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The Monster School

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She smiled and stood up with Nathan's help. "I'm Sylvia, pleased to meet you." She curtsied and straightened back up, still keeping a wary eye on the other girl. "Would you like some help picking stuff up? My room mate is out cold so I don't think she would miss me if I was helping others." She flicked her wrist and vines came out of her sleeve, picking stuff up and righting fallen objects.
"Holy shit..." He said when he saw the vines suddenly appear from her sleeves. He looked to Aine to see what her reaction would be, and he only repeated the words with a louder voice. "Holy shit!" He walked over to her and took her hand, looking at the vein as it pulsated. "Aine! Whats wrong!?" He said with worry as he held her hand dearly and trying to fix it. What the hell was going on with her? It made him grow more worried as time went on. "Sylvia, there's somethin' wrong with her! She's...she's...I dunno! It must be Alvah!"
(I figured alvah showing her face once more coldn't hurt)

'Hes not really worried about you, look at how he marvels at her powers. I...I mean WE could outclass her.' The voice said its voice silky and convincing. It lulled Aines mind making her listen to what it said.
'No! Why am I acting like this? I am a calm friendly person!' She thought to herself, pressing a palm to her right temple as a headache began throbbing behind her eyes. The amount of tension and magical power in the room instantly rose a few notches as a black mist began coming off of her pale skin as if she was being burnt from the inside.
A low growling sound formed in her chest almost like grinding bones. Then a powerful force of power burst from her knocking both Nathan and Sylvia back. Once they looked up there Alvah stood with her black hair and green eyes. She also wore the red tube top and black skirt from before.
"Oh I am going to get better and better at that!" She giggled. "You know what this means dont you sweetie?" She asked looking directly at Nathan.
She thudded into the wall and gasped out in shock, landing hard on the ground. "Bitch..." She hissed, looking up with glowing green eyes. She pointed her hands out at her, and vines exploded out, wrapping tightly around the woman, ripping her staff from her hands while wrapping her up nicely. "Ha...That's what you get." She chuckled, rubbing her bruised shoulder. "That really hurt you know..." She said, trusting in her vines. She turned to Nathan and helped him up. "You ok?"
Though Avlah was bound by the vines, his fear still struck him. He had faced this girl before...and saw just what she could do to him. It was worse than what Zasso could do, even though she didn't break his bones...It was just...She was the essence of evil in his eyes from just that short time he saw her before. When she spoke to him before, he couldn't move. He was stuck, fear was holding him down as he stared at Avlah with wide eyes. "S-Sylvia...get the hell out of here..." He warned. "I...I can take care of this myself...its me she wants...I don't know why...but..." He shook his head. "Sylvia! One of us needs to survive this! Go before she kills us both or something! Your vines won't hold her back!"
A chuckle filled the room as Alvah tilted her head in an almost impossible angle, smiling with wide bright teeth.
"Ill give you points for effort." She said looking at the vines wrapped around her. With a single flex of her body the vines snapped.
"But you dont seem to understan, poor Aine was infected with a curse and I am just that. Completely opposite from her; satanic, extremely powerful, and above all merciless." She said in a singsong voice.
Extending her arm the staff flew back towards her which she promptly pointed towards Sylvia. A flash of light burst toward Sylvia and imbedded itself into her chest.
"A binding spell, you will be unable to use magic for twenty four hours. Maybe that'll teach you to mess with me you fucking cunt." She sneered. "Next time I will be around for twenty minutes instead of ten. And it will be bloody." She said at last.
With that she jumped out the window and dissappeared into the night.
"Aine!" Nathan called out as he rushed over to the window and watched as Avlah jumped away. Turning toward Sylvia, he rushed over to her and held her in his arms as he bit his lip. "Sylvia...? Are you alright...?" He said as he saw the binding spell that had been put into her. He frowned and held her close. "Crap...Why didn't you run when I told you to...?" He knew that Avlah was his responsibility now. He was the reason she was drawn out (even though he didn't know he was also the reason for the second time as well), he would also be the reason that she'd be sealed away...hopefully. "Sylvia...just relax...Don't move around too much."
Valdemar groans again, before next one rings, before talking "Pathetic." He said outloud his voice much different then it was. He pulls himself off of Jean, before patting her head lightly "Calm down young one, I will handle this." HE told her, she could tell that whoever was talking at the moment wasn't Valdemar, but it was him standing before her "Come to me." He raises his one hand up and out of his room up ahead came out a giant bell, before coming into his hand. He shakes the bell back and fourth with each chime the noise goes away as does the pain "My oh my still holding onto my bell I see." A voice comes out of nowhere, before the person before Jean responses "Didn't I kill you?" He didn't seem worry at all as the voice response with a laugh "Maybe." As it fades away "What a cheap bastard." Valdemar eye's goes back to normal, before he passes out on the floor right next to Jean.
Jean cursed under her breath as the teacher passes out. She manged to drag him to his room and get him in his bed. She then took off his shoes and tucked him in. She sat down on the edge of the bed watching him and the door before she changed back and laid back in the bed and dozed off with the door to the teachers room wide open.
She regained consciousness and groaned loudly, the color drained from her body. She was near translucent, her red hair was faded back to a murkier color, and her eyes seemed dull. "That...slut..." She coughed out and shivered. Seeing as how she was magical ever since she was born, the stripping of her magic turned her into a wreck. She grabbed her staff and forced herself up, leaning heavily on it in the simple effort to stand. "I...I will....KILL her!" She raged, though the fire was nearly an ember, not an inferno.
(I guess a place holder for my characters ^^; )

Charles had returned to his room, when he felt the distrubance caused by the draining of the magical ablities of someone at the school. It was rather troublesome to think that someone would have such skills. He looked at his staff, if someone did, he might need to get some serious training in on how to use it effectively in battle, just in case, so he had something to fall back on. The sense of the magic fading from the air was strange, to him, he blinked as he went to do some late night reading, quietly.


Tenji had finished his own lesson as he returned to the teacher's door area, he shrugged his shoulders as he walked to his own room. It had been a rather boring day for the swordmaster, but those happened, at least he got to spend some quality time with his little girl and go over her training as they were outside. He smiled as he went into his own room and got put away his belongings, in nice order.


The young half-elf sighed, she had felt something odd in the area a bit before,but she didn't think much about it. She had a good night, learning much from her father as she always managed to do. She headed back to her room to get some sleep herself. It seemed that it was a rather quiet and peaceful night to her at least. She figured the other students and teachers where already alseep for the next day. She figured she would be heading to sleep rather soon herself, she thought as she wonder the halls towards her own room.
Felixia_Luna said:
She regained consciousness and groaned loudly, the color drained from her body. She was near translucent, her red hair was faded back to a murkier color, and her eyes seemed dull. "That...slut..." She coughed out and shivered. Seeing as how she was magical ever since she was born, the stripping of her magic turned her into a wreck. She grabbed her staff and forced herself up, leaning heavily on it in the simple effort to stand. "I...I will....KILL her!" She raged, though the fire was nearly an ember, not an inferno.

"Hey wait!" He said as he held Sylvia and laid her down in his bed with a frown. "You're in no condition to look terrible...literally..." He said as he rubbed the back of his head with a frown. "Listen Sylvia...just relax and don't look like you'd be much help in a fight if you attempt to fight Avlah now..." He frowned. "We need to think of a way to get this binding spell off of you faster...but how...?"
Alvah sat on the school roof her head turned towards the night sky scrutinizing the stars her eyes glowing. She loved being free it was terrible to be trapped inside someone. She didnt know of her existance all she knew was she had just appeared the other day trapped in Aine.
After several failed attempts to escape a voice had came to her from nowhere, she hadn't seen a face but she had gotten a feeling of intense heat like fire.
"My child you are Aine the witches alternate personality. Your outlet is anger, whenever she becomes angry you are set free for a certain amount of time. Everytime you are let out your time of freedom is doubled. Use the time freely, and do my bidding. The school treasures must be found! If you cannot find them yourselves use Aine, give her your ideas until she believes she thought them." With that the feeling of fire and the voice dissapeared.
Alvah also knew that she was twice as strong as Aine. Gripping her staff in her hand she began running across the rooftop until she reached Aines room window and jumped inside. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes.
'For now I will twist Aines personality from the inside and hope they dont discover the way to switch me and Aine. The key lies in sleep.' She thought as sleep claimed her.
Her clothes turned into a pale green sundress and hair turned white as Aine returned.
"I...I am useless..." She sobbed, holding her face. "Take me back to my dorm please...I need to figure out how to recharge myself." She said, barely above a whisper. She forced herself up, and leaned against her staff and Nathan, using them as crutches to hobble her way back to her dorm room. She banged her staff against the door and Zendi opened it. "Hey...Zendi, can you help me into my bed?" She turned back to Nathan and nodded to him. "Thank you, sir....I will beat that bitch into the ground." She swore as she turned and hobbled into the room.
Nathan nodded. "Just...try not to die alright?" With that, he turned around and began to wonder. Aine had to be back to normal right...? He felt she was now his duty, thinking he was the reason all of this started. He began to walk from dorm to dorm, expecting her to be back in hers. When he found it, he turned into a small rat and walked under the door frame before turning into a human. He walked over to her and saw that she was Aine once more and not Avlah. "Gotta be the watcher..." He said gently as he pulled up a chair and began to wait for her to awaken so he could figure out how he could help. Though, throughout the night...he began to slowly fall asleep in the chair.
(Several hours later)

It was the morning and sunlight glittered in through the open winow landing on Aines peaceful sleeping face. Sitting up slowly her hair slid forward, looking silky in the light. Stretching her arms above her head she let out a contented sigh and looked down at her outfit.
Frowning atthe dress that she'd slept in used some magic to change it to white jean shorts, a blue peasent top, and tan knee high boots. It was then that she noticed Nathan sleeping in the chair.
Scooting to the edge of the bed where he sat she looked him over and could sense that he had some bruising on his back. Reaching up she pressed her warm hands to his chest and began healing him. But it felt different. Usually it took a few minutes but this time it took seconds. Was she getting...stronger? Dismissing it she put a hand on his theigh and shook it gently.
"Hey...Nathan? Wake up sleepy head."
Upon hearing Aine, his eyes shot open and he flailed, falling back in the chair and hitting the ground hard. The force of the chair falling back sent him rolling a bit before landing on his stomach. "Ow..." He murmured as he grumbled and looked up to see Aine. "Oh thank god..." He said to himself with a sigh, glad that Avlah wasn't there. "Aine...Are you alright? You..." He shook his head. "Listen...I noticed somethin' about your always got angry before you transformed...Are you the Hulk...?" He joked as he tried to lighten the mood as well as tell what he had noticed. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Do you feel any different...?"

He awoke with a start on his bed tears streaming from his ebony eyes. Whoever sai angels didnt cry was a goddamn liar. Darius had had the same dream that he'd been dreaming for fifty years, well more of a memory actually. It was the day that he had fallen in love with his charge, saved her from death, and had been forsaken for it.
Sitting up he wiped away the tears with the back of his forarm. During the night he had felt a giant pulse of power when it had dissapeared just as quickly as quickly as it had appeared. Standing he dressed in some black dress pants and a gray button up dress shirt. Nothing made girls want him more than being dressed up.
Checking his schedule he found he had the swordmasters class, so he exited his room and began walking that way, his wings tucked against his back.


She was confused at first as he sat there with a concerned look on his handsome face before she began giggling.
"I am most certainly not the hulk." She said but quickly stopped laughing. "There is something different....I feel more powerful as if the magical ability in my body has been suddenly increased." She said with a puzzled expression looking down at her hands.
Aine gazed at her hands for a long while until she looked at a clock in her room.
"Its almost time for breakfast." She said.
"Forget the food..." HE said as he looked at her with a frown. "We have to talk about...what you turn into...Are you aware of what you do when you become Avlah...? You're so fucking powerful..." He clutched himself as fear filled his eyes once more. "You become the very essence of evil...and for some reason you mainly go after me...I think you only went after Sylvia last time because she tried to stop you...Aine...We have to work on keeping you calm and never to get angry...otherwise Avlah might take over...from what she tells me..." He was referring to how her time doubles every transformation.
Aine was confused at his words and as such played with her hair in a girlish way. Twirling it around her finger as she thougt deeply.
"I-I dont understand...but perhaps we should speak to a teacher about this." She studdered nodding to herself at the suggestion. What he was saying was insane she'd never had any problems such as this!
'Lets talk to the headmaster.' A voice purred in her head.
"Lets talk to the headmaster." Aine suggested with a smile, mistaking the voice in her head as her own suggestion.
(Care to tell me more about your little masquerade? lol)

"Good idea...cmon...we should go and see the headmaster." He took her hand and smiled gently to her as he began to lead her out and toward the large tower directly in the middle of the island. As they arrived, he opened the door for her and walked her in before going over to a door that said 'Headmaster's Room'. Upon opening it, Nathan and Aine would find themselves on the roof of the tower with another door that said the same thing...but this door led to nowhere. 'Weird...' He thought in his head as he opened the door, revealing the large room within that Ichiro resided in. He was working on his potions again, working on a cure for the curse. "Well...lets go in...shall we...?"
(Ill put it in the ooc thread)

Aine nodded nervously and walked into the room, playing with the edge of her shirt.
"Uhm....Headmaster? We have a problem." She began stopping just inside the doorway. She couldnt see the headmasters face but upon looking around his room could tell that he was an avid studier.
(kk :] )

He remained quiet as he worked on his potions. Nathan grew annoyed at this man and walked over to him and turned the chair around so they could see him, and he flailed back to see that it was just a dummy that had its arms moving up and down. The headmaster appeared behind Nathan with a dagger pointed into the back of his neck and he smiled. "Yes? Can I help the two of you?"
She gasped and whirled around holding her staf at arms length as if to attack, but seeing it was the headmaster lowered it. She studied his soft face nd brown hair and thought instantly how much of an intelligent and handsome man he really was.
Blushing she smiled tentively a him.
"Yessir we came because recently...according to Nathan er, theres been something wrong with me." She rushed on. " Oh! Im Aine by the way....Aine Dioptase....witch." She muttered.
With a deep breath she looked at the dagger pressed against Nathan with a worried look.
"I know who you are and what you are Aine...Nathan." He removed the dagger from the boy and looked to the two of them. "Something's been wrong with you? Well then...lets have a look..." He walked over to her and began to look up and down her body and examining her eyes closely. "Now tell me...exactly whats wrong with you? You look healthy to me..." Nathan began to explain to him what had happened and Ichiro frowned. "Well then that can't be good...coincidently...I'm already working on a cure for something like this." Though it was not a cure for the curse, it was a cure for having a double personality that took its own form...though this would not help her. "From what you've told me however...she's not exactly diagnosed with what I believe she has...all I can do is give you a potion that can mellow her out and keep her calm and keep her from becoming angry so that she does not transform. The only side effect?" Nathan cut him off. "If it causes her to get horny, forget it." Ichiro shook his head. "Dunno where you got that idea from but...the only side effect is just that her powers will weaken to that of just being a regular human who can pretty much just form a spark or make the room chilly. She'll hardly be different from a normal human."
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