Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Harbringer chuckled and waved him off, breathing freely once he'd gone. "Good God..." She knelt down next to Exodus and laughed a little. No wonder the poor guy lost it. Gently, she shook his shoulders. "Exodus? Are you awake?" The blonde leaned down and listened to see if he was still breathing.
Exodus stirred; his vision was hazy and it would be obvious to anyone that he was slightly disoriented. His eyes opened partially as he sat up, having not heard Harbinger speak to him. "Gah, Sovereign, go wash yourself. Commander's orders." he groaned, not knowing that Sovereign had already left to go do just that.
Harbringer chuckled and shook her head. "Okay, Commander, let's get you up," she said, pulling him so that he was at least sitting and she was cradling his neck just in case. She let go when she was sure he was alright. "Sovereign already left. He's gonna go rinse, in his words." She laughed and sat down. "So you really fainted huh?"
"Rinse? That guy needs a good steamwash, that's what he needs. And fainted is an understatement; it felt like a stampede of Gunmen ran right over me." he groaned as Harbinger got him fully situated to sit fully upright. Giving his head a shake, he then said "Sovereign shouldn't wear that so often. I'm surprised he doesn't choke on his own fumes." Which was true; the odor wave felt solid as it washed over him.

Just then, the walking garbage dump returned, smelling considerably less offensive but still reeking to high heaven. Exodus felt light-headed again before Sovereign got back into his suit and sealed himself, cutting off the flow of stenched air. "Sovereign, I love ya like a brother, but seriously, you should wash more often than once in a blue moon." "Ah, Exodus, but that's the fun! This stench is like a badge of honor for me! That and all the scars I got during our skirmishes! So, when do we fight this 'General Cytomander'?" Exodus chuckled; he liked that in Sovereign. Right down to it. "Soon" he replied before standing up and looking at Harbinger, "But first, I need you to come with me. I need your help deciphering some codes to help pinpoint just where this Cytomander is at. Or if we can't get that, we can at least get a projected course to follow."
Harbringer paused for a moment and was immensely glad that Sovereign was back in his suit. As Exodus told her he needed her for deciphering code. She stood up and sighed softly. "Alright. Let's get it taken care of," she said, brushing herself off. "Lead the way." Maybe if she took a long time to decipher the code, he'd be forced to relax a bit longer.
Exodus led Harbinger to his own little station; stacks of papers covered a good portion of the area. These detailed inventory, personnel lists, requisitions for supplies, mission orders, and everything regarding a well-developed, machine-like military organization. Off on another wall were maps; path vectors, personal notes and red circles marking points of interest coated every single one of them. No rest for the weary, an appropriate quote for Exodus' workaholicism.

Exodus led Harbinger to the biggest map of them all; this one gave a detailed topography of the surrounding area. Elevations, wind paths, ground obstacles, everything one might need to navigate an airship to this spot was right here. Exodus was still kind of mad that there was no data on Cytomander's ship itself; they'd need to perform scouting missions once they found it. Exodus was determined to destroy the enemy, but he wasn't going to lead his team into a death trap.

"Alright, this is what I have so far. We are.....here." Exodus stated, pointing to a red star on the map before continuing as he traced his finger along a red, S-shaped line drawn on the opposite corner, "And the best I could do in regards to Cytomander's previous locations is this." There was still a lot of empty space between the line and the star, which bothered Exodus because that meant there was a lot of territory to cover. And Cytomander's ship would not need repairs for very long; they'd find another outpost and do them there. They needed to hit him while he was still somewhat crippled.

He then showed Harbinger a list of numbers written vertically in two columns; he'd tried to write them as coordinates, but none of them added up. Especially when taken from a last transmission that stated 'Four Spires'; Exodus couldn't make heads or tails of what they were saying. No matter what combination he tried, the path always intersected itself. Hopefully Harbinger could help make sense of this.

[OOC: Just feel free to make something up here (e.g. 'Four Spires' refers to a rock formation)]
Harbringer worked hard to decipher the code that was there. She watched him trace this finger over the map and point out the places they could identify. She wasn't impressed with what they had as far as information goes. Exodus seemed frustrated as well. The blonde watched him as he went over the map. Four spires didn't make much sense to her, and she frowned, thinking about it. She wrote the lines of numbers down and came up with a cipher. When she arranged it and used the cipher with "four spires", she got a set of coordinates.

"Well, it's a long shot, but there's a chance that it fits," she said, finding the coordinates on the map further down from where they were to the east. "It makes sense...right?"
Exodus watched as Harbinger worked; it wasn't long before she came up with a potential solution. Fitting to the map, the location made perfect sense. Not far from where Harbinger had pointed out, there was a large, flat area, perfect for a ship to land in case it needed repairs. "Excellent work, Harbinger. I don't know how you figured it out, but you did. You just saved us a whole lot of potentially fruitless searching." And it was true; now that they had a good idea of where Cytomander's ship was, he could begin to formulate a strategy. He then spoke again "But we aren't leaving yet, I have a little something in mind to help us take down Cytomander's ship."

He then picked up a few papers and showed Harbinger some design schematics; it was a large cannon-like weapon that apparently used an enhanced version of Harbinger's rifle acceleration rings. "This will help us greatly, a real force-multiplier. If I build this correctly, it should be able to punch through Cytomander's ship and knock it right out of the sky. And if you want, I can even apply this to your Gunman as well. The upgrades and building should only take a couple of days, then we can move out."
"My gunman? You mean my rifle? Well...I guess it depends on how heavy everything is, and how long it takes to calibrate," she mumbled, thinking aloud. She looked it over and thought it over logically. "Well I'll have to think about it. For now, let's just focus on the cannon."
Exodus nodded; the cannon would only take a couple of hours to build. They were practically surrounded by scrap and parts that could be used for repairs. That's something Exodus would do in the mean time after the cannon was built. But he still hadn't decided who should be the one to use it; Sovereign was overloaded as it was, so he was out of the equation. That left Harbinger and himself; Harbinger would have the greatest chance to hit it, but if this ship was that large, then Exodus would have no problems hitting it. Still, it was a matter of what position they could achieve against Cytomander. He still didn't know what the strength of its shields would be; the lack of information was ceaselessly frustrating. But that was unimportant right now; Exodus finished plotting a course to their target and said to Harbinger, "Let's get to work shall we?"

And so, they began working on building the cannon; within hours, the prototype model was finished. Exodus got into his Gunman and took up the heavy launcher; its design allowed a three-shot 'magazine' consisting of iron shells he found listed as being stored in an armored bunker. Apparently Cytomander's ship was getting a resupply too; fortune seemed to be smiling on them. "OK, test shot number one." Exodus called; Sovereign looked on, his eyes gleaming yet hidden at this new weapon. "Charging coils" Exodus called out as his Gunman pressed a button on the side; a loud humming was heard. "Firing in 3....2.......1" then a loud explosion erupted from the rear of the launcher; the heavy ferrous round streaked like lightning before it struck a nearby cliff face, causing a good portion of it to come crumbling down. "YAHAHA! THAT WAS AWESOME!" Sovereign called out.
Harbringer helped Exodus with the construction of the cannon and the explosives they fitted it with. She was careful to make sure that the guidance system was easy to use and understand, even for someone on Sovereign's level, while Exodus did most of the shaping and welding. She did all she could to get it ready and then installed the program.

When it was time for testing, Harbringer was impressed at the amount of destruction caused. She smiled at Sovereign's expression and sat down, tired from her work.
Exodus too was impressed; still, he felt they could do better. "Alright, upping current to 15 mega-amperes, setting coil increments to three mega-amperes. Let's see what the power bleed is...... two watts. Not bad. Nice job on the wiring, Harbinger. Now, let's see if it can handle the EM burst." He then had his Gunman shoulder the massive launcher again; this next round would impact with enough force to theoretically yield a 87 kiloton explosion. Naturally, Exodus chose a target fairly far away. "Coils hot, guidance system initiated. Firing solution obtained. Going loud in 4....3.....2.....1" Another boom; this time, a large cliff was demolished entirely. "OK, no damage to any systems. Integrity of the launcher......no change. Nice work, guys. I think we're ready." Of course, this was probably a limited trial on what it could actually dish out. Though it wouldn't reach anywhere the level of power of Harbinger's rifle, simply due to the fact it fired at a lower velocity. However, it was made up for by firing a much heavier round. Also, the launcher was expendable if need be; he would not make Harbinger sacrifice her Gunman's rifle to fulfill this role. His team needed it for long-range fire support, so anything that harmed it, or any of the standard weapons systems on his squad's mechs, was absolutely unacceptable. "So, Exodus, who gets to wield this mighty weapon? Or have you built one for each of us?"

Exodus stared at Sovereign with a bemused expression, "Sorry, Sovereign. This is just the one; we had to strip what we could from the Gunmen around us just to build the damn thing. I was wondering that myself; and Sovereign, I'm sorry to say, but I don't think you should be the one to wield this. It would make you too heavy to follow us, and we're going a fairly long way." And at this Sovereign actually pouted a little; he then surprised Exodus further by saying in a whiny tone, "Awww, but why???????? It makes a huge BOOOOM! And you know how I good I am with explosives! Come on, I'm the natural choice!" Exodus thought about it; well, if they took things slow, perhaps they could do it, but then Sovereign said, "Hey, why don't you carry it, and then I'll use when we get there? That way, I keep up, you have an an expertly aimed death cannon, and we all go home happy!"

Exodus pondered further; that could work. He''d be moving considerably slower, but they could still put up a good pace. "Alright, Sovereign. You're right; I'll carry the cannon and hand it to you when we find the target." Sovereign then pulled one last unexpected maneuver; he hugged Exodus. Hard. "YAHA! I GET TO MAKE A BIG EXPLOSION! I GET TO MAKE A BIG EXPLOSION!" he then chanted in an oddly sing-song voice while twirling around with Exodus in his death-hug. "A....S...Sovereign....you're ....c.....crushing...me! L....let..go!" Sovereign stopped and released Exodus; Exodus now felt like a Goldeneye pancake. "Hey, Exodus. You're looking a bit thin, you should eat more....BAHAHAHA!" Sovereign joked.
Amused, Harbringer watched them, chuckling at their brotherly behavior. Even if Exodus denied it up and down, that's what the two of them were like. Sovereign's excitement was adorable in a way that would puzzle most people. She didn't mind that they'd have to take it more slowly, but she imagined that they would have to make longer days to appease Exodus' driving need to destroy all beastmen. She frowned at the aspect of being responsible for what was essentially genocide. But it was what needed to be done. If she didn't stop the beastmen from doing what they did, her own race--the human race--would continue to suffer and die out at alarming rates. No humans deserved this kind of pain. If that meant destroying one race to save another, so be it.

She managed to catch Sovereign's joke at the end there and chuckled. "Careful boys. Don't hurt each other," she said with a laugh, sitting down.
Exodus rolled his shoulders and his neck; a series of cracking sounds could be heard. "Ow, ow, ow" he grumbled as he tried to relocate everything that Sovereign crushed, not literally of course. When it was all said and done, Exodus was ready to go again. "Ugh....alright, now that it's settled, Harbinger, plot a ground course to the target. I've still got some repairs to make to my Gunmen' it got pretty beat up during the assault. You two should probably make sure that everything's good with your own Gunmen. When that's done, we can move out." With that Exodus started gathering what scrap he could salvage; most of the machines were already stripped of all salvageable material to construct the launcher, but a good chunk still remained mostly intact. Gathering what he could, he then started making repairs to his mech. It would take him a couple of hours to finish.

When he was done, he got back into his Gunman and raided the ammo dump again; he took two 'magazines' worth of the heavy iron shells plus two, totaling eight rounds, and stored them in the compartment that used to house his Gunman shotgun. Unfortunately it got pretty beat up in the assault like his Gunman; the damage to it was so bad he had to scrap it, but it found use in constructing the launcher. When that was done, he then made his way back and slung the launcher over his Gunman's back. The mech creaked slightly from the extra weight plus the magazine which he now refilled with the two extra shells; they now had three magazines worth of ammo for their new toy. After some quick adjustments made from his cockpit, his blue Gunman stood tall, ready for battle.

However, Sovereign's Gunman then stood next to Exodus'; "Boom-Boom", as Sovereign called his machine, made his Gunman look like a midget in comparison, "Exodus, you look so small from up here. BAHAHAHA!" "Heh, heh, yeah, well size doesn't count for everything, Sovereign." "Only small people say that, because they know I can crush them with my mighty foot!" Sovereign then looked at Harbinger's mech and said "BWAHAHA! And you're even small than he is! God, why can't things be big like me? Then I could hit everybody with my bombs! BAHAHAHA!" It was clear that Sovereign was ready for battle, and in truth, so was Exodus. But they still needed to get to the target first. "Alright, Harbinger, let's mount up and move out! We have a General to kill!"[/b] "I hope he's strong! I'm tired of killing these weak babies!" and with that the ragtag, infamous Trio moved out.
Harbringer took some time to set up the course and put it into the gunmen of each team mate. When she was through, she set it up for herself and went through a maintenance check. No damage, just some recalibrating to do. When she was finished, she hopped up into her gunman to wait for the others. When the two of them started their back and forth again, she couldn't help but put in her two cents at the end. "Well, since we don't want to get blown up, we'll just have to stay small," she teased.

And once everything was ready, they set off together.
As they traveled along the route, Exodus was getting frustrated; it was taking too long to reach the target destination. They had to travel slowly due to the treacherous terrain, not to mention the fact that Exodus was carrying the heavy launcher and three magazines of ammunition. Though, he supposed it could be worse; they'd be traveling a lot slower if Sovereign were carrying it. They also had to stop at night; rest and food were absolutely necessary, and even someone as hell-bent on revenge as Exodus could see it. He and his team needed to be in peak physical and mental condition if they were going to combat a General.

Finally, after four days of traveling, they arrived at the spot. But the ship was nowhere to be found; at least it wouldn't be yet. Exodus was planning an intercept route, in order to study it first to glean as much information as possible.

"Alright, here's the plan: Based on what little we could gather and decipher, Cytomander's ship was flying at low altitudes for long stretches of time. That means it's either trying to fly low to avoid detection, or it's damaged. We don't know the severity of the repairs that are needed, only that they are. So, what we're going to do is try to observe it; there's a large clearing about three days farther away."

He then took a breath and continued, "We have to assume there's another base in that clearing; if that ship lands, it's game over. We need to observe the ship itself for at least two; we have to attack it by the third day, however. We can't let it reach that clearing, otherwise, it would be highly impractical to attack it there."

He then 'looked' at Harbinger and said "Harbinger, I need you to use your scanners extensively. See if you can figure out what's wrong. Also, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but we need to maintain radio silence during our observation. We know that Cytomander knows we're after him, so we have to assume he's listening and looking for us. That means no comm chatter of ANY kind while the observation operation is ongoing. Everyone understand?" "When does it go into effect?" "Right now, we'll use the data Harbinger's gathered and quickly formulate an attack strategy."

Now all they had to was sit and wait for Cytomander's ship to make its appearance.

Meanwhile, onboard the Dai-Gunten, a large number of Beastmen, obviously helping to control the path of the massive flagship, are staring at screens. "Can you believe that the Fourth Defense-Assault Regiment was completely wiped out?" one Beastman, a large chicken-like one, said.

Another, something resembling a cross between a giraffe and hippo, then added "Yeah, I wondered who did." The pilot-controller then turned around to a very effeminate looking male and said, "What do you think, General? Who could devastate an entire landing platoon like that?"
Harbringer was no hurry to get to a place where she'd be shot at, regardless of her superior dodging skills. She was actually quite glad that the ship was nowhere in sight as they arrived after four long days of travel. She helped Exodus scope out and scan the land as much as they could to gather information for strategy, and then met with Sovereign and Exodus to go through their plan.

Basically, guidance was was going to be her responsibility. There would be no radio communications, however, she could still feed coordinates and the like into their gunman. There was still a way for them to communicate, but it would be less effective. From her Gunman, she started up her scanners again and carefully worked out a program for communication. One message at a time, she got it up and running for them to use.

When she got the results of the scans, she sent them to both Sovereign and Exodus.

In the sky, General Cytomander was having a hard time digesting his lunch. The soldiers aboard the ship were not helping in the slightest. He really wished they'd all shut up and go away--but then no one would be flying the gunman. He frowned at the speculation going on. He had to quash the fear that may be spreading.

"Nothing that can take us out," the general said. "We're far superior to ground units. And it's not a question of who--it's a question of what. Surely there's a weapon that we should be scanning for that did all that. It must have taken them by surprise."
Analyzing the results, Exodus worked out the observation scheme; they would follow it at a minimum safe distance, and have Harbinger continuously analyzing it for weaknesses. After they gathered the data they gathered the data they needed, then they would formulate an attack strategy. He realized it wasn't the greatest plan in the world; but given the limited intel that they had on this Cytomander, it was the best they could do.

Exodus was slightly nervous, but at the same time excited; if they could kill one of the Generals, that would shake the foundation of this 'Beastman Empire' on a level never before realized. It would show them that they aren't as invincible as they thought they were.

Just then, the ship itself came into view; Exodus couldn't believe what he was seeing. "What the hell?! That's Cytomander's ship!?!" Exodus mentally shouted; he figured it was large, but nothing like this. Exodus gulped; this thing would obviously have powerful shields. He wondered if his new weapon would even be able to pierce the armor alone.
Onboard the ship, the crew heard the General's indirect orders and immediately reconfigured the scanners to search for invalid electronic signatures. "General, scanners are engaged and searching for targets." Another Beastman just laughed, "Who would attack us all the way out here? Besides, we're the only ones capable of flight and our shield generators are at optimal levels. We're untouchable!" The previous pilot-controller snorted derisively, "Have you forgotten that one of the levispheres is performing at its minimum operating level? That presents a structural vulnerability!" "Not if it's surrounded by an unbreakable shield, you moron!"
Harbinger was frozen. Clearly this was more than they were prepared to handle. If they landed or not, destroying this gunman would be damn near impossible. She looked over at Exodus in his gunman, and if he could have seen her expression, he would have known exactly how displeased with the situation she was. For now, however, all she could do was scan the ship and pray that they would find some kind of weakness.

Cytomander was now getting a headache. "SHUT UP! All of you! Just do your jobs without this idle chit chat!" he growled. Normally, he wasn't quite this tactless--but then again, he was uncomfortable, nervous, and tired of listening to the arguing on the bridge.
Exodus was pissed; how in the hell were they going to take this thing down? "Damn it all to hell!" Exodus shouted in his mind; all this planning, all his efforts, now seemed to be all for naught. He could feel that Harbinger was extremely displeased; however, he then noticed something. The ship was listing, ever so slightly, to one side. "This could be what we're looking for!" Exodus mused mentally; using the program Harbinger made, he sent out a short message to Harbinger's Gunmen saying "Ship's leaning to starboard. See what's wrong."

The Beastmen pilot-controllers clammed up immediately, returning to their stations and not uttering one word further. They knew Cytomander wasn't one to be messed with; even if he wasn't this tactless, clearly having to change routes due to an attack at their primary landing position was putting undue stress on their General. A very human-looking Beastwoman with hawk features then came up and said in an almost purring tone, "Oh, my, our beloved General is so stressed out. Would his Excellency like a massage to help him relax?" This Beastwoman, Avia, held only the highest respect for their commander's capabilities and followed his orders without question and with a level of obedience rarely seen in the Beastman ranks.
Harbringer saw his message immediately and took the time to flip on several scanners to see the ship. She immediately found several irregularities and pointed them out to both sovereign and Exodus before typing a message of "weak point." However, she wasn't sure how weak it really was. It was all new technology to her. She hoped that they could deal it soon.

"Ah, my Avia...Such a good soldier...Unfortunately dear, I think I'd rather wait until we touch down for repairs. Now, I'm too excited. I'm afraid I've lost my patience."
Exodus looked over the data; they may be weak points, but he still had to take into consideration the ship's shielding capabilities. Working with such little information was putting stress on him; however, he took a couple of breaths to calm himself. "Think, Exodus. How do you proceed from here?" he mused, wracking his brain to come up with a minimal risk attack strategy. Unfortunately, every attack plan he came up with involved their being discovered. He didn't know how strong their opponent was, and he wasn't about to send his team into a death trap.

Sovereign, however, was growing impatient, and doing so extremely quick. His desire to kill soon overpowered his loyalty to Exodus; his Gunmen started to radiate energy as his Spiral Power rose on account of his bloodlust. It dropped into a kneeling position as he prepared it to charge. Exodus turned around and saw that Sovereign's mech was glowing slighty; they'd be given if he caught this up! Exodus turned around, grabbed Sovereign's Gunman's shoulders, and shook it slightly. They could see each other from their respective cockpits; Exodus shook his head as if to say, "Don't even think about it." Sovereign calmed down at this; though he was still highly irritated it was taking so long.
"Very well, your Excellency. I'll be here if you need me." Avia replied with a wink, and strolled away. The hippo-giraffe pilot-controller then saw a blip on the screen. "General Cytomander, unknown anomaly detected at our five-o'-clock. Should we send a search team out to investigate?" Being essentially a flying hangar, they had several flying Gunman on stand-by as a quick assault force that could also serve as recon.

Avia heard what was said and ran back over to Cytomander, saying in an excited tone, "Oh, your Excellency! I'll do it! We'll find those that wish to bring you harm and destroy them!" Avia may have been sweet, but much like her features portrayed, she was just as blood-thirsty as her primary genetic component.
Harbringer continued her scanning, searching for more sophisticated data that was becoming more and more difficult to get her hands on. If she'd had time to configure everything...but no--she hadn't had any information on this behemoth. Serious recon was needed to take out something as big as a hangar that flew and had shielding and weaponry included. She was sure there were other gunman there as well. As she thought of everything that needed to be taken into account, she sent it all to Exodus. The blonde caught sight of Exodus trying to calm Sovereign but it was too late...surely that would have set off a sensor. She sent the message to the both of them. "Scatter."

It was then that the huge gunman started to change--something was opening.

"Yes, I do believe I'll leave it to you, Avia. Take care of our visitors, won't you?" With that, the elegant, but oh, so strange man brought his attention to the screen. "Sweep the area with all sensors, I want any reading that seems suspicious. Try to get me a visual."
Exodus saw the message Harbinger sent and the gigantic fortress begin to open up. "Ah shit!" Exodus growled mentally; Sovereign and Exodus then separated. Soon, they were hidden from any prying eyes; Exodus' Gunman had limited cloaking capability and Sovereign's was non-existent. That meant they were sitting ducks. "Fuck Fuck FUCK!" Exodus mentally beat himself. He then took some calming breaths and tried to come up with a new strategy. He typed a quick message to Harbinger and Sovereign: "Stay hidden" before sending a more specific one to Harbinger herself: "Engage full stealth capacity". If she did that, she'd be absolutely concealed, even if someone was looking right at her Gunman.

The hangar doors opened on one side of the massive battleship; Avia and several others were ready to go. "OK, everyone, let's find those jerks and squash them! For the glory of our General!" Her troop of Gunmen then flew out of the hangar door; Avia's personal Gunman resembled an anthromorphic hawk. Its feet possessed razor-sharp talons that were obviously used as weapons. It even came with a beak on its face; though its functionality was unknown. As they began to leave the immediate vicinity of the Gunman fortress, Exodus noticed a shimmer in the air; did it just lower its shields to let them out? That was a weakness he could exploit. This was further confirmed as a massive shimmering bubble seemed to apparently dissolve around the fortress

Meanwhile, on board the Dai-Gunten, the crew of pilot-controllers were working relentlessly to scan the surrounding area with all sensors active. Nothing could get through this; unless they were outside of the scanners range, then they would. And when all sensors were active, that range was diminished to about three hundred meters. "General, all sensors engaged. Initial sweep shows no further anomalies, scanning for hostiles." "Shields coming back online" another then added.

Exodus saw the bubble start to reform and the hangar door begin to close. He could see it all from his position; he had the perfect angle to hit it on the inside. He knew it was dangerous, but this was a shot he had to take. He was still carrying the launcher, which meant this was gonna hurt. Unlatching it from his Gunman's back, he brought it around to rest on the mech's shoulder. He then powered it on; it gave its characteristic whine as it started up. He upped the coil current to 2500 megaamperes and set the coil increments to 500 megaamps each, and after giving the coils a chance to warm-up, he took aim and growled, "Eat this, motherfucker." The shoulder cannon gave off a deafening blast as it was fired; the blastback alone knocked several spires of stone over, and all anyone would see was a bolt of light that seemed to slip in just as the shield finished closing. The round actually pierced through both starboard 'arms' of the ship and slammed into the giant face in the center of the ship, blowing a gigantic hole in its front. The resulting explosion rocked the entire ship, but it didn't bring it down. It did however, destabilize the shield generators enough to make them falter.

All the pilot-controllers were knocked out of their seats. "What the hell was that?" Deafening alarms rang all over the fortress as crews tried to contain the damage. "Sh..shield generators down to 80% efficiency! We have hull breaches in sectors 0, 14, 34, and 45!" one groaned as he tried to assess the damage. "Orders, General!?" another cried, not sure how to react to this.
Harbringer immediately went into full stealth, waiting for her chance to take out any gunman. She wasn't prepared for flying targets, but she could handle it if need be. The question was--would her rounds be powerful enough to do the damage they needed? They would if she had her energy cannon, but it took time to power up...time in which they could find her. She'd just have to stick with regular bullets and pray.

She stayed hidden for now, just as she'd been ordered, hoping against all hope that Exodus would follow his own advice. But as she noticed the shield, so did he...and then he fired. 'Damnit...'

Cytomander was furious. "STAY CALM YOU IDIOTS!" He never usually shouted, but this was beyond testing. "Divert power to the shields and get engineering down there to fix our generator. Prep for a full on attack when Avia finds the source of this attack!"
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