Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

It took Harbinger awhile to get used to the sheer size of him, and so once he was in all the way, she breathed a sigh of relief. She panted and looked up at him. As he kissed her, she held onto him tightly and kissed back, her tongue exploring his mouth gently. After a few moments he pulled away and told her it was up to her.

"Mmmm...I just need a few moments," she said softly. After a short time, she became more comfortable with him inside her. "Alright Exodus," she moaned. "I'm ready."
Exodus smiled and said simply "Here I go." He then pulled his erect, weakly throbbing cock out until just the head remained inside before slowly pushing it back in; he was trying not to go too fast. He would try to build up an easy rhythm at first, then he would go slowly increase his pace. He could feel just how hot and tight she was, the ridges on the walls of her pussy rubbing and stimulating his rampant phallus. It was pure bliss to him; the way Harbinger's hair fanned out and framed her beautiful face. This was it; he was the closest he could ever get to the woman of his dreams. And he loved every second of it.
She shivered and lifted her hips a little as he pulled out of her. When he pushed slowly back in, she moaned and gasped as he thrust into her. She closed her eyes and arched her back as he built up a rhythm. Harbringer gazed up into his eyes as he moved inside her, her pussy squeezing his huge cock tightly. She reached up and put her arms around him, holding onto him for support.
Exodus' gaze locked with Harbinger's own; the way her pussy squeezed and throbbed around his rampant phallus felt amazing. He then leaned down as Harbinger wrapped her arms somewhat tightly around him and started kissing the valley between her succulent breasts. His kisses would trail up to her collarbone as he continued to thrust in and out of her. He then said in a cross between a breathy moan and a heavy aroused grunt, "Harbinger, this is incredible. I'm so glad I got to do this with you." Before she would be able to respond, he then kissed her deeply again as he increased his pace a bit, going slightly harder and faster within her.
She panted softly as he kissed her cleavage, her breasts jiggling a bit as he thrust into her. Groaning as he kissed up her collar bone, her hips moved with his once she got a little more used to his cock in her. One thing about her genetic alterations--she didn't feel nearly as much pain as she might have, and her body was quickly adjusting to the size. Soon, she was feeling far more pleasure than pain and she moaned softly. She could definitely see why he was enjoying himself so much.

Before she could tell him how happy she was to share her body with him like this, his lips were kissing her again. She moaned into his lips and melted, her hands rubbing his back as he gained momentum and force. It felt so good. It was going to be so difficult to resist him...but she wasn't sure that would end up being a problem.
Exodus continued to kiss Harbinger as he pushed himself in and out of Harbinger's tight pussy. He could feel the heat within beginning to grow; he could feel he was getting close to his release. He pulled back from their intense liplock and said breathily, "Harbinger, are you feeling good? It sure sounds like it." he then said teasingly with a grin.
Harbringer rocked her hips with his, her lips attached to his, tongue dancing with his. Her eyes opened as he broke the kiss and she felt pleasure beginning to build her up toward that same threshold she'd faced before. She panted as he asked if she was feeling good. His teasing only got a few moans from her as he kept going. "Mmmm, you'd know...if I wasn't," she said, between groans. "So good," she moaned, deciding to give him some encouragement.
Exodus smiled at Harbinger's response; that was so like her. His cock began to throb more noticeably now, the veins along the length of his shaft massaging the walls of her pussy as his cock continued to swell, stiffen and press against her insides. "I"m glad...ngh" Exodus grunted as he picked the pace even more. "Harbinger, I'm getting close. God it feels so fanatastic" he groaned out; his limit was almost reached, and it was going to be huge. He could feel it by the tingling in his balls; he would hold out until she reached her limit, however. He wanted her to feel good too.
She moaned as he throbbed inside of her, her body tightening around his. "Oh God..." She closed her eyes and panted as he swelled a bit inside of her. The blonde beneath him gasped and bounced a bit as he picked up the pace again. She was nearing her breaking point as well, and just a little longer, she'd be ready. "So close," she murmured. "Just a little more," she moaned.
Exodus continued to thrust; it was getting so hard to hold himself back. He could feel beads of sweat forming on his forehead and jawline. He could feel her pussy contracting, squeezing his cock mercilessly. He could tell she was close by the way she was moaning "Harbinger, let's finish together" he moaned out as he continued to thrust, the heat in his loins reaching unbearable levels. It was a few more moments before finally he could hold back no longer; his balls tightened almost painfully as he pushed his cock as far in as it could go. His cockhead pressed against her cervix as he unloaded a plentiful amount of his hot, creamy seed into her womb. His phallus throbbed hard as he pumped his sperm deep inside and painted her womb a thick coat of white. He unleashed so much that it actually started to wash back out, coating her walls in thick sperm as well.
She gasped and came just as he did, surprised at how good it felt to have him fill her up with his side. She gasped and moaned, panting as she had another orgasm, her entire body curling up as she lost control and gave into the pleasure. She let her body react all on its own as she milked him for all the sperm he had. Harbringer felt herself filled to the brim until she overflowed with his cum, her body overloaded with pleasure. She held him tightly, unwilling to let go of him until she began to subside a bit. "Exodus," She moaned, over and over. It felt so good, and he was the cause of it all.
Exodus felt Harbinger's pussy massage and squeeze his throbbing erection as he continued to fill her with his liquid heat. After a short while, the powerful orgasm ceased. It would take a while for Exodus to settle down from the intense pleasure that coursed through him; his pleasure finally subsided and his phallus began to shrink. It eventually softened up enough to where it slipped out, causing their combined fluids to slowly leak out of her. He rested himself on top of Harbinger, grunting and sweating lightly. He'd never felt that good....ever.

He then reached up and kissed Harbinger on the lips, holding the contact for a few seconds before pulling back, a wide smile on his face as he looked into her navy-blue eyes. "Harbinger, that was amazing. No, amazing doesn't even give the credit it deserves. I've never felt that good in my life. Thank you, Harbinger."
She panted as she slowly came down from her serious high. The world seemed brighter and more colorful than it had before and she had one man to thank for it. After awhile, Exodus pulled out and she felt herself returning to calm as he breathing evened out. She grinned as she looked up at him, a thin sheen of sweat on her body and his. There were no words...but she liked that he tried to use them to explain. She smiled at him and kissed him deeply. "Mmm, there's nothing to thank me for, Exodus. You gave me the same thing," she said with a smile.

She stole another kiss from him and ran her hands through his hair. "I love you, Exodus."
"And I love you, my beloved Harbinger." Exodus said in a very relaxed tone; he rolled off of her and pulled her into his side as they laid down on the blanket, keeping a strong arm comfortably wrapped around her. For the first time in a long time, he truly felt peaceful. Like nothing more could go wrong. It was a wonderful feeling. Reflecting back on his past actions, he wondered how in the hell she managed to deal with him. He'd been very different than how he was right now. "Harbinger, tell me something. How in the world did you put up with me before this?"

Deep down, he still wanted to lead a campaign against the Beastman. But at the same time, he didn't want to risk losing Harbinger like he did Sovereign. So many thoughts; he didn't want to think about this right now. But, old habits die hard.
Harbringer smiled back at him, curling into his side as she rolled onto the blanket. She kissed his shoulder as he asked the next question. She chuckled and put his arms around him. "Despite how much you tried my patience, that part of you is admirable in its own ways. You're a dedicated man, methodical, and usually a very good leader. And when you had fun, it was fun to watch you. Even though you were a bit stubborn...I could tell you cared. You are who you are and I love you."

It was rather difficult to explain.
Exodus listened as Harbinger told him why she tolerated his endless drive to push against the Beastman; he then chuckled when she said he was a 'bit' stubborn. "A bit stubborn, huh? Is that all?" he then teased, poking fun at himself.

Exodus then laid there, watching as the sun descended and the stars began to shine. With no other ambient light sources around, they shone brilliantly against the blackness of the night sky. They twinkled and blinked intermittently, giving the pair of lovebirds one of nature's best light shows. Exodus wandered if Sovereign was up there somewhere, watching down on them. "God rest your soul, Sovereign. I hope wherever you are, that you are happy." he then thought.

All of a sudden, a shooting star was seen cutting across, as if to signal him that Sovereign was happy. "Make a wish, Harbinger." he then said. He didn't need to make one; everything he wished for was right here next to him.
She chuckled at his own teasing and said nothing, just smiling at him. Then they were a dot on the shore as the sunset painted everything golden and the sky became a swirl of pinks oranges and purples until the sun faded away to stars. She'd never been able to appreciate the sunset until now, and she was very happy that she'd been able to spend the time with the man she loved.

A feeling of peace washed over her and she hoped that Sovereign had found some too. Just as she thought it, there was a shooting star and she heard Exodus tell her to make a wish. So, she closed her eyes and wished that no matter what happened, the three of them would be able to find happiness. Her arms tightened around him and she kissed him again. "I love you, Exodus. I hope you never forget that."
"Same to you, Harbinger. I may not have shown it at all in the past, but I always did. No matter what may happen, I will always love you." he then replied after receiving Harbinger's kiss. He felt so peaceful, but at the same time a little uneasy. He never liked sitting around in one spot before and it was beginning to show again. His body tensed as he began to fidget slightly; it was an unfortunate result of his single-minded drive to destroy the Beastmen. He forced the impulse to move, to plan, to destroy out of his mind with great difficulty. He then sighed; he really wanted to enjoy this time with Harbinger. She deserved it, and deep down he wanted it. But his mind kept trying to push him back into his old routine; not surprising considering it had kept him alive for this long.

"Harbinger, where do we go from here? I feel so stupid right now. I usually have a plan of some kind, something to go off. But right now, I've got nothing. I just don't know what to do. Do we keep fighting the Beastmen, or do we settle down somewhere? Or do we just wander looking for things to do to kill the time?" Exodus then began listing options on their future at an unbelievable speed; it would take some time for him to fully unlearn the constant planning patterns he had put himself through.
She smiled at his response and was happy enough with the time she'd spent with him uninterrupted by his mind's constant need to plan. The blonde felt him tense and knew that their peaceful time was over. She chuckled and watched as he broke down. If she was just an island of happiness in a see of methodical thinking, she could handle that. She just wanted to make sure that those islands were a lot closer together.

So as he started listing options, she propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at him, some of her hair in her face. She smiled as he went a mile a second into his thoughts. She chuckled and then leaned down and kissed him deeply, stopping his mouth from matching his brain. "Enough," she said, looking down at him. Why don't we get dressed and find some food while we talk about it?"
Well, that was one to shut him up. Exodus sure as hell stopped when Harbinger pressed her lips against his; he calmed down enough to where he could laugh lightly. "Thanks, Harbinger." he said gratefully. He then nodded at the suggestion of food; it'd been a while since he'd eaten a proper meal due to his depression. And he was hungry enough to give even someone of Sovereign's size a run for their money. Pulling his combat fatigues and shirt back on, he tried to see what there would be to eat. They could fish, since they're near an ocean and all. Several options went through his mind at once; he then noticed some seagulls on the beach about twenty feet away. Looking around, he noticed a lot of washed-up driftwood on the beach; he still had some thin rope in his Gunman and with the proper rigging, he could build a large enough crab trap. He still needed bait, but that was where the seagulls came in. His plan was to cook one and use the other as crab bait.

"Hey, Harbinger, you like seafood? I think I got a plan to catch us some crab." He then said to her.
She chuckled as he laughed and thanked her. One thing about being in her new relationship was that she could do that whenever she wanted and it would always work in her favor. "Any time," she said with a grin. That said, the buxome blonde set about getting dressed again. She pulled on her shorts and the tank top and pulled her hair back a bit. When he asked her about seafood, she had to think about it. "Honestly? I don't remember having it ever. But I'll eat it if you catch it. I'll grab some stuff from my gunman for it." She smiled and then jogged off, surprised she had as much energy as she did. But she felt amazing.

If she never got to come here again, she'd be happy having only been there once. As long as she had Exodus she could be happy anywhere. Of that, she was convinced.
"Excellent. I'll get some things ready for the trap." He searched around the beach, and after a short while found a few decent stones. Though he was fairly diminished in strength, he knew exactly where to hit with the amount of force he could generate. "Alright, let's see if I still have it." He tried to sneak as close to the gulls as he could, hoping to get a jump on them. Unfortunately, he failed pretty hard when it came to stealth; his foot hit very fragile driftwood and snapped, causing the gulls to scatter. "Damnit" he grumbled as he cast the first rock at the birds. It hit one and killed it; it took Exodus a few more tries before the second one was brought down as well.

He grabbed the two birds and made his way back to where the blanket was; they still needed fire. That was fine; Exodus could figure it out. He first dug a pit and then after taking some more rocks that he found and arranging them in a circle, he laid some of the bigger pieces of driftwood on it. He then got a small piece of driftwood and a larger piece; taking a final piece of rock he sharpened the smaller piece and made a small divot in the larger piece. He wouldn't make the fire yet; he'd until Harbinger came back with the other things to make the trap with. He opted to use the smaller bird as the bait; they'd need as much to eat as possible.
Harbringer came back to him with some extra bedding and a bag of tools and food. She set the rest of the bedding down on the blanket they'd used earlier and then walked toward him and pulled out some food and supplies for him to use. "How's this?" she asked, showing him what she had.
"Perfect. I'll need this, this....oh, this'll come in handy, and this......hmmmm, might need it. Better to have it and not need it" he mused as he looked through the gear and grabbed what he needed. And Exodus noticed some food items in there as well; he'd use part of it for bait and leave the rest for them. That also freed up the other gull for them to feast on; though it was fairly dark out, the moon cast a brilliant amount of light on the water and lit the beach quite well. It was really serene as Exodus worked to fasten some of the extra driftwood into a makeshift trap cage; after testing its durability, he used more rope so that he could pull it back in when the crabs came in.

Placing some of the food in the cage and grabbing of the seaweed, laid it on top of a large stone nearby. He then started up a fire and stuck the birds, after quickly de-feathering and gutting them, onto driftwood spits to roast. "The birds are probably going to be a bit bland, but it's something. Unless you happen to have some kind of seasoning in that...." he then said as he slowly turned the birds in the fire to cook them evenly before stopping. "Harbinger, I'll be right back" he said as he grabbed two metal containers and a plate from the gear Harbinger had and got quite a bit of the seawater. Quickly setting up another fire, he positioned the plate over the first container. When the water began to boil, the steam would collect on the much cooler plate and drip into the next container. "There, now we'll have some salt for the birds and clean water to drink."
Habringer chuckled as she watched Exodus build his cage and start to get the sea water going. She chuckled and left the little cardboard salt shaker in the bag she'd brought over. He was so proud of himself that she didn't want to make him feel silly. She stole a kiss from him and pulled a few other seasonings from her bag and some packets of butter. She made sure the bird wouldn't get dry by placing those strategically and then tossed some pepper and a few other things over the bird. It smelled good. "There."

She smiled and sat back down, pulling him down with her. "Alright. first thing is first about this whole future business. I have a few cans of food. What do you want with this food?" She asked, teasing him a little but asking a legitimate question.
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