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The Monster School

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Jean hears the bell again and her leg started to hurt so she shook it a bit and said "I have got to get you out of here and away from that bell before it kills you". she knew she could not move him in her vampire form she needed to be in her hybrid form the only thing is if she did go into that would she rage when she hears the bell again. She had to risk it for the teacher that had promised her she could get stronger with his help. she changed her form into her hybrid form and with her leg giving her pain she bent down to touch and got zapped by his energy and she let out a howl of pain .
Valdemar groans out a bit in more pain, before he looks at Jean "Thanks jean, but we are going to have to go to my room to escape." He told her, before his power lets out another surge of energy this one greater then the last. The sound of the bell was getting louder and closer now. When the bell rings again the pain intensifies "That bell is called the bell of remorse. It takes all of the bad things you did and turns them into pain, the more times it rings the stronger the effects become around them and the more people can hear it." Valdemar told her, there something in my room we can use to cancel it out." He told her, before gritting his teeth. (It up to you where it hurts now and how much.) The bell rings for a fourth time no signs of letting up.
Jean was now howling in pain but this time she had what looked like a fire in her eyes as she gritted her teeth against the pain that was now in her arm. she manged to left valdemar up onto her shoulder as anther howl escaped but this time the pain was now in her back as she remembered getting slammed into the wall in the all out fight on her clan, she halved walked and limped her way down the hall to the dorm room he had told her about earlier in class. She hoped she got there in time before she lost all sense of herself or died of pain.
(I keep on waiting for you to make her angry lol)
Aine was moaning loudly as she gently rode Nathan, while her hips were bouncing up and down quickly she managed to not put any pressure on his hips as she did so.
"Just tell me when you have to and I'll do the rest." She breathed her hair sliding off her shoulders, her eyes in small slits because of pleasure. Her small hands balling up the sheets as she got closer to an orgasm.
(Well since you gave me the a-okay to do

Nathan continued to thrust into her slightly as she rode him, his hips weakly bucking. He could feel himself coming closer and closer to cumming. He couldn't hold it, and it all happened so fast. His cock began to spew his hot seed deep into her womb. In surprise, he began to pull his cock out of her and move upward, sliding out from under her, but he shot off another blast of seed, going up her body and into the air, most of it landing in her hair. "Uh...o-oops..."
The witch jumped suddenly shreiking in suprise and outrage.
"What the?!" She squealed standing on his dorm room floor cum all over her, she usually didn't get angry but for soe reason hr anger was peaking. Her usual cute and innocent face twisting into a horrified sneer.
"Are you trying..." She began a shudder going throughout her body. "-to ge me knocked up?" She growled, pressing a hand to her forhead as pain shot through her head. A strange black mist began roiling around the bottom of her feet then shooting up to engulf her. Then just as quickly it showed up it dissipated showing her standing there still naked but....different.
Aines snow white hair had become a seductive black and her eyes two glowing emeralds with large pupils.
"Oh my gosh that feels so much better." She purred running a hand through her hair.
"I said I was sorry..." He said when she asked if he was trying to knock her up. He was a little worried about the sneer she had given him, but thought nothing of it until he saw the black miasma fill the room. Fear struck him and he began to shake as he watched her begin to change. He backed away to a wall, watching in fearful awe as the girl before him transformed. Maybe...asking her to his dorm room was a bad idea. Though, on a bright side, he thought, his lust had subsided...but it was replaced by fear. "A-Aine...? Are you alright?" He said as he stood up, still cautious of what she would say.
A power like no other surrounded her as se tilted her head, past the innocent tilt that Aine usually did, until it was demented. She giggled walking ver to him her hips swaying.
"I am better than alright, do you know how gross it feels to be stuck in that goody-goody-to-shoes?" She asked pressing her body aganist him and draping her arms on his shoulders.
"By the way Im Alvah, Aines alternate personality." She whispered a hand snaking up to grab a handful of his hair. Then stepping away from him she flung him across the room by his hair. Nathan would slam against the opposite wall easily making a dent.
"I am also a Bitch from Hell and considerably more powerful." She giggled. With a snap of her fingers the cum dissapeared replaced by a black miniskirt, red tube top, and black strappy heels.
Charles listened to the young woman, as he made note of her name, and where she was. He then looked at the teacher and his daughter and waved to the both of them, as he headed off to his dorm, he very much hoped to run into her in the future. He figured there wasn't anyone for him to talk to, so heading back to his room, seemed like a good idea.

Tenji, noted her skills, he might have to teach her some,being the swordmaster of the group of teachers. He turned to his daughter and smiled, at least another elf was around. Sakura was happy about that fact, as she nodded to her father, as she and him went out to the courtyard to get some training in. A sparing match always was fun for the two of them, and always a good way to improve there skills, though by far more Sakura's skills.
PrincessManaMi-Ai said:
A power like no other surrounded her as se tilted her head, past the innocent tilt that Aine usually did, until it was demented. She giggled walking ver to him her hips swaying.
"I am better than alright, do you know how gross it feels to be stuck in that goody-goody-to-shoes?" She asked pressing her body aganist him and draping her arms on his shoulders.
"By the way Im Alvah, Aines alternate personality." She whispered a hand snaking up to grab a handful of his hair. Then stepping away from him she flung him across the room by his hair. Nathan would slam against the opposite wall easily making a dent.
"I am also a Bitch from Hell and considerably more powerful." She giggled. With a snap of her fingers the cum dissapeared replaced by a black miniskirt, red tube top, and black strappy heels.

He blushed as he watched the figure walk toward him in the nude and drape its arms over his shoulders. 'I could get used to this new Ai-' His thoughts were cut off as she grabbed his hair and flung him across the room, hitting the wall hard. He winced in pain and cried out silently before falling to the ground in a heavy thud. He began to clutch his sides and his hips, still injured from the fight with Zasso mixed in the the drugs he had been injected with to have him weakened for the time. "A-Avlah..." He mentioned lowly, repeating her name. "Dammit...I can't fight back in this condition..."
"Aw you poor little thing." She chided walking towards him her heel landing on his hand and starting to dig into it. With her other foot she pressed it aganst his cheel, poking him like roadkill.
"Do you need me to bandage your boo-boo?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice. Suddenly stepping off she walked away to grab her staff. The silver turned to chrome and the crystals red. Then turning she pointed it at him, he began glowing blue and floating midair.
"How do you expect me to have any fun with a weakling like you?"
Nathan cried out in pain as he felt her heel dig into the palm of his hand. He reached over and grabbed her foot weakly, trying to remove it but to no success. When she walked away, he forced himself up, panting hard as he watched the girl begin to change everything that belonged to her the moment she touched it. "D-Dammit...What the hell am I going to do...!?" He whispered silently to himself as he looked at her. "I'm only weak because...of that fucking...injection...And that...freak...!" He growled out. He transformed into a rat and began to scurry under the bed, hoping to hide away from her and play a nice game of cat and mouse until she became the Aine he knew...hoping she would become the Aine he knew again.
Her giggle filled the room as he attempted to scurry away and singlehandedly she began tearing up his room.
"Do you want to know the best part? Every time I transform like this the time gets longer and longer. So ta a for now!" She laughed and with that fainted. The black slowly leaked from her hai until it was crystallin again, her clothes dissapeared once she lost conciousness and her staff became silver and blue once more.
Nathan couldn't believe what he had just heard. Every time she changes, she stays that way much longer. "Whats wrong with her...!?" He said as he scurried over to the unconscious Aine, cautiously though. His little mouse nose began to sniff her cheek to see if she was unconscious and then he hopped onto her chest, looking at her with his big beady black eyes. "Aine...? Avalah...? Are you alright...?" He would be ready to run. He didn't care that his room was trashed...he was more worried about the girl before him.
Her head throbbed terribly and it seemed as if someone was calling her name. Or somebody elses she wasnt sure. Alvah? Who in the world was that? She groaned and sat up feeling something furry on her chest slide down to her stomache. Slowly, very slowly she opened her eyes and a little rat stared back at her. She liked all animals so instead of swatting it away she smiled softly.
"Hey there little guy, where'd you come from?" She asked sleepily.
Nathan began to slowly turn into a human, straddling her body as he looked down at her. "Aine...? Are you alright...!?" He got off of her and held her up, laying her upper body against him as she leaned on his lap and chest. "You...You changed into something else...Someone else that was so...Powerful..." He was trying his best to hold her, but his injuries from Avlah caused internal ones to open up again and he could've felt he would give out from her extra weight any moment. It was tiring to hold her. "A-Are you alright...?"
JinmeiXaolung said:
Kaybee said:
Ranthe was wandering the campus again in her boredom when she saw the great bird beginning to spiral downwards. Some sort of Magical construct... Not used by any of the current students and all the teachers are accounted for save a few specific exceptions... She came to these conclusions quickly. It must be a new student running a bit late then... Classes started yesterday, although it could be a messenger. Either way it's likely important She thought as she turned to walk towards the site the bird was spiralling down towards, arriving just in time to see an elfin looking figure in rather revealing white armor dismounting the bird.

"Hello?" She called to the figure, throwing a hand up in a wave. "Are you a new student?" She asked as she continued to approach. If she is she's certainly a pretty one...

Zentha turned to the waving girl and just barely made out what she had said as she started to make her way over. She waved in response and called back, "Yes! I'm sorry I'm late, It's just that traveling took a bit longer than I thought!" As she stepped closer to the other girl, the light bird dissipated into it's natural element, becoming nothing more than particles of light, like fireflies dancing in the sunlight. She shifted her bow on her shoulder and stopped just a few paces from Ranthe, there she bowed a bit as she introduced herself, "I am Zentha Mirios. Elf of the Western Forests and inheritor of the Gift of the Manaverse." she smiled.

Ranthe smiled in an unfocused sort of way at the girl's long list of titles before giving a little bow in return. "I'm Ranthe, no titles or family to speak of and professor of magical theory at this school." She said, resisting the urge to show off like she had in front of Charles as a response to the casual displays of enormous magical power this girl was tossing about. "I'm not in charge of registration or anything so I'm afraid I didn't know of you, people tend to filter in for a few weeks after studies start so it's not too big a deal though." Ranthe shrugged and unexpectedly heard a "Hello!" from behind her and looked about to find a young pale haired girl (Jean) approaching them from across the field. She waved back as the newcomer drew closer and gave a little smile, "I suppose you are a new student as well?"

((Just for the record, There's only Ranthe and Jinmei there, Charles wandered off a few posts back.))
"What are you talking about?" She asked sitting up because she could see how he was struggling. Reaching up she pressed her soft hands to his temples and looked into his eyes as a soft blue glow eminated from her hands. The glow was warm like a warm balm spreading throughout his body mending anything and everything that hurt.
"There, hows that? Healing is my strongest ability." She said standing, she ranher hands down her body and out of now where a light green sundress with dark green lace trim appeared on her, the straps tied behind her neck. Matching dark sandals appeared on her petite feet.
Finally she looked up at his massacred room, her sapphire eyes widened in shock.
"Oh my..." She began raising a hand to cover her mouth.
"How ironic you say that..." He grumbled toward her stating what her 'special ability' was, as it was her who had harmed him in the first place. He looked around as she did as well as she did and saw the desctruction that came after their little game of cat and mouse. "Jeez...this place is a mess..." He murmured to himself as he stood up and sighed. He reached down and helped Aine up. "What happened to you...? You just...freaked out and began to attack me...You said your name was Avalah..."
She opened the door to Nathan's room and poked her head in. "Hey, are you guy's alright I heard...." She stopped when she saw the shambles that the room was in. She also saw how Nathan was naked and sprawled against a wall. "Uhhh, did you two....have fun?" She asked, dumbfounded and slightly amused. Either Nathan was amazing in bed, or the girl was a dire badger on steroids. She opened the door and walked in, still only wearing pajamas, "You guys need some help?" She knelt next to Nathan and placed a hand on his shoulder, healing him a little.
"Its Aine..." He said to the newcomer as she had came in. He didn't care that he was naked in front of the newcomer. He held Aine close and tried to keep her alright. "She needs more healing than I do...She just...changed and began to attack me...I don't know what happened..." He said with a small frown. He watched Aine with worry, hoping Avalah wouldn't come out again.

(Post order is Felixia, me, then princess.)
(I already healed nathan)
"This is rediculous!" She said slightly peeved, "I did not transform into any Alvah." She pushed Nathan away harshly her eyebrows pushed together in frustration. Holding her staff close to her body she stepped away from the two, her light green sundress saying slightly.
A slight pain sliced through her head as her frustration rose. Her eyes continuously rake over his room.
"Ill clean this up although I have no idea how it happened." She huffed looking at how the bed was flipped over and the contents of his dresser shrewn about.
The pain sliced through again as she tried to calm down.
"Well...whatever happened is over now." She said, eyeing the girl warily. She breathed out a short binding spell just in case she got frisky. She helped Nathan lay down and then rested her hands on his chest, healing him bit by bit. "Ummm, you should get dressed...sir." She blushed and glowed red, draping a torn piece of cloth over his crotch. She placed her hands on his shoulders and knit his wounds closed.
"Aye...two healers..." He mumbled as he could feel the last of his injuries begin to fade, as well as the effects of the drug completely disappearing thanks to the new girl's healing. He stood up and began to stretch, popping his back and looking around. "This place is a mess..." He looked down to the ground and helped her up. "Thanks...whats your name...?" He asked before looking over to Aine. "Hey...are you alright? "
Aine was most definately not okay because her body felt hot all over and just as she had gotten ahold of her anger something happened. It was right as she was about to start cleaning.
'Would you look at yourself? Doing what these weak fools say just because you think its the right thing to do.' A haughty voice said to her.
'Obviously their pulling a joke on you, the girl over there cast a binding spell on you so that whenever you figure it out they can freeze you in place and have a good laugh.' It said in a seductive voice.
Visible veins pulsed in her hands as she faught against the voice and cleaned the room at the same time.
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