Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

As the last of the research facilities was destroyed, Exodus felt a huge weight lift off of his shoulders. Finally, the production of Supers would come to a halt; now they got to take the fight to the enemy itself. He didn't even bat an eye as the people they saved started calling him and his team 'The Trio'. An odd name, but it was inconsequentual.

From there, Exodus and his squadmates began to attack the enemy itself. Supply lines, command posts, nothing under Beastman control was safe. Exodus' careful strategy and use of his teammates' proficiencies made sure that the Beastman Empire felt every one of the Trio's assaults. From a modified pincer trap to a simple bait and switch tactic, Exodus employed every attack strategy he could think of to cripple the Beastman forces.

These attacks and operations would occur for the next nine months. They even saved a couple of human-controlled towns from attacks by Beastman forces; however, they promptly left after the attacks were over. They would not rest, they would not falter.

During the down-time, however, Sovereign continued to poke at Harbinger's supposed attraction to Exodus. One of his favorite lines was "Harbinger, stop trying to get into Exodus' pants, we have Beastmen to kill". This would, more times than not, instigate an argument between them, which Exodus had to break up. However, these were few and far between, luckily. Exodus didn't agree with Sovereign that Harbinger was attracted to him; their relationship was purely professional. He stated that they only worked together because they had a common enemy with an even more common goal of destroying them.

Exodus used recently gathered intelligence to lead his squad to another Beastman garrison. This one was huge; he estimated them to be one hundred thousand strong. "What the hell is going on here?" he said; never had he seen this many Beastmen gathered in one spot. Too large to be a raiding party, no this was a defense force. It had to be. But what were they guarding?

"Harbinger, tap into their comms. See if you can figure out what they're up to." Exodus got a bad feeling in his gut; something seemed different about these Beastmen.
Harbringer shot Exodus a look. Was he going to expect her to just be able to do these things whenever the mood seized him? Because that just wasn't how it worked. She had a great deal of fondness for the way he took charge and the way he tried to protect them all--not to mention that he was a dedicated man and strong personality. He had many wonderful and admirable qualities. She didn't really feel much romantically for him, however...at least when she was working. Occasionally, however, there were times when she wished he would put his arm around her for a little longer, or stay close for just a little bit more. But she chalked that up to loneliness and spent more time trying to have fun later on. It usually worked.

Harbringer was miraculously able to do as Exodus wanted this time around. She managed to intercept the message from a commander of Cytomander as follows: "Our one hundred thousand-fold force is tasked with securing the nearby area for General Cytomander's ship to land for repairs. Also, some of the force is to branch off and begin attacking all nearby settlements in the vicinity."

There were some encouraging words to inspire vigor and loyalty and then the transmission went on to describe the landing area. It really was too easy. "Alright, then. Where do we go first?" She asked, sitting back. Did they protect the settlements first? Or go to the landing site?
Exodus listened as Harbinger played the intercepted communication; so a General was landing for repairs. They'd most likely have a means of increasing the impracticality of attacking him while he was on the ground. Not to mention some of the force was going to attack nearby settlements. That meant they'd have to destroy the ground forces surrounding the area; not too hard for them. "Harbinger, increase primary EM coil pulse to 1500 gigaTesla and set coil increments to one hundred. Switch to HE frag rounds. I want you to stay put right here and engage cloaking. Try to use your shots to corral them if they try to run off. Continue to monitor their communications." Luckily, from where they were, Harbinger would have a completely unobstructed view of her engagement zone.

He then spoke to the giant red mech, "Sovereign, go to the east ridge. Set range to 43 and adjust azimuth as I call it out. Danger close to both of you." "And where do you think you're going?" Sovereign responded. "To make sure this 'Cytomander' can't land. Now move out and don't attack until I say so." he said as he took off without warning. Sovereign headed out as well and surprisingly fast got into position. Now all they had to do was wait.

Exodus quickly made his way near the enemy position; he manipulated his mech to take some explosive bundles and place them at various points around the perimeter of the emplacement. He then relatively silently used a combat blade to 'assassinate' several enemy Gunmen guarding several turrets. Placing more explosives underneath the main structure of the turrets and making sure each bundle was primed, he kept the detonator handy. This would serve a great purpose once things got started; it would help Harbinger corral the enemy forces by cutting off their northern and western avenues of escape. The explosives would create craters too wide to jump across and too deep to get out of should they become trapped. Now with everything in place, Exodus then pulled a stunt that wold most likely earn Harbinger's talking his ear off: He gave a great leap and landed smack dab in the middle of the enemy forces.

"WHO THE BLOODY FUCK ARE YOU?!" one of the enemy Gunmen roared out; this made the entire platoon focus on him. Perfect. Exodus however, didn't respond as he toyed with the detonator in his cockpit. Instead he switched the comms for his teammates and said, "Let the party begin." as he pressed the detonator button. Soon, a long line of mushroom clouds appeared along the northern and western flanks before large hurricane-force winds knocked the respective sections of enemy Gunmen down; Exodus had his braced for impact. "Spread out! Commence attacks on the settlements! All units separate!" a large pearly-white Gunmen shouted; obviously a commander.

"Harbinger! Don't let the southern division pass! Sovereign! Adjust azimuth to 35, and blow those bastards to pieces!" Exodus commanded; within moments, high-explosive ordinance rained down on the twenty thousand trying to escape to the east. Soon, the eastern division was in chaos; units that didn't wish to die by an explosion soon met their end by Exodus carving through what remained.

In the commander's cockpit, it was madness; the western and northern divisions couldn't advance because a large canyn had seemingly formed. He then put through to Cytomander himself, "Sir, wave off, wave off! We're under attack! This LZ is too hot! I repeat, it's too hot!" completely unaware that he was being listened in on.
Harbringer relayed all the information she intercepted as the attack went on. After seeing the idiotic stunt Exodus pulled to start the whole thing off, of course, she planned to kill him herself when this was all through. She did her job as best she could and sniped targets now and then when the need arose. She was cloaked and settled perfectly to pick them all off one by one. She did just that with a grin, enjoying the chaos that she was part of. She just wish that they'd win already. It was starting to get boring week after week. And it was strange to think such a thought.
Exodus smiled with glee as the bastards that helped support the creation of him and his team were falling to the ground; thousands of irreparably damaged Gunmen soon littered the battlefield. Harbinger, Exodus noticed, was doing especially well. All he saw was a bright flash off in the distance before what looked like a bolt of energy came crashing down at unbelievable speeds into groups of Gunmen trying to flee the scene. The resulting energy explosion combined with the resulting high-velocity shrapnel tore into anything that was unfortunate enough to be in it.

Sovereign, in his cockpit, was laughing maniacally as his explosive payloads ripped the battalions to shreds. He'd been following Exodus' instructions, even changing the range when he told him to. As long as it killed Beastmen, he'd put his bombs and missiles wherever Exodus wanted him to. "LET IT RAIN, LET IT POUR, THERE GOES YOUR BODY PARTS, YOU WHORES! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he then roared into his team-mates comms. Exodus couldn't help but laugh himself. "Did you come up with that yourself, Sovereign?" Exodus responded. "YAH! OF COURSE I DID! NOW SHUT UP! I'M TRYING TO BLOW THESE BASTARDS TO HELL!" Exodus chuckled and refocused on slaughtering the ones that were foolish enough to take him. Since there were quite a few, he resorted to using his Gunman shotgun; though even then he used it more like a club than how it was supposed to be used. The power of it tore into his enemies and crippled them instantly. Exodus' Gunmen too was starting to get beat up. It'd taken a few shots from projectile launchers and melee weapons, but it was still in fairly good condition.

The field commander was trying to call for reinforcements; however, all he got was static. That's because Sovereign inadvertently destroyed the eastern comm array that allowed him to communicate with General Cytomander. It wasn't long before over ten thousand of his troops were dead. Then twenty. Thirty, fifty-two, seventy-eight, and the numbers kept climbing. Finally, the field commander was the only one left. His entire defensive/assualt platoon, destroyed. Smoke and fires raged across the battlefield. Exodus pulled his Gunmen blade from the core of an enemy's; a good portion of its length was stained red. "Harbinger, hold your fire." Exodus commanded when everything was done.

The field commander was in shock; how could the entire force be destroyed so easily? This pilot of the blue Gunman before him, he must die. "YOU BASTARD! YOU SLAUGHTERED EVERYONE!" the commander roared out. Exodus burst out laughing "Oh, boo-hoo! Heheheh, you really think I give a damn? You bastards had it coming." "Blasted filthy ape!" the commander shot back; Exodus, however, wasn't paying attention as he was busy giving new coordinates to Sovereign. "Hey, Sovereign. Go ahead and use a TB shell." "What? SERIOUSLY? YAHA! YOU MIGHT WANT TO SHIELD YOUR EYES! YOU TOO HARBINGER" "Will do."

The commander just kept shouting at Exodus; however, a loud boom interrupted his thoughts. "Wha........" was all he got out before his Gunman seemed to get hit with something resembling a black hole. A huge pressure wave sucked Exodus' Gunmen in slightly before blasting it back, its feet skidding on the heavily burned ground before coming to a stop. "Direct hit. Mission accomplished, everyone." Exodus said with a huge goofy grin. He had a good idea they could do it, but it was still fairly considerable odds against them. 3 vs 100,000? Most would have called them crazy for even thinking about doing such a thing.
If Sovereign was telling her to shield her eyes, she didn't need to be told twice. She put on as many dark filters as possible and crouched low to the ground in her gunman, holding her fire just as she was told. When it was all over, she took the filters off and rose, uncloaking. It was difficult to believe that they'd managed to defeat their foes with the half-planned ambush. She joined her comrades in the center of the mayhem and opened her cockpit, smiling and waving. She actually applauded Sovereign. "What excellent showmanship. And such flair. You're a natural kid," she said with a wink. She was only teasing, but it was in good spirits. She focused on Sovereign to keep from punching Exodus.
Sovereign jumped out of his Gunman's cockpit, landing the ground with a massive thud. Exodus didn't think it was possible, but Sovereign seemed even larger now that he had his full body armor. It was no surprise that the number of times the Beastmen had come face-to-face with him, they'd run off screaming. His armor boosted his height to nine foot three, and increased his ground speed 200%. With this, he literally became a tank. "GAYAHAHA! I MAKE BEASTMEN GO BOOOOOOM!" Exodus had to put a hand to his mouth to stop from laughing; he'd never change. "Excellent work with the explosives, Sovereign. Though I think you made them go more than "BOOM", I think you made them go dead." Sovereign busted out in roaring laughter as if that line was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. "Ah, Exodus. I take it all back, you are no coward or pussy. You are a warrior! I like it! When do we kill more Beastman?!" "Soon, my friend. Right after we find out where this 'General Cytomander' is hiding."

And then, as if to show he was completely unaware of what could happen, Exodus moved his Gunman so that it was closer to Harbinger's. He had his cockpit as well as she did, which meant he was wide open. But if she decided to do anything, he wouldn't see it coming. "Hey, Harbinger. Nice shooting out there. You really gave them hell. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit scared you'd hit me, but I should know better. You're an ace with that rifle."
"Oh, I'm going to hit you alright," she said, jumping over to him quick as a flash and punching him hard in the arm. It would definitely bruise. "Maybe that'll make you think twice before you do something so stupid! I may be good but I can't perform miracles, Exodus. Maybe you ought to worry a little more about yourself when you get into these situations because I can't always bail you out!" She gave him a stern and rather angry look before her expression softened and she sighed, waiving her hand noncommittally before heading back down into the ground. She landed with grace and smiled at Sovereign. "But see, I know you can back up all your talk," she said chuckling. "Even so, you be careful too." She smiled and then walked away for some water.
Exodus was very startled when Harbinger seemed to disappear and then reappear right in front of him; he then felt a sharp jab of pain in his bicep. She hit him, hard. "Fuuuuck." he growled, his left eye closing as he grimaced in obvious pain. That was going to leave a mark. He was about to tell her everything he does is calculated risk before she just up and left. Typical. Exodus jumped down from his Gunman, laning heavily on his feet as he rubbed his arm. "Just what the hell is her problem?" Exodus said to no one in particular.

"For the hundredth time, Exodus: She. Is. Falling. For. You."

"No. She. Is. Not. For the thousandth time, Sovereign, Harbinger is not getting attached to me. If anything, she's getting attached to you. All she does is hit me when I'm just doing what I do best." He then winced as the fresh blow made itself known to him, "Fuck, that stings."

"Attached to me? Hah! She is too small for me! I need big woman! Big woman for my not-so-mini-me! Heheheheheh."

"Really, Sovereign? Penis jokes now?"

"Exodus, seriously, you need to calm down a bit. Believe me, I like fast-paced action as much as you do, but if we kill everyone now, who will I kill in the future? Sometimes it's better just to take things slow, and kill them slowly."

"Don't worry about that, Sovereign. I can say with a lot of certainty that there will be plenty of Beastmen to fight and kill. Have I disappointed you so far?"

"Well, no, but..."

"That's what I thought. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some planning I need to do if we're going to kill Cytomander."

And with that, Exodus made his way to the commander's post. If it was going to land, that implied it was an aerial unit. So, instead he went through invoices trying to find what equipment they had and see if any of it could be repurposed for use in anti-air combat. The size of the unit here also implied that it was a large ship, but how large it was was a mystery. He would need Harbinger's help to decipher the codes to be able to have her track it with her positioning system, but he'd for her to cool off. From whatever it was that was bothering her.
Sovereign was right on the money and it bothered her that it was true. What was more disturbing, however, was how Exodus was so single-minded that he didn't notice at all. She rolled her eyes and her shoulders, drinking from a large water bottle. After capping it she put it away and sat down, watching as their fearless leader worked himself to death. She shook her head and just fumed, trying to calm down, laying back.
As Exodus continued to work, he looked up to see Harbinger. She was obviously still mad; she wasn't going to be effective if she kept getting angry. The fact was he designed strategies that best utilized their unique strengths; and with his being in close quarters, that was what he was constrained to do: throw himself into the lion's den.

It kind of disturbed that Harbinger had such little faith in his close quarters abilities. He resolved to go try to talk to her, see what was going. Making his way over to her, he then asked "OK, Harbinger. I want to know what's going on. Every time I employ a strategy that involves me getting in close, after we win, you always either hit me or yell at me. What's going on with you? Do you really have that little faith in my close quarters ability?"
She looked up at him as he came over to her and then stood up. "You know what? My problem isn't that I don't have faith in your fighting skills. It's not even that I don't have faith in your strategies. I do. My problem is that most of them involve you putting yourself into positions that you might not always be able to handle alone. My problem is that the strategies you come up with for yourself are reckless." She glared at him as she brushed herself off.

"You take unnecessary risks that make me wonder if you want to live after all. All you ever think about is ending the beastmen and getting revenge. You're working yourself to death, running us ragged, and one of these days, your inability to relax is going to catch up to you and I'm not going to be there to save your ass!" She hadn't been quite this angry before, but now that he was here and being an obstinate little idiot, she couldn't help it. Even Sovereign had more insight into her than Exodus.

"Why can't you take your teammates suggestions into consideration and look at the bigger picture just for once?" Her hands on her hips, she waited for him to say something. Anything.
"Harbinger, everything I do is calculated. All my strategies, as you should know by now, are specifically centered around our unique talents on the battlefield. I do what I do, knowing that you and Sovereign have my back, and I employ tactics to put myself out of danger should things get too heavy. I don't see how at all that's being reckless." he replied, crossing his arms.

"I really don't see what 'bigger picture' there is. Or have you forgotten what they did to us? Harbinger, we were HUMANS once. The very same humans the Beastmen either capture for experiments or downright exterminate. So long as they live, this will continue and I will not allow that to happen as long as I am able." Sovereign was listening to them and shook his armored head; Exodus just didn't get it. He knew he wasn't nearly as bright as Exodus or Harbinger, but if it was obvious to him why Harbinger was throwing such a fit, for Exodus not to see it was a damn shame.
"Don't you dare lecture me about who and what we used to be." She glared at him and gave him a little punch to his chest. "I know how important it is to get rid of them, and I know how reliable we all are. But what if there was some mistake made? I'm not saying that your risks aren't calculated. What I'm trying to tell you is that you're over extending yourself and you don't even realize it!" She made a rather unbecoming sound of frustration and threw her arms up before walking away. "The bigger picture is living beyond this and what to do with the life that's given you! Maybe you ought to think of that once in awhile."
OK, Harbinger caught him off guard with that. What would they do once this was over? No, no, now he was getting distracted. If he thought too much ahead, he'd miss something important. He'd save that thought for another time. Right now he needed to focus on how to deal with Cytomander. And again, he was working with a horrific lack of data. "I'll think about that when it's over, not before." he said with a distinct finality. And with that he made his way back to the commander's post to resume his planning.

Unfortunately, Harbinger's words kept resonating in his ears, even without her repeating them. Living beyond this? What relevance did that have? He valued Harbinger dearly as a squadmate, but sometimes she just made no sense to him. And perhaps the reverse was true, in her eyes he made no sense to her. That was a moot point, however, and he tried to set back to drawing his plans. Thanks to reconnaisance Harbinger had performed, they had a pretty good map of the area. But, they were still missing the last known location of Cytomander's ship, which would make it extremely difficult to do anything else until that variable was solved.

As hard as he tried, he couldn't get what Harbinger said out of his mind. Why did she even care? She wasn't on the front line, she was a valuable asset to the team, and they all got along relatively well. So what was her problem? What if Sovereign was right? No, Exodus was certain Sovereign was wrong on that. How could she be, after everything he put her through? "Dammit, Exodus. Get a grip, you're losing your focus." he scolded himself; he decided to rest as it was getting late, soon laying his head on the table and passing into an uneasy slumber.

Sovereign, meanwhile, made his way over to Harbinger. His armored form made for heavy footfalls and an imposing largeness that few Beastmen could even hope to match. He then showed a deeper side of his personality, one Harbinger probably wouldn't expect, "It's not easy, is it? Possessing affection for a man solely hell-bent on revenge? And don't lie to me, I know better."
Sovereign's presence wasn't what surprised her; it was his insight into her problem. Her eyes widened a bit as she looked up at him, and then she relaxed and rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "You have no idea." She sighed and patted the ground next to her, signaling for him to sit down with her. "How come you're so smart about stuff like this and Exodus is as dumb as a rock?" She smiled and looked off into the distance, not really focusing on anything in particular. "Not that I'm really that good at recognizing it myself."
Sovereign decided to stand; his armor made it difficult for him to sit. And he liked having it on, too much so to take it off. "Exodus isn't dumb about it, Harbinger. There's something you need to understand about him. Exodus is a fighter, much like me. But where I kill for pleasure, he kills out of pure vengeance. He hates the Beastmen, for what they did to you and me, and to him. So he buries his personal sentiments in order to fight for us, to protect us."

He then took a deep breath and continued, "He also kills them out of guilt. Remember how he faked hating you to get us out of that research station? What he had to do to dupe Adiane and the researcher? He feels guilty about that, even after all this time. He kicks himself for opening his mouth to Adiane that first time to this day. And so he fights because their destruction makes him feel whole, like he's atoning for his sins. Though, I don't understand it myself, that's what he does. Me, I like this new form. I am stronger and faster. And this armor he helped me build? Just makes it better."

He then looked down at Harbinger, "So just remember, he's fighting for us more than he's fighting for himself. That is why he pushes so hard, and that is what separates him from me. He's a proud warrior, through and through. He fights for justice, he is brutal and relentless for a very good reason."
She sighed and listened as he told her things that she already knew and things that she didn't. "I knew he felt guilty for that, but I didn't realize he still did." She frowned and looked up at Sovereign. Even if he was a maniacal killing machine, he still had quite a heart. She wondered how he felt about things sometimes. "Sovereign...You're probably the smartest one of us, you know that?" She stood up and smiled at him, patting his shoulder. "He should still learn to relent a little though. I'm afraid that there won't be anything left of him when this is all through. He needs to learn to relax once in awhile. Even if he's proud and he's got a good reason, working himself to death isn't healthy. And if you had that problem, I'd say the same thing to you."
"Teh. You wouldn't have any more success with me than you do right now with Exodus. And I'm not smart, I just don't want things getting in the way of me and my targets. Too many distractions equals me not killing as many Beastmen as I could." he replied with a grin hidden behind his massive helmet.

He then said to Harbinger, "Exodus will always be the wound-up tighwad of a commander we know. Once the Beastmen are all dead, I think you'll find that he'll loosen up considerable." He then gave a loud yawn and said, "Well, if I'm going to kill some more tomorrow, I need sleep. Exodus is probably still awake, so I'll leave it to you to make sure he's rested." He then lumbered over to one of the still-burning enemy Gunmen and laid down on his stomach, intending on using what Exodus taught him indirectly, in a weird sort of way. To have a source of warmth for the cold desert night.
She smiled and watched him walk away. At least Sovereign knew his limits. He was a sweet guy under all the armor and blood lust. Wow. Now there was a thought. She chuckled and got two blankets from her gunman. One for herself, and one for Exodus. If he was going to be such an idiot about his health, the least she could do was lessen the impact.

Quietly, she walked toward him, taking Sovereign's advice. "Good night," she said as she walked by. And then she came to Exodus. She came to a sleeping man and only shook her head. Gently, she draped a blanket over him and then took his shoulders in her hands, gently shaking him. "Exodus."
Exodus wasn't fully asleep, but he was fast enough asleep to not hear Harbinger enter. Feeling someone shake him, Exodus woke with a start and shouted "Gah!" He then looked and saw it was Harbinger. "Jeez, Harbinger, you scared the shit out of me." He was asleep during the conversation between her and Sovereign, so he would have no idea what it is they talked about. "Is something the matter?" he then asked, wondering what she was doing here.
"I thought I would come and check up on you since we hadn't seen you for awhile. I didn't want you to get sick, so I brought you a blanket, but I figured you might like to sleep laying down so a paper wouldn't stick to your face again," she said with a chuckle. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to." Harbringer watched him curiously, wondering why she wasn't quite so mad at him anymore. She still kind of wanted to be, but she wasn't. "Well...don't stay up too late." She smiled softly and then turned to leave him be.
As Exodus watched Harbinger leave, he scratched his head in confusion. First she's mad at him, now she's not? "I'll never figure her out." he mused mentally as tried to fall back asleep, only realizing that doing so in a chair was horrifically uncomfortable. He then resolved to lay on the floor, putting the blanket over himself as he drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Sovereign was surprisingly the first one up. He rose in his titanic armored suit and tried to scratch an itch. UNfortunately, metal can't scratch skin if it's covered by more metal. And now he forgot how to unlock the suit. "Damn it all" he growled as he made his way to where Exodus was. He then barked "Exodus, wake up!" Exodus stirred and looked up to see it was Sovereign. "What is......Sovereign?!" Exodus then sat upright before continuing in his tired tone "You're still wearing that?" "I have an itch, and I forgot how to unlock the suit." "One sec." Exodus grumbled as he stood up with a yawn "This should only take a moment" After pressing two piston-like clamps in opposite directions, the suit popped open to release Sovereign. And the BO that had welled up inside.

The smell was so strong from Sovereign not bathing for a few months it hit Exodus like a freight train at this proximity, knocking him stone cold out. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he was rendered unconscious. "Ah, much better" Sovereign muttered as he scratched his butt furiously. He then looked over to see Exodus passed out on the floor. "Uh, Exodus? Hello?" Sovereign said as he waved his meaty mitt in front of Exodus' face, completely oblivious to his own stench. Well, Harbinger did want him to chill out once in a while.
Harbringer had kept watch for a little while and then crawled into the protection of her gunman to rest safely for the night. She woke the next day with a groan and managed to comb her hair before exiting her gunman, blanket pulled around her shoulders like a cape. She saw that Sovereign had gone somewhere and wondered briefly if he'd taken off the suit...or taken a bath. She really hoped both were true, and as she came closer to Exodus, she heard and smelled that something was up. Wrapping the blanket around her face as well, she came toward the place she thought they were. She nearly fainted herself. "Good lord, Sovereign. I like you and all, but if you don't take a bath I might pass out." It turns out that was was had happened.
Sovereign chuckled "I think Exodus beat you to the punch on that" He looked to see his fearless leader lying on his back, still knocked out from the sudden stench wave. Sovereign then lowered his head and took a whiff of his own 'scent'; his face did not change one bit. "Yeah, I could probably go for a rinse. Be right back. You might want to make sure Exodus didn't die." A rinse was a huge understatement; Sovereign needed about five powerwashings. But, he would be in the suit, which meant his stinkwould be contained. He then went to go to the small stream a few clicks away to wash up.
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