Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Harbringer lost it with him, the sensation of skin on skin, and his massive member inside of her becoming too much to handle. She came hard and moaned loudly for him. Arching into him as she felt his hot seed fill her to the brim, her tight womanhood milked him for each last drop, squeezing and massaging him until there was nothing left. And there was so much of it that it had begun to sluice down her thighs and onto the bed. Panting heavily she began to loosen her hold on him as she trembled and twisted in pleasure, her toes curling in delight.

After a long moment she let him go, her body satisfied and exhausted from their love-making and the day's work.
Exodus loved the feeling of cumming inside her; the way her pussy contracted around his cock to practically suck the cum out of him, not to mention the sounds of pleasure she made when they came together, made him feel so good. He could feel their bodies trembling with each other as their simultaneous orgasms wracked their bodies. He could feel her ankles digging into his back as she lost herself in pleasure; Exodus was careful not to squeeze her with his arms too tightly, lest he hurt her.

Eventually, Harbinger managed to squeeze the last bit of cum out of him; he was definitely spent after an intense bout of love-making like that. He could feel Harbinger slowly lessen the pressure around him, and eventually her legs unhooked from around him. His cock soon softened back to its flaccid state, its length coated in their combined juices. It then slipped out of her and a large amount of the cum he pumped into her gushed out, causing the pool between her legs to grow in size. They'd definitely need to clean that up tomorrow; but right now Exodus didn't care about that. He just wanted to lay here with his beloved.

He smiled, panting heavily as his carnal pleasure subsided. He could feel a slight sheen of sweat covereing their bodies as they remained together, Harbinger panting beneath him. "Harbinger......." he moaned as he rested his head on her shoulder, before coming back up a few moments later to kiss her deeply.
He said her name and she was floating on cloud nine. She loved the way he said it: like she was a cool breeze after a hot day's work. Smiling, Harbringer kissed him back, loving the way he let her know she'd pleased him and he cared for her. She ran her fingers lovingly through his hair, smiling up at him when he broke it. "Mmmm, you are amazing," she said with a satisfied sigh. "Exodus...I'm so glad I told you I love you," she laughed, hugging him.
"As am I, Harbinger. I know I said this already, but thank you for setting me straight during our stay on the beach. I doubt I would have lasted much longer if you hadn't, and then I would have really been mad at myself for missing out on being able to be this close with you." Exodus said as he returned her embrace He was telling her that she was the most important person in the world to him, and it was the truth.

He then looked around; the bed was awfully tiny for someone his size. Not to mention he was going to be sleeping next to his one and only woman. He then grinned, his expression brightening from his previously somber one, "So, how are we going to do this? I highly doubt you want my heavy ass laying on top of you the whole night." They could sleep side by side, but they'd have to be really, really close together. Not that he minded; he just wanted to make sure Harbinger would be as comfortable as possible.
She knew exactly what he was telling her, and it brought a little bit of misty tears to her eyes. He loved her and she was the most important person to him. She never wanted to be without him again. "I'm glad I set you straight too," she said with a laugh. "I'm so glad I have you." She snuggled into him for a little while longer before he started grinning to address the problem of their sleeping arrangements. Chuckling she kissed him.

"How about we spoon?" she asked, looking up at him. "I don't mind being so close to you, and our blanket is a little wet from before, so I'll appreciate the warmth." Luckily, though, they did have a sheet they could cover up with.
Exodus nodded, a slight, comforting smile on his face as he said, "Yeah, that sounds good." He then lifted himself off of her and gently pulled the cum-stained blanket out from underneath them before tossing it into a corner of the room. "There, now we don't have have to worry about any dampness while we sleep." He then laid down on his side and gently pulled her in so that his hard chest was pressed comfortably against her back. He then wrapped his strong arms around her, one hand going under her waist and the other going over it to form a protective embrace around her.

Leaning into her slightly, he smiled and whispered into her ear, "I love you, Harbinger. Don't ever forget that." He then reached his top hand over and pulled the soft, semi-thick sheet over them both. The cool night air quickly disappeared, leaving him snuggled warmly with his lovely Harbinger. He then smiled and kissed her neck a couple of times, saying in a whispering tone, "Good night, my love."
She smiled back and adjusted her position when he moved onto his side and took the blanket out from underneath them. Her body was beginning to feel the fatigue now, and it was nice to have someone like Exodus to snuggle up with. She felt incredibly safe and comfortable in his arms and said so in a sleepy voice.

And then he told her he loved her again and she smiled widely, so very happy. "I love you too, Exodus. Don't you forget." She smiled and closed her eyes, even more comfortable as he pulled the sheet over them. She made sure they both had enough of the sheet and shivered as he kissed her neck, enjoying the sensation. "Mmmm, sleep well, Exodus. Good night." And then she was out like a light, sleeping peacefully in his arms.
Exodus would sleep very well; the combined exhaustion from the heavy labor that day and their passionate love-making having drained him quite nicely. That night, he had a dream; a very pleasant one at that. He and Harbinger were standing and fighting together, against the Beastman forces. But this dream, it showed them emerging victorious; they'd destroyed the entire Beastman Empire. The four Generals and a faceless Spiral King, faceless because Exodus had no idea what he looked like, were the peak of a mountainous heap of bodies. The two of them, Exodus and Harbinger, sat at the top, kissing and looking into each other's eyes. They did it, they avenged Sovereign and the countless souls who died in the name of these inhuman, genocidal monsters.

Exodus arms tightened around Harbinger unconsciously in the real world, pulling them even closer together as he smiled in his sleep. The dream then shifted; they were in a town, much like Bator, and people had built a statue in their honor. It then shifted to them inside one of the rather unimpressive looking homes; Harbinger was rubbing a large bulge in her belly with Exodus sitting behind her, his large, powerful arms wrapped protectively yet lovingly around her as he kissed and nuzzled her neck. The dream shifted again; now there was a healthy bouncing baby boy sitting in Harbinger's, smiling and giggling as she played with him. Exodus then walked in, kissed Harbinger and picked the baby up, smiling proudly that he and Harbinger had something to shower with affection and give a better upbringing than what they had to go through. Harbinger then smiled and got up from the bed to hug and kiss Exodus.

And it was here the dream ended; Exodus woke up, a bit sad that the dream ended, in his opinion, prematurely. He could tell it was still dark out; no sunlight peeked through the edges of the door to their room. Giving a small sigh, he laid down and went back to sleep, where he slept dreamless and soundless throughout the entire night. When morning came, Exodus woke up once more, finding Harbinger curled up in front of him, just like how she was last night. Smiling, he nuzzled into her and reached up with his large hands to rub the undersides of her soft, heavy mounds. "Morning, love" Exodus mumbled sleepily as he fondled her and kissed her neck.
Harbringer slept peacefully, dreaming of a similar future, though there was a little girl in her dream. She did so want to be a mother to Exodus' children someday. More than one if she could. But she dreamt of a happy life here in Bator. Sooner or later the dream shifted focus completely and she lost it, but the smile was on her face in her sleep. When she woke up, it was to Exodus' voice. She shivered and groaned softly as he kissed her neck and nuzzled into her, groping her breasts already.

Chuckling a little at his greeting she turned her head a bit. "Good morning." She was still a bit drowsy, but she was feeling nice and warm and like she could stay in bed all day. Especially if he was there with her. Even if it was in this tiny bed. "Mm, did you sleep well?"
"Mmm, very well. And you?" he said as he continued to massage her; as much as he wanted to just stay in bed with her, they had a duty now. He smiled and kissed her neck again, saying softly "We better get up, there's a lot we have to do today." He then got up and sat on the edge of the bed, leaving the sheet over Harbinger's body in case she wanted to stay there for a few more moments. He then stretched, his powerful body rippling as the muscles tensed and relaxed, "First things first. We need to set up defenses around the town. I was thinking if they have mines to get ore from, then they must have explosives to get through particularly rough rock. I was thinking we could divert some of those into making powerful land mines, in case a large force decides to assault this town. I'd have to OK it with the leader of the town, but I don't think he'll mind having extra security measures."

He had other plans as well; salvaging the destroyed enemy Gunman and repairing them, teaching the people how to pilot them, basic strategy. Then it would fall to an evacuation procedure in case the enemy proved to be too much to handle; while Exodus could teach them all he knew, they wouldn't be as experienced Gunman pilots as either he or Harbinger.
Harbringer's senses told her that no gunmen but their own and the ones they trashed were in the area, but Exodus did have a point. There was still a lot on their plate. "Mmm, Not to mention you still have to finish repairs to your gunman. It might be functioning better now, but I wouldn't trust the armor to stop a bullet from a pistol." She closed her eyes, the touch of his lips lingering on her neck. Pulling the sheet up around her body she looked around still a little sleepy. "I'm sure he'll be grateful for the help in planning all of this," she said softly, yawning.

"Exodus...come here for a minute," she said, beckoning him with her finger as she held up the sheet. She was entitled to a slower morning once in awhile, considering she rarely wasted time getting up and dressed.
Exodus nodded when Harbinger told him he still had to fix his Gunman; while it certainly moved better, the durability of its armor definitely left something to be desired. Not to mention the controls still felt a bit sluggish; something must still be acting up with the fine motor controls. "Yeah, me neither. But at least it moves again."

Exodus then looked back as Harbinger spoke his name; he saw that she had the sheet lifted up and motioned for him to come closer. Exodus gave a small smile and climbed back under the covers, obviously happy to oblige her. He then spoke, saying softly in a playful tone "Yes, my lovely Harbinger?"
Grinning, Harbringer pulled him close as he came back to bed. She kissed him deeply and held him close. For a long moment she stayed just like that with him. If he got to grope her and kiss her neck when he woke up, she wanted to be able to do something as well. "Mmmm, you got up too fast."
Exodus smiled and returned her kissing; he wrapped his arms around her back, pulling their still-naked bodies closer together. "My apologies" he said with a slight chuckle; he loved being this close to her. "Mmm, better be careful, or you might get me excited again. You know how easy it is to do that to me, my dear." he then said with a sly grin; however, he kept his hands at the "safe spots" on her body.
She smirked and nuzzled into him, kissing his neck softly. "Mmm, but I like it when you get excited," she murmured. She would put in extra effort later. For now she wanted to stay in his arms just a little longer.
Exodus sighed happily, kissing Harbinger on the top of her head as he held her. "And I love it when you excite me. You know just what to do to get me going." But he wouldn't do anything else but cuddle with her right now; he could tell that was what she wanted to do. Perhaps later they'd get a little naughtier. He shivered a bit when she kissed his neck; fair was fair, since he'd done it to her not two minutes earlier. He still obviously needed some getting used to in terms of slowing down; however, he felt that he was improving, and it was thanks to Harbinger that he didn't really run around like a crazed maniac all the time.
"Well, it's like you said: it doesn't take much," she teased. After a long moment, Harbringer kissed his lips softly and then smiled before letting him go. "Now you can get up," she said softly, quite liking this way of waking up. This lifestyle was practically decadent compared to what they'd been doing before--running around in the dessert, not to mention the research labs. Everything seemed like it was changing for the better, and she couldn't wait to get their life started here.

With a grin, the blonde got up and started looking for some clean clothes.
"Not my fault your body feels amazing" he then replied with a smirk before feeling her release him. He got up and found the fatigues he was wearing yesterday; not exactly the cleanest clothes in the world, but decent enough to wear around Harbinger. His shirt on the other hand, needed to be washed. He'd do that later; plus he knew she wouldn't him walking around town topless. Besides, he enjoyed the freedom of movement of his upper body. He then grabbed a fresh pair of socks and strapped on his combat boots. He looked down at his arms and chest, at the scars and burn marks that covered his body. He knew his face was covered in them too; each one seemed to trigger an event that happened before he came here. Sadly, no scar gave a pleasant memory; screams, blood, pain, that was what he heard, saw and felt.

No sense in dwelling, though; looking back, he would have done things differently. But he knew that wasn't how it worked, no matter how much he wanted it to. And even if it did, it would serve no useful purpose; it wouldn't force people to learn from their mistakes. It was a necessary cruelty, one that made people change, hopefully for the better. He didn't know why he was thinking all of this, only that it went through his mind. Sighing, he reached up and scratched his head, mentally scolding himself for losing focus. They had a town to protect, from an enemy that sought solely to destroy it. "Harbinger.....what do we do first? Fix my Gunman, lay down a minefield, or fix what trashed Gunmen we can and teach the people how to use them? What would you do if you were me?" he then asked.
Harbringer had been lucky enough to raid the last barracks they'd stayed in for extra clothes, and she'd taken an extra shirt and pair of shorts...but that still didn't leave her with much. She could wear her skin suit, but she thought it might be distracting. Not to mention hot. She tied her hair up and dressed quickly before coming over to her lover and hugging him from behind. She'd seen the posture of a man in thought before. And since it was Exodus, chances were the thoughts weren't good. She let him go when he asked her what they should do first.

Chuckling, she couldn't resist teasing him a little. "Well if I were you I'd try to do it all at once," she teased. "But since I'm not you, I would fix your gunman first. You've got mobility but if there's another attack you'll be out of commission almost right away. It's more important that our gunman are up and running first.

"We can see to it that No-Bark and the leader of Bator start making defensive preparations of their own and help them when we're finished. After that we can start getting the other gunman up and running and teaching people to fight. And maybe today we can look at getting the materials for our house ready."
Exodus smiled at Harbinger's jab; he then said in an amused tone, "Alright, smart-alec. You got me." He then listened to her suggestions of what they should do; a sensible route. He definitely needed to fix his Gunman first; the two of them could easily defend the town against another assault. "Good point. Alright we'll do that first then. We'll need to make a couple of trips to the scrapyard." He called the engagement zone outside of the town "the scrapyard" for an obvious reason: that was where the scrap heaps that were formerly hostile Gunmen resided. Besides, it was available in plentiful amounts, so why not use it? Most of the internal systems were back to full capacity, just a couple of adjustments. "Well, let's get to work, then." he then said, opening the door to reveal the sunshine of a brand new day.

Exodus then led the way outside; the town was bustling with activity. He made his way through to where his Gunman was being stored; he found No-Bark working hard on it by himself. This was certainly a surprise. "No-Bark? What are you doing here?" Exodus asked inquisitively; No-Bark smiled his semi-toothless smile and replied, "Oh-hi-Mister-Exodus-I-figure-since-you're-the-one-protecting-us-I-should-lend-you-a-hand-with-fixing-your-machine-cause-otherwise-you-can't-do-that-I-don't-mean-to-insult-you-but-I'm-sorry-I-just-want-to-help-is-that-OK?" Exodus laughed a little, "Yes, No-Bark, it's fine. So, what's been done and what needs to be done?"

No-Bark then showed the two of them how he already re-adjusted and re-calibrated the internal systems; he apparently also took some of the scrap metal from the trashed Gunmen and patched Exodus' armor a little bit, but not enough to make it viable it combat.

"Well, then let's get to work on fixing the armor." he said to Harbinger and No-Bark. After getting the supplies necessary, they began bringing Exodus' Gunman back up to full combat-readiness.
Slipping into some shoes, Harbringer followed after him, greeting several village women and children on her way by. No need to be unfriendly. As they came back into the workshop, she saw that No-Bark was busy at work. Interestingly, he'd already started to take the damaged armor off and patching some of it. He was right though--it wouldn't really be good enough for battle. She hauled the things they needed back with Exodus from the scrap heap, surprising many with her strength.

It was midday before they finished the top half of the gunman--not bad for what they'd had to work with and having a person who'd never done this before. But No-Bark was a fast learner and easily a good asset to have on the team.
Exodus grinned when people saw just how strong he and Harbinger were; hopefully that would instill some more confidence in their ability to protect them. Exodus was pleased with the rate things were progressing; only a couple of hours in and half of the Gunman's armor was restored to 100%. It amazed Exodus that No-Bark was so skilled when it came to Gunmen repairs; No-Bark even said he'd never seen the insides of one before now. It wouldn't take much longer now for them to finish the rest of the armor. Exodus' stomach growled loudly; food would definitely be required to keep this up. "Hey, let's a break and get some food. I'm starving." No-Bark nodded and put down his tools, "Ol'-No-Bark-could-go-for-some-food-too-this-work-is-hard-and-No-Bark-needs-his-energy." Exodus chuckled and looked at Harbinger, "You coming?"
Harbringer set down her tools and took off her work gloves with a sigh. She stretched a little and smiled. "Sure thing. Let's see what we can scrounge up." They still had plenty of canned food if no one in town had food to spare. And that was good enough for lunch. They could always go hunting later on.

She was at Exodus' side in a matter of seconds. Her hand found his and she smiled brightly. This was the kind of life she could get used to.
Exodus smiled as he walked with Harbinger, hand-in-hand, No-Bark walking alongside them. He didn't have his cactus suit on today; Exodus asked him what happened to it. No-bark told him, in his characteristic hyperspeed speech pattern, that it still needed work. No-bark then pointed them to a mess-hall like area where people who knew how to cook served up food. Today they had plenty of rabbit, deer and some desert agave fruit. No-bark told them that they found an oasis not too far from here, and those who could hunt did.

This was something the two of them could do as well....be a hunter team for the village. Not only would it allow them perform reconnaissance into the surrounding area, they could also act as an advance warning system. That set Exodus' mind into a tizzy; if he could design an effective sensor unit, he could place them around the village a long ways out. But then they would have to try and configure it so that it would only recognize enemy signatures. That would be Harbinger's department in designing the circuits for that.

But he would think about that later; Exodus got himself some rabbit meat and a bowl of the agave fruit. "This smells delicious" Exodus commented to the cooks; they nodded and thanked him. "What do you think you'll get, Harbinger?"
"Oh wow...everything looks good." She smiled, paying them a sincere compliment. "I'm not entirely sure what I want. What would you suggest?" she asked them, tilting her pretty head to the side. They were all too happy to make suggestions for her, and she ended up choosing the first suggestion she got, which was what Exodus had, pretty much. She might try the deer tomorrow or later tonight since it would still be there.

She took her food with many thanks and sat next to Exodus, happy to have a nice hot meal waiting for her.
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