Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Exodus flushed slightly when Harbinger kissed his cheek; that seemed to help show the people that they were not someone to be feared or avoided. For some reason, Exodus felt calmer here; maybe it was the knowledge that he was back among his own kind. Even if he was tainted by those bastardly Beastmen. When what appeared to be the de facto leader of the town stepped forward and said that they could stay, Exodus felt an immediate sense of relief.

One of the people then spoke when Harbinger asked what the name of the town was; a little boy came forward and said with a still slightly scared expression on his young face. "This place, my mommy and daddy call it Bator......." Another man then said, "Johnny, don't get too close!" Johnny then turned and said, "But daddy, these two drove the bad people away!" He then looked back up at at Exodus and said, "Y..you'll protect us, won't you mister? The bad people..they've come before, they scare me. They make me have bad dreams." Exodus knelt down and smiled warmly, ruffling the boy's hair mousy brown hair with one of his fairly large hands. "Don't worry, little one. We will keep the bad people away, we'll make the nightmares stop." He then turned to his beloved and said in a determined voice, "Isn't that right, my love?"
Harbringer knelt down with Exodus and smiled at the boy. "Yes, that's right. We won't let them hurt you while we're here." She enjoyed the sight of Exodus and the small boy together. She imagined what it might be like to see Exodus as a father. After a long moment she let that go and looked at the townspeople again.

"Alright Bator. You've got guardians. All we're asking for is a temporary shelter--we'll make our own once we have what we need--and some tools to help fix our gear." She smiled and then said, "And if you do this for us, we'll teach you to protect yourselves."
Exodus smiled as Harbinger added strength to his argument; he then stood up, his short jet-black hair ruffling in a small gust of wind. His powerful yet somewhat intimidating form seemed to re-assure the people that they would indeed be capable of giving them protection and teaching them how to protect themselves. Exodus laughed internally as he realized the polarity of their group dynamic; Harbinger seemed to instill a sense of trust and compassion, whilst Exodus exemplified a capacity in combat and overall strength rarely seen before. The leader of the village then "We can do that, ma'am. We're mighty grateful, to the both of you, for coming to our aid. If you'll follow me, I can show you to your quarters." Exodus nodded and followed the man; he heard whispers in the crowd, commenting on how large he was. Not all of it was negative, though. "Not like it's any fault of mine." he said with a slight smirk as he made his way through the small crowd.

The man eventually led them to a fairly spacious room; though there was only one bed. "I'm afraid this is all we have to offer." Exodus just nodded, "This is fine, really. Like my partner said, we'll build our own once we get the proper supplies. But I have to say, it is rather cozy", putting emphasis on 'cozy' intentionally. The leader then sighed, "The little boy has a right to be scared, but we don't really lose anyone to Beastman attacks. We all just hide until they give up looking. Though I can't tell you how many times we've had to rebuild our shelters after they've come through." Exodus grimaced slightly, "Well, don't worry about that. That's not going to happen ever again."
She threaded her fingers through his and held his hand as they walked along to their new home for a little while. It was a decent sized room...for one person. But it wasn't like they had a lot of things they needed to store. She had a bag of food, a laundry bag of clothes, and some sleeping gear. So, really, between the two of them, they'd be fine here until they had a place of their own. She smiled and squeezed his hand as he said, "cozy." She wouldn't mind being so close to him at night at all.

Exodus' words to the leader were echoed by Harbringer. "You really don't have to worry as much with us around. The only thing is that we need to keep our weapons--the gunmen--in repair. Do you have any tools we could use? Any ore?" She'd said nothing of food, but they had enough to get by for awhile.
The leader nodded and replied, "Yes, we have quite a selection of tools available. But we only use those to maintain the steel structures of our buildings." Exodus blinked, "Steel? Where do you get that?" The leader sighed, "Well, the Beastmen don't just try to take people; they raid our steel stores for themselves, so we have to go to the iron mines hidden nearby to make more." Exodus nodded in return, "I see. Well, rest assured. Your iron stores and steel reserves will be safe." The leader breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, if you two will follow me, I'll show you where we keep our equipment."

Exodus walked hand in hand with Harbinger; they soon reached a depot, which the man opened. Inside were thermal lances, arc-welders with plenty of electrodes, and various other supplies to help make maintaining their Gunmen easier. "Well, here it is. It's not much, but's what we have." Exodus just smiled, "Trust me, this will do." He then looked at Harbinger, "Well, shall we get to work? Then after we fix our Gunmen and eat, we can try to see how many of the enemy Gunmen we can salvage and give to these people. You know, to help them learn to defend themselves against attack."
Harbringer nodded. All-in-all, she really didn't have damage to her gunman. She could get away with maintenance. No, her goal here would be to help Exodus fix his heap of a gunman. And it was quite a task. "Let's get to work." With that, she came forward and started looking at the tools they had and figuring out what they needed and for how long.

"Do you all have a mechanic around here?" She asked, wondering if there was someone that could be trained to help maintain their machines and help make weapons for the town.
The leader shook his head after the woman finished examining the tools, "No, I'm afraid we don't." Exodus then asked, "Do you have an engineer or someone like that?" The leader nodded at this, "Yeah, we do. He's the one who oversees the construction of any new buildings. He's got the most experience with this equipment. But I have to warn you, he's a bit strange." The leader then left Exodus to his thoughts to go fetch the person; Exodus then looked at Harbinger and said, "What do you think he meant by strange?"

Just then what appeared to be a fairly lanky man jumped into view; Exodus immediately saw what the village leader was talking about. The tan-skinned man wore a cactus headpiece and a body suit consisting of large pieces of what appeared to be more cactus. "YEH-HEE! Well, howdy-do, there, pardners!" He then ran up and shook Exodus' hand quite enthusiastically, smiling widely. Exodus noticed the man was missing quite a few teeth in his mouth. He then started talking a mile a minute, all the while still shaking Exodus' hand, "Well-boy-I-can't-tell-you-how-good-it-feels-ta-have-those-nasty-hooligans-out-of-this-town-my-name-is-Noonan-but-people-call-me-No-Bark-I-don't-know-why-but-they-just-do-I-like-the-name-but-it-sounds-weird-and-is-weird-but-I-like-it-hey-want-to-see-a-trick?" Exodus just stood there for a few moments before saying "Uh, pardon?"

No-bark then said "Watch-this-now-you-see-me-now-you-don't!" And without warning No-Bark jumped into the air a bit and tucked his body in; somehow the pieces came together and from the front, he looked like a regular cactus. "You-see-no-human-here-Beastmen-are-stupid" No-Bark continued. Exodus colored himself impressed; the man then spoke again "And-this-is-why-I'm-the-secret-agent-extraordinaire!" The cactus then lifted a bit to reveal No-bark's feet; he then started walking around rather quickly concealed in his cactus disguise. "The-only-problem-is-I-can't-see-very-well--and-sometimes-OMF!" The man then hit a wall headlong and fell over; there was a slight pause before he said "That-happens."
Harbringer blinked, watching the engineer appear. He was odd, alright, but the man had his reasons--and they were genius ones. She had to laugh, however, when he hit the wall, and still spoke at a mile a minute. She came over to the cactus man and offered a hand, helping him up. "Nice to meet you...No Bark was it? I'm Harbringer, and this is Exodus."
No-Bark chuckled as the one named Harbinger helped him to his feet; he then stood up and shook her hand, smiling a wide, semi-toothless smile as his mouth motored on, "Oh-thank-you-Miss-Harbinger-sometimes-I-just-don't-know-what-I'm-doing-and-then-I-go-splat-and-hurt-myself-and-people-get-upset-and-say-"No-bark-take-your-pills"-but No-bark-don't-like-those-pills-no-they-make-him-stupid-and-slow-and-not-able-to-do-anything-and-I-like-to-do-things-like-build-and-build-and-build" Exodus couldn't help but chuckle at the amount of energy this little guy had; Exodus could he was brilliant in his own right. The leader just sighed, "Please forgive No-bark, he loves meeting new people and he's very easily excited." Exodus waved his hand, a smile on his face, "Ah, it's fine. Hey, No-bark, you said you like building things right? Well, I got something I think you'll enjoy looking around in. Be right back."

Exodus then went and got his Gunman, bringing it back ever so slowly so that it wouldn't fall apart further. When he reached where everyone was, No-Bark's eyes were as big as dinner plates. "Ooooo-what-you-have-Mister-Exodus-that's-a-big-mean-mutha-you-got-there-but-it-looks-mighty-beat-up-what-the-heck-you-do-it-may-I-look-at-it?" Exodus almost missed some of what No-bark said due to the speed at which he was talking; however, he inferred most of it and managed to put together what was. Exodus scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "This is called a Gunman, it's basically a means of fighting, and it's this machine that's going to allow us to protect you. The things that just attacked piloted Gunmen as well, that's why we need your help, No-bark. We need to get this machine fixed as best as we can. And yes, I'd love for you to have a look at it."

No-bark jumped excitedly and hugged Exodus; this guy had considerable strength for one so small. "Oh-this-is-gonna-be-fun-I-can-just-tell-I-wonder-what-makes-this-tickand-let's-see-what-ol'-No-bark-can-do!" He then clambored up the machine and started poking around in the various compartments and damage holes of the mech, exploring every square inch of it. The leader laughed, "You just watch, he'll pick apart that machine in no time and figure at what date it was made." Exodus grinned, "Is he really that good?" The leader shrugged, "No idea, but it wouldn't surprise me if he did."
No-bark wasn't quite what she had expected, but Harbringer could appreciate his zeal for life and discovery. "Exodus, what are the main things you needed to be done?" she asked. "Maybe I can get some stuff ready for you," she offered.
(Hope it's alright if I abuse a small time-skip here)
"Well, the load compensator in the right leg is busted. We'll need a welder for that. The armor makes Swiss cheese look like a solid object, the pressure differential controller in the right arm is leaking. Not to mention I need to fabricate new weapons entirely. Though I think I'll stick with a single pistol twin blade combo." At this No-bark clambered back down to stand next to Exodus; Exodus looked down as No-Bark shook his head and said "Woowee-Mister-Exodus-your-machine-is-busted-bad-the-power-activator-almost-dead-and-the-shielding-is-almost-gone-a-few-more-days-and-it-would-have-went-Ka-poof!"

Exodus blinked before saying "Ka-poof?" No-Bark nodded and said "Yes-sir-Ka-poof!-I-say-Kapoof-because-Kaboom-scares-the-children-and-Nobark-don't-like-scaring-the-children-oh-no-no-no." Exodus was confused and asked honestly, "Why would "Kaboom" scare the children?" No-Bark then replied "No-bark-wasn't-always-Bator's-engineer-I-used-to-travel-a-lot-like-you-two-I-would-see-explosions-every-night-from-those-big-mean-muthas-and-when-I-came-here-I-told-my-stories-of-adventure-to-the-children-and-Kaboom-scared-them-so-when-I-told-my-stories-I-changed-it-to-Kapoof-because-it-makes-them-laugh-and-not-be-afraid." Exodus saw the logic and smiled; it was getting easier to understand him. "That's very nice of you, No-bark. Shall we?" No-bark and motioned for Harbinger to follow him to help prepare some of the tools; he explained to her that they would need an arc welder, an oscillatory bandsaw, spot torch and showed her how to work these tools.

The leader then said, "I suppose you'll be needing plenty of steel. Well, we don't have to build any new homes with the exception of yours once you get done with this. So that means our reserves are safe; feel free to take as much as you need." Exodus nodded and replied, "Thank you. I'll try not to use too much." The leader shook his head, "No, no, please use as much as is necessary. If you're going to be the ones defending us, I need that big machine of yours to be as durable as possible" Exodus just replied, "Well I was planning on using the downed Gunman for scrap parts. It's a different alloy, but it is easily worked. Harbinger, I'll be right back." He then ran to his Gunman and slowly started gathering the pieces needed from the surprisingly intact Gunmen nearest the town. Because the load compensator was in danger of failing, he needed to be careful, so that meant many trips with a light load. However, the pieces he grabbed could easily be cut and added to his own. And with that, they began.

It would take them most of the day; however, by the time the sun was beginning to set, they were nearly done; Exodus took his Gunman out once the faulty compensator was fixed and miraculously found a pistol on one of the dead enemy's mechs. "Perfect" he said before putting the weapon into his mech's thigh compartment. They then proceeded with repairs and finished by the time night fell. Exodus and No-Bark yawned; this was a lot of work to do in one day. Exodus was looking to spend some "quality time" with his beloved once they got back though; he was known to have sudden bursts of energy under the right circumstances. "Well, we certainly got a lot done today." he then said with a grin; No-bark nodded and added "Well, I don't know about you, but I think it's ol' No-bark's time to turn in."

Exodus was stunned at the sudden change in rate of speaking for No-bark, but didn't say anything. "Well, good-night friend." he then said as the strange cactus-clad man left the building. Tomorrow they would fix the enemy Gunmen and give those to the townspeople; they would be taught how to pilot them. There would be other things as well, but that would be the most important. "Shall we turn in, Harbinger?" he then asked his beautiful blonde-haired lover.
((By all means--I had no idea what to write lol))

Harbringer did lighter work, but more intensive, detail-oriented work. She worked mostly with the computers as well. No-Bark and Exodus handled the heavy lifting, and that was fine with her. In fact, she liked watching Exodus work now that she wasn't killing himself to meet a self-imposed deadline. She liked watching him do pretty much anything, she found, but she forced herself to not enjoy it too much. She didn't want to get too distracted. As a result of her fine work, she was mentally tired, but physically, she could probably run a marathon.

When they finally turned in, she was a little sleepy, but when he looked at her the way he did, she couldn't help but perk up a bit. "I'm ready to turn in when you are," she said with a smile. Harbringer smiled and put an arm around his waist.
Exodus smiled as Harbinger embraced him; he put an arm around her shoulders and after bidding the town leader good-night, walked with her back to their new abode. The bed would be quite small; however, he had no problem being as close to Harbinger as he could get. Tomorrow would signal the start of an extremely busy rest of their lives; it seemed to Exodus that they were here to stay. And he was fine with that. The thought of having a home with his one and only brought him immense pleasure and happiness.

They finally reached their humble abode; Exodus smiled widely and said, "You know, I wouldn't mind staying in here if it weren't so small. But that's alright, we can build our own tomorrow. But for now, let's christen our new home, shall we?" He didn't know it, but he was in a perfect position for Harbinger to tackle him onto the bed should she feel so bold.
And bold she was. When Harbringer and Exodus came into their new home, she let go of him, shook out her hair a little, and smirked as he told her he wanted the "christen the new place." With her startling speed, it was easy to take him by surprise, not that he'd been expecting it in the first place. She tackled him, pinning him down superficially--she didn't have the strength to keep him there and they both knew it. So she took advantage of her place and smiled, kissing him deeply while she could, her hands running down his arms and to his sides.
Exodus gave an "Oomph!" as Harbinger used her superior speed to take him by surprise; that was unexpected. He then smiled as he and Harbinger kissed each other deeply; Exodus tried to speak, though finding a time to talk was difficult with how passionate they were being right now. "You're......getting bol........der, Harbinger......." he said breathily in between bouts of their kissing. He knew he could easily flip her over and assume the dominant position; however, he rather enjoyed Harbinger being like this. So he let her stay like this for a short while; his hands became very naughty and went up to grope her full, succulent chest from over her clothes. He massaged them somewhat roughly, using his hands to cause a very slight amount of friction against her nipples from the clothes themselves.

After an extended period of this, he then spun them over and braced himself with his arms over her. His breathing was heavy with lust and desire; he then grinned and said playfully, "Attacking your commander like that, Harbinger. You naughty girl. Now I'm going to have to administer some punishment. I think teasing you for a while will suffice; let's see how long you can last." With that, he helped her undress and after doing the same himself, left her naked beneath him. He then started attacking her lips again; he pressed his bare chest against hers as he kissed her passionately. His hands teased and kneaded her orbs while his erect length rubbed itself along the outer lips of her pussy. He wanted to see how long she could resist before asking, or if he made her desperate enough begging him, to make love to her relentlessly.
His surprise made her smile and she kept kissing him, hungrily even as he tried to speak to her. She liked that little game. She played with his tongue for a little bit longer before she turned her attention to his neck. She moaned softly as he fondled her breasts through the shirt. It felt wonderful to have him playing with her like this. The want and need was very much present.

And a good long share of time, Exodus rolled them over so fast her head was spinning. She gasped and moaned as he brought her down and told her she was naughty. She kind of liked this little play they had going on. Smiling she, let him start to take her clothes off, and she cooperated easily. She was naked in seconds, and she helped him strop down before she was down and he was kissing her again.

Moaning into his lips, Harbringer wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close as he pressed against her chest and felt his monster cock rubbing against her. She wrapped her legs around him and ran her hands up and down his back and sides. "Mmm, Exodus..."
Exodus smiled as he heard Harbinger moan; he felt her shapely, powerful legs wrap around his waist and her heels press into the small of his back. Having her body wrapped around him like this made him so hot under the collar he almost just shoved his cock in her; but, he had greater control than that. He just smiled and then turned his attention to her breasts; he leaned down to take one of her globes into his mouth, kissing and sucking on the skin lightly. He slowly made his way to the nipple, kissing and licking around it before taking the erected bud into his mouth. He then sucked on it and gently teethed it for a few moments before repeating the action with the other one.

All the while, his throbbing shaft ground progressively harder against her pussy. The purple bulbous tip was pulsating, large drops of pre-cum dripping onto her stomach and coating his length in a semi-shiny film. If she wanted it inside her, she'd have to make it very clear to him where she wanted to him put it.
She loved having him so close to her like this. She wanted him to lose his mind for a short time and just enjoy her body. More than that, she wanted to enjoy his body for herself. And how she enjoyed him. Harbringer was actually a little disappointed that he was so in control of himself. But she would enjoy the way he played with her.

Her body arched into his and she moaned as he kissed and sucked her breast, taking his time to get to the sensitive bud that was her nipple. Soft sounds of pleasure escaped her throat while he took his time, grinding against her, her legs pulling him closer so she could feel it more. "I love you so much," she murmured, loving the feel of him teasing her like this.
Exodus smiled as Harbinger told him she loved him; he could listen to her say that every day for the rest of his life and never get tired of it. No one in their mind would, that was his outlook now. He pulled his mouth off of pleasuring her breasts and smiled up at her, saying "And I love you, Harbinger. I hope these things I'm doing show you just how much." He then returned to pleasuring her body; he wanted her to feel as much pleasure as she could and more.

He grinned at Harbinger's willingness to let him have his way with her. He loved the way her arms and legs held onto him, pressing their bodies together in a moment of heated, passionate sexual bliss. He released her breasts from his mouth and started to kiss her again; he let the head of his cock dip into her folds and start to push in, making it seem like he was going to sink himself inside her. And as much as wanted to, he wanted to see how much she could handle. His rod of pleasure throbbed as it sank ever so slowly into her; once the head was enveloped within her, however, he then pulled back out and rested it on her womanly lips.

After kissing her for a bit longer and letting his tongue wrestle with hers, he pulled and whispered sensually into her ear, teasing her even more "Harbinger, tell me what is you want. Be very clear about it, and your wish will be granted." He knew what he wanted, but he wanted to her hear say it, just for fun. As he waited, Exodus continued to rub his now-weakly throbbing erect phallus even harder against the folds of her pussy, letting his plum-sized head dip inside occasionally to tease her even more.
She shivered, loving the sound of his voice as he told her he loved her back. It was so nice to know that her love was no longer a secret or somehow unrequited. He loved her. And that made everything ten times better. He wanted to demonstrate how much he loved her, and he was succeeding. "Mmm, Exodus," she shivered, taking his lips when he relinquished his hold on her breasts.

Gasping as he teased her with his tip, Harbringer moaned into his lips. He was just plain evil when he got like this, but she loved it. Despite the fun of teasing and foreplay, the blonde wanted him badly. Her tongue wrestled with his a bit longer and then she had him. She closed her eyes and shivered as he whispered into her ear to tell him exactly what she wanted.

"I want you to put your cock deep inside my tight pussy and fuck me until neither one of us has anything left," she groaned, not wasting time. She didn't speak like this often, and if she hadn't wanted him so badly, she might have been embarrassed. But why bother with a silly thing like that when she had a man she needed.
Exodus was quite surprised when Harbinger told him quite forthcomingly about her desires; however, that was in no way an unpleasant one. He grinned at her honesty and replied breathily, "Your wish is my command, my love." And with that, he took the engorged head of his massive throbbing phallus and placed it back at the entrance to her warm, tight tunnel.

He then put his arms around her tightly but not uncomfortably so, just as she was doing now with her arms and legs. He then pushed in, feeling his cock throb against her walls as it pressed onward before bottoming out against her cervix. He then pulled back and quickly built up a pace and rhythm, pushing his cock in and out of her pussy to help bring them both to that wonderful peak she and him both loved. He'd pour every last drop he could of his liquid love inside her tonight, no matter how many times it took. Just as she requested.
The blonde beneath him was momentarily free of inhibitions, despite the fact that the walls were somewhat thin in this tiny room. She didn't really care if they heard inside or not. If they teased her, she'd just accept it because the real thing was totally worth it. As he slid in and out of her like that, building up speed and power in his thrust, she couldn't help herself. She moaned loudly and squeezed him tighter, pulling him close. Her eyes closed and she loved the way it felt as he worked with her to bring them closer to their climaxes.

Her tight sex squeezed him as her body bounced in response to his powerful thrusts. She wasn't sure how long she'd be able to take it, but right now, Harbringer wanted all she could handle and more.
Exodus loved it when Harbinger moaned like that; it got him going and helped reassure him that she was feeling good. He didn't really care if the others heard them; all that mattered right now was him and her, grappling in heated coitus. He felt her wrap her legs and arms around him tighter, pushing their bodies even closer together; he could feel her full breasts bouncing underneath him as his powerful chest flattened them against her body. His breathing grew ragged, more animalistic as he continued to thrust his thick meat in and out of her.

As Exodus pushed himself in and out of her, he ould feel the walls of her pussy pulsing around him; it was as if her body was massaging his massive member, trying to pull his thick cum out and fill her with it. Well, soon enough, that's what she would get. Exodus kissed along her neck and collarbone, pushing himself harder and deeper within her to help send her over the edge.
Harbringer was nearing her climax now. The more animalistic he became, the better it felt. She was so hot and so ready for him she could hardly believe they were still new at this. Arching up into his lips and body, she offered herself up to him, wanting to give him every last piece of her. And she wanted to take every last bit of him as well. She squeezed him tighter as she came within reach of her breaking point. But she didn't want to go before him. She wanted them to come together, so she warned him.

"Exodus," she moaned, panting softly. "So close! I'm ....gonna cum...!"
Exodus kept going faster and harder within her, his cock throbbing and massaging the walls of her hot, tight pussy as his own end neared. Even as Harbinger pulled him closer, wrapping herself around him even more, he still thrust in and out with increasing force and power. He felt his large balls begin to tighten; he was so close, but he would wait until Harbinger was ready.

That time seemed to be at hand when Harbinger told him she was close; he grinned and said, "Gonna lose my mind........Harbinger, I'm gonna cum too....." His breathing shortened even more to heavy grunts as the heat spread in his groin; he could feel her contracting around his throbbing shaft, her pussy trying to make him fill her with his cum. After a few moments of his hard thrusting, he gave a low guttural growl from deep within his chest as he thrusted into Harbinger for the final time, his phallus swelling as his peak was reached.

He then came hard inside her, the head of his cock pulsating against her cervix as it pumped her womb full of his thick, sticky cum. HIs cock throbbed as more of his hot seed flooded into her; eventually he released so much he could feel it start to flood out in streamers and pool slightly onto the bed.
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