The Monster School

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Darius stopped and half turned, looking at the girl who had called her name. His big black angel wings tucked themselves against his muscula bak, a he conciously tucted the edge of his black tank down.
"Yes?" he said in his deep angelic voice staring at her with his hypnotic ebony eyes. Finally heturned fully towards her sheshe could see his tall muscular body with tan skin and broad shoulders.
PrincessManaMi-Ai said:

Smiling with reliefe Aine began directing the two floating teachers into the infermiry.
"Some crazy fire guy attacked us." She explaned spotting a student strugging on one of the beds. He seemed to writhing in the bed. After putting the teachers in separate beds she turned to the female teacher.
"I would heal them with my magic but im afraid that Im quite exausted. If you'd use medicine on them or something that'd be great." She said turning towards the boy on the bed.
Ignoring the fact that she was only in her bra and panties she got close to him and smiled kindly.
"Are you okay? Is there anything that you need?" She asked.

It had been so long since he was left alone, and he was on the brink of insanity. He eyed the girl, Aine, as she walked in, a lust still in his eyes and soul that came from the effect of the drug that accursed nurse had put onto him. He was still erect. Still horny, and seeing her in her bra and panties didn't help. When she walked over and asked if he needed assistance, he just eyed her with eyes that clearly showed something was wrong with him. He unclenched the side of the bed he laid on, having done that to keep himself from lowering himself enough to self pleasure. When she got close enough, Nathan reached out to Aine and grabbed her, pulled her down so that they were eye to eye and only a few inches apart. "F-Fuck my cock...!" HE seemed to order. "That...That bitch nurse...injected me with something...Need to fuck...Can't self ejaculate...Too demeaning...! I need to get this lust out of me...Help me...! Before I force you...!" He seemed to growl his words the closer he got to the end of his sentence.
Ranthe glared at Zasso as he tromped out of the infirmary before making her way over to Mr. Valdemar and preparing to begin again with her healing powers when the shuddering student spoke.

Oh Goddess damn it all... She thought. Changing her prepared spell out of sight. If she doesn't want it I'll save her this once from it being forced upon her although if she accepts... Ranthe blushed again at the thought and smiled mischeviously...

((I can join in, stop anything from happening, or leave. I'll leave that up to you two))
Valdemar shock his head, before growling as he stood up at the moment. He didn't get knock out and he was feeling quiet swore at the moment. He begins walking towards his classroom shaking his head slightly. His head was throbbing at the moment, he sighs to himself, before looking down at his right arm making his way to the headmaster room, before knocking on it trying to see if he was inside of the room "I need to talk to you." He told him knocking on the door again trying to make him open up.

Zendi looks at Sylvia, before placing her finger on her lips and nuzzles into her neck, before pushing her up off of her for a moment. Zendi goes over to the door, before closing it behind her. Then coming back over to Sylvia, pulling her into her arms and rubbing her head against her neck "We alright did it, don't go around that guy by yourself okay. No matter what." He gives her a kiss on the lips, before running her head down her back a few times "I'm not going to take advantage of you in this vulnerable state, not after that guy try to violate you."
"Come in. Come in." Ichiro called out from his room. His lab seemed to be his room, and it was sound proof...though no one knows why. He couldn't hear anything in or out of it, aside from callers from directly beside the door. Getting up from his lab, he pockets a small vial of purple liquid and lifts the goggles to the top of his head. Sighing, he walks over to the door and opens it to see Valdemar. "Ah yes...and you are...Hm..." He held a finger up, saying 'hold on' before turning around and pulling out a small piece of paper that was his cheat sheet. Turning around, he smiled to the male. "Ah yes...Voldemort...Is there something you wish to speak about? Is something the matter?"
She frowned and pouted, but nodded in understanding. "Alright..." She mumbled out, going back to her bed and laying down on it, rolling around as she pulled her pajamas up. They were simple affairs, black silk pants and a white tank top, with a new pair of purple panties. She rolled onto her side and looked at Zendi. "So are you going to go talk to him...alone? Like he wanted?" She asked, nervous.
(we'll see how it progresses)

The boys words caught her off guard, somehow she pulled herself away and stumbled back, bumping into a metal table making several items clatter tothe ground. Blue eyes wide she tried putting distance behind her, loking briefly at her staff which lay by the infermiy door.
"I....Im sorry for your conditon but I cant complete that request." She studdered lamely. Casting a helpless look to the female teacher she let her hand inch closer to her silver staff.

"I'm not asking anymore..." He said as he stood from the table, his legs weak. He began to walk over to her before falling over, landing on his side. He winced in pain as he reached out to her, grabbing her ankle. "A-At least...just fucking...Fix me...!" He roared out, eyes glaring. "I need to get rid of this sensation some how! Do anything! I just need to feel normal again!!"
Valdemar looks at him, before shacking his head lightly at the moment "Well, that's closer then what you called me last time." He was shaking his head to the side, before sighing looking up to him with a more serious look on his face "I'm guessing you didn't feel them here did you?" He told him, before placing his hand on his head and coming closer to him looking at him "I mean how could you held up in here all the darn time." He told him, before sitting down in a chair "Kartin and two other former teachers where here. They where battling some of the students and teachers not to long ago." He told him, before scratching the side of his face "Don't tell me he escaped again."

Zendi comes over to her bed, before landing down in it "That doesn't mean we can't cuddle." She told her, before kissing her again. Her hands running along her back kissing her forehead lightly "I mean you have a full day, not only where we attack, we had enjoyed each other company and then that angel guy attack you." She told her, before running her hands along her head "My dear, he didn't want to meet with me. He wanted to meet with you alone. Do you think after being called a leech he wants to meet with me." She told her as she continues to rub her head lightly.
"I...I don't know.." She blushed and purred in contentment, cuddling close to Zendi. She wrapped her arms around her waist and kissed her softly, nibbling on her lips. " you think I should go talk to him alone? Or.." She was interrupted by furious kissing. She made out with with her vampire lovingly, rolling Zendi on top of her, and wrapping her legs around her waist. She was panting eagerly, biting the other girl's neck hard before kissing and sucking on it.
Jean took a deep breath and said "your hot i mean are you okay i saw you and them girls fight do not need to talk about it if you do not want to and do you think all vampires are leches what about a half vampire and werewolf ". She then blushed saying "sorry not sure why iam like this not normal for me. "
PrincessManaMi-Ai said:
(we'll see how it progresses)

The boys words caught her off guard, somehow she pulled herself away and stumbled back, bumping into a metal table making several items clatter tothe ground. Blue eyes wide she tried putting distance behind her, loking briefly at her staff which lay by the infermiy door.
"I....Im sorry for your conditon but I cant complete that request." She studdered lamely. Casting a helpless look to the female teacher she let her hand inch closer to her silver staff.

Ranthe was trying to judge her powers and the boy's, aiming to knock him out but not to harm him overtly.

"You heard what she said boy, back off. This is your one warning." Ranthe called out, her spell prepared and clasped behind her back.

Hopefully I haven't misjudged his strength and put too much into it or Goddess forbid... Too little.

His face was blank for a moment but soon the swagger was back in his step as he went to stand infront of her. His scent was intoxicating as he looked down at her, reaching a hand up he ran it down her soft cheek.
"Dont be flustered on my account. And thank you for the wounderful compliment, you truely flatter me. he said with a bashful look. "I dont think that all vampires are leechs, and you are something more special than any hybrid that Ive met." He said, cupping her cheek with his large hand.
He was about to put on his usual charm whenever he got thought, he wouldn't dare let the bloodsucker prove her point. Darius backed off slightly and smiled a cute half smile.
"Would you like to take a walk with me?" He asked polietly.


She looked down with concern at the boy then the teacher.
"No its fine he cant help it." She said, kneeling by his side. "Im going to use a spell on him to lessen the effects of the strange medicine put into him, then Im going to help him to his room."
Reaching down she moved the hair from his clammy forehead. "but if you'd hold him down that'd be exellent." She inquired with a hopeful smile.

"Anything...Please...just get rid of this...this feeling..." He begged. "Any pain is better than this lust I've felt for who knows how long...Its felt like days for me...Oh god Just help me...!" He begged, holding onto her ankles tightly as he begged. The feeling of uncontrollable lust was too intense for him. It was taking a significant amount of willpower not to just stand up and start raping Aine right there just to relieve the feeling he felt.



"Well, I have to keep this place quiet cause of all the fighting that goes on. Don't need every cry and shriek or any earthquake to disturb me and my potions and chemicals." He nodded as he crossed his arms, but then he heard what Valdemor said about three exiled teachers having attacked students and the other teachers. "Hm...Well then...By how you're alive, I assume you can handle them. Nevertheless...they are still a threat to the students and their safety is our top priority...mainly because their habitation of the island is what funds us." He snickered and motioned for Valdemor to follow him into the lab. "Lets see...Gotta make another potion that can seal them away once more...Hm hm hm..." He began to look through his books and check recipes on sticky notes that were all around the room, searching for a special chemical potion to use against the exiled teachers. He seemed so...calm about it.
Ranthe could see his willpower holding him in place and could tell he would break soon. "Understood." She said simply, a second before she released the energy from her palm into him, a jolt that should hopefully have knocked him unconscious but seemed to have no effect as the student continued to shake. Desperately Ranthe began building up the energy again but with a sinking feeling in her heart. He'll break before I'm finished the spell!
Aine placed his head on her lap with the upmost gentleness. Then she pressed her hands to the sides of of his face.
"Im going to use my magic to lessen the effects of the magic. You wont be on the brink of insanity with sexual tension, it'll be a normal if not slightly more lustful urge to have sex." She explained in a calm voice. "You will need to have sex to get rid of the erection." she finished.
A soft glow began eminating from her hands as she closed her eyes and concentrated. After a good two minutes she opened her eyes and the glowing stopped.
"How do you feel?"
Jean felt his hand on her cheek and she shivered from the chills going up her spine. she let out a blush something she is not known for and said "that would be wounderful". she reached out and took hold of his hand and said "is this alright i can let go if you want"? she hoped she was not moving to fast for the Angel. she also hoped this guy did not have a girlfriend or there was going to be a fight later .
His expression was warm as his hand enveloped hers, then he lifted her hand to his mouth, placing a tender kiss on it.
"This is fine." He said softly. They continued down the hall admiring scenery that passed by in the large glass windows and everyonce in awhile he'd look down at the girl admiring her.
They exited the girls dormatory and walked outside to a large thick garden that split the girls and boys dormatorys traveling to the middle where a large marble fountain sat, a mermaid positioned at the top trickling water.
"wow this place is beautiful " she said letting go of his hand. she turned to him after stopping at the fountain and giggled she then splashed him with water and said "I bet you can't get me". she was teasing him and trying to get him to play along. she was loving this moment with him.
Darius was suprised as she splashed the cold water onto him but his suprise soon turned to amusement. Pulling his top off he revealed a chisled body and half of te tattoo between his hip bones. It was hidden enouph that it was hard to tell what the tattoo was, but it was still attractive.
Tossing the shirt onto the ground he jumped into the fountain and pulled her along with him. They landed in the theigh-deep freezing cold water and Darius splashed the girl playfully. It felt good to actually spend time with a girl.
He let his large black angel wings open up to shake off the water. Sunlight shone down making the parts of his body that were wet glisten, he reached out to touch the hybrids soft hair.
"Im Darius." He said, eyes lustful as he bend down to kiss her forehead. With a mischevious smile he stepped back then splashed water onto her. The lustful look returned as he watched the water make her clothes cling to her perfect body.
Zendi chuckles, before giving her a kiss on the lips and nuzzling into her neck lightly "Mm, does he make you uncomfortable?" She ask her, before kissing her forehead again "He did try to take advantage of you." He taps her on the noise with one of his fingers lightly, before holding her tightly "If I had someone who tell my friend that I was only protecting them, because they where my meal ticket then I be mad, but this is only my opinion." She chuckles running her cold hand down the side of her face "It's up to you? Do you really want to be alone with someone like that again? And if he tries something?"

Valdemar rubs his head looking at head master, before sitting up and getting out of the chair "Gezz, really from first look no one would really guess that you where that strong." He laughs to himself, before following closely behind him "I guess that's a good thing." He smiles lightly, before looking at the head master "Well, as long as they didn't get one of the Islands magical treasure it's okay." He say to him, before shrugging.
Jean stopped dead still when the Angel took off his shirt and she had to take a breath it was hot. He was hot she loved the look of his chest. she noted he had some tattoo but that did not matter to her in fact it made him look hotter. She giggled when he jumped into the fountain she was caught off guard when he pulled her right into it. "hey no fair you used your chest distract me ". she teased him. she let out a shiver from the cold water brushing against her skin. She had on a blank tank top with a black leather jacket and jean shorts that had holes in them with leather boots. she tossed off her jacket out of the fountain. she giggled when he splashed water on her making her cloths hug her body. she was breathing hard her heart racing from the look of his wet body. when he touched her hair she did not brush his hand away instead she stopped breathing for just a second. "my name is Jean nice to meet you Darius" she responded when he told her his name. when he kissed her forehead she closed her eyes and her mouth opened like they was excepting a kiss. she soon opened her eyes and looked up at him then took a step closer to him and said "tell me do you like what you see"?
Darius waited a few moments before answering he let his deep ebony eyes look into her big beautiful eyes, then steppin foreward once more he put his hands on her round hips. Slowly they edged their way up, pushing her dripping black shirt with them. He pushed it up until her navel was exposed thats where he stopped, pulling her closer to him with her hips.
"Mmm, if words could express how much I like it." He whispered to her.
Her breath came short and quick. She was excited and no way nervous. she knew if she kept this up what would happen but she did not care she wanted it so bad. First she got beat down by a teacher then by a woman she did not know. She wanted to do something to make her feel good and he was it for he was hot and for some reason she wanted him even thou she did not know him . she smiled and said "Good cause your body makes me nervous and do not know why and i want it like i have never wanted anything before". she did not move his hands away from her shirt instead she leaned into him and put her hands on his chest taking a finger and moving it all around his chest like she was making a pattern.
A nice breeze blew by shifting his shaggy black hair breifly before dropping it into his eys once more. Raising his hand he brushed it away to see her better.
"Is that so?" He asked teasingly, "Well perhaps I can do something about that." Darius said running his hands up further to the end of her ribcage. "Your so soft." He said close to her ear, he put on of his hands on he neck, directly below her earlobe and leaned foreward. Darius's lips brushed Jeans at first and smiling lightly pressed his lips to hers. It was a tender kiss the kind that took your breath away. He let it last long before pulling away.
"Where would you like to take this?" Darius asked.
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