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The Monster School

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Suddenly she shreiked in outrage jumping back and knocking into a table of strange utensils.
"No!" She yelled clutching her staff to her chest. "Magic is the only thing I have." She said tears streaking down her face.
'How dare they!' The voice returned.
"How dare you." She growled ominously. An invisible wind picked up in the room whirling around at a single point....Aine. The wind began rattling sharp objects laying around almost strong enouph to pick them up. She began breathing heavilly.
Ichiro blinked as he had a small, surprised look as he stood there, hands in pockets as he watched her without worry. Nathan, on the other hand, had ran to start looking at the labels placed on all the potions on a shelf, desperate to find something that would calm down Aine. "Alright now calm down...It was only a suggestion...You don't have to take the potion if you don't want to." Ichiro said as he started walking to her slowly, hands still in his pocket.
'Get away from him you fool!' The voice squealed grating on Aines very mind. She saw how his hands were in his pockets and the wind in the room picke up. A random scalpel suddenly shot up and flew across the room narrowly missing the headmaster. Aine was terrifeid like a trapped animal and when animals are trapped their irrational.
"Dont come any closer please, just do anything that wont make me lose my powers. Vicadin, Weed, Oxycotton, you name it! Who doesnt like medical marajuana?" She giggled hysterically.
'Bargaining wont work, kill him!' The voice ordered, she was just about to raise her staff to attack him but then dropped to her knees sobbing.
"What is wrong with me? Please dont, anything ANYTHING but that." She pleaded.
'Get away from him you fool!' The voice squealed grating on Aines very mind. She saw how his hands were in his pockets and the wind in the room picke up. A random scalpel suddenly shot up and flew across the room narrowly missing the headmaster. Aine was terrifeid like a trapped animal and when animals are trapped their irrational.
"Dont come any closer please, just do anything that wont make me lose my powers. Vicadin, Weed, Oxycotton, you name it! Who doesnt like medical marajuana?" She giggled hysterically.
'Bargaining wont work, kill him!' The voice ordered, she was just about to raise her staff to attack him but then dropped to her knees sobbing.
"What is wrong with me? Please dont, anything ANYTHING but that." She pleaded.

'Get away from him you fool!' The voice squealed grating on Aines very mind. She saw how his hands were in his pockets and the wind in the room picke up. A random scalpel suddenly shot up and flew across the room narrowly missing the headmaster. Aine was terrifeid like a trapped animal and when animals are trapped their irrational.
"Dont come any closer please, just do anything that wont make me lose my powers. Vicadin, Weed, Oxycotton, you name it! Who doesnt like medical marajuana?" She giggled hysterically.
'Bargaining wont work, kill him!' The voice ordered, she was just about to raise her staff to attack him but then dropped to her knees sobbing.
"What is wrong with me? Please dont, anything ANYTHING but that." She pleaded.
Ichiro stood there and just watched her as she seemed to be in conflict with herself. Nathan was hurrying frantically and then looked over to see a gas tank amongst other gas tanks. The tags on them all said laughing gas...why Ichiro, a chemist, has laughing gas, he really did NOT want to know what horrors could have happened. He grabbed one and rushed over to Aine, pressing the mask onto her face gently and letting her take doses of the laughing gas to mellow her out. Ichiro just stood there and continued to observe before pulling out a notepad and began writing in it.
(I have no idea why tht posted three times)

Shock showed on her face as as soon as Nathan came at her with the mask, she accidentl breathed the gas in because of how hard she was sobbing.
Then the giggles started they came out small at first then grew until she had tears flowing down her face once more. She flailed her hands having a hard time breathing because of the effect of the gas.
'Useless' The voice muttered, and suddenly magic swelled in her chest. It expanded like a warm balm soothing her body and getting rid of the effects of the gas much like it did the medicine that had been in Nathan.
But the strange part was Aine hadnt done it, in order for her to do it she wouldve had to place her hands on her chest, she had been too flustered to do anything. Impossible. As she thought this over she was sitting calmly on the floor.

When she seemed to be calmed down once more, Nathan tossed the gas tank and mask away and held her in his arms. "A-Aine...? Are you alright...?" He said, cautious as to what she would do. "Listen...just relax...don't think about it...we won't take your magic away...promise..." By now, Ichiro walked over, still writing on his notepad. "Well it seems she's calm again...but the gas has no effect on her. thats the case, any other drugs won't work as well...we'll just have to spoil her to be happy." He shrugged and continued to write.
Secretly she liked the sound of Ichiro saying that, he was very handsome afterall. But still she relaxed in Nathans comforting arms, the voice silent for now.
"Although I still dont understand I appreciate the help." She said shyly. Sitting up she pressed a hand to her head woundering what made the voice turn off and on, she lowered her hand and decided not to press the matter as to not create any 'incidents'.
Slowly she stood, pulling Nathan up with her, and straightened her hair and clothes.
"Whatever you say headmaster, just as long as it doesnt involve my magic." She said with a stern expression. Quickly she leaned over and gave Nathan a peck on the cheek as a small thanks.
Nathan blushed as she kissed his cheek. "No problem Aine..." He said gently. Then, Nathan turned his attention to Ichiro. "What have you been writing for the past while?" Ichiro cocked his head up and began to go into a thinking expression before shrugging and showing them a small doodle he had been working on. "Nothin' much. Got bored during the whole encounter is all."
Charles woke up early the next morning, he hard learned a lot about the need to get strong during his time at the school. There seemed to be far more then he realized at first going down at the school. He let out a sigh as he went down to the hall, prepared for the day. How could he deal with a possible who who could cancel out his magical powers. He knew he only had one abilities, that he could use the staff without the magic skills, something he would have to work on in the coming days.

Tenji walked the halls of the school. He walked towards the room he was given to teach in, so far, he had not given any lessons in swordsmanship, or any other martial skills. He moved into the room, as he looked around and then sat down in peace as he took a deep breath and smiled as he drank some warm tea that he had made that morning.

The young half elf woke up early the next morning, her mind clear, as she prepared for the next day. She then went to the get breakfast from her room, a couple of apples, before she went to the training area. She was going to work on her archery skills. She was extremely good already,but she knew that if she stopped working, she would find herself, lacking in her own opinion of herself in a short period of time.
Zendi was reading a book at the moment, before hearing the knock at the door. She gets up and comes over to Sylvia placing her arms around her "What happen to you?" She asked her, before bringing her into the room and closing the door behind them. She makes her way to the bed, before placing her down on it "You don't looks so hot room mate." She told her, before petting her head lightly.
Jean had soon woken up to see the teacher was still out. she got up and checked his pulse and made note he was still alive just out. she went and shut the door this time and found herself a chair and sat down on it by his bedside. she did not care if someone barged in for the door was unlock to see her in the teachers room they can think what they like she was going to make sure he was going to be alright before she left.
Aine gave Ichigo an indifferent look.
"Sorry I wasn't very amusing." She said dryly.
'Get onto his good side, you want private classes.' The voice whispered.
"Headmaster? I hve your class second hour, may I sign up for private classes?" Aine asked sweetly, clasping her hands on her lap polietly.
Kaybee said:
JinmeiXaolung said:
Kaybee said:
Ranthe was wandering the campus again in her boredom when she saw the great bird beginning to spiral downwards. Some sort of Magical construct... Not used by any of the current students and all the teachers are accounted for save a few specific exceptions... She came to these conclusions quickly. It must be a new student running a bit late then... Classes started yesterday, although it could be a messenger. Either way it's likely important She thought as she turned to walk towards the site the bird was spiralling down towards, arriving just in time to see an elfin looking figure in rather revealing white armor dismounting the bird.

"Hello?" She called to the figure, throwing a hand up in a wave. "Are you a new student?" She asked as she continued to approach. If she is she's certainly a pretty one...

Zentha turned to the waving girl and just barely made out what she had said as she started to make her way over. She waved in response and called back, "Yes! I'm sorry I'm late, It's just that traveling took a bit longer than I thought!" As she stepped closer to the other girl, the light bird dissipated into it's natural element, becoming nothing more than particles of light, like fireflies dancing in the sunlight. She shifted her bow on her shoulder and stopped just a few paces from Ranthe, there she bowed a bit as she introduced herself, "I am Zentha Mirios. Elf of the Western Forests and inheritor of the Gift of the Manaverse." she smiled.

Ranthe smiled in an unfocused sort of way at the girl's long list of titles before giving a little bow in return. "I'm Ranthe, no titles or family to speak of and professor of magical theory at this school." She said, resisting the urge to show off like she had in front of Charles as a response to the casual displays of enormous magical power this girl was tossing about. "I'm not in charge of registration or anything so I'm afraid I didn't know of you, people tend to filter in for a few weeks after studies start so it's not too big a deal though." Ranthe shrugged and unexpectedly heard a "Hello!" from behind her and looked about to find a young pale haired girl (Jean) approaching them from across the field. She waved back as the newcomer drew closer and gave a little smile, "I suppose you are a new student as well?"

((Just for the record, There's only Ranthe and Jinmei there, Charles wandered off a few posts back.))

Zentha nodded and gave a formal bow before straightening herself again, "It's a pleasure to meet you then, Professor." She smiled softly. She dusted herself off a bit, her skirt blowing slightly as she did so before she cast her eyes back up to the sky, "It's so blue today..." She giggled. She looked over at another figure approaching them and sighed softly, hopefully she wasn't the only new one here today, and if this girl was new, then...things weren't as bad as she originally thought.
PrincessManaMi-Ai said:
Aine gave Ichigo an indifferent look.
"Sorry I wasn't very amusing." She said dryly.
'Get onto his good side, you want private classes.' The voice whispered.
"Headmaster? I hve your class second hour, may I sign up for private classes?" Aine asked sweetly, clasping her hands on her lap polietly.

"Well...I don't actually give classes...I'm more of the person to come do if I need to issue punishment or help set up events...but I guess if you want to learn some science in chemistry alongside your magic...we could start now..." He shrugged. "Though....there is only one problem. If you are going to take classes with me, every time you come, you must take the potion that weakens your powers, otherwise I will not allow it. I must take understand, yes?"
The witch twisted her head slightly.
"Oh I must've misread I apologize." But at his suggestion the voice in her head hissed.
"What if I only take half the dose? How am I supposed to learn if I cannot use m magic?" She asked sincerely, she stood delicaely and dusted her legs off. She also picked her staff up and offered a had to Nathan.
He really was a very sweet boy she thought as she looked at him with an open friendly face.
Nathan smiled gently as Aine smiled back at him. He held her hand when she offered it to him, however Ichiro's tone did not change. "No. You don't understand. Magic and Science are two different things. If you need magic to perform science, then it is not science at all. No magic whatsoever. A full dose of the potion or no classes. Thats my only offer."
The influence inside her chuckled lightly.
'Stubborn man. Fine do it, bu in your room you'll study potions and how to makr them so that you at least have some power in case of....incidents. Im going to go into a slumber and will awaken in time.' It said and dissappeared. Just like that the strange precense she'd felt for days dissappered.
"Fine. But I want lessons everyday, and extra doses of this potion your going to give me." She demanded lightly.
"Extra doses? No. Extra doses could cause your body to either OD or develop an immunity to it, but you're more of a chance to OD." He walked over to a cabinent and pulled out a small vial and walked over to her and handed it to her. "Drink this...and your magical abilities will be siphoned temporarily before returning to you within three hours. I'll only teach you for up to two hours a day, then you must be off. Shall we get started?"
She huffed lightly but was glad to hear that her powers being gone wouldnt be gone all the time.
Reaching out with a deicate hand she too the vial and slowy tipped it to her full lipsand swallowed. It was bitter tasting and all of a sudden she felt...strange. The powerful magic she could usually felt coursing through her soul was now muted as if by many layers of protection. Looking at her staff she noticed the blue crystals at the top were now a light gray. She tried snapping fingers to change her clothes and only managed in making her shirt and shorts dissappear.
"Shit!" She squealed and with lots of effort, enough to make her face red, her clothes reappear.
"Uh...better wear some of my clothes lest you go nude by accident..." He said to her as he gave her his coat to wrap around her. "I'll be back after an hour...see you then Aine...stay safe." He turned and walked out, though Ichiro walked over to Aine. "Alright then Aine...what is it that you would like to learn to create today huh?"
"Some girl...sapped my powers...for 24...hours." She coughed and collapsed into her bed, panting heavily. "So weak...too magic help." She said, looking over at Zendi, pleadingly. "" She put her staff onto the drawer.
Aine quickly snapped the coat shut displeased at how shapeless it made her feel and nodded lightly at Nathan before turning to Ichigo.
"Well the basics at first so I could get the main principles." She said studying him closely.
"Basics are a little advanced..." He murmured as he walked her over to a small child-like chemistry set that you could buy for twenty dollars in the average American toy store. "Using the chemicals in here...I want you to create...lets start off with something simple that someone like you could do...lets start with you making a candle." HE said bluntly before walking back to his chair. He was trying to anger see if her magical powers, when weakened, would affect her transformation.
Grimacing she stepped up to the chemistry set and examined it. Her grimace deepened, now was about the time she usually was feeling the pain slcing through her headbut felt nothing.
Alvah on the other hand could feel Aines frustration. If Aine got angry enouph she would transform like usual only Alvahs powers would be less than before but still slightly more powerful than Aine is. Quickly she abandoned her slumber and began working on Aine again disquising herself as Aines own thoughts.
'Who does he think I am? Even an idiot could make a candle.' Aine took the bait and looked at the headmaster.
"Are you joking? Anybody can make candles. You must think Im a fool." She accused.
"You are correct sir." He said as he stood up and walked over to her. He shrugged and pulled her away and shook his finger at her. "No no no...If this is how you'll be acting for such a simple task, then you need to be..." He pulled the small chair into the corner of the room and had her back facing him. "put in the corner. Now sit here for fifteen minutes and then I might let you attempt the candle once more." He stepped back and watched her from behind, snickering and laughing silently to help further her anger.
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