Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

"Save it. Unless we happen to come across a human settlement to resupply, which we haven't yet, we'll need to have those in case of a real emergency." Exodus said; the thought of a human settlement appealed to him. Maybe he and Harbinger could settle down, maybe Sovereign's death was fate's way of telling him he'd done enough. He was just so unsure of what to do. He hated being in the dark, about anything.

He gave a small sigh and ran a hand through his thick black hair; it'd grown so long it reached down to his broad shoulders. "I really need to cut this" he said aloud. He then what he was thinking to Harbinger, "Hey, I was thinking. What if in the next town, we stayed there? At least for a while. That way, we'd be their protectors, and we could use the town as a staging area for any attacks we might want to perform against other Beastmen units." He still needed to repair his own Gunman; thanks to his depression, he neglected to maintain it. It was Harbinger who kept the thing up and running, but it was getting close to being on its last legs.
She liked the idea of staying in a human settlement. It meant some stability, an opportunity to protect people, and an opportunity to repair and get back into the swing of things before they decided to do anything rash. Not to mention, it would give them both a taste of what it might be like to live together in a peaceful place--nice and settled.

"That would be nice," she said with a smile. "Hey, do you want me to cut your hair for you?" she asked, sitting up a little more. "I've kinda wanted to for a while now," she said with a smile. It was something she felt she'd be able to do well because of her steady hands and eye for detail.
"But it's so dark out. Will you be able to see........" he then trailed off; he just remembered she could see quite well in the dark. Even with the fires going and the reflected moonlight from the ocean surface, it would have been hard for any normal human to see much around them. But then again, they weren't exactly normal. By Beastmen or human standards. "Knock yourself out" he said, indirectly admitting the lapse in knowledge.

He then couldn't help but smile and chuckle a bit, "I just realized something. We're neither true human or true Beastmen. We're really sitting on the fence aren't we? We're freaks, in both groups. Heh, but you know, that's alright. I can stand being a freak."
Harbringer smiled when he asked if she could see in the dark. Really, to her this was like having a lamp on. She chuckled and kissed his cheek before getting up to get the things she'd need to cut his hair. She frowned a little as he told her that they were freaks--but he said it in such a light-hearted way. "I suppose we are. But you know, as long as I have you, I'm okay."

With a little grin, she was off to get the things she needed. When she came back, she combed his hair and started cutting. "But at least we'll be well-groomed freaks," she said with a little chuckle. Habringer cut his hair short in the back, but left it a little longer toward the front. He could smooth it back or leave it down if he wanted. It looked really nice to her, when it was finished. "There, all done."
Exodus chuckled at Harbinger's remark, "Yeah, we'll be the best-looking freaks on the planet." He then sat as still as possible to facilitate her cutting, not that she'd need it. She had the steadiest hands of them all, and what she lacked in force she more than made up for in precision and accuracy. He could feel thick bunches of hair falling off of him; the weight difference as each lock of hair was cut away was slight, but noticeable to Exodus. When Harbinger was finished, Exodus actually felt a lot better. "Thanks, Harbinger. I appreciate it; knowing me, I probably would have butchered it, hehehe."

"I better go check on the trap. Hopefully we'll have something to go along with the birds." Exodus then stood up, transferring the birds to the fire which had been used to distill the seawater. He looked in the pot; it was quite full and that meant they would have plenty to drink. Moving cautiously to where the trap was, he grabbed the rope and pulled it in. There were six good-sized crab, each trying to find a way out; perfect for them. Taking the trap back to their little site, he placed the crabs into the stone pit; the stones were pretty hot from the fire that had been roaring above. He then waited for the fire to die down before knocking the pile of still-hot sticks on top of the crabs and placing the seaweed slabs over the top of the pit. He then took some of the water and poured on top of the hot rocks to steam them; they would be ready probably by the time they had finished their birds.

Using the empty cage as a serving platter of sorts, he set the birds on top before extinguishing the other fire. They had a nice crispy coating, but weren't burned. And with the seasonings Harbinger had and the sprinkle of salt he had from the distillation pot, they would taste a helluva lot better now. Setting the birds between them, he grinned and said, "Eat up, Harbinger. There's plenty."
She laughed a little at his comment and smiled at him as he went off to check the trap. Lifting the things from the blanket, she shook it out for them and replaced it before replacing all the things that had been on it, including herself. She smiled and then took come of the bird with her knife and fork and tucked in when he put it in front of her. She smiled and ate it with pleasure, telling him what a good job he'd done cleaning the bird and how nicely it had cooked.
Exodus smiled as he and Harbinger ate their meal; it really was peaceful. A moonlit dinner on the beach with the woman of his life, he couldn't imagine a more perfect scenario. Exodus ate a quite a lot of one of the birds; he hadn't really all that much, and it made him lose quite a bit of weight. He'd need to eat plenty to help regain the loss. "Harbinger, when we do find a town to settle in, do you think they'll know.....you know...what we are? I mean, I haven't seen anyone else pilot these machines besides us and the Beastmen."
Harbringer enjoyed her meal with Exodus, satisfied with their short-term plan. She had to say that she rather enjoyed the idea of settling down...at least in one sense of the word. Having a home would really be wonderful after all of their traveling. But she would love to come back to this place again.

She watched him eat, pleased that he ate more of the bird than she did. It was nice to know that he had an appetite again. Soon the crabs would be done and they would be feasting even more. When he asked about the people she thought for a moment. "There's no reason for them to know what we are," she said, looking at him. "I'm sure they'll be suspicious at first, but we don't have to tell them what we are, and they don't have to know."
"I know, I just hope that they don't recognize us. I'd really hate getting chased out of every town we tried to call a home. And believe me, I have no intention to tell them anything about us." he stated matter-of-factly; the less people knew, the better. He then lifted the seaweed sheets to check to see if the crabs were done. He then realized he couldn't see all that well; however, the light from the water and the small embers from the sticks gave him enough ambient light to see that the shells were red.

"Crabs are almost done." he said as he grabbed them from the rock pit; he then took some more water and quenched them to cool them off. Once they were cold Exodus took a sizable one for himself and another he handed to Harbinger. "Dig in" Exodus said with a grin as he started cracking the legs and sucking out the meat.
Harbringer watched Exodus as he ate the seafood and mirrored his action finding that it was actually quite good. She smiled and ate the food, leaning against him a little. "This is pretty good."

She'd agreed with him about the villages and people so she said nothing for the moment. "Do you think we'll ever be done fighting?" she asked, still eating her food. That was what bothered her the most.
Exodus was a bit surprised at Harbinger's question, despite the obvious weight of it. Would they ever be done fighting? "I don't know, Harbinger. I really don't know." Though he wasn't sure that was the right way to word it; in truth, they could stop actively engaging the Beastmen. However, they would need to be prepared to fight if they were ever found by stray Beastmen patrols. After the death of one of their Generals, the Beastmen would be out for blood.

Exodus then out one of his arms around her, leaning his head on top of hers, "Let's not think about that right now. I want to enjoy this time we have right now with you."
Well that was certainly a new way of looking at things for Exodus. She'd never seen him in the moment except for their love-making earlier on. His honesty and candidness surprised her a little bit, but she was glad that he didn't sugar coat it. Harbringer needed him to still be honest with her and not become over protective. She was glad that he was willing to comfort her, though and happily took refuge in his arms. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent, instantly back in the moment.

"You're right. Let's just enjoy the time we've got." She smiled and leaned into him, comforted and reassured that quickly. "I love you," she said softly.
"And I love you, Harbinger. Don't forget it." he replied; he then just sat there, his beloved beside him as he watched the waves crash on the shoreline, the moonlight glinting off the surface of the water. The stars twinkled overheard in strange patterns; it was almost like Morse Code. It wasn't long, though, before fatigue set in and he gave a loud yawn. "I think it's time we went to sleep, Harbinger. Care to accompany me to bed?" he said with a slight grin on his face.
She smiled and nodded. "Yes. Let's get it set up," she said with a little grin. The blonde kissed his lips softly. After having been by the soothing shore and seeing the sea at night, she was feeling lulled into a sleepy state as well. She rolled out a sleeping bag so that it was open and flat on the ground on top of the blanket they'd had.

She put some pillows down--the two she'd taken from the barracks, and then tossed another blanket down. "That should do it," she said with a smile. "Let's get to bed."
"Indeed, we need our rest if we're going to do anything tomorrow." He said as he laid down. Looking up at Harbinger, he grinned and said, "Come lay next to me, my love. I love feeling your body next to mine."

(Gah, sorry for the short post. Writer's block.)
She smiled and brushed herself off, combing her hair first. When she was all nice and clean she lay next to him and snuggled into him. His comment about loving her body next to his made her smile. She felt the same way. With a grin, she kissed his lips softly and got settled in. "Mmm, and I love to be next to you. Good night, Exodus," she said, cuddling into him. When morning came, they'd be off again, but tonight, she could sleep peacefully with her lover.
With Harbinger snuggled next to him and no immediate threat of a Beastman attack, Exodus felt at peace......truly at peace.....for the first time in over a year. Each time he told himself things couldn't get better, Harbinger was there to prove him wrong. He realized today Harbinger wasn't just a recon/medic and squadmate, she was a part of him. A part that had been buried deep down, a part he never wanted to lose again. He pulled her closer, just to reassure himself that she was there. "Good night, Harbinger." he then responded before closing his eyes and passing into the most relaxed sleep he ever had. His dreams were only of Harbinger that night, and the moment of heated passion and love that they had shared not just a few hours ago. His face twisted into a goofy smile as he slept.

When morning rolled around, Exodus would still be asleep. For the most part anyway; a certain part of his anatomy, his 'not-so-mini-me' in Sovereign's terms, stood awake and at attention. It hiked the front of his pants tall and proud as if to say "GOOD MORNING!" The silly smile that plastered Exodus' face was still there as well, evidence of just how well he had slept that night.
Harbringer slept peacefully, mostly happy dreams that involved Exodus in some way or other. A few nonsensical dreams that she didn't really remember were tossed in as well. When she woke up, she woke up in the best possible way: in the arms of someone who loved her. She grinned at the goofy expression on his face. In all the time she'd known him, he'd never looked so happy and that made her feel even more special than before. She watched him for a long moment, until she noticed that more than his face was happy about her being in their makeshift bed with her.

She blushed just a little and shifted a little only to have it rest in a little more suggestive place. Of course. Chuckling she leaned into him and kissed him softly, hoping to wake him this way.
Exodus stirred when Harbinger kissed him; though he was still not fully awake and not exactly aware of his current situation. His head turned to his beloved and smiled more normally but no less happily. "Good morning, beautiful." Exodus said in a still-somewhat sleepy tone.

It was at this point Exodus noticed his morning wood; he then flushed slightly when he saw where it was. "Um, well, this is quite an awkward situation." he said while grinning sheepishly. He then decided to be bold and ask her quite directly, "Wanna have one more go before we head out? As kind of a farewell to this lovely place?"
Harbringer liked it when he called her beautiful. Unlike when the doctor had said it to her, Exodus meant it in a way that was more innocent, more loving. He cared about her and wanted to be with her, not the other way around. She smiled at him as he became aware of their current state and blushed softly. "Good morning, handsome."

As he asked her straight away she blushed a bit and chuckled. "That sounds like a wonderful idea," she said, snuggling a bit closer to him, letting his thick member rest between her thighs.
Exodus felt Harbinger trap his erect member between her legs; he smiled and said "Oh, dear Harbinger, don't tease me. You know how I like to come in for the attack." He then started attacking her lips with his own, pressing himself into a passionate kiss with his lover. While that was going on, one hand slipped under her shirt to tease her breast and nipple, while the other went down to her shorts and rubbed her pussy from over her shirts. This had given her pleasure last time, so he saw no reason it wouldn't this time. All the while his cock strained against the pants he wore, pushing the fabric harder between her thighs.
She smiled back at him as he bantered--or would have bantered if he hadn't decided that he needed to devour her lips. She kissed him passionately, moaning softly and melting into him. Exodus was getting very good at making her feel very good indeed. As his hands pleasured her, she shivered at the feel of his hand on her bare skin and groaned at his fingers rubbing along her hot sex. He was right. There was no reason for it to not feel good.

So good...closing her eyes, she let her tongue dance with his a bit, her hands running through his hair and over his back. She was loving every second of it.
Exodus was loving it too; bringing Harbinger pleasure made him happier than anything else in the world. He continued to pleasure Harbinger; his fingers soon found their way under her shorts and began fondling her heated sex, teasing the lips and clit continuously before working her shorts and shirt off of her body. His arousal at her sounds and beautiful body only continued to grow; it wasn't long after that he pushed his own pants down to reveal the monster below. After pleasing her a little longer with his kisses and touching he pulled back and said, "Harbinger, let's try this with you on top. I want you to set the pace."
Harbringer groaned softly as he pleasured her, working his way into her shorts and playing with her breast. After an intense session like this, he broke the kiss and worked her out of all her clothes. Her arousal was apparent as she pressed against his body and nipped at his bottom lip. When he lost his shorts, she was instantly ready for him, her body responding to that sight a great deal. When the touches and kissing came to a halt, she was breathing deeply, her eyes dark with lust.

His request made her smile and she nodded. "Sure. Anything you want," she said slowly pushing him onto his back so she could straddle his hips and get a feel for how this was going to work.
Exodus rolled over as Harbinger pushed him; his thick cock stood high and proud. When she straddled his hips, the base was pressed against her womanly lips and the rest of the hot shaft was lightly pressed against the lower part of her flat stomach, throbbing and hot with arousal and carnal need. He smiled as he looked up into Harbinger's eyes, his own breathing now quite shallow and ragged. All he moaned out was "Harbinger....", the tone in his voice heavy with lust and desire.
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