Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

"You bastard. You would leave me all alone when I need you the most? I already lost Sovereign because I couldn't help him and I will not lose you because you can't get your shit together. And don't you ever ask me anything that stupid ever again, do you understand me!?" Now she was pissed. A woman could only stand so much. And he was doing too much.

"Maybe it is selfish of me to keep hounding after you to stay alive, and take care of yourself, but if you think you're so worthless and awful maybe you should open your eyes and fucking notice that I'm still here! I'm still trying, and I'm not giving up on you."
"Teh. You need me? Yeah, right. The only thing that'll come out of you hanging around me is getting killed." he then responded flatly. Still, her words made him think, but his depression made the means to process the logic behind them come to screeching halt. He then sat up and looked at her with deathly blank eyes, duller than a lump of coal they were. "The fact is, Harbinger, you'd be better off without me. So why are you trying so hard?" he said in his same emotionless tone, still completely oblivious.
After all this time he still hadn't figured it out--even with Sovereign telling him all the time. She shook her head and stared into his eyes. "What Sovereign did wasn't your fault. He chose his own fate. Maybe we were there because of your decision, but he ended up making the choice to end it all to save us..." she paused and sighed, looking into Exodus' eyes. "No, I won't be better off without you, and though I will die one day, it won't be because I stayed with you." She sighed again. "Haven't you figured it out yet? I love you, you idiot."
Exodus was about to reply with something along the lines of how his foolish actions of going up against Cytomander without more info got him killed when she told him she loved him. His eyes seemed to light up slightly, but his mouth opened as if to respond, before closing when nothing to say could be processed. It was made further obvious that her statement caught him off guard when this action repeated several times over. Eventually, all that left his mouth was "Wha.......How? How could you love someone like me?"
"I love you because despite your stubbornness and all of your faults, you're a good man. You're dedicated and strong and kind. And when you relax, you're really fun to be around. But you get too caught up in things, and you don't listen to people when they tell you they're worried. You take on so much blame...When if you'd just ask for forgiveness, you could have it." The blonde watched him.

"You're smart and compassionate, and you only do what you feel is right. I love all of that about you...I just wish you'd listen to me more often. Maybe if you paid more attention, you'd just know." She smiled softly and sighed.
Exodus just sat there, drinking in Harbinger's words; so Sovereign was telling the truth. He was finally awake to the truth; and unfortunately it took the death of a comrade to finally do it. He was so hell-bent on getting revenge he missed what was truly important; his squadmates. He then felt something rekindle in him; a fire long since extinguished. It was the feelings he had for Harbinger, before he had to quash them in order to get out of that research facility.

He gave a sigh, his voice gaining some volume and confidence, "Harbinger.....you're right. I was blind, but now I see." He then did something pretty unexpected and sudden; he hugged her. Tightly, as if something were going to snatch her away from him at this very moment. "I felt like I had to repress everything in order to be an effective leader. Harbinger, I'm sorry, so very sorry. For everything; I just thought you would have hated my guts for everything I've done. Everything I've put you through. And as long as we're being honest...." he then pulled back to look her in the eye as he said, "You're the most wonderful woman, and you mean the world to me, Harbinger. You're strong, intelligent, and the most determined woman I've ever come across. So, what I'm trying to say is........I love you as well, Harbinger. Down to my very core, I love you. I always have, even during the moments when it seemed like I hated your guts."
She was surprised that she'd actually gotten through to him. She blushed as she hugged him, but she returned his embrace and smiled. She was even more surprised as he confessed his feelings to her. "I feel the same," she said, hugging him again. "Now please...promise me you won't talk like that anymore. It's been so hard to watch you like this."
"I promise. I just needed a good slap in the face....so to speak. Hehe" he then said; with how angry she was at him in the past, she might just do that literally. So he decided to cover his bases. He rested his squared jaw gently on the top of her head as he stroked her hair; he wanted her to see that he had changed. "But....Harbinger, do you mind if we stay here for a short while? I need some time to think...about what to do. Unless you have some ideas, then I'm all ears."
She smiled at him and leaned into him as he stroked her hair and hugged him. "Of course. We can stay as long as you want." She closed her eyes and rested there, glad to know that he was going to be okay now. Even if he'd been resting for a change, he'd been so depressed that it didn't make a difference. Now, though, the two of them could finally take some time to enjoy themselves. "In fact, I think maybe we deserve a nice break here." She smiled and looked up at him, pulling away just a little. "You need to have a little fun."

That said, she took a little bit of a risk and leaned into him, looking into his eyes as she kissed him softly.
"I'd like that" Exodus said with a smile; however, he became confused at Harbinger's next words. "Fun? What kind of......" he started to say, then stopped dead and froze when Harbinger kissed him; as soft as it was, it still surprised him. But, it felt good. Really good. Her lips were soft as the kiss they gave; they looked into each other's eyes as they lip-locked. Exodus tried to return what Harbinger was doing to him; he hoped he was doing it right. This was unfamiliar territory to him, and he had no other way of gathering intelligence on this than by just diving in and trying. If he was messing up in any way, he knew Harbinger wouldn't be afraid to tell him.

As they kissed, he returned her gaze; she would the fire in his eyes had come back, and was roaring stronger than ever.
She smiled as Exodus started to kiss her back. If he didn't know how, he was doing a very good job of guessing so far. As her eyes gazed into his she noticed a fire there that she hadn't seen in such a long time. Relief washed over her and she pulled away for a moment smiling. She took in his face and gently brought her hands up to either side of it before she kissed him again, and then let them drop to his shoulders, rubbing them gently and closing her eyes.
Exodus saw Harbinger pull away from him; she was smiling, and the manner was angelic. She seemed so peaceful, and perhaps it was him that constantly brought her down. "Harbinger, you're so...." he started to say, but was interrupted when Harbinger gently put her hands on the sides of his war-torn, scarred face and kissed him again. Exodus took that as the cue that the time for words was over. He shivered slightly as Harbinger began to rub his shoulders.

Exodus decided to grow a little bolder; his broad hands soon came to on her shoulders as well; except they didn't feel quite right there. He slipped them down until they came to rest on the sides of her flat, toned abdomen. His muscular fingers gently massaged her there; he tried not to apply too much pressure lest he hurt her in this throe of passion. He grew more heated with the kissing as his eyes closed too, pressing into her slightly more, but hopefully not enough to cause her discomfort. He could feel the heat in his body begin to rise as well; soon, he was feeling warmer. A lot warmer and he loved it. He wondered if Harbinger felt the same way.
Her body heated as Exodus let himself just enjoy the moment. She let his hands massage her, enjoying the feel of his strong hands on her for what seemed like the first time. In a way, it was. Her lips parted and she gently pressed her tongue against his, begging for entrance as she leaned her soft body into his. She wanted him to feel pleasure--real pleasure, after having put himself through so much pain.

And she wanted very much for him to know just how much she cared and how well she thought of him. After all, he'd said he'd loved her ever since they'd met--really. And since he'd always been good to her before, she saw no reason to think he wouldn't be now.
Exodus felt Harbinger's tongue push against his lips as their lip-locking continued; he opened and let his own meet hers. Their tongues wrestled in impassioned combat; Exodus tried his hardest not to overdo it. He could feel Harbinger press herself against him, and subsequently her soft mounds were flattened against his battle-scarred torso, still covered by the thin fabric she wore. Exodus couldn't remember a time when he ever felt this good; it was as if Harbinger were his answer to happiness. As long as he had her and did everything in his power to keep her safe, he'd never be sad again no matter what.

After a while of passionate tongue wrestling and kissing, Exodus pulled back and looked her right in the eye. "Harbinger, I can't tell you how amazing this feels. I want us to go even further, as far as we can possibly go." However, he then turned his head in apparent shame, "But for all my deductive ability, I just don't know how to proceed from here."
She let her tongue play with his for a long while, keeping her body close to his as they kissed. It was incredible to think that after everything she'd gone through with him, she finally got to be with him. It felt so good and so perfect, that she didn't have words for it. When Exodus finally pulled away, she panted softly, her lips a little swollen from their kissing, cheeks flushed.

His statements all made her happy, even the one he was ashamed of. Chuckling, she turned his face back toward her. "It's okay. I promise I won't judge you," she said with a smile. "I don't remember much from what I used to be," she said, referring to when she was fully human. "But what I do remember is that it's more about instinct that real knowledge." Here, she paused and let his face go. "We don't have anywhere to be. Let's take our time and just do what feels right," she said, putting her arms around him and hugging him.
Exodus listened as Harbinger explained that they could take their time; he nodded in agreement. They weren't fighting, there was no death race for survival occurring right now. "Settle yourself, Exodus. Right now it's just you and the woman you love deeply." he scolded himself mentally. He then smiled as he kissed Harbinger again, resuming the tongue-wrestle they had paused. He continued this for a few minutes before deciding he wanted to explore her body. He laid her down gently on her back in the sand, her blonde hair fanning out and giving her a holy flair.

He then started kissing along her jawline before moving down to kiss her neck, his lips and tongue running sensually along the smooth skin of her body. After some minutes of giving that area his treatment, he then moved down further to reach her ample bosom. He slipped his hands under the thin shirt she wore and gently massaged the luscious orbs, trying to be as gentle as possible and hoping this would bring her as much pleasure as he was feeling. As he played with her breasts, he reached back and kissed her; he really liked doing that.
Kissing Exodus was quickly becoming her favorite thing to do. Harbringer returned his kiss each time he came back for more, enjoying the feel of his lips against hers. She closed her eyes and let their tongues dance together as he lowered her into the warm, soft sand. She smiled up at him as he started to kiss along her jaw. Giving him plenty of room, the blonde tilted her head to the side so he could have more access. She groaned softly in pleasure and smiled as he explored her. Shivering, she put her arms around him and started to rub his back gently. Her cheeks gained a little color as his hands reached under her shirt and started to play with her breasts.

It felt so good to have him touch her, she was surprised that she'd managed to go so long without knowing it. She kissed him back when he came back for more and moaned softly into his lips as he massaged her chest.
At least Exodus knew he was doing something right; she was obviously pleased with what he was doing to her and she didn't tell him to get off or stop. Her moans, though currently muffled, made him hot despite the cooling sea breeze that washed over him. He now wanted to go further, make her feel better than she ever did. Lifting her shirt to expose her chest, he broke the kiss from her lips and began having his lips give attention to her full, succulent orbs. Harbinger seemed to be right so far; following his instinct seemed to definitely be the course of action to take.

He kissed and sucked on the supple flesh delicately, moving between one orb and the next and giving attention to the small valley between them as well. He then switched it up; he kissed the bottom of her left breast and worked his way up to the peak of her slope. His tongue circled the nipple several times before he took it into his mouth, sucking gently and letting his teeth come down ever so slightly on it as he sucked. After a bit of sucking, he then switched to the other breast, repeating his actions in hopes of making her feel good.
So far, his instincts appeared to be right on target. She moaned softly, shivering as he lifted her shirt and moved his warm, soft lips to her sensitive chest. She blushed softly and moaned as he took his time, carefully exploring each one. Each kiss brought her a wave of pleasure and her body temperature rose even more.

Her breathing a bit more shallow as he teased her nipples and breasts, she arched herself into him and ran her fingers through his hair, letting him do as he pleased. She could feel her sex dampening as her core radiated heat and she stared up at the sky, never having felt this kind of pleasure before.
Exodus was happy he could make Harbinger feel so good; she deserved it for putting up with his stupidity. But, she still wasn't feeling good enough; he could make her feel even better. He deduced that the further down he went, the more pleasure she felt. "Down we go then" he mused in his mind; leaving her breasts and now-perked nipples behind he started to leave a path of kisses along her flat, smooth belly. Every inch of her felt amazing and her moans got him so hot; his erection could be clearly seen now, even through the baggy combat fatigues he was wearing. But, he would tend to that in a minute; right now Harbinger was in the throes of pleasure and Exodus wanted to her feel as good as possible.

His kissing would eventually lead him to the shorts she was wearing; she felt even hotter down here than anywhere else. Exodus knew what he had to do; he took one of his thick fingers and rubbed her gently through the soft fabric of her shorts. After a few minutes of this, he then pulled them down slowly before they came off completely to expose her nether region to him. Dropping them to the side, he followed his gut and kissed the inside of her toned smooth thigh, getting closer and closer until he finally reached the slit itself. He then put his mouth over it and began licking gently, noticing the liquid that seemed to be leaking from it steadily. It wasn't off-putting, just...new.
Exodus was very good to her. Harbringer moaned softly and arched up into him. She let him kiss and tease her breasts, enjoying every sensation. Her eyes closed and she shivered as his lips left some kisses the way down to the waistband of his shorts. She closed her eyes and moaned as he ran his fingers over her shorts.

She blushed and moaned softly as he took his time getting her shorts off of her with relative ease. She lay in the sand with just her shirt pushed up over her breasts. Her body was there for him to take in and explore as he wished. She blushed as he kissed her thigh and she instinctively spread her legs for him, letting him in close. She gasped as he licked her weeping sex. She was ready for so much...but she was quite sensitive as well. She moaned softly and blushed, wondering what he thought of her.
Hearing Harbinger gasp as he licked her sex made him sure he was making her feel good. The gasp told him something else as well; that this was an especially sensitive spot. And he was always one to press an advantage, in any situation. His tongue moved with redoubled effort, exploring the warm tunnel between her legs and occasionally brushing with gradually increasing pressure against the nub at the top of her slit. He pressed his lips in as well, letting them close themselves around the obviously sensitive area. Being able to do this with her brought him extraordinary joy and it seemed to do the same to her as well. It also made his erection ever more prominent; it pressed and created a rather detailed outline against his fatigues.

Exodus, in all honesty, never felt like this with anyone. He resolved at that point that this was something only the two of them would share. He wanted to be Harbinger's lover for as long as they lived.
She shivered and arched her back as he licked her. And then his tongue started to play games with her. Exodus was being true to himself and pressing his advantage. And what an advantage it was. She clenched her hands in the sand, feeling it slip between her fingers as he teased her and brought her a great deal of pleasure.

"Exodus," she moaned softly, feeling the need to say his name. "That feels soo good," she said, panting a bit.
Exodus heard Harbinger moan his name, her voice heavy with excitement. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Harbinger." he said before returning to his efforts to bring her pleasure. All the noises she was making, her fluids from her lower lips, and everything she was experiencing made his arousal grow to a nearly unbearable level. But he told himself he would pleasure Harbinger first, and he was a man of his word, even if he wasn't a pure man.

He wondered if there was a limit to how much pleasure she could feel; if that was the case, he'd do everything he could to make her reach it. He worked his tongue harder within her; he also employed the use of his fingers to stimulate not only her nether region, but also one reached up and began massaging one of her bountiful orbs. His thick fingers kneaded the supple flesh and played with the nipple as rough as possible without causing pain, or so he hoped. A finger from his other hand soon joined his tongue in pleasuring; his tongue worked the tunnel inside her while the digit was used to continuously stimulate the nub, trying to see if he could make her reach that theoretical limit.
There was, indeed, a limit and Harbringer was quickly approaching it. She panted softly, twisting and arching a bit as he had his way with her. His tongue felt amazing, and so did his fingers. She was getting closer and closer with each second, and she didn't even realize it was happening. She would do her very best to return the favor once he had had his turn; it seemed that he was determined to pleasure her first. She gasped and blushed softly as he got a little rough with her breasts and worked her pussy until she couldn't see straight.

Before she knew it, she couldn't think straight either. The blonde cried out, calling his name as she came, her juices flowing out of her as she had her first orgasm--at least that she could remember. And she found that she didn't want to remember the rest. She just wanted Exodus, and for as long as she could have him.
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