, kicking out wildly to throw it off. It slowly clawed it's way up her leg, tearing more flesh off of her and opening more cuts. She dug into her bag and threw the last corrosive soil she had on it, burning it off along with most of her skirt, socks, and shoes. "Damnit...and I liked this skirt..." She bit out through winces. She quickly ran her hand up and down her leg, healing what she could while holding on for her life to Zendi.
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