The Monster School

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Zasso was on Kartin in seconds as he delivered tremendous uppercut to the man. As he fell, the Ent delivered a devastating kick to his three crystals, sending the figure into a tree. In an attempt to destroy the him, he raised his hand and lowered it as if throwing an invisible object at the ground. By his command, the trees toppled over on the spot where he thought Kartin would be.
Aine reacted furiously as valdemar got knocked back, she raised her staff above her head and began twirling in.
"Mr. Zasso you might want to get out of the way." She called frm high up. The sun played off of her delicate body, off of her white hair and lingerie, and especially off ofher white wings.
The air around her got cold an a swirin storm formed above her head, then pointing her staff at Kartin who lay under a pile of toppled trees.
"Lady of winter grant your power to me.
Feel the icy grip of the dead.
Let the ice cover your body,
Soul, mind and head."
With that the blizzard was directed towards Kartin, covering him in extremely cold ice. Her wings dissapeared as Aine fainted from exaustion. Her small body plummeting towards the ground.
Jean felt the hot steam go in her face and she screamed out in pain her eyes red from the steam. She then ran at the woman like she was going to tackle her but instead jumped over the womans head to hit her from behind. She was going to punch her hard in the back.

Valdemar through sheer force of willpower stood up, before running over to where Aine was falling down grabbing her with his one good arm "He got away." He says out loud when the attacks had settle the two of them could see back of the blizzard had hit was melted out from the intense heat which had melted through the ground." Valdemar strains as he puts Aine down on the ground holding his right arm which was bleeding alot at the moment. He groans to himself, before falling back to the ground "Today's just not my day is it?" He asked himself, before looking up to the sky sitting there.

Kartin reemerges a good while away from them outside of there sense of sight and smell range "Gezz, to do such a thing." He was walking around there. Only one and a half of the crystal had shatter due to the face he had push back before the kick had shatter "Well, I've done my job." He walks away looking mostly unharm for the most part "Maybe I can play longer next time?"


"Sonta of binding." Ice form around the woman, before encasing her with ice around her "I think you will know, but for now. You're in the way." Zendi tosses her straight up into the air really high. Zendi took off after the woman, before the woman laughs at the vampire "Impotent weakling." Shattering the ice around her, before taking a deep breath "Oh crap." This time when the wind surrounded her it blow up. The woman starts laughing at her, but the joke was on her, as ice just fell from her explosion. Zendi was behind her "Sylvia now." She yells up to her holding the woman tightly "Let go you brat." Ice begins to encase them both "Not on your life."


The hit connects with the woman, before falls to the ground, but then her image hit the ground she disappears into water again. This time, she was a good few feet behind her. It would take her a bit to reach her from where she stood "Shh, what a time to call me back and here I was having fun." She turns around walking away "See ya kid." She told her, if she would run after her there was something awaiting her. A bubble of water would form around it would set up, because it was a trap.
Jean was weak from being cut in the arm and hit with waves of estera. She also used up much of her energy but she wont just let the woman leave she ran right after her falling for her trap. She fell into the bubble of water and manged to get out to find she broke her leg in the fall. She laid there brearhing hard watching the woman leave in pain.
Zasso was starting to feel a little light headed as he picked up Valdemar and Aine, hoisting them over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. By the time he got to the nurse's office, he was staggering like a drunk man, fighting to remain conscious.
Setting the two down outside, he knocked on the door before he blacked out and collapsed.
She yelled and quickly started weaving a binding spell, trying not to think about the ground. Vines exploded from the earth and wrapped tightly around the woman's legs, arms, chest, and stomach. She quickly switched spells after making sure the binding was secure, making a giant mushroom pop up and break her fall. She bounced off of it and landed heavily onto the ground, breaking a rib or two. She hissed in pain and sat up, reinforcing the bindings with more vines. She even stuffed a few into the woman's mouth, to keep her quiet. " her." She winced and smiled, holding her chest.
(Silly, maybe I did explain it well enough, she was throwing you high into the air, so you could free fall and attack her from above that, but what's done is done *Shrugs*)

"Now, you can get away time to die." Her room mate begins to sing some more, before the ice around them totally eclipse them. The giant ball of ice falls to the ground. Zendi reappears besides Sylvia panting slightly at the moment "Well, that's that." She looks at her room mate." Well let us go." She told Sylvia, before a voice rang out "Such foolish children we are, thinking one such as I would fall so easily, but I guess that's to be excepted." If they would look no one was inside the giant ice ball "That's impossible.." Zendi says, before looking around "I will let you off this time, but here a going away present." Zendi instinctively breaths out ice which turns into a giant ice bubble around them.
(( Ooopsy...sorry Wolfy. ))

" So much for plan A.....plan B?" She asked, standing up and pressing her hands against her chest, healing slowly. "I will need a minute to heal up...think this shield will hold?" She whispered, feeling magic flow from her hands and into her chest, pulling the bones back together. Green wisps flew around her body, circling around her before plunging into her chest. She continued to circle around, looking for the woman. "There!" She yelled, regretting it and wincing in pain. She pointed right above them where the woman hovered.

The woman walks off laughing at her "Well, I guess I will see you later kid." She told her, before disappearing into water and she was gone. The giant bubble of water floated above her, before releasing itself and drenching her in water.


"I don't know." Zendi told Sylvia, before looking up to the sky to see the woman up there "Bye bye." She says as she raises her hand to the sky. The wind starts to blow towards her, before grabbing in her palm turning into a ball. The ball grows bigger and bigger, before it was twice as big as the ice shield "Take this." She shouts, before throwing it towards the ground. Zendi looks at it, before smashing the side of the ice shield out "We gotta get out of here." She grabs Sylvia hand, before pulling her with her out. The two of them barely make it out, before the giant wind ball hits the ice shield, before shattering it into pieces with easy. The force from the wind was so strong it separates them skidding her across the ground. Zendi was throw against a tree and knock out. The woman was gone nowhere in site.
Jean watched her go then let out a howl of pain and anger for all to hear. She then turned into her humen form. She ring out her cloths then limped to the nurses station holding her arm that was half way healed.
She yelped when she hit the ground again, spinning across the grass and slamming into a tree sideways. She groaned and sat up, looking around wildly for the woman. Not seeing her, she stood up, forgetting her broken bones, and stumbled over to Zendi. "So much for that plan..." She coughed out, falling onto her kneels and beginning the check on Zendi. There were a few broken bones, and a possible concussion. "Well...I can't heal concussions but..." She reached over the the other girl and laid her hands over the broken bones and forced the little remaining magic she had into healing them. "This would be sooo much easier with a actual nurse here..." She muttered, feeling her energy hit the dregs. She had healed half of Zendi's breaks before losing consciousness and passing out across the ground.
Ranthe quietly opened the door to the infirmary and peered inside, breathing a sigh of relief when Nasuna was nowhere to be seen. She had not intentions of being forced to swallow one of that crazed scientist's concoctions again since the last time Ranthe had needed spell components from the nurse that had been the condition by which she had been forced to abide.

No... Better I just take what I need quietly. Ranthe thought as she crept in, peering about at the cupboards to try to find what she needed before her eyes alighted on the student on the bed who hadn't seemed to have noticed her yet. Well I see she's already taken some of the new students as her "experiments"

Ranthe tried to keep from disturbing the Student as she began to open a few cupboards and search them, her back to the infirmary bed where the student lay.

Black angel wings laying idly against his back Darius watched as the ights in he foest slowly died off, most of the people either ran to the infirmery or passed out in the forest. With a bothered sigh he flew into the air and scowered the woods like a hawk. Finally he spotted two girls laying unconcious in a clearing, he descended lightly and walked over to them.
His ebony eyes looked over them as he crouched and tried to wake them up.
"Hey, not a good idea to fight after a fight." Darius said, his voice deep as he pressed a hand to one of the girls -Sylvias- face.
With supreme effort, she opened her eyes and saw the stranger kneeling over her. "Hey..." She winced and sat up, leaning heavily against Zendi. She placed her hands on the grass and closed her eyes again, leeching the life around her to wake herself up and finish repairing the damage. After several seconds, she stood up shakily, leaning on the stranger. "Can you help me get my room mate back to the nurse?" She asked, trying to cover her near bottomless body. She turned her skirt around some so that the longer side covered her crotch and the burned side covered most of her butt. She picked up her staff and stuck it into the ground, using the staff to store energy she would need to move.
Darius smiled his slow seductive smile, his black wings fanned out as if stretchin as he picked boh women up as if they weighed nothing.
"Gladly." He said pacing the so that they were against his sides and he could hold onto their waists with his muscuar arms. With a mighty puh of his giant wings and they were airborn, swooping over the forest thn circling the campus.
He sniffed around until he found the dorm room in which they both stayed in. Luckily they'd left the balconey door open so he swooped in, the air from his wings making many things fall.
Gently he lay the still unconcious girl on a bed and helped the weak one onto the edge of the bed.
"Thank you sir...." She said, smiling up at him, before turning around, starting to brew a restorative potion. "You could of come sooner you know. I think we were about to get boned..." She muttered, using as little magic as possible to create the ingredients she needed. She crushed them together into a bowl, before willing into existence a fire, placing the bowl over it. She was panting from the exertions, and turned back to the stranger, feeling vulnerable. "Well....I am Sylvia, who are you?"
With a dangerous smile the fallen angel used one of his hands to sweep his black hair from his ebony eyes.
"Darius. Nice to meet you Sylvia." He said, voice deep and slightly raspy. Although his words were kind hisface was not, it was handsome with an underlying sense of danger that most people found alluring.
It was hard to imagine that a man like Darius used to be a guardian angel with nothing but the purest thoughts. With white hair blindingly beautiful and eyes of gold. Now as he sat on the bed he more or less had the sexual allure of a vampire with giant soft raven-like wings, and tan skin. He sat on the edge of the bed that smelt like Sylvia and leaned back using his arms to support him.
The way he was laying made his black shirt ride up, exposing his hip bones and half of his tattoo. The other half hidden under his jeans.
Zendi was still knock out, she was beginning to stir, but she was still not moving for the most part of it. She groans a couple of times. That last attack hit her pretty hard, but she would be alright. Her wounds where already healing, it would be much longer, before she awoken from her slumber.
She tried hard not to stare, but found he gaze constantly wandering back to him, and his crotch. She bit her lower lip and crossed her legs, fighting back the desire swelling in her. She stood up and went over to Zendi, checking over her and using the little magic restored to head minor breaks. She bent over and checked her vitals, not that she was expecting any because she was technically dead, but she wanted to distance herself from Darius, not liking where her emotions where running. She touched her neck, reminding herself of her loyalty to her roommate. She forgot that her skirt was basically ripped to shreds, exposing her butt and panties to the stranger when she was bending over.
Victoria walked towards the main building dragging a suitcase filled with clothes behind her. She also had a backpack that was filled with odds and ends to keep her entertained while at school. Victoria's black cat tail waved back and forth as her steps brought her closer to the school.
His dark eyes wandered over her body while she was turned, his gaze was penetrating as he looked at the curve of her legs then her butt. Darius tilted his head to the side, it gave him the look of innocence. Well it would if it weren't for his dark eyes.
"Id offer your friend my blood, but drinking the blood of an angel is addictive for any creature." He said putting one hand on his upper thiegh.
He was finding Sylvia very attractive with how flustered she seemed around him. So already he felt aroused looking at her red hair which trailed down her back, and her panties which barely covered anything.
Darius began thinking of how it would be to not only lay in bed with sylvia but also the vampire once she were awake. He stood silently and went over to Sylvia and pressed his hand to her lower back. Darius easily towered her so he had to bend over slightly.
"If theres anything I could do." He whispered in her ear.
She jumped up in surprise and turned a cherry red, bright red sparks flying off of her. "No no no!!! It's fine, it's all fine!" She was completely flustered and turned around to face him, leaning away from him as much as she could. Little pin wheels of sparks kept flying around her. "P-Please back away!" She pleaded, forcing her eyes to stay up and not drift down. Since she was under a vampires sway before, she found it easier then most to resist it again. She bit into her lip, trying to calm her beating heart and quivering legs. She felt a slow wetness spreading from her panties to her thighs. "W-watch over her please while I change!" She ordered, grabbing her pajamas and rushing into the bathroom, trailing sparks. She closed the door, but forgot to lock it, and quickly started the shower. Hopefully a warm shower would calm down her dancing nerves. She stripped naked, tossing her wet panties onto the ground, and wrapped a towel around her body, waiting for the water to warm up.
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