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The Monster School

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Jean soon got her breath and looked at him and gave him a smile. "yes as well as I do" she said while smiling but deep down inside she had doubts about the next time. she put up bars around her heart so he wont steal it and break it like the last man. He was the second man she had been with and this time she wont be played a fool. She closed her eyes when he had kissed her on the forehead. She watched as he got dressed then she too got up and started to put her cloths back on. She had turned her back to get her cloths and put them on and with only her panties and bra on she turned to him when she heard him speak of her becoming pregnant and she said "oh okay that is good cause right now i do not want a kid ". she turned to finished getting dressed to look back to see him smiling at her while he fanned his wings out and lift into the air she waved to him saying goodbye. She looked back at were he laid noticing a feather and picked it up and put it in her pocket to have something to remember this moment by. She then went to the fountain and took a drink of the water then headed back to the school to see about private lessons or to see what else she can find for her to do.

Feeling relaxed he flew around the school admiring it's splendor, finally landing on the front steps he went inside to walk the halls in search of amusement.
Jean soon came to the school and was heading to her dorm. she felt like putting this feather with the other trinket that she had kept from her last boyfriend. she pushed open the door to her dorm and walked in . she got out her stuff and finely unpacked. she took out a small shoe box and put the feather in with a locket. she did not open the locket but she ran her hand once more over the feather and shivered from the feel of what just happened. She then put the shoe box into the closet and shut the door . she was going to hide it under an old blanket that she used to use as a baby. she then laid down on the bed for just a second before she walked to the bath room and shed her cloths and turned on the shower.
PrincessManaMi-Ai said:

She giggled lightly glad that she was going to do this.
"So your an ass guy huh?" She teased sitting up to removed her silk black bra. Once gone it revealed her round breasts with peky nipples, smiling she rubbed her hands down his chest, stopping at the edge of his pants unbuttoning one button.

Nathan chuckled and shook his head. "Nah...I'm not a any sort of guy. I just find yours to be...interesting..." He said with a laugh before he saw her breasts bare without her bra. He erected even harder into his pants, and when she unbuttoned it, his cock would spring out unexpectedly and pointed out straight and hard. "I'm a shape shifter...I can change any part of my body...Is there anything specific you want...changed...?" He whispered to her seductively.
(Haha reminds me of epic movie)

She ran a finger down his hard shaft.
"Hmm, I dont know." She said kryptically, grabbing his penis she began rubbing it slowly. He was thick and long but Aine liked the feel of a cock going deep into her.
"Maybe make your penis longer? I like 'em long." She said bashfully. Her vagina was already wet, seeping through her thong as she stood to remove his pants. When those were off she removed her thong which was little fabric if any. Then she climbed back ontop of him her white hair sliding sexily off of her shoulders.
(lol I was thinkin the exact same thing when writing it.)

"Heh...and here I took you for the innocent nurse..." He said tauntingly as he began to make his cock grow longer until it was to the point she wanted him to stop. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her onto him, having her breasts press against his chest and his cock prod against her pussy as he looked her in the eyes. "Its your move..." He said gently as he continued to prod her. "Whenever you're ready...just push back and embrace it all Aine..."
Jean sat in the shower singing along to her radio washing away all edvadence of her time with Darius. She felt the water run down her back and she let out a sigh feeling much better and no so dirty. She laughed at the thought she loved how her body felt after sex she just wanted something to do so she took a shower. She soon turned off the water and got out and wrapped a towel around her body and one for her hair. she stood in the marrior and smiled at her self saying "Jean your one bad bitch and dame sexy no wounder the fallen angel wanted your body badly".
Zendi kisses her roommate good night, before pulling the covers around them "Go night precise." He to told her, before wrapping her arms around her and drifting off to sleep herself.

Valdemar goes over to the door, before smiling lightly and lighting up his cigarette smoking it "Bad habit eh?" He smiles at him, before flicking some ashes "Last time I cheek demons weren't exactly into good habits." He chuckles lightly again, before tilting his head to the side, before thinking "It'll take a full day, before the curse comes around in full." He told him, before shrugging "So, no telling at this point what's going to happen." He told him, before taking another puff of his cigarette "But other then that nothing seems to wrong with either of them, but my current form is due to the first time I got curse." HE told him, before licking his lips lightly "So, mad scientist? Need me to leave you alone to do your work. It's earlier then I wanted too, but I'm going to need you approve the training room in my class room."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Do whatever you need to train your students. Just be sure you don't kill them off. We don't want to lose money on a decline of applying children." He nodded and sat down at his desk and began to fiddle with his potions. "I'll try and find a cure for curses are mythical and not scientific...that may be a problem...I'll see what I can do. Until then, go and do whatever you need to while I look into the matter of these curses and the three unwanteds on the island."

Stopping every once in awhile to admire some painting or sculpture, his thoughts drifted lazily to Sylvia and hen he felt the pang of regret. He didn't know why her resistence had been so high, apparently she was a very strong woman. Darius had never molsted a girl, because he wasn't that kind of a man. Usually when he wanted to have sex with a woman they wanted as well due to his sexual appeal. Plus he'd never heard any complaints afterwards.
Smiling a bit at his memory of Jean and their time together, she was a very attractive girl. But once again regret washed over him and he hoped Sylvia would talk to him. Slowly he meandered his way to his dorm room for a shower and a change of clothes.


The witch did as he said sitting back slowly, his long hard cock going into her wet tight pussy. It had been awhile since she had been with a man seeing as how she had devoted all of her time to studying. The clothes forming her main trick.
It hurt letting all of him go into her because of how tight she was, but thanks to all of her juices it slipped in easily. The pain quickly turned to pleasure as she finally got all of him in her.

He moaned out loudly as he felt his cock go to the base. It was all the way inside of her, and he could feel how tight she was. He would've guessed her out to be a virgin, but he didn't feel himself pierce her hymen or anything. "God you're fucking tight..." He murmured as he looked at her with a chuckle. "Go on...begin to move and I promise to make you feel nice and good...just...try and watch my hips...I wasn't kidding when I said it was in a little pain." He chuckled and began to buck them slightly to tease her.
After jean got dressed she left her dorm declearing to her self she wont fall in love with the fallen angel. She explored the school some more. She soon came across Ichiro"s room and walked on in holding a gem in her hand that gave off a fint purple glow.

The witch nodded slightly and begun moving her hips up and down his cock sliding effortlessly into herbecause of her juices, she took it slow at first but then gained speed still being careful of his hips. She kept her legs spread as to not put too much pressure on him as she moved up and down.
Her moans sounded slightly loud in his room so she tried to keep it down as she leaned down to kiss him. A shiver ran through her at the intense pleasure running all throughout her body.
Nathan began to kiss her back when her lips pressed against his. He wrapped his arms around her and kept her close as he felt her riding up and down on his cock. He moaned into her lips, his tongue sliding into her mouth to wrap around hers as she rode him. This was his first time in a good while since he had had sex...and with the effects of the drugs he had put into him before, he would have so much pent up tension that he wouldn't last long. "Where do you want me to cum...I'll cum wherever you want Aine..." He whispered seductively into her neck.
Jean explored the mad scentist's room careful not to touch anything. She looked at all the stuff and chuckled he looked like a hoarder compared to her stuff.

Ichiro ignored the intruder in his room and continued to work on some potions he was working on. His goggles protected his eyes from the bright illumination of a poisonous chemical in its raw form. When it was safe, he removed the goggles and set the chemicals aside before turning aroudn to look at the girl. "Yes? Can I help you? You know, most people ask to come in rather than just barge in." He chuckled.
Jean looked at the man who spoke to her and made note he was a handsome man. She smiled and said "sorry to bother you i was bored so i went exploring my name is Jean iam a student here ". She did not know if she needed to go into all about being a student but what the heck why not.
Kaybee said:
Ranthe was wandering the campus again in her boredom when she saw the great bird beginning to spiral downwards. Some sort of Magical construct... Not used by any of the current students and all the teachers are accounted for save a few specific exceptions... She came to these conclusions quickly. It must be a new student running a bit late then... Classes started yesterday, although it could be a messenger. Either way it's likely important She thought as she turned to walk towards the site the bird was spiralling down towards, arriving just in time to see an elfin looking figure in rather revealing white armor dismounting the bird.

"Hello?" She called to the figure, throwing a hand up in a wave. "Are you a new student?" She asked as she continued to approach. If she is she's certainly a pretty one...

Zentha turned to the waving girl and just barely made out what she had said as she started to make her way over. She waved in response and called back, "Yes! I'm sorry I'm late, It's just that traveling took a bit longer than I thought!" As she stepped closer to the other girl, the light bird dissipated into it's natural element, becoming nothing more than particles of light, like fireflies dancing in the sunlight. She shifted her bow on her shoulder and stopped just a few paces from Ranthe, there she bowed a bit as she introduced herself, "I am Zentha Mirios. Elf of the Western Forests and inheritor of the Gift of the Manaverse." she smiled.

"Yes yes whatever you say." He said with a shrug. "Just remember to not just barge into here. Its called rude y'know." He chuckled and stood up. "Well now miss, if you're in here, then I would assume you have a reason for being here rather than simply just roaming the school, looking for something to do, yes?"
Jean laughed and said "no I'm sorry just plain bored it seem all the classes are over and the only i have done to entertain myself was sleep with a fallen angel you do have any ideas do you to keep a hybrid busy would ya"?
Ichiro shook his head. "Sorry miss Jean." He said as he sat down in his chair and turned his back to her, going back to his chemicals and potions. "I have a policy to not sleep with the students of my island. So you'll find luck elsewhere, but not here." A small drilling sound could be heard as some sparks began to fly off every now and then. Nathan was still working on how to remove the curse that had been placed on a few inhabitants of the island.
Jean burst out laughing and said "I was not asking you to sleep with me handsome just if you knew of something to do oh well i see your busy i will look up the other students or maybe that teacher i signed up for private lessons". she walked right out of the door still chuckling and thought good grief typical guy . Jean walked outside to see two girls and a boy she had never meet before so she walked over to them waving and saying "hello".
(its kaybee and the ones greeting her)
Valdemar went to his room after he was done with the head master. Walking around the place, before stopping all of a sudden "Gah." He grabs the side of his head, before growling looking to be in pain for a moment "Damn it." He growls out louded "Stay calm, stay calm." He told himself, before growling louder in pain loud enough to be hear down the hallway, before slams his other fist into the wall. You could see the veins popping out from under his as he lets out another loud howl his muscle strain "Calm down and collected yourself control."
(okay forget last post wolf has helped me out here hehe)
Jean had been on her way out of the school when she heard valdemar howl. She knew his voice anywhere. His scent as well. She ran to the sound and said "Mr.Valdemar what is wrong do you need my stone"? she did not know what to do but his howls put bad memory's in her head and she was doing all she could from breaking into anther rage. The stone was a big help to her.
Valdemar turns to her, before looking at her one of his eyes was a different color then the other "Sorry my dear, my infliction would not be stop by that." He told her, before falling onto one of his knees and breathing hard at the moment. She could see more and more of his veins popping out from his skin. He seems to be in extreme pain at the moment "Gah.." He begins to drooling at the moment, his saliva hitting the floor which streams from his mouth more and more. If she would touch him a spark of his energy would fly off of him giving her a tiny zap "I've haven't had this much pain in quiet a while ever since..." His eyes shoot open "It can be...." He gives out another strong howl as his energy came off of him in a bit more force. HE seems to be angry at the moment "If that bastard still alive." Jean could hear something in the background the sounds of a bell. When it rang this time, she could see Valdemar freeze for a moment, before falling into the ground in pain "You've got to get away from here, if you keep hearing that bell you will be in pain too." He told her, before another ring occurs this time when she hears it she can feel a slight cramp in her leg.
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