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The Monster School

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Ranthe gave a warm smile and nodded to the boy, "You certainly may find my class interesting and should you desire more hands on and magically specific lessons I would be quite happy to teach you in private if you were interested." She gave a sly little grin as she said this, planning perhaps a little more than just lessons in magic if the boy wanted...

She gave an innocent little smile and cocked her head at Charles, waiting for an answer.
Charles rubbed his chin, and then nodded his head, "Well now, that sounds good, I think a lesson would be ideal, the best way to improve my knowledge," he commented with a half smile. He was going to get to learn something new. Maybe something he could put into his arsenal of tricks if it was needed. He was at the moment pumped up to have a lesson from the teacher. "I am thankful for the chance, I will be as good of a student as I possibly can," he announced with a warm smile, confident in his own skills of learning.
"You flatter me, I suppose I should give you a list of my free times in which I can train you." Ranthe reached into her bag and passed a neat schedule to Charles. "I am often with little to do outside of my teaching so do not worry about disturbing my time, books can become awfully boring no matter how useful and practical they may be..."

Zendi chuckles at her room mate, before groaning slightly at the moment, before kissing her forehead lightly. She taps her on the noise playfully at the moment, showing her she like her action "Hush now you." He giggles at her, before groaning again at her nibbling "That guy doesn't seem like the one to stop at kissing or biting, he probably off trying to seducing another girl at this very moment. If you go around him alone, you better be prepare to be another notch in his belt."


Valdemar tilts his head to the side, before groaning slightly at the moment "You make no sense sometimes." He laughs at the moment, before shrugging to himself at the moment "But there is one thing. Thanks to Zasso inpatients me, him, and one student have surfer from his broken mask curse." HE told him watching him, before sitting down "I don't know why you hire some people here." He laughs to himself "Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk."
Charles nodded his head as he took the schedule and nodded his head, "thank you very much, ma'am," he said with a nod of his head, "I can't wait to start learning as much as possible, there is no flattery about it. I have come here in search of knowledge, and this will give me the chance," he said calmly. "I agree with you on books, they can be rather boring, working something with ones hands is far better, then reading about it in a book."
Ranthe nodded, "I will see you soon then I hope" she said with a smile and a little twinkle in her eye before walking off towards the faculty dorm with a spring in her step and a cheerful smile on her face. Entering her room she removed the bag from her coat pocket and slung the garment over a chair, before lying in the bed, raising her hand to toy with little creatures of fire that sprung from her fingers and wandered at her command.

((Once again I am out until I see a place to jump back in.))
The young fire mage nodded as he gave the teacher a friendly nod as she left the area. He would make sure to learn what he could from her when he got the chance. Yet for now, he figured some exploring was in order. He figured that he could see what was up around the whole of the campus. He hadn't done so yet, and while he knew to be on guard at almost all times, he knew also that the trip could be very rewarding as well. He figured he needed to get to know his fellow students at some point, this being a good enough time.

She was taken aback at nathans moan it had supirsed her and excited her. She bit her lip absentmindedly and began massaging his hips and theighs slower in an almost teasing way.
Once or twice one of her fingers would accidently hook into the top of his pants; began daydreaming about how it would be to remove those pants and then....
'Stop it!' She thought harshly. Taking a deep breath she continued massaging him biting her lip again whenever his cock throbbed at her.
Jean watched him as he sat up and wipe his mouth her breathing going in and out fast as she knew what was going to come next. She felt his hands on her shoulders then she felt him go inside of her and she let out a moan of excitement and pain. It had been a long time sense she had a male inside of her. she then moved to take him better inside of her. As he began to thrust inside of her she felt the pain go away and all she could feel now was pure pleasure. She wrapped her hands around him and held onto him tight and started moaning real loud. "omg you feel so good inside of me oh your so big you feel me all up inside ". she manged to say while moaning.

It was pure bliss having sex with the hybrid and her moans make him even more excited. When she pulled him to her he lay down careful not to crush her and wrapped his ams underneath her his, lifting them up more so he could push in better. As she moaned he breathed out heavily since each thrust of his hips felt so good it was like extasy.
The fallen angels black wings spread out to their full length bathing the two in shadow. Then he pulled her up until she was sitting on his lap but he continued thrusting, his wings now wrapping around them in a downy soft embrace
She was now screaming in pleasure from his thrusts. When he picked her up and set her on his lap she wrapped her legs around him and still cling to him real tight. She was not raiding him to his movements. She let out a scream saying "I'm gonna cum soon ". she was trying to hold it back for she wanted more of him before she came.
Wolf_Demon said:

Valdemar tilts his head to the side, before groaning slightly at the moment "You make no sense sometimes." He laughs at the moment, before shrugging to himself at the moment "But there is one thing. Thanks to Zasso inpatients me, him, and one student have surfer from his broken mask curse." HE told him watching him, before sitting down "I don't know why you hire some people here." He laughs to himself "Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk."

"Broken Mask curse? Hm...I'll have to look into this...its been a while before I have attempted to even read any of their dossiers of those who are banned from this island and sent to the Void. Though, it intrigues me that they found a way out." He shrugged. "I guess some dimension walker allowed them their freedom, but that is perfectly fine. I'd rather imprison them once more than have to fight them."

PrincessManaMi-Ai said:

She was taken aback at nathans moan it had supirsed her and excited her. She bit her lip absentmindedly and began massaging his hips and theighs slower in an almost teasing way.
Once or twice one of her fingers would accidently hook into the top of his pants; began daydreaming about how it would be to remove those pants and then....
'Stop it!' She thought harshly. Taking a deep breath she continued massaging him biting her lip again whenever his cock throbbed at her.

(lol it seemed you kinda missed the part where he began to massage her ass.)
(Oh yea i totally forgot!)

Aine was just about controled whenever Nathans hand snaked around to touch her soft buttcheek. She must've jumped ten feet the backed of her fce a litteral shade of red. She wasn't a virgin but had been awhile since she'd been with a man.
She sucked t up, taking a deep breath then leaned over, pressing a deep kiss to his lips.

This, however, Nathan did not expect when she placed her lips upon his. He expected her to jump back and leave or just scold him for doing so, rather than immediately kissing him afterwards, and with such power. He did not hold back his returning kiss, his lips kissing her back as she kissed him. His hand continued to massage her ass, making sure she felt good as he kissed her. Eventually, he pulled away and looked at her with a small smile. "Didn't expect you to just jump at me like that..." He teasingly said with a chuckle as he looked at her.

(Oh, n if you want to fix your signature, you have a small space between the first
Valdemar chuckles a bit. before licking his lips lightly "Oh well, I don't know what they are after." He cracks his neck lightly, before looking at him "But, there up to no good whatever it is." He tales pit a smoke that looks like a cigarette from his pocket standing at the back of his lab "You don't mind if I smoke this in here." HE asked him, before placing it into his mouth "Oh, this curse will come off eventually, but it can be rather annoying while it's around."
Ichiro sighed. "You should really cut that habit. Just smoke near the door so your accursed flames do not set my chemicals aflame. Even with the enhancements my body has, I won't be able to endure an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb at this close of range." He nodded and sat back, watching his friend as he smoked. " is he? Is he harmed? What of the other student who was inflicted by the curse?"
Tenji and Sakura

Tenji Naiki was in his own teacher's dorm looking over his things as he looked out one of the windows. Things had been mostly quiet for the middle aged swordsmen, he had become a teacher at this unique place out of curiousity. As well as so he could keep an eye on his one daughter.

He looked over towards the couch to see, his little girl, Sakura reading a book quietly, by herself studying as she rather enjoyed. She looked so much like her late mother, it was scary sometimes, looking far more her elf side then her human side. He looked up though the window as he looked at how peaceful it was outside.

"Interesting," he said without looking towards his daughter who was sitting facing towards the door of the living quarters of the room.

Sakura looked up blinking for a second, "yes, of course, it is, or else I would be reading it silly," she said with a nod shaking her head. She was there to learn, but also to be able to stay around at least one person she knew. If she hadn't, she would of been stuck by herself, which would of been rather horrible for the young half elf.


The young mage decided to head back to his own dorm, it was getting to that time, and he figured that it would be nice to relax. He could also do some work,and figure something out for the next few days. He walked tossing a ball of fire around the size of a baseball in his right hand. It was something he did when he was thinking as he was thinking at this moment. He wanted to be able to master as much as he could, but sadly, that took time. He knew that it was going to take a great deal of work as well, that he didn't mind so much. Charles stopped for a moment outside his dorm and looked around, before walking into the building.
(Thanks! Ill get to it sooner or later :p)
"Well you do owe me for helping you." She smiled slyly, with a snap of her fingers the rubber bands and pins n her har dissappear making it fall in delicate waves down her back. Her dress also dissappeared as well revealing a sil bra and thong, her eyes twinkled as she began kissing his lips teasingly.

Despite Jeans comment he kept going, thrusting deep into her.
"My you are easy to please." He breathed. His cock throbbed as he felt ready to blow but he wanted to hold on until she came.
He watched her body as it seemed to lose its clothes into thin air. He eyed that beautiful body, though his eyes moreover stayed her on her ass so he could watch it be slightly concealed by the thong. He looked to her and said nothing as he began to kiss her again tenderly, his hands going over to her hips to pull her to lay on top of him. As she lay on him, his hands began to massage her ass, making sure to tease her every now and then by pulling her thong upward to press itself against her pussy. His lips glided against hers, his eyes closed as he enjoyed himself as he continued on. "Your lips are so soft...and your ass is so...squeezable..." He said teasingly as he squeezed them tightly to tease her.
She giggled back and nodded, "Ok, Zendi." She hugged her close, enjoying Zendi's body as she shaped herself to her. She kept biting her neck, wanting attention that was slowly dying away. Finally she stopped and laid down on the bed, falling asleep, but still glowing a soft lavender. She rolled onto her side and dreamed of fun.
Jean moaned and said "no not really your just so good at this ". She soon arched her back and screamed "Iam ccuming". She laid down on the grass again breathing heaving and she still clang to him saying "that was great ".
Zentha stepped off a giant winged bird, no, closer inspection revealed the bird to be no more than solidified light. She looked around the island and smiled to herself a bit, adjusting her bow and sword on her back. Today was her first day here at the academy and she was ready to finally figure out what her powers were truly capable of, ever since that incident with the swamp witch, she hasn't been able to get anything really off her mind. She took a few steps forward, looking for something like a welcoming area or administrations office, but was clearly quite at a loss as to where she would be going to finalize her registration, quite at a loss indeed.
Ranthe was wandering the campus again in her boredom when she saw the great bird beginning to spiral downwards. Some sort of Magical construct... Not used by any of the current students and all the teachers are accounted for save a few specific exceptions... She came to these conclusions quickly. It must be a new student running a bit late then... Classes started yesterday, although it could be a messenger. Either way it's likely important She thought as she turned to walk towards the site the bird was spiralling down towards, arriving just in time to see an elfin looking figure in rather revealing white armor dismounting the bird.

"Hello?" She called to the figure, throwing a hand up in a wave. "Are you a new student?" She asked as she continued to approach. If she is she's certainly a pretty one...
Charles was walking down the hall when he looked outside and saw a large bird landing down on the grounds of the school. He looked at the bird for a moment as he noticed the teacher from earlier going out to deal with the new student as well. He shrugged his shoulders, figuring it would be best to not get into the situation as of the moment, but he figured it would be a good idea to say hello tot he new student at some point. He walked down the hall, when he noticed one of the other teachers, Tenji as well as one of the students, Sakura, the teacher's daughter. He went up and talked to the two of them, trying to gain any info, though soon figured out there knowledge laid in areas that were not connected with his own skills, for the most part. Tenji and his daughter were just out for a walk, for Tenji, getting to help a student was always good.

He came at the same moment as Jean, his hot fluid pumping into her, filling her. Breathing evenly he lay down next to her, his soft black hair out of his ebony eyes for once.
"Yes it was, and I look foreward to the next time." He smiled kissing her forehead endearingly. They lay there for a good ten miuntes before he stood and begn dressing.
"You won't get pregnant." He said softly. "Being one of the divine women will only get pregnant if I wish it." Darius didn't have his shirt so while he stood there the sunlight played off of his tan musular body. And with one parting smile his black wings spanned out. They gave a few powerful strokes lifting him easily into the air.
On the soft grass there was one soft black feather being moved softly by the wind.


She giggled lightly glad that she was going to do this.
"So your an ass guy huh?" She teased sitting up to removed her silk black bra. Once gone it revealed her round breasts with peky nipples, smiling she rubbed her hands down his chest, stopping at the edge of his pants unbuttoning one button.
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