Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Harbringer was intensely relieved when Exodus woke up. She backed away to give him some space and let him remember how to breathe and where he was. No doubt his experience was no picnic. She sighed and leaned back against a wall, watching him recover. His thanks were received with mixed feelings, considering she sort of let Sovereign bat him around a little bit first.

She bit back a laugh as he told her he was sore. "Actually, Sovereign's the one that carried you out, but I'm the one that fought to keep you with us. He was gonna leave you. Apparently, he didn't understand that smacking your face and punching you in the gut wouldn't wake you up, and I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna get in the way of his moving fists."

She did feel a little guilty though. "Think you'll be okay? He's starting the charge without us."
Exodus listened as Harbinger told him of Sovereign's deeds. He couldn't help but chuckle, "Yeah, that sounds like something Sovereign would say and do. His patience isn't exactly one of his better qualities. Still, I think he could have eased up a bit when he hit me. I'm gonna be feelin' this for a while." He then looked at Harbinger, "Thanks, for not abandoning me though. Much appreciated."

He then answered Harbinger's question about going in, "Yeah, we should probably go in there. Make sure he doesn't destroy all of the base; if this place is a weapons research facility, we can use it to give our Gunmen a much needed boost in power and performance. My money is they've the equipment we'll need to make repairs and modifications."
She smiled and nodded. "Well, consider us even, then," she said with a chuckle. "He's actually probably going to steer clear of the weapons division. Anything that can help him blow stuff up," she said with a chuckle. "Need a lift to your gunman?"
Exodus thought for a moment on what should be done; he then spoke up, "No, let's let Sovereign enjoy himself. Why don't you and I.....go pay the head researcher a litte visit? See if we can't get more information out of him. I'll need you with me; he's likely in a well-insulated room. And while my hearing's good, you kick my sorry ass in that department. I'll need your eyes and ears to help locate where he's hiding."
"Researcher?" She frowned and crossed her arms. "Come to think of it, we never did see one...Do you know what he sounds like?" she asked. "What happened anyway? When you got locked into the room, I mean." She helped him up and stood as well. "And are we going back in?" She asked.
"When I got locked in, a voice came over the speakers. His voice, is kind of hard to explain; but I'll say this: He doesn't sound like a Beastman. He sounds like us, almost exactly like us. He started talking about how he had known we were here all along, but didn't raise the alarm because he wanted to see how far we could get. He also commented on how I was an 'interesting specimen', but then said I was going to die and he would just use you two as alternatives."

Exodus gave a small sigh and said, "Well, let's get going. It'll probably take us a while to find him; and unfortunately we have to assume that he alerted the Divine Generals. So we need to move and move quickly. Once we find him, we'll get what we can out of him, kill him, and use this base to modify and repair our Gunmen. Then we need to move on and destroy the two remaining bases." He then got of Harbinger's Gunman and motioned her to follow. Once they were inside, they would come upon a scene of massive carnage. Bodies lay everywhere, some of which were completely ripped to pieces. Blood and gore coated the walls and floor, showing Sovereign's extreme desire to destroy and just make a mess. "Well, Sovereign may be a crazy bastard, but he's throuogh I'll give him that." Exodus commented.
Harbringer shuddered at the idea of being a research subject again. But she wouldn't let that happen, and neither would Exodus. Hell, if she convinced him, maybe even Sovereign would stop it. She wondered if he'd mind all that much, though, considering that he'd still get to destroy things. She shrugged and followed after Exodus, easily keeping up with him as he led the way.

His comment about Sovereign's thoroughness got a nod in response. "Sometimes I wish he was a little less thorough."
Exodus couldn't help but chuckle, "Yeah, but that's who he is. He loves to rip things apart, and that has its uses. As long as it's not me or you on the receiving end, I don't care what he decides to go crazy against." And if Harbinger was uneasy at this carnage, the next scenes of destruction and bloodshed would be just as bad and in some even worse. Of course, Exodus was by now trying to block out the smell. His nostrils cringed at the smell of something rotten. "Ugh, these Beastmen stink even worse when they're dead. What're they made of, shit?" If the smell was this bad to him, for Harbinger it must be terrible.

He then turned his head as the two wandered along and said to his comrade, "Harbinger, you hear anything? Anything that might sound like him/"
"Ugh...maybe it's just because I can see it all so clearly," she said, a little disgusted. "Why can't we ever go anywhere nice?" she joked, though she was a little serious. She followed him, listening for anything suspicious, but as it stood, she only heard the sounds of carnage. The smell was beyond horrible. "God, see, this is why I wish he'd tone it down a little." She covered her mouth with her hand and tried to plug her nose a little.

When he asked her if she could hear anything, she closed her eyes and focused. "Not yet. If you were a researcher, where would you hide?"
"This is paradise compared to what we were situated in" Exodus said flatly, completely missing the joke. "If I were a researcher, I'd be as far away from the battlefield as possible." Reviewing the schematics of the building in his head for a moment, he then spoke up "We'll need to go to the very bottom of the research facility. That's where it's the most heavily fortified, and likely where the researcher's saferoom is"

He had a feeling that the smell was only going to get worse the further down they went, and Harbinger might be overpowered by the stench to be effective. Unfortunately, the enhanced sensitivity of her senses could prove to work against her at times. He then proceeded to remove his shirt, revealing his toned, scar-riddled body as he fashioned it into a mask of sorts and offered it to her. "Here. It own't get rid of the stench completely, but it should help with it significantly."
She watched, unsure of why he was taking off his shirt in a place like this--it wasn't that hot. At least she didn't think so. Her eyes lingered a little longer on her body than was warranted, but she told herself it was just because she hadn't seen his scars this close before. When he offered his shirt-mask to her she was surprised, but took it gratefully. She slipped it over her head and was greeted with the scent of him. But it did wonders to block out the odor of dead bodies and blood and fecal matter.

"Thanks. This will help a lot the further down we go," she said, walking with him, heading towards the stairwells. She was all for helping Exodus out. "How did he know we were here?" she asked, wondering if she'd managed to set off some kind of alarm.
"He always knew we were here, according to him. He said he didn't raise the alarm at first because he wanted to see if we could make it to the control center." he explained. As they progressed further down into the belly of the beast, the stink indeed got worse. By the time they reached the bottom, Exodus had to breathe solely through his mouth; while his senses weren't as strong as Harbinger's, they were enough to make him notice things any normal person might have missed. Still, it didn't take him long to adjust to it; he'd lived in similar conditions during a large of his stay with the first researcher. But it was pretty bad nonethelss. And it was made worse by the fact he could taste it in his mouth now.

However, it would be advantageous to them both; it was deathly quiet. He then heard something; a kind of whirring sound. He looked around until he saw a camera; well, fuck, now they lost the element of surprise. Acting sheerly out of anger, he picked up one of the dead bodies and threw it as hard as he could at the camera; the body made a sickening crunch as its bones were crushed by the impact and the camera destroyed. He then realized something; a camera meant an entrance. Possibly. "Harbinger, look on the wall below the camera. Do you see an outline? Anything that might hint at an entrance?"
She frowned, wondering if the researcher had anticipated the attack or if he'd spotted them far off. Both were possible, and actually they were both likely. As she pondered the possibilities, Harbringer followed after Exodus, careful not to slip on any bodily fluids. She was grateful for the shirt Exodus had given her, but the smell was so bad that she had to tighten it around her nose and mouth. When she heard the camera she whirled toward it looking for something else. And then there was a body flying at it.

"Well that was a rational response," she said flatly, her eyes already searching for an entrance. She moved closer to the wall and stepped over the newly crushed body, finding just a hint of a crack in the wall. "Here," she said, shooting the crack.
Exodus made his way to where Harbinger was; the crack wasn't very large, but there was enough of a crack to see that there was something silvery behind it. "Found you" Exodus thought to himself; shame Sovereign wasn't here. Still, they'd make do. "Time for some demolition" he said; he then closed his eyes focused his mind on becoming enraged. Easy enough to do, given his history. This was definitely going to hurt; and though his skeletal system probably wasn't anywhere near as strong as Sovereign's, it would allow him to do this without breaking the bones in his hand.

His eyes re-opened, flashing gold as the Blood Rage took hold. He then clenched his hand into a tight fist, and after giving a loud war cry, his fist slammed into the stone wall. A deep impact point formed; it wasn't long before cracks started to spider-web from the impact point. It was even shorter before the stone crumbled away to reveal a metal door. Exodus growled deeply before he began pounding on the door, leaving impressive dents as his powerful fists collided. When that wasn't getting anywhere, he leapt back a considerable distance before charging forward with incredible speed. He drew back a fist before reaching the door, and right as he was in front of it, he drive his fist forard, his momentum adding to the force of the punch and causing the door to fly back, revealing the researcher himself sitting in a chair and looking rather calm. The door itself lay in a crumpled heap just inches from where he sat.

The researcher merely uttered 'Tsk, Tsk' before getting up and saying more audibly, "I color myself very displeased, good sir. That door wase extremely difficult to place, and you just bust it down without regard." He then held his arms out to his sides and said fearlessly, "Well, now that you found me, what are you planning to do? If you think I'll tell you anything, you're sadly mistaken."
"Who the hell said we wanted to know?" Harbringer said, coming out from behind Exodus. She had a gun raised and an instant after she finished her sentence, she squeezed the trigger sending a bullet straight into his shoulder. She fired two more shots into his knee caps and said, "Why don't you sit down? Looks like you've had a hard time." Blood was practically spraying at them, but she didn't mind. She wanted him to die.

"If you wanna reconsider telling us something, I might let you live. But do we really need anything from this guy, Exodus?" She looked at him, her eyes cold and glowing golden. Her rage was far more controlled, but she hadn't really let out the full extent of it yet.
The researcher felt the bullet collide with his shoulder; he let out a cry of anguish as it penetrated his flesh. His suffering was further amplified by the shots to the knee caps. However, he then started laughing. "Oh, just like a woman! You're real tough with your man backing you up, aren't you?!" Exodus then strode forward and slammed him into the wall, growling menacingly "I'm not her man, I'm her commander. And she could break you easily, even if I wasn't here. But I do have some questions I wanted to ask you. I noticed in your data that you kept a chart of human settlements. Care to explain?"

The researcher laughed again, "If you think your little intimidation act scares me, you know nothing about General Adiane or any of the other Generals. I have nothing to gain by talking to you." Exodus looked around until he saw a mirror of all things. He then put the researcher back into his chair and went to break the mirror; he then took a small piece of the broken glass. Forcing it into the researcher's mouth, he then growled "Then you better think of what you have to lose." Holding his jaw, he punched him hard in the mouth. He then repeated this two more times; the researcher was coughing up blood and glass fragments from his mouth when this was done. "I can do this all day, there's plenty of glass."

The researcher looked back up at Exodus and spit some blood in his face "Hah, I'm already a dead man. The moment this place went to hell is the moment I fell on Adiane's black-list. She'll kill me for failing to protect this place." Exodus then got in his face and said "What's makes you think I won't? I can find out everything I need from your computer systems, I just want to hear it your mouth."

The researcher chuckled, and then surprisingly conceded. "Fine. It's true, we raid human settlements not just to kill them as per the Generals' orders, but to also capture targets of high potential for use in the Beastmen Augmentation Trials. Looking at both of your eyes, you're obviously Goldeneye test subjects. Two very successful ones, I'd say. It's your kind the Generals want, not those bland normal Supers. Though they do have their uses as shock troops."
Harbringer watched and kept her cool as Exodus let his rage do the negotiating for him. She struggled to keep herself in check as the researcher announced that beastmen were raiding human settlements in order to collect research subjects. Subjects like herself. Her eyes glowed a bit brighter but she held perfectly still, keeping herself in check. The comment about Exodus being her man didn't even make her blink. Exodus' comment about being her commander made her raise an eyebrow however. She'd never really thought of him as such, but she supposed that's what he was. She watched with interest and let Exodus ask the questions.

If she had something to add she would ask it.
Exodus continued his interrogation of the researcher, asking "Who master-minded this whole scheme? Was it Adiane? Thymilph?" The researcher burst out laughing at this, "Thymilph? Hah! He's an excellent tactician, but a scientist he is not! No, Adiane was the one who perpetrated the whole experiment. She says that just killing the humans is such a waste, so why not re-use them? Her mind is deliciously wicked, I tell you! What better way to crush an enemy, than by using members of their species as soldiers? Simply brilliant! And of course, the Spiral King gleefully approved! He loved the idea!"

"I've heard that name come up a lot. Thymilph and Adiane seem to hold his name in fairly high regard. Explain."

"You really are a simpleton. The Spiral King is just that, the king of the world, the god that watches over the earth and heavens. His glorious reign will keep the world safe for all, once you filthy apes are exterminated. And for that, your creation was a vital step to realizing his reign."

"Why us? It seems like you can make normal Supers easily. Why are Goldeneyes so important?"

"Normal Supers are excellent as disposable troops, but they lack stability and durability. Goldeneyes such as yourselves are not only stronger, you're more intelligent, faster, and can retain your cognitive faculties even while the Blood Rage courses through your veins. You are, in absolute truth, the ideal soldier. You are hundreds of times stronger than normal Beastmen, and at your peak, can easily best a Lieutenant-class Beastman in combat! Needless to say, a Goldeneye's creation requires very specific experiment conditions that are difficult to attain and maintain."

It was at this point Exodus heard enough of his own. "Harbinger, your turn to ask for answers. If you've got nothing, then kill him."
Harbringer listened with interest--especially about the Spiral king. She was curious to know where this person lived. Not that a researcher would know. In fact, she very much doubted that he held any useful information beyond what had been attained. But he might know a great deal about the Spiral king himself.

"Alright. Tell us where the Spiral King resides. Surely there's a city?" She took a step closer, her eyes still a bit golden.

When the researcher responded that there was, she asked where. "It's a floating city," he responded. In some regards it was truth, and some it was pure bullshit. She didn't believe him and shot him in the shoulder.

"Alright. Tell us about the divine generals. Make it snappy."

The researcher gritted his teeth and yowled in pain, cursing up a blue streak before he gave up the information with a rather contemptuous look. When Harbringer had the information she wanted, she took aim for his head. "Shall I end it, Exodus?"
Exodus listened carefully as the researcher gave Harbinger the answers she asked for; he seemed to know quite a lot about the Generals themselves. When Harbinger asked if she should end it, Exodus shook his head and said "No, I want the kill this time." Walking up to the researcher, he cocked a hand back and used his immense strength to literally punch through the chest; he then tore out the researcher's heart, holding the still beating organ in his blood-covered hand.

The researcher choked and gasped as blood flooded his chest cavity. "You probably want this back." Exodus grumbled before saying lowly "You can have it" before shoving it into the researcher's mouth. He then uppercutted the researcher in the jaw; the heart literally exploded as the researcher was forced to bite on his own heart, showering Exodus' front and staining his scar-covered torso a crimson red. And because he was directly in front of the researcher, not a drop got on Harbinger.

He then turned to look at Harbinger, his eyes still flashing gold as he growled "We have what we need. Let's go find Sovereign" and leaving the room, the researcher laying dead in his chair, blood pouring from the masssive puncture wound in his chest.
She stepped aside as he took the kill and threw up a little in her mouth as she watched the absolutely brutal way he was killed. She didn't lose it though. Nope. She kept her cool, despite wanting to wretch. The smell got stronger and she blamed that for her looking away. She left the room and nodded. "Right. The sooner we get out of this hellish death trap the better," she said, locating the nearest stairwell and practically running for it. The smell was really getting to her, and the man she was with still had another man's blood on his hand. She was going to need some air and soon. "Hurry up," she said, running up the steps.
Exodus side-stepped to allow Harbinger to go first; the smell must be getting to her to make her sound so urgent. Having finally calmed down, Exodus' eyes returned to their normal brown color as they finally made their way up the steps. Reaching the main floor, Exodus noticed the stench had decreased considerably, though it was still pretty bad. "Alright, let's see where Sovereign....." he started to say before a loud, primal roar was heard. Sovereign's massive form lumbered into view, once again every inch of his body coated and dripping with blood. "GAH! THERE ARE NO MORE PEOPLE TO KILL! THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Sovereign roared, clearly still feeling the bloodlust coursing through his veins.

Sovereign's nostrils actually flared as he noticed Exodus and Harbinger; he then chuckled loudly and said "PEW! YOU TWO STINK! HAHAHAHA!" "I see you've had your fun, Sovereign" Exodus replied calmly. "NO! I WANT TO KILL MORE! THESE BEASTIEMEN ARE BABIES! THEY DIE TOO EASILY!" He then looked down at Exodus and said "Hey. why is SHE wearing your shirt over her mouth, and why are YOU covered in blood?" "Not important, Sovereign. Now, let's get our Gunmen. I saw a lot of upgrades we could make to each of ours. Sovereign, I think you'll like yours. You can make even more explosions." Sovereign looked like a kid in a candy shop at the mention of this, "YAHA! I'LL BE BACK SOON!" he roared before running off. Exodus then looked to Harbinger, saying "See you back here in a few" before going to get his own Gunmen. Soon, all three of them were inside, having dismounted their Gunmen in the research and upgrade installation bay; Exodus looked over the upgrades these beasts were researching and found them to be fairly sophisticated. "Heh, not bad for a bunch of murdering bastards" Exodus mused as he went through and tried to see what could work for each of them to fit their combat styles.

For Harbinger's Gunmen, her rifle barrel could be extended and fitted with 15 electromagnetic coils to accelerate the round to unbelievable speeds. There was also an experimental cloaking and scanning system that would suit her needs perfectly. This would allow Harbinger to simultaneously remain hidden and scan for enemies over a broad range of frequencies. However, these two would take some serious modification on Harbinger's part to get it to work. There also appeared to be an optics package that increased the pilots sight range by a considerable factor. Finally, a positioning device would enable to her track her team-mate's locations and plot ground courses to their next target of interest.

For Sovereign's Gunmen, his entire chest area could be converted into a bomb-launching tube-based array. He also noticed missile pods could be installed onto the back of his Gunman for added firepower. There were also several signficant armor and shielding upgrades available for him, as well as a heavy artillery package that could be installed into the back of Sovereign's Gunmen. There also appeared to be rotor-barrel autocannons that could be affixed to either the hips or shoulders. If Sovereign decided to put all of these on his own Gunman, he'd be the slowest, but most likely able to still keep up.

Few upgrades existed for Exodus' combat style; most of what little there were merely reinforcements to the joints and armor. Nothing that would allow his Gunman to be entirely flexible. He did notice several storage compartments were available; those would be good for storing either weapons or supplies. "Not a whole lot to choose from here" he mused, but ultimately decided that he would use some of the armor reinforcements to enhance the durability of his Gunman's hands and feet. He realized that he still didn't have a good weapon when he was out of his cockpit. He would think of it later. "Alright, Harbinger, Sovereign, here's a list of the researched upgrades. Pick which ones you want, and we'll install them. Harbinger, some of your upgrades will require your special touch with electronics and computers. Now, let's get this started."

The three of them then began working on each of the Gunmen one at a time, installing the upgrades to each one and testing for systems conflictions before moving on. It would take them most of the day's remainder to finish; however, this would be a good time for each of them to clean up. There were guards quarters one floor above where they were, complete with fully stocked showers and food stores. "Well, let's use this facility for what's got, then head out tomorrow. We'll destroy the remaining two research facilities, then move on to targeting the Beastmen combat forces. Hopefully we can do some damage with our new toys."
Harbringer could still smell decaying corpses through Exodus' shirt when they came upon sovereign. She kept the shirt over her mouth and nose for the time being and tried to focus, instead on his scent. Any longer in this part of the building and she'd get dizzy. Oddly enough the smell of Exodus' clothes was comforting. Why was that? She sighed and let Exodus dodge the question beautifully. Sometimes Sovereign was disarmingly perceptive. She'd have to keep tabs on him after all.

The blond in question merely nodded along with Exodus as the three of them headed off to get their gunmen and make the necessary upgrades. Habringer removed Exodus' shirt and unzipped her body suit a bit while she worked on hers, ignoring the presence of her team mates as she made delicate calibrations and tried a number of tests out to make sure everything was working. By nightfall she'd created the ultimate sniper. Pleased with her work, she stood and stretched. "Well boys. I'm going to take a very long shower. Don't wake me up too early." That said, she locked up her gunman, stowed some tools in a compartment in her gunman's leg and then walked off with Exodus' shirt and headed toward the guard's quarters. One of the only places that hadn't been painted red with blood or decorated with corpses and entrails.

She happily found the laundry dept and put Exodus' shirt in a washing machine. She was fascinated that such a thing existed in the first place. Despite their sadistic outlook on life, it was pretty clear that beastmen were sophisticated enough to have worried about dirty clothes. While she found another empty machine for her clothes, she decided to look for clean clothes to wear in the mean time. She found a black wife-beater and some undergarments, plus a pair of soft green shorts. Pleased, Harbringer wore them while she washed her more practical body suit and decided that since no one would be needing any of their clothes, she could steal some for future use.

Awhile later she'd filled an empty laundry bag with it and then carried it off to a room with it's own private shower. There were even nice fluffy towels and scented soaps. Pleased that she would be very clean and have clean clothes, the woman took her long shower, checked her laundry and then went to lie down for awhile.
Exodus finished helping Sovereign upgrade his Gunmen. Standing a good three stories tall, its armor glinted a blood-red color, reflecting his personal desire to destroy. "Ahhh, can you smell that, Exodus? It's the smell of piles of burning Beastmen corpses after I blow them to pieces!!" "Really? I was going to say it was the corpses here you were smelling" Exodus replied flatly, his mind shifting back to now getting revenge. Exodus' Gunman was smaller and glinted blue; however, unlike the relatively stout limbs Sovereign's had, his were signficantly thinner but more versatile. From his initial analysis, his Gunman could achieve a far wider range of motion and was far more manueverable.

"You know what? My Gunman needs a name. I'll call it....Boom-Boom! Yaha!" he yelled with a maniacal grin on his face. "What'll you be calling yours, Exodus?" "Nothing, Sovereign." "Eh? Nothing? That's an odd name." "No, I mean I'm not giving it a name. It's just a machine, not a person." "You need to loosen up, Exodus. You're killing my buzz." "I'll loosen up.......when the 'Beastman Empire' lays dead, bleeding and broken at my feet. Now go get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow." Sovereign glared at Exodus; Exodus then shot his glare back and growled "That's an order, Sovereign." Sovereign went off to bed, still having not showered.

Exodus, however, stayed up for a good while longer; he still had some planning he needed to do. He also wanted to see how exactly the Gunmen ran. Though there were no lights, the Gunmen turned on regardless. He'd always moved during the day, for fear that the Gunmen would shut down during the middle of a fight. That meant there was a separate power source. He'd read somewhere that something called Spiral Energy was an extremely potent power source. It apparently came from within, but he'd never really given it much thought until now. It was here that there were several interface plates that seemed to glow when the Gunman was turned on. This must be how the thing operated. Which meant the solar batteries were useless; he then decided to discard those

And it was while he was messing with his Gunman that he came across a revelation; what if he created a personal weapon that used his Spiral Energy as a force multiplier? He immediately set to work; he found some spare Gunman parts in a partially destroyed hangar a few levels down. In what seemed like forever, but was only a few hours, he designed a pair of weighty gauntlets that used small spikes to draw Spiral Energy directly from his bloodstream. This energy would in turn be released on contact, creating a concussion blast that would seriously damage anything it touched. However, he would wait to test it until tomorrow. He quickly showered, letting the water rinse the grime off of him before turning in.

The next morning Exodus rose before either of his teammates, intent on testing his new invention. The initial tests revealed some problems with the energy transfer and concentration mechanisms; however, it was revealed to be a relatively easy fix. A few tests later and everything was in working order. After raiding the food stores for a quick bite to eat, he went over initial diagnostics and decided to take a few extra weapons with his Gunman just in case. A shotgun large enough to be used by a Gunman was stored in his waist compartment, combat blades were stored in ankle compartments, and a Gunman pistol was stored in a thigh compartment. Once he and his team were up and ready, they set charges all over the base, blew it up and then proceeded to head out for the remaining two research facilities.
Harbringer had slept a little later than usual, but given her overwhelming experience yesterday, she felt she deserved it. She rose and found her body suit on a chair, having dried it last night. It was like brand new. She decided to keep the clothes she was wearing and tossed them into another laundry bag, stuffing it in the bigger one. She bundled that up and put on her suit before grabbing Exodus' shirt and some breakfast, putting as much of the pantry as she could into another laundry bag. She carried the two bags down with her with ease and tied her hair back.

Once she returned Exodus' very clean shirt, she stashed her things into her gunman and watched the explosions from afar with her leader and teammates. Harbringer felt a deep satisfaction as she thought that no other woman from this area would have to suffer here, and nor would any man or child, and no beastman would profit from it.

The next two facilities were taken care of in a swift and merciless manner--quite similar to all the other bases they'd taken out. Survivors of the bases that had seen them in action started calling them "The Trio" and singing their praises. The three of them became rather well-known in the world as heroes. But also as forces of nature. They could not be stopped and would not be deterred.
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