The Monster School

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Zendi begins to stir more now, before she finally opens her eyes and sits up in bed rubbing her forehead lightly gritting her teeth together at the moment "Oh man, what the hell hit me. The last thing I remember..." That's when she catch sight of Darius, he eyes narrow for a moment, before she looks away from him rubbing her eyes lightly "Okay, I'm in my room and there an angel like pretty boy sitting on the other bed. I hope he didn't take advantage of me while I was out, or I will have to freeze him." She chuckles to herself, before looking back at him her face looking a bit pouty.
Darius wanted to follow Sylvia but decided to help the little vampire first. Finiding a knife on a nearby table he cut a shallow cut into his wrist and sucked out a large mouthful and leaned over the vampire. Opening hr mouth he pressed his lips to hers, letting the blood flow into her mouth. Standing back hewathed her instinctive swallowing reflexes kick in.
Being an ange his blood would be better than any of the rarest of blood, it might even make her blood drunk. His wound had already closed so he wiped the blood from his mouth and stepped up to the bathroom. Opening the door he entered silently and took off his clothes. Then quiet as possible he stepped in behind Sylvia and wrapped his arms around her waist in a strong but gentle embrace.
His thick cock, already hard, was pushed downward slightly between her buttcheeks. Even in the shower his scent was addictive and intimate. It was meant to highten a persons sexual arousal when he willed it.
And right now he was pushing it on high. One of his hands traveled down to her theigh and stroked it teasingly.
She screamed out in surprise and tried to twist around, but found herself pinned. Her whole body pulsed a steady red, matching her face in blushing. "What the hell are you doing?!?!" She cried out, feeling her legs unconsciously spreading against the feeling of his hard cock. God...he's soooo huge!!! It would be my first cock...NO NO NO, fight it!!! Her brain was two sides screaming and fighting against each other. While her brain was locked, her body knew what to do, bending over, putting her hands against the wall to support her, and her legs spreading to reveal her tender pink slit. "What...What's happening?!?1?" She was trying to stop his influence from corrupting her. "Zendi!!! Help!" She called out, hoping that she would stop him.
(oh crap wolf guess i posted that too late lolz....)

Darius was suprised by her outburst but loosened his grip and stepped back, he may be meanbut not mean enouph to take advantage of the poor girl.
With an almost sad sigh he stepped out and began the process of putting his clothes back on despite is body being dripping wet.
(No worries)

Zendi stood up instantly after she hear her name being called, before she shakes her head from side to side "What the hell is going on." She had a splitting headache at the moment, before she growls slightly at the moment. Zendi looks over to the bathroom door, before seeing the man in there with her room mate seeing him getting dressed and her naked. She stood from her bed slowly looking at the man, before hissing at him "What are you doing?" She looks at him growling a bit at him "Sylvia are you okay?" The air around her begins to chill a bit, as one of her eyes begins to glow red.
She came out of the shower, dripping wet and covered in a towel, and ducked behind Zendi. "I'm...I'm fine." She stammered out, holding onto her like a shield. "What the hell was that?" She barked out at Darius, feeling violated, aroused, and betrayed. He was amazing with his sexual appeal and pull, but it was too fast for her. She still felt liquid dripping off of her leg and onto the ground, thought it was not water....
((I think my post just got completely ignored there since Ranthe is supposed to be in the infirmary as well as Jugger's student character... Are there multiple infirmaries?))
(Warning Darius has sudden mood changes)

His sorrow was evident, it mixed with his scent and in turn wafted around the girls trying for their emotions of pity. Pressed a hand to his forehead he kept his head pointed towards the ground.
"I most sincerely apologize, whenever I was cast from the heavens I was told that I must constantly fall in love but no body would love me back." He said. "Whenever I felt Sylvias kindness I suppose I went overboard."
Darius lifted his ebony eyes to the girls it held the look of someone that had lost everything. Of course they couldnt sense his real intentions, using their pity to gain thier trust.
It couldnt be sensed in his posture or eyes or even his voice.
((Ummmm, I think I remember it Kaybee, just have your character leaving with the supplies you took, and run into the teacher ))
((Ranthe is a teacher but w/e. I'll just take myself right out of this until there's a better opening))

Ranthe had snuck out of the infirmary just as several students had made their way around the corner towards it. Walking like she belonged she quickly walked the other way, careful to keep the borrowed materials out of sight as she quickly ducked off into another hallway and made her way back towards her office.
(Well iam not playing the male techer but well post jean in some were)
Jean was soon healed up and decided to walk the school. She ran back to the forest first to get her stone. She then went back into the school and started walking the halls.
(I suppose my character could wake up now lol)

Aine awoke her body practically shaking from exaustion she looked don at herself and gaped. After fighting the man who controled fire her sirt and skirt had been burned off, leaving her white lace lengerie.
With an exaggerated sigh she stood and using a small amount of energy used a levitation spell to make Mr. Zasso and Mr. Valdemar float.
Aine spotted a teacher walking away at a fast pace she called out.
"Hey! Mrs? Could you help me take care of these two?" She asked.
Ranthe froze as she heard the voice call out from behind her. Carefully assuming a more nonchalant pose to avoid drawing attention to the bag in her right hand.

As she turned she saw first a student in panties, a not too odd sight in the halls of this school but the two unconscious teachers that hovered before the girl made Ranthe much more frightened. She gave the student a look as she made her way back towards the trio, tucking the bag into her coat pocket on the way. "What happened to them?"
She soon came to a dorm room and saw two girls and a handsome angel. She stopped to watch the three talk.

Smiling with reliefe Aine began directing the two floating teachers into the infermiry.
"Some crazy fire guy attacked us." She explaned spotting a student strugging on one of the beds. He seemed to writhing in the bed. After putting the teachers in separate beds she turned to the female teacher.
"I would heal them with my magic but im afraid that Im quite exausted. If you'd use medicine on them or something that'd be great." She said turning towards the boy on the bed.
Ignoring the fact that she was only in her bra and panties she got close to him and smiled kindly.
"Are you okay? Is there anything that you need?" She asked.
Ranthe held the door for the young student as she floated the two teachers into the beds.

"I know some magical healing but I'm far from ideal for this. I'm afraid I have no idea where the nurse has gone..." Ranthe trailed off as the girl made her way over to the student shaking in the other bed, seemingly not listening.

Ranthe began to channel some essence from her, sparks dancing over Mr. Zasso as she transferred some of her life energy to him in order to accelerate his healing as she spoke to the student girl. "I'd be more careful of him if I were you, the nurse here has a habit of healing people in odd ways and I'm not so sure you'll want to be exposed to the side effects." Ranthe could vividly remember the last time she'd run afoul of Nasuna's creations and blushed lightly at the thought, chiding herself to stay focused. Now is not the time for that memory.
Zasso suddenly sat up, fully awake. He looked around, briefly, before rolling out of the bed. He stood at his full height of 10ft, his head almost scraping the ceiling. Turning to Ranthe, he said,"I appreciate the effort, but I already have regenerative abilities." To illustrate this point further, he grabbed a surgical blade of some kind and sliced his own arm off. Within minutes, a new arm had already grown, identical to the severed one.
He turned again to see the same student that he had incapacitated earlier. He chuckled in a mild form of sadistic delight as he watched the boy squirm.

After Nasuna had treated the wounded teachers giving them each an injection of the stuff she'd first given Mr.Zasso. Turning she glanced at her desk and raised her brow at the envelope sitting on it. Walking over to it she gingerly picked it up and turned it over in hand to see if there was any sort of return address or something but there was nothing just her name printed neatly on the front. Tearing it open she withdrew a piece of paper and unfolded it her eyes scanning over the contents :

Ms. Nasuna Meioh,

We, the board of directors at Cirrilliuam Incorporated have recently looked over your most recent line of interests and must inform you of our deep disapproval. We can not have you testing on mutated children and teachers permission or not. We request you return to your laboratory as soon as possible, your job depends on how quickly you acquiesce with this request. There are too be no further discussion on this topic as the minds are made up in agreement of your inhumane tactics of research.

We look forward to your prompt return.

Cirrilliuam Incorperated's Jack Mcshaw.

Nasuna looked that the paper eyes fuming and jaw clenched in irritation. How dare they call her inhumane! Her methods were unorthodox sure but inhumane? It's not like any of the side-effects of her drugs were lethal! Narrowing her eyes she crumpled up the paper and tossed into the trash bin and shook her head slowly in agitation. She knew she was going to have to leave immediately and since she didn't have much stuff [which she was sure they knew] she would be able to leave at any time [which she was sure they also knew.] Slamming her fist down on her desk she cracked her neck at let out a slow breath. She was sure they had already sent a resignation slip to the head of the school already and she rolled her eyes slightly.

Her stuff was still pretty much packed so all she had to do was put away a few of her vile's and tubes and in a matter of two hours was on her way down to the pier to catch her boat. She was going to go along with them for now but she was going to give them hell for pulling her away from something like this that was for damn certain. Walking onto the boat she set her things down and sighed. Leaning against the railing she watched as the boat jerked away from the shore and began to make it's way through the murky waters. it wasn't long before the island itself completely vanished from site and she let out a regretful sigh. "Good-Bye." she said and with that she turned and slipped inside the boat house.
Zendi eyes return to normal, before placing her hand on Sylvia cheek and rubbing it. Yes, this one was handsome, but she was noble vampire, she had alot more control over herself, then low level vampires did "I'm glad you are okay." Zendi told Sylvia, before kissing her cheek lightly. One of her eyes on the vampire "Next time I catch you doing that I will make sure you regret it." She told him, the way he spoke didn't make her any less anger at him, it actually had the opposite effect "So, you go around molesting girls you don't know? You think that's love? You winged rat?" She hisses again, before rubbing down the side of Sylvia cheek "You do not know a maiden heart then."
(fallen angel)
Darius went instantly from sorroful to angered, his wings opening almost to their full height. Large enouph to scrape the ceiling and touch both walls. His ebon eyes now held a scorching look as he looked down at Zendi.
"Bite your tongue wench. You know nothing of me, if I am a winged rat then you are a leech. Even more disqusting and dispicable. What right do you to speak on behalf of Sylvia because you see fit to guard your meal." He growled in a voice so deep and like one of the 'divine' that it made mortals fall to their knees. Darius realized that he was accidently slipping into old tongue and cleared his throat.
"I explained myself and apologized to Sylvia not you bloodsucker." Then he looked at Sylvia with a look of saddness.
"I do not wish to be enemies, and if you'd permit me I'd like to speak to you ALONE to better explain my situation." He paused pressing a hand to his heart. "No tricks." He said sencerely.
Darius then turned on his heel, flung the door open, and ran right into a werewolf. He caught her before she could fall, pressing his muscular body against her in the process.
"Please excuse me Miss." Darius said, helping her stand then walked away leaving all three girls behind.
Zasso turned suddenly, walking briskly out of the infirmary and towards the greenhouse. Fumbling with his keys, he unlocked the large door and ran inside. He just about sprinted to the Tree of Enlightenment, dropping down to one knee and bowing his head.
The tree stretched out a branch and bonded with his forehead, transferring messages to him via telepathy. "Zasso, you fought well against the one called Kartin, though, despite this, he remains alive." said the tree, sternly.
"Forgive me, for I have failed you." replied Zasso, ruefully.
"That you have. Though, instead of punishing you, I have decided to reveal to you, new abilities which have been within you since your creation." said the tree. Immediately, it began to glow brightly, filling Zasso's mind with information.
When the process had be completed, Zasso stood, his hands glowing with a green, sizzling, energy.
Jean fell then allowed the handsome angel to help her up. She saw him leaving and called out "wait ". She felt her heart race at the touch of his body against hers.
She held Zendi close and kissed her cheek warmly. "Thank you." She whispered, wrapping herself around the other girl. She detached herself and walked over to her little concoction, and pulled it out of the fire, dousing it. She drank most of it in one swallow, instantly spawning green sparks that swirled around her. "Mmmmm, much better." She sighed in pleasure, before draining the last of it and placing the bowl back onto her desk. She turned back to Zendi and dropped her towel, not caring the door was open, and tackled her down, kissing her hungrily. "He made me horny...Please help me." She whispered out, a dry pant as she licked the girl's neck.
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