Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

As Exodus sat down with Harbinger and No-Bark, he couldn't wait to dig into the rabbit meat. He sunk his teeth in and found it to be extremely tender; these guys were amazing cooks. Far better than what he could hope to be; then again, they'd probably been doing it for a long while, probably even longer than when he and Harbinger escaped. He felt kind of bad about not telling these good people who they were; however, he also knew that doing so would cause them nothing but trouble. Besides, he and Harbinger were protecting them form the very things they were slated to become, in part at least. So, it shouldn't really matter, but Exodus couldn't help but feel bothered by it. He happily tore into the delicious meat and chomped on the desert agave; soon red and blue juices were running down his chin. After pausing a bit, he said "Whoa, this stuff is good."

No-Bark just laughed, the missing teeth showing quite well, before saying in an amused tone "Woo-Mister-Exodus-you-better-slow-down-before-you-get-yourself-a-stomachache-and-that-woud-be-bad-trust-me-that-agave-sneaks-up-on-you-right-quick." Exodus paused, his mouth closed yet full of food. He swallowed audibly and said, "It does? Why?" No-bark then replied "It's-very-acidic-and-sour-do-you-not-notice-it??" Exodus paused and considered the taste by eating another piece; to him, it just tasted very sweet. "No, just a very sweet taste." he answered No-Bark. No-Bark then laughed "Then-you-have-a-very-strong-stomach-Mister-Exodus-most-people-sick-from-eating-as-much-as-you-did-trust-me-it's-alomst-instant-people-start-groanin'-from-the-pain-and-sayin'-they-not-feelin-well."
Harbringer was glad No-Bark had warned Exodus. It would keep her from making the same mistake of potentially dangerous overindulgence. "Well, that's Exodus for you," she said with a chuckle. "I swear he's got a cast-iron stomach," she joked, leaning against him and handing him a napkin to sop up some of the juices, though not enough for all of them. She'd been eating her food carefully and neatly as usual, appearing lady-like and somewhat normal. She ate less of the the agave at once and smiled.
Exodus grinned as he took the napkin, wiping the majority of the agave juice off his face. He looked down at his lover when she leaned into him, "Hey, I can't help it. I was born this way. And besides, that's why you love me." he joked; though No-Bark wouldn't realize just how true the statement of his 'birth' was. Finishing his food, Exodus used the back of his hand to wipe off the rest of the food juices. "Whew, that hit the spot." he said, patting his muscled abdomen in satisfaction.
"Yup. I love you because you can eat anything," she teased, eating the rest of her rabbit and slowly finishing off her agave. "That was really tasty," she said with a smile. "Mmmm, now, I think I need a little walk and I'll be ready to go back to work. "Oh, yes, where do we take the plates? I can clean these if they need to be," she said, wondering if they were expected to clean up after themselves or not. It had always been something she just did.
No-Bark showed them where their plates went to get cleaned; this town was amazing. A fully operational kitchen and cleaning crew. Well, everyone had their roles to fill; it just wasn't something Exodus was used to. He took his, Harbinger's, and No-Bark's plates to the area and was politely declined of his offer to help them. They said it was no trouble to help those protecting this town in little things like this. Thanking them, Exodus smiled and walked back to Harbinger. "Mind if I join you, Harbinger? I'd like to see more of this town, and it will give a idea of its geography. Not to mention being near you is its own reward." While he would enjoy spending time with Harbinger, he'd also be taking mental notes of terrain features on the town perimeter and try to identify potential choke points he could exploit should they be attacked.
She grinned and held out her hand. "Of course. Let's go then." Walking around with Exodus would be fun. Of course, she knew that she wouldn't be his only focus, but being any of it was a nice change. When he was ready, she took his hand in hers and then started off into the sunlight, her hair glowing golden as she took a look around. "Well, I was just gonna walk around the outskirts, but I think later on I'll check out the rest of this little village we've got here." She smile and leaned against him a little, just enjoying the feel of being pressed against him.
Exodus smiled as he walked with Harbinger, "That sounds good." As they traversed the outskirts, Exodus was pleased that there were no Beastman forces coming for them. Yet; he figured it would only be a matter of time before another strike force found this place. If everything went well, though, they'd be ready for whatever the Beastmen threw at them. Exodus, like he predicted, instantly started taking mental notes of geographical features. Hills, large expanses of featureless terrain, and even a fairly close mountain. That would make an ideal sniping point for Harbinger; later, he would try to see if there was a good evacuation route behind in case things got too hectic. He didn't expect it too, but it was better to plan for the unexpected and ready for it if it did happen.

He felt Harbinger lean into him; he took his hand from hers and placed it on her shoulder, bringing her that much closer to him. This felt nice, it really did. How could he have missed this before? Looking back, it was obvious to Exodus that Harbinger loved him deeply. "Harbinger, I think I'm going to like it here. I really do." he then said with a contented smile on his battle-scarred face.
She made similar notes in her mind, though she also made notes of the beauty of the area and the town itself. Smiling, she waved at passers-by and smiled. It was important to instill a certain level of trust in these people. She wanted to make absolutely sure that they were accepted, and welcomed here. More than anything, she wanted to make a home here with Exodus, and she wanted it to last.

As he pulled her closer, she smiled up at him. The smile he had told her that this would work. She could live here with him. And she was so very happy that it was something he wanted as well. She knew there would be battles, but she could relax knowing that from now on, Exodus would look at the bigger picture as well. "I'm so glad. I already like it," she said with a smile. "But we are going to have to do something about that bed."

She grinned and continued to walk with him, taking her time to lengthen their break and give him more time to think. As her eyes took in his features, she couldn't help but feel some little tugs of guilt for each of the red scars from the serum the doctor had injected him with. After all, they were partially her fault. She only wished that she could give back what had been taken from him.
Exodus enjoyed this time with Harbinger; he looked down to see Harbinger's eyes roaming over his body. "Must be the scarring." In truth, the scars didn't really bother him. In fact, "there were a badge of honor", as Sovereign had said once. Even if it was for something completely different, the logic applied. It showed his capacity to endure, to thrive even under the most unforgiving circumstances and emerge stronger, better, more adept. She probably still felt a bit bad about what that doctor did to him. Exodus then spoke up, as now it was his turn to lecture her on misplaced blame, "Harbinger, don't feel guilty. I did this to myself; I may have done it for you, but it was all me. You are not at fault at all." He then smiled at her before making a super-obviously fake pouting face at her mention of the bed, "What? Don't you like being that close to me?" He knew they'd have to increase the size of the bed; besides, it would give them more to have more fun in. "But, seriously, we can take care of that when we build our home."

Just then, a semi-heavyset, balding man dressed in light shorts and an open shirt carrying what appeared to be a large camera seemed to pop up out of nowhere. "Ah! Hello, hello! Welcome to Bator! Sorry about not introducing myself earlier! I was actually out on a safari, photographing the wildlife and rock formations! You know, to make picture stories for the children! They love pictures, that they do!" He then paused and chuckled slightly, "Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Snubie Apertre, but most of the folks just call me Snap. Which I think fits, because I like to "snap" pictures! Hahaha! Get it!" Exodus chuckled; though it was convincingly forced to be polite, as that was just a terrible pun. "I am Exodus. A pleasure to meet you, Snap."

Snap then shook his hand and Harbinger's as well quite enthusiastically, then shuffled nervously before asking, "I know this is going to seem out of the blue, but could I take a picture of you two? I can give you a copy if you want! I was thinking of making a story for the kids about "The Heroes of Bator!" Lovely thing about children; they love a good hero story. But there hasn't really been a whole lot of true tales, at least not until you two came along! I managed to take pictures of the 'First Battle of Bator!'" He then realized he was getting off-track and gave a slight cough, "So....what do you stay?" Exodus looked at Harbinger and asked, "Well, Heroine of Bator, what do you say? I'm OK with it."
She still felt a little guilty about it, and probably always would, but he was wrong too. It wasn't his fault that he'd gotten those scars. It was the fault of an obsessed, and soulless madman. A dead man now. And the fault of Adiane. But he was right. It wasn't her fault. It was a little bit of his own. For the time being, she would just let it go and hold him tight.

And then the mysterious Snap, appeared. Despite his in-your-face energy and attitude, she kind of liked him. And his bad pun actually amused her. She chuckled and introduced herself when Exodus did, echoing the same sentiments. She was pleased that he seemed to be doing his work for the children of this town. She had a soft spot for that type of thing.

"Well...sure. Why not? But I would like it if you could do us a favor. You can take a picture of us together if you want, but I want one of just Exodus and one of just me. Sound like a plan?" she asked, smiling.
Snap nodded, "Of course, I can, ma'am. Now if you two could just stand close together. Perhaps if Miss Harbinger could wrap her arms around Exodus?" Exodus pulled Harbinger as close to him as he could, smiling. It felt a little weird to be having his picture taken, as he had never done it before. Well, unless you count being recorded for days on end as similar, then yes he had. But this was different; it wasn't to determine combat effectiveness or disease resistance, it was to give the children a sense of hope and security, knowing their newfound guardians would indeed protect them and help them grow up to be strong individuals one day. That was a reason worthy posing for a picture. "Smile, Harbinger" Exodus said softly with a grin; he just hoped his scars wouldn't prove too frightening for the children if they saw him. But, little Jimmy didn't seem afraid of him, so he suspected the others wouldn't either.
As Exodus pulled her close, she put her arms around him, smiling at the camera. The two of them made quite a picture. When Snap finished that shot, Harbringer leaned up and kissed Exodus' cheek. She let go and smiled at Snap. "Okay. Need another? Or would you like to do the separate ones?" They posed for their individual shots and would wait for Snap to develop them. This would be the picture found in Exodus' gauntlets. And she would eventually come to an end looking at her picture of Exodus.
When Snap was finished taking the pictures he needed, he thanked the two of them and ran off, saying it would take a few days to develop. Exodus smiled and kissed Harbinger on her forehead. "Well, that'll make a nice house-warming gift." He then looked up into the town; he would enjoy his stay here. That was certain. "Hey Harbinger, I think I finally found an answer to the statement you gave me. Before we attacked Cytomander's ship and we were at each other's throats. Remember? 'The bigger picture is living beyond this and what to do with the life that was given you. Maybe you ought to think of that once in awhile.' Well, I have been doing some thinking. And it made the answer that much more obvious." He then looked at Harbinger, the smile and blush on his face growing wider, as he asked, "Harbinger, when this is all over, when we finally know true peace, will you bear my children? Help give us a family to love and cherish, to raise and nurture? That is what I want to live beyond this for, to raise a loving family with you for the rest of our natural lives."
She smiled brightly, little tears in her eyes. She really didn't think he would ever ask her. Leaping into his arms, Harbringer held him tightly and said, "Yes! Of course I will." She kissed him all over his face, ending with a long deep one to the lips and sighed happily. "I want that more than anything."
Exodus was a bit startled at Harbinger's overwhelming positive response to his proposal; however, he couldn't help but release his own tears of happiness when she leaped into his arms and started kissing him mercilessly. "Harbinger....." he breathed out before she planted a firm, passionate kiss on his lips; Exodus kept kissing her back for as she did, smiling when she broke away. "You just made me the happiest man in the world, Harbinger." He then kissed her again; he would stay right here with her until she felt ready to work again. He just wanted her and himself to enjoy this moment.
Her smile could have lit up the night. She snuggled into him, kissing him back as he came in for her again. This was it. The big picture was finally in frame for Exodus, and she was so glad that she was part of it. Her arms stayed around him. And if Snap had been in the area, he would have gotten some wonderful pictures. Too bad he was gone. She was sure they were wasting valuable time and leaving a lot of the work to No-Bark, but she was pretty sure he wouldn't mind.

Right now, she was in the moment and more than happy to stay that way for awhile longer, her arms wrapped tightly around him, kissing him once more. After a few more long moments, she reluctantly pulled away. "I suppose we'd better get back to work," she said, watching him.
Exodus was still smiling happily, brushing the small trails of tears from his and Harbinger's eyes; Harbinger's smile put his to shame, though. If he could see her everyday with that smile on her face, that alone would make life worth living, worth everything they've gone through. Staying with her until she pulled back, Exodus pouted playfully, saying "Do we have to?" but knowing the answer at the same time. They were Bator's guardians now; a tedious life it would be at times, but an ultimately fulfilling one no less. And one Exodus would not share with anyone else but Harbinger.

He then took her hand in his and said, "Let's get back to it." They arrived to see No-Bark hard at work; he took off his welder's mask and gave them a knowing smile and nod. Exodus paused but grinned before picking up a heavy piece of metal effortlessly and placing it on a large hole to be welded onto; he faked straining a bit though, to avoid arousing suspicion of the true limits of his enhanced physical strength. It would take them a couple more hours to finish fully repairing Exodus' Gunman; it was now fully combat-ready. They also finished repairing the single pistol and twin beveled combat blades. Its now blue-grey armor gleamed brilliantly in the early afternoon sun; the Bator guardians could now operate at maximum efficiency. Wiping the sweat of his brow with the back of a large hand, he looked up at the impressive mech and grinned, "Well, glad we got that done. Thanks for your help, No-Bark. Couldn't have done it without you." Which was true to some extent; No-Bark's amazing ability to learn plus the fact he was an extra set of hands really sped things up.

No-Bark nodded, smiling widely and replying, "Ah-shucks-you-don't-gotta-flatter-me-I-just-love-these-machines-so-fancy-and-powerful-looking-but-anyway-I-gotta-go-got-some-more-things-to-do-around-the-town-talk-to-you-later-bye!" He then scampered off, leaving Exodus shaking his head smiling; No-Bark was a goof alright. But he was their goof now, and his antics made life that much brighter. He then looked to Harbinger and said, "So, what should we do next?"
She loved seeing Exodus so happy. And she would work hard to make sure that he stayed that way. His playful pouting was a welcome change from his months of brooding, and now that she had this life with him, she wanted it to stay this way. When he took her hand, she walked back with him and went to work on the computerized portions of his gunman and various other tasks that were more detail-intensive. She worked with No-Bark and Exodus until the gunman was back to the combat-ready mode.

It seemed even better than before. By the time they finished it was just a little before dinner. What would they do next? An excellent question. "Honestly? I think we've done quite a bit for today. I want to take a nice shower and get some food. We can do whatever you want after that," she said with a smile.
Exodus was extremely glad they were done; his body glistened with a light film of sweat. "Ahh, that feels nice." he commented as a light breeze washed over him, making him feel so very cool. His jet-black hair rustled slightly. "Yeah, a shower and food sounds good." He then wrapped his arms around her, a somewhat naughty smile forming on his face, "Though I think we should do these people a kindness and take one together. Help save the water for them, ya know?" He then thought about what they could do after that; of course, they still had a house to build. But that could wait until tomorrow. "Maybe we could do a quick talk with the village leader about defense plans? Make a short outline and go into details and execution later? How does that sound?"
She smiled as he put his arms around him, despite the fact that they were both hot and kind of sweaty. His idea to share a shower made her smile, but she wasn't sure they'd be saving any water. "Sounds like fun," she said. "On both counts." She leaned back into him and closed her eyes. "Mmmm, we should go get our stuff."
"Yes, let's." Exodus said contentedly, leading Harbinger with him back to their humble abode; the shower in there was fairly small, but large enough to accommodate them. Of course, the whole saving water bit was more of a joke; he just wanted to be with Harbinger. He smiled as they entered their home once more, stripping down to revealed his hardened, muscled body. "I'll meet you in the shower, dear. Don't make me wait" he teased with a smile and disappeared into the shower. The floor was flat and enclosed by a soft, water-resistant curtain. His silhouette could be seen from inside as he turned on the water.
Harbringer watched Exodus shamelessly, smirking as he left her. Oh, what that man did to her--literally and figuratively. She could stand there and fantasize about it all day, but she'd miss out on a very good opportunity to make that a reality. Besides, hadn't he just said to not make him wait? With that, she took off her two pieces of clothing, grabbed her shower materials and then walked into the shower with him. She came up behind him, put her arms around him, her lips kissing his neck while her hands rubbed up and down his chest and stomach. "Mmmm, miss me, baby?"
Exodus was pretty distracted by the water hitting his hard body; he heard the curtain open and felt Harbinger's arms wrap around his body from behind. He smiled as she rubbed her hands so gently along his hardened, defined chest and abdomen, feeling her soft luscious lips plant themselves delicately all over the back and sides of his neck. He chuckled as he turned around, his massive arms coming to embrace her and pull into yet another kiss. Exodus loved kissing Harbinger; his lips would be hers and hers alone. He kept it up for a few long moments, his tongue gently wrestling with hers as the passionate contact continued. Eventually he pulled away, smiling as he said, "That answer your question, my lovely?"
She smiled at his reaction to her. When he turned around she giggled as he took her into his strong arms. Habringer kissed him back lovingly, pressing against him and holding him tightly. Kissing Exodus was one of her favorite things to do, and she happily let it escalate to a level that just got her hot. When he pulled away she smiled and licked his lips. "Yes, it does. Mmmm, I love you." She hugged him and then pulled away. We better not waste the water too much here," she said with a chuckle. "Let's get that shower, huh?"
Exodus smiled stole another kiss from Harbinger as she told him she loved him. "And I love you. Now and always, I have eyes only for you." he said in response. He then looked down to those well-developed, round breasts of hers. A thought popped into his mind; he was curious if she would want to try it. And besides, if it got messy, they were taking a shower already. The sheer thought of it started to arouse him; his member slowly began to harden. "Hey, Harbinger, since we're here, let's try something, shall we?." He put his strong hands on those soft gorgeous mounds and massaged them gently. Since they obviously loved each other deeply, it was easy for him to be honest, and sometimes surprisingly direct, with her. "I wanna stick my huge cock between your heavenly breasts and fuck them. Will you let me?" he then whispered into her ear with a grin on his face.
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