Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

He felt small flashes of warmth streak down his neck as Harbinger's fingers ran through his somewhat thick, messy hair; he then smiled when she told him she just wanted him to be happy. "I am happy, Harbinger.......having you here, safe and sound with me, wanting to bear my children of your own free will, and most important of all, accepting my love and reciprocating it. If that's not happiness, then I don't know what is." Kissing her again, he laid his head down and looked her in the eyes. She would see the fires of passion and desire to love and protect burning fiercely in his eyes. "I just hope you're happy Harbinger, that's all I really wanted.....was to see you smiling and enjoying life. That's why I fought and pushed so hard."

Of course, he wanted Sovereign to enjoy life as well; however, that was quickly crushed when the big guy sacrificed himself to save Exodus and Harbinger from potential annihilation. His face then fell as he recalled that tragic day, his last words, the explosion, the aftermath of it all. "I'm just sorry I couldn't protect us all." he then said silently, his tone heavy with depression and self-loathing; it would be clear to Harbinger by his tone and choice of words that he still felt a lot of guilt about losing someone who could have been easily considered his blood brother.
Harbringer smiled. "I'm happy with you," she said kissing his lips softly. And she could see just how happy he really was, gazing into his eyes. His comment about wanting her to be happy made her smile but even she felt the heaviness that came with his reasoning. He hadn't needed to say anything else for her to understand his guilt. He was sad again because Sovereign was gone--and she'd been sad too. In fact, she still was, but she knew Sovereign wouldn't have wanted that. To be missed, okay, but to be mourned...she had a feeling that sort of thing wouldn't sit right with the big guy.

She pulled Exodus closer and continued to soothingly stroke his hair and neck, loving the way he felt to her. "I love you, Exodus. And in his own way, Sovereign did too." She smiled softly at him. "You can't blame yourself for a decision he made. Neither of us could have known what would happen." She put her fingers to his lips to stop him from speaking. "In the end, Sovereign did what he felt was right. Nothing could have changed his mind. It wasn't your fault." She hugged him close and let her fingers drop away.

"I know that doesn't make the guilt go away, Exodus. But do you think Sovereign would want you to think it was your fault? I don't think he'd blame you for any of this."
Exodus was glad that Harbinger was happy to be here with him, but it did little to quell the turmoil that arose in his heart as the scene of Sovereign's deadly act to save them both. But Harbinger''s next words picked up the slack, ten times over. That and her hugging him even tighter and continued stroking of his hair and neck; he was about to raise protest, that he should have commanded Sovereign to fall back, when he felt her delicate fingers on his lips to silence him. Her words made a lot of sense; even if it didn't take the guilt away completely, it did a lot to put his fractured mind at peace.

He then gave a sigh, "No, I don't suppose he would." He then smiled and said in a tone of voice much closer to Sovereign's, "He'd probably say, "Quit blubbering, you big baby. Man up and fight! We still have Beastmen to kill." Ah, I'm gonna miss him." He then kissed Harbinger on the forehead and said, "Harbinger......thanks. Somehow you always know what to say and do to keep me going." He then laid his head down and said, "Let's sleep for a little while, then go talk to the village leader about bringing this town's defensive capability up."
"Sounds like a plan to me," she said, smiling as he kissed her. He really did sound like Sovereign for a minute, and it made her smile. She pulled him close and thought of her dear friend, wondering what he might think if he could see them now. She closed her eyes and stayed close to her lover, always there for support and to give him all her love. "Mmm, I will always love you, Exodus." Then she was out like a light. When she woke up several hours later, she could smell food. Immediately she was hungry. Talking to the elder could wait until she ate something. Carefully, she shook Exodus. "Wake up lover." She smiled and kissed him softly. Yes, this was bliss.
(Sorry for the slowness, trying to juggle some things and failing miserably, lol)

Exodus was passed out hardcore when Harbinger shook; it was the sound of her voice and subsequent kiss that served to wake him from his slumber. His eyes fluttered open as he gazed into his lover's eyes. After giving an impressive yawn, he kissed her and said jokingly, "Guess we enjoyed ourselves a little too much, huh?" He smelled something good cooking; his stomach rumbled in response. He then looked at Harbinger's still-naked, goddess-like body, grinned and said honestly, "God, you're just absolutely perfect" Kissing her again, he then sat up, his powerful muscles rippling over his body as he stretched them. "I'm thinking food first, then a talk with the leader. What about you, Harbinger?" he then asked her as he got up and started to get dressed.
((Aww, that's okay))

Exodus was so cute when he got like this. Chuckling at his compliment, she sat up with him. "Mmm, thank you, I think. Yes, we'll have to get a lot of sleep tonight. And if you didn't suggest food first, I might have had to drag you there," she said with a laugh. "Hmmm, I don't really have anything clean but my skin suit...I guess I'll just have to wear that until I find something a little less revealing."

She sighed and slipped into the tight suit she'd been wearing for the longest time. She combed out her hair again and put her hands on her hips. "Ready to eat?"
Exodus had finished getting dressed right at the same time as Harbinger did; he turned around to see her in that sexy suit of hers. If he wasn't so tired from going twice in quick succession in the shower, he probably would have gotten aroused and would have wanted to take her right then and there. Truth be told, the fabric did reveal quite a bit; not so much as in the way of exposed skin, but with how tightly it clung to her body a lot of her womanly features could be made out. Her ample chest, those sexy hips, that round toned ass and those long beautiful legs of hers. "Revealing yes, but I think it makes you even more drop-dead gorgeous." he then said aloud; he then said, "But in a couple of months it won't even fit you......we'll definitely need to get you some bigger clothes." He then walked behind her and, embraced her, nuzzling her neck after she asked if he was ready to eat; he then grinned and said, "That depends. Do I get to have you as dessert?"

His stomach then rumbled again; he chuckled and added, "Guess my body doesn't like waiting either. Let's go, shall we?" He then grabbed Harbinger's hand and walked out the door; they were greeted by several others as they made their way to the mess hall. He noticed that it was late evening; the sky was a beautiful mix of oranges and light-reds. Exodus returned their greetings in kind and before long they were there. Exodus grabbed some venison stew and pork roast, then waited for Harbinger to make her selection.
His reaction to her suit had never been quite this strong in the past--then again, he'd never allowed himself to think that way about her body, had he? Now that he did, it was pretty clear he wanted her even more when she wore it. Chuckling, she nuzzled him back and enjoyed his affection, thinking over the need for bigger clothes. She would have to handle that as the need arrived. It was no use in getting clothes now--she wasn't sure how much bigger they'd have to be. At his comment about her being dessert she blushed a little. "You want more after all that?" she teased, holding his hand. "Too much dessert gives you a stomach ache."

She smiled and then walked with him to get more food, choosing to sample a little of all the items they had. She told them it was because everything looked so good--and that was the truth. But she was also starving and interested in trying all different kinds of food. "Where should we sit?" And then she noticed the chief of the little village. "Oh, we could kill two birds with one stone," she offered, gesturing to the man.
Exodus turned and noticed the village chief sitting to eat as well. "Yeah, let's go sit with him. No better place to discuss protection than over a hot meal, right?" he then said with a smile. Sitting with the chief, the slightly-built man looked up and said, "Oh, hello you two. So, do you find Bator to your liking?" Exodus nodded happily, "Indeed, you've made yourself a fine town, Chief." The leader chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, "Well, thanks, but I'm just glad we have you two. After Snap showed us the pictures of your fight with those things, it's even more obvious you two are very capable of protecting us. And I'll tell ya, it's not easy when those bastards come back whenever they please and terrorize us." He then looked at Exodus and said, "But you look like you have something you want to talk about."

Exodus nodded; after taking a bite of the roast pig and swallowing, he said, "Yeah, I wanted to discuss a plan I have to help get this town prepared. What would you say if Harbinger, No-Bark and myself fixed the trashed Gunmen that we could lying on this town's perimeter and gave them to you to use." The leader seemed surprised, "Well, that would be great, but what would you fix them with? We don't have that much steel." Exodus shook his head, "No, no, none of your steel would be needed. We'd use parts from the Gunmen that were too far gone to be fully repaired to fix the others. Then after that was done, Harbinger and I would teach some of your people to pilot them." The leader then smiled widely and said, "Well, then that would be fantastic!" Exodus grinned, "Thought you'd like that. But another question, does this town possess explosives? Of any kind?" The leader's face turned to one of surprise, "Well, we have mining charges to use when the rock is too hard to drill through. Why?"

Exodus then closed his eyes and said, "This may seem a little strange, but I was proposing placing a sort of minefield around Bator." The leader became a bit agitated at this, "What? No! What if someone stepped on them?" Exodus shook his head, "These aren't pressure mines, they're remotely detonated. I can create the explosives and Harbinger here is an electronics master. And there would be different zones, where different controls detonate certain sections of the minefield." The leader calmed down bit but still looked uneasy. He then looked to his beloved and said, "Anything you want to add, Harbinger?" He would leave it to her to help the leader see where he was coming and then talk of evacuation routes and emergency protocols to her if she wanted to talk about that.
Harbringer ate her meal in a lady-like manner as Exodus proposed his defense ideas with various degrees of success to the chief. Well, at least they had support for the gunman. She could understand his hesitance to set up a mine field of any kind. She stopped eating as Exodus brought her into the conversation. "We wouldn't necessarily want to plant the mines close to town, either. I agree that pressure-sensitive mines would be too dangerous--not to mention wasteful here. But I can program them to only go off with the remote detonator. I propose a large ring around Bator so that we can set up a perimeter with the explosives, and a watch tower where someone can always press the button if necessary."

She brought up other possible options for defense as well as escape routes and shelters, along with evacuation plans. It was up to the people of Bator, of course, but they would be well-defended either way.
The leader seemed to relax at Harbinger's explanation; that seemed like a good idea. With people watching in shifts, in case of a full scale attack, they would have something that could even the odds in case the enemy proved to be extremely numerous. He then nodded in agreement with Harbinger's escape routes and the ideas to set up shelters. The latter would be good for those who might incapable of fighting in a Gunman. They would talk for quite a while, but it was good talk; this was the kind of talk needed that would keep these people safe. And it was obvious that the Chief was willing to do what was necessary to ensure the survival of his village.

When she and the leader were finished speaking, he then added in a polite tone, "That minefield set-up sounds good, but if I may Harbinger, I would like to propose one slight modification. I feel it's necessary, should the people want to go through with this, that we create several sectors; it wouldn't be wise to have one detonator to control the entire system. It needs to be sectored so that in case one area gets too much action, they can blow that part up without damaging the integrity of the rest of the field."
She smiled. "That sounds like a good idea." Of course, the leader was thinking like a defensive player now. That had been her intention when leaving out the sectioning of the mines from their conversation. If he hadn't thought of it, she would have done it anyway and then told him later. But it made the man feel like a leader, so why not? She smiled and shook his hand. "Thank you for your help in this. Of course, we can't do it alone. We'll need help from some of the villagers." With that, they finished up their talk and their planning and before long it was time to turn in.

Back in their tiny quarters, Harbringer took off her skin suit and then slipped into bed, waiting for Exodus to join her. There was no way she'd miss out on sleep tonight.
Exodus finished his meal as well and thanked the Chief for hearing them out; the Chief said he'd hold a meeting with the people tomorrow to discuss the laying out of the minefield. With that Exodus followed Harbinger back to their humble abode. He then slipped into bed with his beloved and kissed her good night; before long the big lug was out like a light, sleeping contentedly with the love of his life wrapped in his powerful arms.

*Several months later*

Exodus and Harbinger would prove to do quite a lot for Bator; the leader held the meeting the day to discuss the minefield idea, and after much heated debating and Exodus using his seemingly natural ability to lead, the town decided it would be for the best if the minefield was put in place. Thanks to some rather ingenious engineering from Exodus and seemingly strange electronics work from Harbinger, they were able to craft thousands of high-explosive mines that were placed all around Bator's perimeter at a fair distance away with little detriment to the town's supply of mining charges. A total of twenty reinforced towers were built right on the edge of the town in a circular fashion; each had a remote detonator designed, calibrated and linked up to the mines themselves by Harbinger.

The two of them then worked with No-bark and a few other people who learned to operate the machinery to repair the large number of scrapped Gunman the Beastmen just seemed to be throwing at them; the more the Beastmen attacked Bator, the more Gunmen they had parts to make repairs and upgrades with. Exodus, with his talent of mechanical comprehension, showed how to repair their Gunmen should they become damaged. Soon, the town was in possession of thirty full armed, fully combat ready Gunmen. Exodus and Harbinger then held training sessions to teach those who could pilot the machines the controls necessary to utilize the Gunmen effectively. It was somewhat tedious work; however, Exodus expected as much and was surprised himself at how quickly they managed to pick it up. And he actually rather enjoyed teaching these people; he wasn't just teaching them to pilot a mech, he was giving them the enhanced capacity to survive. He also taught them basic combat strategy; how to use cover effectively, create choke-points in a battlefield to force the enemy into a narrow line-up. He then had Harbinger help him go over an evacuation route in case things got too heavy for them to handle. He also implemented this to get any women and children out of harm's way; and if worse came to worse (though he didn't tell them this), he and Harbinger would stay behind and create a diversion for the townspeople to get away.

After that was all said and done, Exodus and Harbinger then began building their own house; since they protected Bator's steel supplies from Beastman raiding parties, there was enough for them to use to create an infrastructure for their home. It took them about a month to build, but it was sturdy and most of all, spacious and cozy. They also added an insulating layer of mud in the walls of the house to prevent any noises from escaping. The inside was quite nice; fairly bare, but nice. A larger bed and a table next to it that held the pictures in frames that Snap took of them, a bathroom with a shower, and a table on which to eat anything they may have caught themselves.

Needless to say, the two of them got rather intimate on said bed, quite often when they weren't on patrol or fighting the Beastmen. They enjoyed each in various positions, sometimes going at it as much as three times in one night; each time Exodus would fill Harbinger to the brim and more times than not far beyond with his hot love. It was as if his body was doing everything it could to ensure she got pregnant. However, as the weeks turned to months, Harbinger wasn't showing any signs of pregnancy, and Exodus was starting to get worried. By the time the third month rolled around, Exodus finally said to Harbinger, "Harbinger, I think something's wrong. Maybe we should go get ourselves checked." He then waited for her response; it was obvious from the look on his face that he was truly worried.
Harbringer spent her time aiding in every facet of defense she possibly could. During the months that followed, she cultivated relationships with many of the villagers and got most of them over their fear of Exodus. Kids loved the two of them, and the adults either approved of or looked up to them. It was well known that Harbringer and Exodus were lovers, though it wasn't necessarily because of anything they'd heard at night--it was the way the two acted around each other. When they weren't busy, they were always close to each other, and nearly always touching in some way.

One day a few months later, he brought up the one thing Harbringer had been fearing as well. "I hate to say it...but I think you're right." She frowned as she saw how worried he was. "Please don't make that face, my love. It'll only make it harder to deal with if it's bad news. But it might not be," she said, holding him close. "Let's go see about it..."
Exodus clearly felt nervous; what if something was wrong with him? The walk to the doctor's office wasn't long; for Exodus, it would feel like a thousand miles. When he heard Harbinger's words, he said "Right, positive outlook. Might be nothing." Taking Harbinger's hand lightly, he walked with her to the doctor's area. Once inside, he talked with the person at the front desk; he asked if they did fertility testing. They said yes and said for them to wait here; after Exodus took a seat, it wasn't long before the doctor came out and introduced himself. Possessing a full head of spiky red hair and wearing a white coat that was a little too big for him over a red shirt and grey shorts, he was a short little man that even Harbinger stood tall over. Holding out a hand, he then said "Hello, I'm Doctor Yamo, the head of the clinic. I already know who you two are; well, everyone does, let me just say that thanks to you, we've been able to upgrade this facility to help treat a larger ranges of complications. So, I thank the both of you deeply." Exodus shook his hand and said, his mood lightened a little. "It's no problem, Doctor. It's what we do." "If the two of you could follow me....." When Exodus stood up, the man had to lean a fairly far way back to look up at him; he then gave a slight cough and said, "Let's get going, shall we?"

After leading them through a series of hallways, they arrived at a large room where the two of them could sit. Dr. Yamo then said, "Alright, now it says here you two would like to come in for fertility testing. Do I have that right?" Exodus nodded, "Yes." Yamo then continued, "OK, now I just need you to answer a few questions. Have you two had intercourse recently and frequently?" Exodus actually had to keep himself from laughing; 'frequently' would be a bit of an understatement in their case. "Yes" he finally responded in a normal tone after giving Harbinger's hand a squeeze. "Do you two have a good diet? Exercise frequently? Well, actually that last one's a bit self-explanatory. All the running around you two do to help protect us definitely counts. So I'll just skip to the final question" He then pulled a surprise question on them, "Could you give me a brief history of your families? Was there any complications in your ancestry that may have caused infertility in your bloodline? Perhaps those burn-like marks on your skin are indicative of something, Exodus?"

Exodus froze momentarily; what could he say? It was obvious these questions had some weight on chances of conceiving a child, so he couldn't lie, otherwise it might skew the results. Maybe if he gave what he went through without context, that would be enough. Giving a sigh, he then said, "Hmmm......Well, these marks are just blemishes. But my family has a had a history of muscle spasms, sharp jabbing pain, momentary immunodeficiency, and ossification of the bone system." All of these were true; however, what the doc didn't know was that they were results of his being experimented on. The doc then made some notes, "Hmm, well that's nothing pertaining to sexual development." He then turned to Harbinger and said, "And what about you, dear? Is there anything in your lineage that might indicate fertility problems?"
The clinic head did little to inspire confidence in Harbringer, but that was probably just because he looked like a kid compared to both of them. She knew better, however, than to judge so she forced herself to focus on his intelligence. She shook his hand and gave her thanks to the doctor for doing his part as well. When the formalities of a traditional greeting were over, Harbringer held Exodus' hand in hers tightly and walked with him to the little room. She listened to her lovers' stretching of the facts about his family tree.

Harbringer, shared all of the data she could remember with the doctor, leaving out the gene splicing and the experiments as well. Unfortunately she wasn't sure if anything in her past would contribute to it either. From what she could tell, none of it seemed to affect her reproductive organs.

"I'm not sure if that helps..."
The doctor listened as Harbinger told her what she knew about her genetic history; neither of them seemed to have anything that indicated infertility. However, the physical would help determine that more definitely. "No no, it's fine, it just means we have to test your reproductive systems themselves. The absence of any apparent genetic problems will speed things up nicely. Now I'm going to assign you two each a nurse, since Exodus, I can tell you're not comfortable if a man touches you there and Harbinger, I figure you owuld be more comfortable with a woman to perform your examination. Will that be acceptable?"

Exodus nodded; after having been kicked there so many times by males, he definitely was not. And Harbinger's story would be obvious to Exodus if she decided to accept. Writing down some things on paper, he then pressed an intercom and said to his front-desk person, "Would you please send Nurse Beth and Nurse Lily to my office." "Of course, Doctor Yamo." came a quiet male's voice. "Thank you." He then switched off the intercom and said, "When they arrive just follow them where they take you."
Harbringer would never trust a man that wasn't Exodus with any part of her reproductive system. Ever. So it was a relief that the examination would be done by a woman. She nodded and sat there with her lover until the nurses arrived. One last squeeze of his hand and a reassuring smile, and the blonde was gone--off to be examined.

When the testing was finished, she returned to their room with her nurse to wait for Exodus.
Exodus didn't know if Harbinger was the jealous type; though he doubted that was the case since he repeatedly made it clear that he was hers and hers alone. He was led to a room and after the blue-haired nurse handed him a small jar the size of a , she explained to fill it and she would come back. Exodus looked at the small thing; this wouldn't hold it all. He was about to request something bigger when he saw that she was gone. "Hope she likes cleaning up a mess" he mumbled as he unzipped his pants and stroked himself to full hardness.

Though he never had done this before, he figured it shouldn't be too difficult. It was what Harbinger's body did to him on a regular basis; then again, it was the woman he loved deeply and thought to be the sexiest on the planet. "This would be a lot easier if Harbinger were in here" he thought to himself; thanks to frequent sex with her, his stamina was incredible. Well, it didn't show when he was with Harbinger, but that was just because she knew every button to push to send him over the edge.

However, once he imagined everything that he and Harbinger already did, it was easier for him to finish; when his pleasure finally peaked, his seed shot forth like a geyser; it filled the jar, coated it, and covered the ground in a white, sticky puddle the size of a dinner plate. After catching his breath, he put the lid on it the nurse gave him and found some tissues to clean his hands and the outer surface of the jar with. He then waited for the nurse to come back. When she did, her eyes widened and her face flushed at the mess Exodus made. "Uh, sorry" he said sheepishly; the nurse silently took the jar from him and led him back to the room. Her and the other nurse would definitely have something to talk about now.

Once he made it back to the room, he was seated back with his lover; he smiled at her before looking back at the doctor. "How long should this take?" he then asked; Doctor Yamo then said "No more than twenty minutes" he said in as reassuring a tone as possible; though it did little to console the nervousness in Exodus' expression. Twenty minutes was going to feel like twenty hours. "Dr. Yamo then tried to lighten the mood, "So, how do you two like Bator now that you've had a chance to stay here for a while?"
Harbringer was much more at ease the second Exodus walked into the room, and it was still very clear that she was nervous. She took his hand, feeling more like curling into him and having him hold her close until this was all over. She found that the longer she spent in the hospital, the more it reminded her of the research facility--not so much the torture and experimentation--that was done in filthy conditions. It reminded her of what had almost happened to her at the hands of the last person she'd called "doctor." Squeezing Exodus' hand tightly, she focused on the fact that the doctor was smaller than her--she could easily take him out. There were plenty of escape routes and she had her lover here to protect her. The facility was advanced, but they didn't have anything to knock her unconscious with in the room and no vents to flood gas through --certainly not while the doctor was here.

All of these things calmed her enough to answer the doctor's innocent question. "Oh, I love it here. I'm so glad we found you all. It's been wonderful living here."
"I agree, it's been a nice change from wandering the desert. What's that old saying, "You don't miss it till it's gone" or something like that." The doctor chuckled, "Yeah, that sounds right. Bator's a nice town, I definitely agree with you on that. My previous home was destroyed in a different village quite a ways away from here, so after some searching I found this place. it wasn't easy until you two came along." Exodus looked at him and said honestly, "You have my condolences, Doctor Yamo." The doctor waved his hand, "IT's alright, my family got here safe. A house can be rebuilt." Exodus nodded, there was a lot of truth to that statement.

After a tense ten minutes, one of the nurses came back; she had a very solemn expression on her face and looked like she was about to cry as she handed the doctor a stack of papers. That wasn't good; he then looked back to the doctor as he leafed through. "Oh my" was all he heard from the doctor's mouth over and over; Exodus felt the knot in his stomach grow more and more as the doctor looked through the papers carefully. He seemed to back and double-check everything; Exodus then said in a bit of a concerned, "Doc? What is it?" The doctor just hung his head; Exodus stood and gripped the man's shoulders, the concern and anxiety practically dripping from his voice. "Doctor, come on, tell me! What's wrong? Give it to me straight!"

The doctor then took a deep breath; he looked back up at Exodus, almost on the verge of crying, and said, "I hate this job sometimes, I really do." Now Exodus was really worried, but it serve to partially confirm his fears. The doctor then said, "Exodus, your sperm count lies at less than .01% of them being healthy. And Harbinger, your antral follicles, the structures responsible for ovulation, are virtually non-existent; you have one that barely works. The rest.....are just gone, not even there." He then paused before continuing, "I hate to tell you both this, but the chances of you two having a child by natural means........is impossible." Exodus just fell back into the chair, in complete shock; he just sat there staring at the ground for a few minutes before looking back up, "Isn't there anything.....anything that can be done?"

The doctor just shook his head and said, in an honestly very solemn tone, "I've never seen a situation like this......both sides so impossibly infertile. I don't know what happened to you, but you have my sincerest condolences. I'm just sorry there isn't anything we can do." Exodus stared at the ground; the urge to cry was there, so very prevalent. He knew the doctor wasn't at fault, but he couldn't feeling both depressed and angry. The doctor then said, "I'll leave you two alone. You can stay as long as you like." Exodus just whispered "Thanks, doc." The doctor nodded before closing the door on his way out. Tears began to fall from Exodus' face; why? Why did these things keep happening? Could they never know true happiness? Did things always have to go wrong?
The anticipation was absolutely awful, but the news delivered was much much worse. They would never be able to have a child together. Ever. She could hardly breathe and as the doctor left, she cursed the beastmen who'd done this to her. They'd taken her ability to give life, and they'd take Exodus' ability to share in that process. They could try all they wanted, but they would never have the happiness of having a child together. Crushed, she felt her own eyes tearing up as she curled into a ball.

What had they done to deserve such a thing? When the doctor left, she started to sob, and she knew they would take a long time in this office--this horrible place where they'd gotten horrible news. She was well aware that they still had each other, but the fresh feeling of loss was still stuck in her heart. "Exodus..."
Exodus could feel Harbinger's sadness; it resonated quite well with his own. "Harbinger...." he whispered in a very depressed and sad tone of voice; if he felt this bad, Harbinger must be feeling even worse about it than him. She was so happy when he asked her to bear his children. In truth, he felt like an asshole for asking her that, even if he had no idea that the concept of childbearing was nothing more than an unreachable fantasy. That very idea made him feel like someone kicked him in the stomach repeatedly before tearing his heart right of his body.

When she began sobbing, he only felt worse. Damn those Beastmen, damn them all to hell; if Exodus needed any more reason to ruthlessly exterminate every last one of them, this would do quite nicely. But, his anger could wait; right now, he needed to make Harbinger comfortable. He then pulled her close, pressing her head lightly to his strong chest and stroking her long, blond hair lovingly; even if she was aware of the fact they had each other like he was, he wanted to just reassure her in his own mind that he was here. His voice choked up, tearing streaming down his face as he held her close to him, "Harbinger, I'm sorry....I wish I could say something, do something....I hate seeing you in pain. I hate seeing you hurt......Damn it.........damn those Beastmen. Why couldn't they leave us alone? What the hell did we ever do?" He was just lucky that everyone was told to stay from that room and that they actually listened; otherwise they might have some explaining to do.
Once his arms were around her the trembling stopped, but she couldn't seem to stop crying. She put her arms around him and held him tightly to her, needing his comforting presence. His calming stroking served to sooth her enough to get a hold of herself. She heard the pain in his voice as he spoke and she looked up at him. "I'm sorry, Exodus. I guess we can't expect that kind of happiness," she said softly. She frowned as he questioned what they'd done in the past to deserve this and she shook her head. "Come here, love." When he was at her level she hugged him tightly and kissed him lovingly. "No matter what, I will always love you. We still have each other..." She still sounded sad, but she couldn't let Exodus sink into despair like before.

"Even if we can't have a child together, we can still protect the children of Bator," she reasoned, trying to convince herself more than him. There was no greater joy she could think of than being with Exodus and bearing his children. If she could only have half of that dream, she would just have to deal with it. At least the half she still had still wanted her.
Exodus was trying not to clench his hands in anger and sadness as he held her; he'd hurt Harbinger, and he wanted to show that he was here for her, always for her. But he was so pissed off at the Beastmen, especially Adiane. That fucking bitch; the next time he saw her he was going to rip her head off, beat her lifeless corpse with it, and then crush the head like an egg. However, he was snapped out of his momentary rage as Harbinger told him to come closer; when he did he was met with an even tighter hug and a loving kiss. He still heard the sadness in her voice, but her words did help a little to lift the burden on his heart. "I know, Harbinger, and I will always love you."

He also nodded when she told him they could still protect the children here; he then said to help reassure her viewpoint "That's right, we'll give them an environment to grow up in, an environment to be loved and nurtured." Even if he was trying to help her and himself at the same time, he couldn't help but feel sadness still so very present in his soul. He held her tighter; her warmth and compassion gave him the strength to carry on. "Harbinger, if living here means having you by my side for the rest of our days, then I will content myself with that." he then said in continuation; he wanted to let her know that he would stay, that he still desired her so very much because of who she was.
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